Committee structure

To view agendas, reports and minutes, select a committee link below.

You can subscribe to updates to receive information by email regarding arrangements for particular committee meetings. Alternatively, agendas may be downloaded to a mobile device via the free Modern.Gov app, available for iPad, Android, Windows and Kindle Fire.

Many meetings are webcast live on Waverley Borough Council's YouTube channel and remain available for viewing following the meeting.


All 50 Councillors meet together as Full Council. Meetings of Full Council are open to the public unless confidential or exempt information is being discussed. At these meetings Councillors decide the Council’s overall policies and set the budget each year including setting the rate of Council Tax.


The Executive is appointed by the Leader and is responsible for proposing new policy and the budget to the Council, and for implementing and delivering the agreed policy framework and budget.

Executive Working Groups

Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Overview and Scrutiny Committees are intended to help develop and review policy, and to hold the Executive to account publicly by calling-in and scrutinising decisions made by the Executive.


Planning Committee

The Planning Committee make decisions on development control issues, including applications for planning permission.

Licensing Committees

The Licensing & Regulatory Committee and its sub-committees largely consider issues relating to taxi, private hire car, gaming, entertainment, alcohol, food premises and miscellaneous licensing functions.

Joint Committees

Meetings and minutes from pre May 2008 can be found by searching the archive.