Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 6th October, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: ZOOM MEETING - Virtual Meeting. View directions

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Democratic Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

No. Item

EXE 37/20


To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 September 2020 as a correct record.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 September 2020 were confirmed as a correct record.

EXE 38/20


To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.

EXE 39/20


The Leader to respond to any questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 29 September 2020.



The Executive received the following questions in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


QUESTION 1  - From Lesley Banfield, Chair of Haslemere Vision -Neighbourhood Planning Group:


"Preamble: There has been a paradigm shift in Haslemere. We have always been aware of how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the world and of the need to protect it. That used to mean resisting development, but in the midst of a housing crisis, residents have risen to the challenge of finding solutions. Few people living in a rural idyll would willingly move towards a more crowded environment and yet this is what residents have voted to do. They are willing to intensify development within the settlement boundaries as set out in the draft Neighbourhood Plan, in order to meet housing targets without encroaching further into ecologically sensitive surroundings. This is the very opposite of a NIMBY attitude – build next door rather than on greenfield please! 


The NPPF supports Haslemere’s approach, stating that the requirement to meet housing numbers should not be a reason in and of itself to build onto AONB or AGLV and encouraging windfall development within settlements. The Haslemere Neighbourhood Planning team have previously stated that the housing allocation for the area will be met without encroaching into AONB or AGLV and are happy to demonstrate and evidence this point. 


It is unsettling therefore to find this shift not reflected in the draft LPP2. The allocations for Haslemere do not follow the founding principles of the Neighbourhood Plan or of National policy.  


Q: Do you believe that the Haslemere Neighbourhood Planning team have been adequately consulted on site allocations and are you comfortable for the draft LPP2 to include three sites in AONB despite this going against the strategy designed by Haslemere residents?"


Cllr Andy MacLeod, the Portfolio for Planning Policy gave the following response:


The number of homes required in Haslemere was set out by the government through the examination of Waverley’s Local Part 1 and the Council has no choice but to allocate enough sites to meet this number of homes.  It was agreed with the Town Council that Waverley would make housing allocations through LPP2, rather than them being included in the Neighbourhood Plan. Waverley has undertaken a targeted call for sites and almost 85% of the houses proposed for Haslemere in the draft LPP2 are either within the settlement boundary or on rural brownfield land   Two of the sites are in the AONB (The Old Grove, Hindhead and the Car Park, Branksome Place). but would represent reuse of previously-developed land.  For Local Plan Part 2 to be accepted by an Inspector, the sites Waverley allocates must be deliverable within the plan period, backed up by evidence.  Despite great efforts to meet all the government’s housing requirement for Haslemere on sites within settlements and/or on rural brownfield land, there are not sufficient deliverable sites available and Waverley has had to propose a greenfield allocation in this instance. The Council considers that, based  ...  view the full minutes text for item EXE 39/20

EXE 40/20


The Leader to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 29 September 2020.


There were no questions from Members.

EXE 41/20

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


41.1     The Leader announced that Cllr David Beaman would be standing down from the Executive to allow him more time for his role as Chairman of Western Planning Committee and to continue his commitments outside of the Council. Cllr Beaman had joined the Executive in May 2019 and taken on a wide-ranging portfolio. The Leader thanked Cllr Beaman for his work as Planning Committee chairman, as Executive Portfolio Holder, and for his support for the Administration. Cllr Beaman would be replaced on the Executive by Cllr Michaela Martin, with the portfolio for Health, Wellbeing and Culture.


41.2     The Leader and Portfolio Holders gave brief updates on current issues not reported elsewhere on the agenda:

·         The Covid situation changed daily, but Waverley had now gone to Amber alert, along with Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne and Woking. This had been a government direction, reflecting a range of metrics that showed a worsening trend in cases in Waverley. Whilst there were no additional restrictions, communications were being increased and were emphasising the need for a everyone to be vigilant about observing precautionary measures.

·         Whilst the government had announced that the Devolution White Paper had been delayed to the spring, it was understood that Surrey County Council was continuing with its work to prepare a bid for a single Surrey unitary council. The Boroughs and Districts were also continuing their work with KPMG, and held the first of a number of joint workshops this week. This had been a valuable session to explore different perspectives and ambitions about future ways of working.

·         The first of three claims had been submitted to the government under the income loss grant scheme, for the period April – September 2020. The maximum compensation under the scheme was 70% of eligible losses, and the best estimate was that only around 50% of the forecast £6.6m budget shortfall reported in August would be covered by government grants.

·         The public survey on the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan was open for a further two weeks, to Friday 16 October. The Strategy and Action Plan would be submitted to the Executive and Council in December.

