Agenda item

Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2 - Site allocations and Development Management Policies

This report requests Executive to recommend to Council that it approves the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2) for its consultation under Regulation 19 of the Local Planning Regulations.  This report focuses on the areas that have generated a high degree of public interest as a result of the representations the Council received from the previous consultation on the Preferred Options version of LPP2 in May – July 2018.  It also considers the feedback to the proposed Pre-Submission version of LPP2 that was considered by the Environment O&S in October 2018.   In response to this, Officers have been able to make a number of changes to the draft Plan which address most of the concerns raised at that meeting.  This report also considers the observations made at the recent meeting of the Environment O&S Committee on 22nd September 2020.  Where it is deemed necessary, Officers have suggested changes to LPP2 which it is asking Executive to agree before LPP2 is considered by Full Council. 




That the Executive recommends to Council that:


a)    the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 attached as Annexe 2 to this report be approved for consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;

b)    the pre-submission Local Plan Part 2 consulted on includes the amendments to the Plan set out in response to  the observations made on the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22nd September 2020 attached as Annex 3 to this report;

c)    the Head of Planning and Economic Development be given the authority to make any further typographical or formatting changes to the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 that are deemed necessary for its consultation. 



The Executive RESOLVED to recommend to Council that:


a)    the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 attached as Annexe 2 to the agenda report be approved for consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;

b)    the pre-submission Local Plan Part 2 consulted on includes the amendments to the Plan set out in response to  the observations made on the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22nd September 2020 attached as Annexe 3 to the agenda report;

c)    the Head of Planning and Economic Development be given the authority to make any further typographical or formatting changes to the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 that are deemed necessary for its consultation. 


Reason: To consider the pre-submission draft of LPP2 before the Council formally decides if LPP2 should be consulted on before it is submitted to the Secretary of State for examnination under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.


This matter has been considerd by Environment Overview & Srutiny and is recommended to Full Council for decision.


42.1    Cllr Andy MacLeod, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, introduced the Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2) document, which was recommended to Full Council to approve for the Regulation 19 consultation. Cllr MacLeod reminded Members that Local Plan Part 1 had been adopted in 2018, under the previous administration. Much of LPP2 was also a legacy of the work begun under the previous administration. Key differences were explained in the covering report, and included specific housing site allocations in Haslemere, Witley/Milford and for traveller accommodation; and policies in relation to climate change and biodiversity. This was a substantial document and Cllr MacLeod thanked the Head of Planning and the Planning Policy Team for their work in bringing this forward.


42.2    Cllr MacLeod noted that there was a great deal of interest in water supply issues in relation to planned housing development, particularly in the Haslemere area, and he read the following statement:


“During the consideration of Local Plan Part 1 and earlier preparation of Local Plan Part 2, Thames Water have not specifically objected to the overall quantum of development planned for Haslemere over the Plan period from 2013 to 2032.  In response to concerns around water and drainage infrastructure, Thames Water attended an all-Member briefing in November 2019 to explain their approach to planning for future needs.


In response to comments from Thames Water made during earlier consultations,  we have proposed a new Policy DM3 (which is on page 17 of the Plan and page 49 of the agenda).  This says that where it has been identified that a proposed development will result in the need to upgrade off-site water and wastewater infrastructure the Council will, where appropriate, apply phasing conditions to any approval of planning permission to ensure that occupation is aligned with delivery of necessary infrastructure upgrades.


It is also worth noting that the forthcoming consultation will provide the opportunity for Thames Water, and the other Water Companies, to make further comments on the Plan, including this new policy.


There is more information on this issue in the Committee report (paragraphs 7.14 and 7.15 on page 14 of the agenda) and in our response to the comments from O and S on pages 226 and 227 of the agenda.”


42.3    The following Members had registered to speak on LPP2:

·         Cllr John Gray raised concerns about Policy DM15 (Development in Rural Areas), which he did not feel provided sufficient protection for farms and equestrian businesses and their importance in shaping rural area to prevent them being lost to residential developments.

·         Cllr John Robini echoed the concerns voiced through the public questions earlier regarding the preference of Haslemere residents to focus development on brownfield sites and to protect sites protected by landscape designations (AONB/AGLV). He was also concerned at the lack of adequate water infrastructure to cope with current demand in hot weather, without the additional demands of more housing and climate change. And he was concerned at the mix of housing an deliverability of affordable housing going forward.

·         Cllr Robert Knowles reiterated concerns about the water infrastructure for Haslemere, and the lack of connection to the main grid which prevented any short-term resolution to the problem.


42.4    Cllr Follows noted that since 2018 the Council had tried to address the issues in Haslemere and Witley that had been material to the delay in the progress of LPP2. The Wiltey issues had been resolved to the satisfaction of the community, but so far the Council had been unable to realise the aspirations of the Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan. The reasons for this were well known in Haslemere. Cllr Follows also noted some concerns about DM33 relating to the Down Link which he wanted to explore during the consultation period, and emphasised that the decision being put to Full Council was to progress to the formal consultation, and there was still opportunity to take up the remaining issues transparently through that process.


42.5    Cllr Townsend sympathised Cllr Knowles concerns regarding water supply based on her experience of similar issues in Cranleigh, and she supported the new Policy DM3. Cllr Townsend had lobbied the previous administration for a full water cycle study for LPP1, looking at water resources, water quality and flood risk and it was regrettable that it was not pursued as it may have assisted with phasing of housing numbers. It continued to be a serious problem and she encouraged Cllr Knowles to take it up with his MP.


42.6    Cllr MacLeod thanked members for their comments, and which would be considered carefully. In concluding, the Leader empathised with Members’ frustrations about the Council having to meet government housing number targets despite environmental and practical constraints. If agreed by Council, this version of LPP2 would go to consultation; responses would be considered and if necessary amendments would be made even if that required a further consultation. The Executive had discussed delaying LPP2 again but had agreed that it was important to put it forward now for the sake of the rest of the borough.


42.7     The Executive RESOLVED to recommend to Council that:


a)    the Pre-Submission version of Local Plan Part 2 attached as Annexe 2 to the agenda report be approved for consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;

b)    the pre-submission Local Plan Part 2 consulted on includes the amendments to the Plan set out in response to  the observations made on the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22nd September 2020 attached as Annexe 3 to the agenda report;

c)    the Head of Planning and Economic Development be given the authority to make any further typographical or formatting changes to the pre-submission version of Local Plan Part 2 that are deemed necessary for its consultation. 


Reason: To consider the pre-submission draft of LPP2 before the Council formally decides if LPP2 should be consulted on before it is submitted to the Secretary of State for examination under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.

Supporting documents: