The Executive consists of the Leader, who is elected by the Full Council, and up to nine councillors appointed by the Leader, one of whom is designated as the Deputy Leader.
The Executive is responsible for proposing new policy and the budget to the Full Council and for implementing and delivering the agreed policy framework and budget. Executive responsibilities are divided into portfolios allocated to each Executive member.
At Annual Council on 23 May 2023, Cllr Paul Follows was elected as Leader of the Council. The Membership of the Executive from 25 March 2024 is set out below:
Executive Member |
Executive Portfolio |
Cllr Paul Follows, Liberal Democrats |
Leader of the Council & Portfolio Holder for Policy, Governance and Communications |
Cllr Tony Fairclough, Farnham Residents
Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Enforcement and Regulatory Services |
Cllr Victoria Kiehl Liberal Democrats |
Portfolio Holder for Organisational Development and Governance
Cllr Mark Merryweather, Liberal Democrats |
Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property
Cllr Kika Mirylees Farnham Residents
Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI |
Cllr George Murray Farnham Residents |
Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and IT
Cllr Janet Crowe Labour |
Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery) |
Cllr Paul Rivers Liberal Democrats
Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services) |
Cllr Liz Townsend Liberal Democrats
Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration and Economic Development |
Cllr Steve Williams Independent |
Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability |
The work of the Executive is set out in a Forward Plan which contains the key decisions the Executive expects to make over the coming months. It also gives notice of any reports which will be discussed in Exempt (Confidential) session from which the public and press are excluded.
The Executive agenda gives notice of meetings and details the items to be considered, including brief details of any items to be discussed in Exempt.
The day after the meeting, a Decision Notice is published which lists the Executive decisions taken and sets out those matters that may be called-in for scrutiny by the Overview & Scrutiny Committees.
Support officer: Ben Bix. Democratic Services Manager
Postal address:
The Burys
Phone: 01483 523354