Title: Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI
Party: Farnham Residents
Political grouping: Farnham Residents Group
Ward: Farnham Firgrove
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Correspondence address:
c/o Democratic Services
Waverley Borough Council
The Burys
Email: kika.mirylees@waverley.gov.uk
Download Councillor Kika Mirylees contact details as VCard
I have lived in Farnham for twenty years, my Grandparents lived in Churt and
my Mother went to Farnham Art School, (as it was then known). I was brought
up in the Petersfield area attending Bedales school as a boarder.
My main job for the last 40 years has been as an actress working up and down the country (and abroad) in theatre/television/theatre- in -education and film but for some years I also ran a very successful catering business in London, and for a while a company teaching people interview skills when they
found themselves unemployed. Nowadays I spend a large part of my time helping people who have addictions/depression /post traumatic stress through
a process known as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy/Development. I work with a trained therapist and my four lovely horses that I have trained in the 'natural' way - sometimes known as 'horse whispering'. I also work on my own
with 'problem' horses.
I continue to coach acting on a one to one basis, write the odd copy for magazines and in between try to get on with writing my first novel.
I support various charities - amongst them ‘Compassion In World Farming’
and any that promote women’s education and equality worldwide.
I have assisted David Wylde for three years adjudicating the schools public speaking competition which has been very inspiring.
As a rider I am very conscious of the beauty of the fast disappearing countryside in our area and the need to conserve it as best we can for our benefits and other species.