Councillor Peter Clark

Profile image for Councillor Peter Clark

Party: Farnham Residents

Political grouping: Farnham Residents Group

Ward: Farnham Rowledge

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Democratic Services
Waverley Borough Council
The Burys

Phone:  01252 711026


Download Councillor Peter Clark contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 09/05/2023 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Peter was educated at the High School of Glasgow and Strathclyde University.

Having moved South to further his career, Peter and his family have lived in South Farnham for 37 years. Both of Peter’s children were educated and brought up in Farnham.


He has held directorships with EU & UK based companies and in recent years worked for a local family business. Since retiring, Peter has had the time to pursue his great loves of gardening, travel and music.


Peter is a member of the Farnham Society and wishes to promote the interests of Farnham and its residents at a time when the area is experiencing a surge in housing development with the pressures that creates within the town.


However, as a Borough Councillor, he is committed to working tirelessly to promote the interests of Waverley as a whole.


Peter and his wife are members of the National Trust and Royal Horticultural Society

