Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 6th October, 2015 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 September 2015 (to be laid on the table for half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 September 2015 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Robert Knowles.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.



Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Budget Management August 2015 pdf icon PDF 116 KB

The report provides a review of service delivery progress against the 2015/16 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account to the end of August.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            approves the virement of £15,000 from Building Control income to cover agency costs, as detailed in paragraph 8;


2.            recommends to the Council that the virement request of £75,000 additional planning income to cover additional agency costs be approved, as detailed in paragraph 9;


3.            gives approval to the virement of £6,500 from the General Fund capital contingency for the demolition of the South Street public conveniences in Farnham, as detailed in paragraph 14; and


4.            approves the use of the Repairs and Renewals Fund to cover the cost of a replacement countryside vehicle, as detailed in paragraph 15.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to


1.            approve the virement of £15,000 from Building Control income to cover agency costs, as detailed in paragraph 8 of the report;


2.            approve the virement of £6,500 from the General Fund capital contingency for the demolition of the South Street public conveniences in Farnham, as detailed in paragraph 14; and


3.            approve the use of the Repairs and Renewals Fund to cover the cost of a replacement countryside vehicle, as detailed in paragraph 15;




The Executive has also agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


4.           the virement request of £75,000 additional planning income to cover additional agency costs be approved, as detailed in paragraph 9 of the report; and


5.         the recommendations set out in the (Exempt) Annexe be approved.


[This matter is recommended to the Council and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to monitor and manage the Council’s budgets to ensure financial control over service delivery].


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


71.1    Throughout 2015/16 all budgets are monitored on a monthly basis and performance against budget reported monthly.  The Executive received a report reviewing the service delivery progress against the budget to the end of August and, subject to the addition of the word ‘suitable’ to paragraph 14 so that it read ‘despite looking for suitable alternative use for the small building…’


            RESOLVED  that


1.            the virement of £15,000 from Building Control income to cover agency costs be approved, as detailed in paragraph 8 of the report;


2.            the virement of £6,500 from the General Fund capital contingency for the demolition of the South Street public conveniences in Farnham, as detailed in paragraph 14 be approved; and


3.            the use of the Repairs and Renewals Fund to cover the cost of a replacement countryside vehicle be approved, as detailed in paragraph 15.


71.2    There has been an increase in the number of planning applications which has resulted in a necessary increase in planning appraisals costing £10,000 and incurred additional consultants’ costs of £15,000.  Planning income fee is forecast to be £75,000 higher than budget, however it is recommended that all of this additional income is vired to the staffing budget to meet additional temporary staff cost, at a nil impact to the General Fund.


71.3    Subsequent to the agenda being despatched, an urgent supplementary paper was circulated, a copy of which is attached as (Exempt) Annexe 1.  The Executive supported the proposals set out in the paper and now




24.       the virement request of £75,000 additional planning income to cover additional agency costs be approved; and


25.       the recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be approved.


[Reason: to monitor and manage the Council’s budgets to ensure financial control over service delivery].


Strategy for Ageing Well in Waverley 2015-2020 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

The report sets out a new Ageing Well Strategy for Waverley drawing on latest data and consultations with stakeholders.  Once formally adopted, Waverley’s Ageing Well Strategy and its supporting Action Plan will form a key source document for the continuation and development of services and activities that support older people living in the borough. 


The publication of the 2011 Census information highlighted the significant increase in Waverley’s ageing population:  Waverley has the largest older population in Surrey and those residents are living longer.  Our older population make an enormous and positive contribution to our communities and this should be celebrated.  The Ageing Well Strategy lays the foundation for providing a good quality of life for older people through the provision of local services and activities as well as highlighting the considerable strengths and opportunities of our changing demographic. 


Given the wider work being carried out to support the health and wellbeing of our residents by the Council and other partners, the Strategy highlights how it will contribute to this agenda, demonstrating how the Council’s services and activities help prevent residents accessing more costly interventions.  The outcomes of the Action Plan will demonstrate the huge impact of the Council’s work to support its older residents and that it will be recognised more strongly within the wider system of public services.


The Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 14 September 2015 and endorsed the Strategy with no observations to forward onto the Executive.




It is recommended to the Council that the Ageing Well Strategy and Action Plan for Waverley be approved and adopted.

Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Ageing Well Strategy and Action Plan for Waverley be approved and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to adopt an Ageing Well Strategy for Waverley]


72.1    During 2013 it was agreed to establish the future direction of the Council’s responsibility, services and support to the voluntary sector through the development of an Older Persons Ageing Well Strategy for Waverley, attached as Annexe 2.


72.2    In 2013, the 2011 Census highlighted that Waverley’s older (65+ years) population was recorded at 25,200 inhabitants, with this figure being projected to increase by 14.3% in 2020.  The over 85 population is projected to increase by 28.6% by 2020.  Waverley Borough Council therefore has an important challenge ahead: catering for an ever increasing group of older adults, whilst ensure that the quality of support offered towards their wellbeing is maintained. 


72.3    Most people in Waverley enjoy a good quality of life and it is a fantastic place to work and live. The Council has a key role to play in recognising the opportunities and challenges ahead in catering for an ever-increasing older population.  The development of its Ageing Well Strategy Action Plan enables the Council to continue to develop its existing services and new ones, so that older people are able to maximise their use of mainstream local services, remain independent and feel valued members of our communities. 


72.4    The Council is proud of its history in meeting the needs of its older residents and the steps it has taken to focus the delivery of its services and activities to support their wellbeing needs as the demographics of the population has started to change.  Key areas of the work that the Councils already delivers to support older residents, that is captured within the Action Plan, include:


·        Funding of at least £590,000 through Service Level Agreements and grants to organisations that deliver services for older people such as day centres, community transport, information and advice.

·        £2.2million project to develop the Farnham Memorial Hall, which will host services for older people.

·        244 self contained accommodation within our sheltered services for older people.

·        Delivery of physical activity programmes for older people such as falls prevention, fit for life and walks for health.

·        The Easymove Scheme which supports Council tenants, including older people, to move to accommodation better suited to their needs.

·        Delivery of a Meals on Wheels service, with funding to the Royal Voluntary Service, which currently provides meals to 159 residents.  

·        A Care and Repair service to enable more people to remain in their own home or private rented accommodation.


72.5    A range of data was reviewed from various sources to support the development of the Strategy such as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, 2011 Census, Surreyi and the Council’s own information to establish a population profile.  The data was used to look at the profile of the borough and the wellbeing needs of the older population.  The headline statistics are:


·        Waverley has the largest older population in Surrey and an over 85 year old population that is set to grow by almost 30% by 2020.

·        20% of Waverley residents are aged 65 years and older.

·        3.2% of Waverley residents are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Consultation outcomes on proposals for Development of Sheltered Services for Older People pdf icon PDF 161 KB

The report presents outcomes on the comprehensive programme of consultation for staff and tenants supporting the original proposals for the need to remodel the present sheltered housing service whilst addressing reductions in Supporting People funding. It also proposes to continue with the Floating Support pilot service until April 2017, allowing time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.




It is recommended that


1.         the proposed staffing changes outlined in this report be agreed;


2.         Council approval be sought for the deletion of the current 8 part-time Assistant Manager posts from the establishment with effect from 21 October 2015;


3.         Council approval be sought for the creation of a new full-time Assistant Manager post and posts HI19 and HI39 both be given the opportunity to apply for that post with effect from 21 October 2015;


4.         the potential redundancy cost, shown in the (Exempt) Annexe, be agreed, noting that the Council’s redeployment process shall be applied fully which may prevent these costs; and


5.         the Floating Support service continues until March 2017 as an essential step to allow time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to


1.         the proposed staffing changes outlined in the report;


2.         seek Council approval for the deletion of the current 8 part-time Assistant Manager posts from the establishment with effect from 21 October 2015;


3.         seek Council approval for the creation of a new full-time Assistant Manager post and posts HI19 and HI39 both be given the opportunity to apply for that post with effect from 21 October 2015;


