Calendar of
Dates of all upcoming council meetings.
Most meetings are webcast live on Waverley Borough Council's YouTube channel and remain available for viewing following the meeting.
Documents, including agendas for a meeting, are available five clear working days before a meeting not including the day of publication and the meeting day.
Use keywords to search for documents relating to any particular
issue you may be interested in.
Use the below links to access agendas and minutes of previous
meetings for particular committees, as well as officer reports that
were discussed.
You can subscribe to updates to receive information via email regarding arrangements for particular committee meetings. Alternatively, agendas may be downloaded to a mobile device via the free Modern.Gov app, available for iPad*, Android, Windows and Kindle Fire.
*the Modern.Gov app for iPads requires the device to be running iOS13.0 or later. This is currently compatible back to iPad Air 2 (2014) and iPhone 6S (released 2015).