Councillor John Ward

Profile image for Councillor John Ward

Title: Mayor of Waverley 2024/25

Party: Farnham Residents

Political grouping: Farnham Residents Group

Ward: Farnham Rowledge

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Home address: 
7 Wrecclesham Hill
GU10 4JN

Phone:  01252 715617

Bus. email:

Download Councillor John Ward contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 03/05/2007 - 07/05/2015
  • 19/08/2016 -

Additional Information

John Ward is a graduate Mining Engineer who has spent most of his working life overseas involved in oil exploration. After working in the North Sea, Africa and the Middle and Far East, he retired as General Manager and then became a qualified Financial Advisor.


Associated with Farnham since 1974 when he married Gillian in St Andrew's Parish Church, he is a strong proponent of maintaining village identity and the Wrecclesham Relief Road. Having been educated in both the Public and Private Sectors, he retains a keen interest in local schools, being a former Governor of St Peter's Wrecclesham. He has observed successful recycling arrangements in other countries and is keen to improve Waverley's performance.


He enjoys golf, underwater photography and is currently learning to sail.