4.         the potential redundancy cost, shown in the (Exempt) Annexe to the report, noting that the Council’s redeployment process shall be applied fully which may prevent these costs; and


5.         the continuation of the Floating Support service until March 2017 as an essential step to allow time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to present the outcome of the consultation around proposals for the need to remodel the sheltered housing service]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to an individual]


Description: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPG73.1    Sheltered housing has been the preferred option for many older people within Waverley for the last 30-40 years, but if it is going to continue to meet the needs and aspirations of an ageing population, it must transform and modernise.  Sheltered housing is a preventative service; which also has the capacity to function as a central hub that can look outward to benefit older people living in the wider community as well.  A consultation has recently been conducted with tenants and their families, and sheltered housing staff regarding a potential staffing restructure in order to mitigate the external grant reductions from Surrey County Council.


73.2    The need to review and develop the service is driven by a number of factors:


·        The reductions in Government funding

·        The significant projected increase in the older population

·        The increasing risk of social isolation as older people become frailer

·        The number of older people choosing to live independently in their own homes

·        The decreasing availability of residential care as a means of meeting the needs of frail older people

·        The need to do more for older people living in the wider community

·        The need to provide a more flexible, responsive and seamless service that better aligns with other services such as Waverley Careline

73.3    The Council’s current sheltered housing service is traditional and well-established, having remained unchanged for a considerable period of time.  Each scheme has operated in the past with a manager, a part-time assistant manager and a part time domestic.  Of the eight sheltered schemes, two are referred to as ‘Extra Care’.


·        Extra care sheltered housing provides households with independent accommodation together with a care package which most generally includes help with washing, dressing, shopping, laundry etc. In addition, meals are provided on site. Care packages are delivered by Surrey County Council’s Adult Social Care service.


73.4    Comparisons have been made with other services that have already been significantly remodelled, some of which have been stripped back to as little as just a concierge service. This type of service provides tenants with a point of contact only, and focuses predominantly on scheme-based maintenance issues. No direct housing-related support is provided. This option is not recommended as a way forward, and nor would it be favoured by current tenants.  Sheltered Services will remain largely unchanged. Eight dedicated full-time scheme managers will be retained at each sheltered scheme, as will those who deliver domestic duties.  Eight part-time assistant manager posts will be deleted, six of whom have not been filled on a permanent basis for some time pending the expected changes in Supporting People funding.


73.5    One full time Assistant Manager post would be created to be shared between the two extra care schemes due  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Strategic Asset Management Plan for General Fund Property pdf icon PDF 53 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend adoption of the Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property.  There is no “live” asset plan at present. This needs to be corrected to establish the platform for policy, procedure and activity moving forwards.




It is recommended that the Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property be endorsed and recommended to the Council for adoption.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property be endorsed and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to recommend adoption of the Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property].


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


1.         The draft Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property, attached as Annexe 5, is designed to provide a strategic and structured approach to the management of the Council’s General Fund property assets.  It should be noted that the plan does not cover the property strategy for the Housing Revenue Account which is managed separately.


2.         The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report at its meeting on 22 September 2015 and fully endorsed the recommendation.  In particular, the Committee was very positive about the Recommended Acquisition Targets set out at paragraph 4.7 of the Strategy.  In addition, the Committee asked for additional information to be incorporated into the tables in (Exempt) Appendix A (rent review dates) and also (Exempt) Appendix B (gross/net rental value). These changes will be made when the final strategy is produced.


3.         The Executive




32.       the Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property be endorsed and adopted.


[Reason: to recommend adoption of the Strategic Asset Plan for General Fund Property].


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Executive Forward Programme pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To adopt the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council, attached.


The Executive agreed the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


RESOLVED  that the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council be agreed.


Car Park Review 2015 pdf icon PDF 177 KB

The purpose of the report is to present the findings of the review of the Council’s off-street car parking operation, seek approval to carry out formal consultation on the proposed changes to charging periods and report the results of that consultation to the Executive in December, along with proposed revisions to tariff structures arising from the review.