·         Waverley Officers were continuing to support tenants, housing repairs had resumed and the housing development team were progressing schemes to provide new affordable homes in Waverley. Cllr Rosoman was meeting regularly with the Tenants Panel over Zoom, and the Tenants Panel AGM was scheduled for later in the month, also over Zoom.

·         Cllr MacLeod reported on the recent Brightwells Project Board meeting, attended by the new Crest Nicholson team, and the Leader and Deputy Leader from Surrey County Council. Crest Nicholson were targeting July 2021 for the opening of the retail element of the scheme, and August 2021 for the cinema.

·         Cllr Palmer reported that car park usage continued to increase gradually, although it could be very variable from day to day. He was discussing with the Chambers of Commerce what Waverley might be able to do to support high street businesses in the period leading up  ...  view the full minutes text for item EXE 41/20


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.

EXE 42/20

Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2 - Site allocations and Development Management Policies pdf icon PDF 336 KB

This report requests Executive to recommend to Council that it approves the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2) for its consultation under Regulation 19 of the Local Planning Regulations.  This report focuses on the areas that have generated a high degree of public interest as a result of the representations the Council received from the previous consultation on the Preferred Options version of LPP2 in May – July 2018.  It also considers the feedback to the proposed Pre-Submission version of LPP2 that was considered by the Environment O&S in October 2018.   In response to this, Officers have been able to make a number of changes to the draft Plan which address most of the concerns raised at that meeting.  This report also considers the observations made at the recent meeting of the Environment O&S Committee on 22nd September 2020.  Where it is deemed necessary, Officers have suggested changes to LPP2 which it is asking Executive to agree before LPP2 is considered by Full Council. 




That the Executive recommends to Council that:


a)    the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 attached as Annexe 2 to this report be approved for consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;

b)    the pre-submission Local Plan Part 2 consulted on includes the amendments to the Plan set out in response to  the observations made on the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22nd September 2020 attached as Annex 3 to this report;

c)    the Head of Planning and Economic Development be given the authority to make any further typographical or formatting changes to the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 that are deemed necessary for its consultation. 


Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to recommend to Council that:


a)    the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 attached as Annexe 2 to the agenda report be approved for consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;

b)    the pre-submission Local Plan Part 2 consulted on includes the amendments to the Plan set out in response to  the observations made on the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22nd September 2020 attached as Annexe 3 to the agenda report;

c)    the Head of Planning and Economic Development be given the authority to make any further typographical or formatting changes to the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 that are deemed necessary for its consultation. 


Reason: To consider the pre-submission draft of LPP2 before the Council formally decides if LPP2 should be consulted on before it is submitted to the Secretary of State for examnination under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.


This matter has been considerd by Environment Overview & Srutiny and is recommended to Full Council for decision.


42.1    Cllr Andy MacLeod, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, introduced the Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2) document, which was recommended to Full Council to approve for the Regulation 19 consultation. Cllr MacLeod reminded Members that Local Plan Part 1 had been adopted in 2018, under the previous administration. Much of LPP2 was also a legacy of the work begun under the previous administration. Key differences were explained in the covering report, and included specific housing site allocations in Haslemere, Witley/Milford and for traveller accommodation; and policies in relation to climate change and biodiversity. This was a substantial document and Cllr MacLeod thanked the Head of Planning and the Planning Policy Team for their work in bringing this forward.


42.2    Cllr MacLeod noted that there was a great deal of interest in water supply issues in relation to planned housing development, particularly in the Haslemere area, and he read the following statement:


“During the consideration of Local Plan Part 1 and earlier preparation of Local Plan Part 2, Thames Water have not specifically objected to the overall quantum of development planned for Haslemere over the Plan period from 2013 to 2032.  In response to concerns around water and drainage infrastructure, Thames Water attended an all-Member briefing in November 2019 to explain their approach to planning for future needs.


In response to comments from Thames Water made during earlier consultations,  we have proposed a new Policy DM3 (which is on page 17 of the Plan and page 49 of the agenda).  This says that where it has been identified that a proposed development will result in the need to upgrade off-site water and wastewater infrastructure the Council will, where appropriate, apply phasing conditions to any approval of planning permission to ensure that occupation is aligned with delivery of necessary infrastructure upgrades.


It is also worth noting that the forthcoming consultation will provide the opportunity for Thames Water, and the other Water Companies, to make further comments on the Plan, including this new policy.


There is more information on this issue in the Committee report (paragraphs 7.14 and 7.15 on page 14 of the agenda) and in our response to the comments from O and S on pages 226 and 227 of the agenda.”


42.3    The following Members had registered to speak on LPP2:

·         Cllr John Gray raised concerns about Policy DM15 (Development in Rural Areas), which he did not feel provided sufficient protection for farms and equestrian businesses and their importance in shaping rural area to prevent them being lost to residential developments.

·         Cllr John Robini echoed the concerns voiced through the public questions earlier regarding the preference of Haslemere residents to focus development on brownfield sites and to protect sites protected by landscape designations (AONB/AGLV). He was also concerned at the lack of adequate water infrastructure to cope with current demand in hot weather, without the additional demands of more housing and climate change. And he was concerned at the mix of housing an deliverability of affordable housing going forward.

·         Cllr  ...  view the full minutes text for item EXE 42/20

EXE 43/20

Amendments to WBC's Off-Street Parking Order pdf icon PDF 160 KB

This report advises the Executive of the feedback from the consultation process to make amendments to The Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2017 and the proposed timetable for the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2020.




That the Executive recommend that Council approves the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2020.

Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to recommend that Council approves the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2020.


Reason: To enable the effective management of Waverley Borough Council’s off-street car parks.


This matter is recommended to Full Council for decision.


43.1    Cllr Nick Palmer, Portfolio Holder for Operational and Enforcement Services, introduced the report providing feedback from the consultation process on proposed amendments to the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2017. The Order outlined the regulations for all Off-Street parking places in the Borough, so that customers could understand how to use the car parks and any breaches could be penalised fairly and robustly. The current review was solely related to rules of usage in the car parks and did not propose any changes to the current car park tariffs. There had been no formal objections to the proposed Order during the consultation period.


43.2    The Executive RESOLVED to recommend that Council approves the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2020.


Reason: To enable the effective management of Waverley Borough Council’s off-street car parks.


EXE 44/20

Pesticides Policy and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 106 KB

The phasing out of the use of pesticides on Council-owned land is an objective within the council’s draft Climate Emergency Action Plan.  The draft Pesticides Policy and action plan (attached as Annexe 1) aims to start the process of reducing pesticide usage by the council wherever possible with the ambition of being pesticide free in three years.


This report asks the Executive to recommend the Pesticides Policy to Council for approval, whilst recognising the potential financial and reputational implications in delivering this Policy and action plan. 




That the Executive recommends the Pesticides Policy and action plan for adoption by the Council, and to note the following:


The Pesticides Policy and action plan will be a living document and following adoption, will be amended and updated, to reflect ongoing changes in legislation, industry practices relating to advances in technology and product availability in respect of alternatives to pesticides.


Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to recommend the Pesticides Policy and action plan to Council for adoption, and noted the following:


The Pesticides Policy and action plan will be a living document and following adoption, will be amended and updated, to reflect ongoing changes in legislation, industry practices relating to advances in technology and product availability in respect of alternatives to pesticides.


Reason: to reduce and phase out pesitcide usage by the Council within the borough.


This matter is recommended to Full Council for decision.


44.1    Cllr Liz Townsend, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development; Parks, Countryside and Leisure, and Dunsfold Park, introduced the proposed Pesticides Policy and Action Plan, which aimed to begin the process of reducing pesticide use by the Council where possible with the ambition of being pesticide free in three years. The Policy responded to the growing movement across the globe opposing pesticide use; the Wildlife Trusts report (July 2020) calling for action to reverse the decline of insects by halving the use of chemical pesticides by 2030; and the petition from Frensham residents last year and complaints from residents about the harmful effects of pesticides. Some selective trials using alternative pest control methods had been carried out in four areas in the borough, and more trials were planned for 2021.


44.2    Cllr Steve Williams and Cllr Follows commended the Pesticides Policy and Action Plan and thanked Cllr Townsend and Officers for the work they had done to bring this Policy forward. It was supported by all the Groups on the Executive, and in holding trials of alternative approaches in the wards of the Lead Portfolio Holder, and the Portfolio for Environment, they had been in the front line of responding to residents’ comments. Cllr Follows noted that some areas within Waverley were managed by the County Council, and therefore not subject to the same approach and Policy as being followed by Waverley.


44.3    The Executive RESOLVED to recommend the Pesticides Policy and action plan to Council for adoption, and noted that the Pesticides Policy and action plan will be a living document and following adoption, will be amended and updated, to reflect ongoing changes in legislation, industry practices relating to advances in technology and product availability in respect of alternatives to pesticides.


Reason: to reduce and phase out pesticide usage by the Council within the borough.


There are no matters of report.