The Executive is recommended to


1.         authorise officers to commence the formal consultation process on the proposal to provide an additional 30 minutes free parking each day in all of Waverley's car parks by reducing the charging hours to 8am to 6.30pm in line with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;


2.         ask officers to report back to the Executive in December on the results of that consultation; and


3.            note the contents of the review and agree for a report back to the Executive in December on the proposed recommendations arising out of the review.




The Executive has agreed to


1.         authorise officers to commence the formal consultation process on the proposal to provide an additional 30 minutes free parking each day in all of Waverley's car parks by reducing the charging hours to 8am to 6.30pm in line with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;


2.         ask officers to report back to the Executive in December on the results of that consultation; and


3.            note the contents of the review and agree for a report back to the Executive in December on the proposed recommendations arising out of the review.




[Reason: to seek approval to commence consultation on proposed changes to car parking periods]




1.         officers be authorised to commence the formal consultation process on the proposal to provide an additional 30 minutes free parking each day in all of Waverley's car parks by reducing the charging hours to 8am to 6.30pm in line with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;


2.         officers be asked to report back to the Executive in December on the results of that consultation; and


3.            the contents of the review be noted and a report be considered by the Executive in December on the proposed recommendations arising out of the review.


[Reason: to seek approval to commence consultation on proposed changes to car parking periods]


Funding Schemes for Voluntary Sector Organisations 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek the Executive’s approval to continue to support funding to the voluntary sector through the Waverley Community Partnership scheme and the Waverley Voluntary Partnership scheme for 2016/2017.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         approves the opening of the 2016/17 funding rounds to the voluntary sector; and


2.         approves the overall funding process as detailed within the report.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to:


1.         approve the opening of the 2016/17 funding rounds to the voluntary sector; and


2.         the overall funding process as detailed within the report.




[Reason: to seek approval to continue to support funding to the voluntary sector]




1.         the opening of the 2016/17 funding rounds to the voluntary sector be approved; and


2.         the overall funding process as detailed within the report be agreed.


[Reason: to seek approval to continue to support funding to the voluntary sector]


Service Level Agreements - Nominated Pilot Project, Third and Final Year Review 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

In 2012, three voluntary sector organisations signed three year Service Level Agreements, as a pilot for this new way of working.


This report reviews the third and final year of the pilot, detailing the outcomes and performance indicators for each organisation from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.


The Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report at its meeting on 14 September 2015. Members also received presentations from the three organisations of which questions were asked. There were no observations to forward onto the Executive.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the outcomes and success of the third and final year of the SLA pilot process and the work delivered by the three funded organisations.


Additional documents:


The Executive has noted the outcomes and success of the third and final year of the SLA pilot process and the work delivered by the three funded organisations.


[This item has already been considered by the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee but could be called-in]


[Reason: to review the third and final year of the pilot for each of the three organisations]


RESOLVED  that the outcomes and success of the third and final year of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) pilot process and the work delivered by the three funded organisations be noted.


[Reason: to review the third and final year of the pilot for each of the three organisations]


Air Quality: Updating and Screening Assessment 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

The Updating and Screening Assessment Report (attached at Annexe 1) is a statutory document submitted to Defra in April every three years.  A less detailed, Annual Progress Report is required in the intervening period.  The Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee receives the report for information / endorsement before it moves on to the Executive.


Defra give feedback on the report in the period between submission (May 2015) and the autumn; there is no strict timetable for this feedback and updates will be tabled as and when received.  Defra’s website currently shows the USA from Waverley as assessed but awaiting comment.


The Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 14 September 2015 and had no observations to forward onto the Executive.




It is recommended that the Updating and Screening Assessment for 2014-15 be noted and the Executive invited to make any recommendations for specific changes in the Local Air Quality Management regime undertaken by the Council.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to note the Updating and Screening Assessment for 2014-15 and support the Local Air Quality Management regime undertaken by the Council.


[This item has already been considered at the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee but could be called-in]


[Reason: to receive the statutory document required every three years]


RESOLVED  that the Updating and Screening Assessment for 2014-be noted and the Local Air Quality Management regime undertaken by the Council be supported.


[Reason: to receive the statutory document required every three years]


Performance Management - Q1 2015/16 (April - June 2015) pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The report gives an analysis of the Council’s performance in the first quarter of 2015/16.  Annexe 1 contains the list of indicators used for reporting performance and includes targets, graphs, trend lines and comments.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         thanks the Overview & Scrutiny Committees for their observations regarding the quarter 1 performance, as detailed in the report; and


2.         notes the performance figures for quarter 1 as set out in Annexe 1.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to


1.         thank the Overview & Scrutiny Committees for their observations regarding the quarter 1 performance, as detailed in the report; and


2.         note the performance figures for quarter 1 as set out in Annexe 1, recognising the much improved format and presentation of the performance management information.


[This item has already been considered by both of the Overview and Scrutiny committees but could be called-in]


[Reason: to provide an analysis of the Council’s performance in the first quarter of 2015/16].




1.         the Overview and Scrutiny Committees be thanked for their observations regarding the quarter 1 performance, as detailed in the report; and


2.         the performance figures for quarter 1 be noted, as set out in Annexe 1, and the much improved format and presentation of the performance management information be recognised.


[Reason: to provide an analysis of the Council’s performance in the first quarter of 2015/16].


Creation of Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee

As part of its work programme for the forthcoming year, the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee have selected to undertake an in-depth review into the Terms of Reference and arrangements for the Overview and Scrutiny function at Waverley.  The Committee received a scoping report setting out the remit of the review and recommending the establishment of a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee (to act as a task and finish group) to conduct the review.


It is proposed that the membership of the Joint Sub-Committee consists of three members from each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, to include either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of each.  In accordance with the Waverley constitution, Executive approval is required for the establishment of a Sub-Committee.  Any proposed changes to the function  resulting from the review will be brought back to the Executive and if necessary, Council, in due course.  The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee has nominated Cllr Pat Frost (Chairman), Cllr Peter Isherwood and Cllr Liz Wheatley.  The Executive will be updated with the nominations from the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee once known.




It is recommended that the establishment of a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee (to act as a task and finish group) be approved, to consist of up to six members including a Chairman or Vice-Chairman of each Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Executive has agreed to


1.         the establishment of a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee to conduct a review of the Terms of Reference and arrangements for the Overview and Scrutiny Function at Waverley; and


2.         the membership of the Sub-Committee to be as follows:  Cllrs Jim Edwards, Jenny Else, Pat Frost, Peter Isherwood, Denis Leigh and Liz Wheatley.




[Reason: to seek approval for the establishment of an O and S Sub-Committee]




1.         a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee be established (to act as a Task and Finish Group) to conduct a review of the Terms of Reference and arrangements for the Overview and Scrutiny Function at Waverley; and


2.         the membership of the Sub-Committee be as follows:  Cllrs Jim Edwards, Jenny Else, Pat Frost, Peter Isherwood, Denis Leigh and Liz Wheatley.


[Reason: to seek approval for the establishment of an O and S Sub-Committee]


Update on Waverley's Housing Allocation Scheme pdf icon PDF 183 KB

The purpose of the report is to provide members with an update on implementation of the Council’s Allocation Scheme which was introduced in January 2013. 




It is recommended that the Executive notes the successful implementation of the revised housing allocations scheme.



The Executive has noted the successful implementation of the revised housing allocations scheme.


[This item has already been considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee but could be called-in]


[Reason: to provide members with an update on the implementation of the allocation scheme].


RESOLVED  that the successful implementation of the revised housing allocations scheme be noted.


[Reason: to provide members with an update on the implementation of the allocation scheme].



To note the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting.  The Register of Decisions will be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting:


i.          To authorise the payment of £19,500 for the urgent works to the Museum of Farnham required to the brickwork to the front façade to be funded from the Emergency Scheme Provision for 2015/16.




The Executive noted the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting:


            To authorise the payment of £19,500 for the urgent works to the Museum of Farnham required to the brickwork to the front façade.


The Executive noted the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting:


i.          to authorise the payment of £19,500 for the urgent works to the Museum of Farnham required to the brickwork to the front façade, to be funded from the Emergency Scheme Provision for 2015/16.