Agenda item

Consultation outcomes on proposals for Development of Sheltered Services for Older People

The report presents outcomes on the comprehensive programme of consultation for staff and tenants supporting the original proposals for the need to remodel the present sheltered housing service whilst addressing reductions in Supporting People funding. It also proposes to continue with the Floating Support pilot service until April 2017, allowing time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.




It is recommended that


1.         the proposed staffing changes outlined in this report be agreed;


2.         Council approval be sought for the deletion of the current 8 part-time Assistant Manager posts from the establishment with effect from 21 October 2015;


3.         Council approval be sought for the creation of a new full-time Assistant Manager post and posts HI19 and HI39 both be given the opportunity to apply for that post with effect from 21 October 2015;


4.         the potential redundancy cost, shown in the (Exempt) Annexe, be agreed, noting that the Council’s redeployment process shall be applied fully which may prevent these costs; and


5.         the Floating Support service continues until March 2017 as an essential step to allow time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.



The Executive has agreed to


1.         the proposed staffing changes outlined in the report;


2.         seek Council approval for the deletion of the current 8 part-time Assistant Manager posts from the establishment with effect from 21 October 2015;


3.         seek Council approval for the creation of a new full-time Assistant Manager post and posts HI19 and HI39 both be given the opportunity to apply for that post with effect from 21 October 2015;


4.         the potential redundancy cost, shown in the (Exempt) Annexe to the report, noting that the Council’s redeployment process shall be applied fully which may prevent these costs; and


5.         the continuation of the Floating Support service until March 2017 as an essential step to allow time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to present the outcome of the consultation around proposals for the need to remodel the sheltered housing service]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to an individual]


Description: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPG73.1    Sheltered housing has been the preferred option for many older people within Waverley for the last 30-40 years, but if it is going to continue to meet the needs and aspirations of an ageing population, it must transform and modernise.  Sheltered housing is a preventative service; which also has the capacity to function as a central hub that can look outward to benefit older people living in the wider community as well.  A consultation has recently been conducted with tenants and their families, and sheltered housing staff regarding a potential staffing restructure in order to mitigate the external grant reductions from Surrey County Council.


73.2    The need to review and develop the service is driven by a number of factors:


·        The reductions in Government funding

·        The significant projected increase in the older population

·        The increasing risk of social isolation as older people become frailer

·        The number of older people choosing to live independently in their own homes

·        The decreasing availability of residential care as a means of meeting the needs of frail older people

·        The need to do more for older people living in the wider community

·        The need to provide a more flexible, responsive and seamless service that better aligns with other services such as Waverley Careline

73.3    The Council’s current sheltered housing service is traditional and well-established, having remained unchanged for a considerable period of time.  Each scheme has operated in the past with a manager, a part-time assistant manager and a part time domestic.  Of the eight sheltered schemes, two are referred to as ‘Extra Care’.


·        Extra care sheltered housing provides households with independent accommodation together with a care package which most generally includes help with washing, dressing, shopping, laundry etc. In addition, meals are provided on site. Care packages are delivered by Surrey County Council’s Adult Social Care service.


73.4    Comparisons have been made with other services that have already been significantly remodelled, some of which have been stripped back to as little as just a concierge service. This type of service provides tenants with a point of contact only, and focuses predominantly on scheme-based maintenance issues. No direct housing-related support is provided. This option is not recommended as a way forward, and nor would it be favoured by current tenants.  Sheltered Services will remain largely unchanged. Eight dedicated full-time scheme managers will be retained at each sheltered scheme, as will those who deliver domestic duties.  Eight part-time assistant manager posts will be deleted, six of whom have not been filled on a permanent basis for some time pending the expected changes in Supporting People funding.


73.5    One full time Assistant Manager post would be created to be shared between the two extra care schemes due to the increased support provided to tenants (buildings also geographically sit next to each other).  There is a risk of redundancy for one post from the current assistant management tier, however the Council has a good track record of successful redeployment under the Council’s Redeployment Policy.  As with the current service, the Council will not be providing personal or domestic care to tenants in sheltered housing, only housing-related support.


73.6    It is anticipated that the loss of the assistant manager posts will be mitigated in the following ways:


·        streamlining processes – with an annual review of support plans

·        empowering tenants to become more independent where appropriate; such as reporting their own repairs

·        The hours of the domestic staff varies in some schemes. It is proposed to standardise the hours when the opportunity allows such as when vacancies/posts become free.


Detailed proposals:

(Structure chart in Annexe 3)





Current structure


Proposed structure

x 8 Scheme Managers, pay band 8

(1 per scheme, 37hrs)

x 8 Scheme Managers, pay band 8

(1 per scheme, 37hrs each)

x 8 Assistant Managers, pay band 10

(1 per scheme, 20hrs)

x 1 full time Assistant Manager split between two extra care schemes (37hrs), pay band 10

x 8 Domestics

 (1 per scheme)

x 8 Domestics (1 per scheme)


x 2 Community Based staff  (Floating Support)

(37hrs each: borough-wide), pay band 8


73.7    The pilot Floating Support service was launched in January 2015 to support vulnerable older people over the age of 60 living within the borough.  The service focuses on supporting clients to develop the independent living skills necessary to sustain their accommodation and continue to live in the community. It has, in its first seven months, seen high demand with very positive outcomes. These are summarised below.



Use of Floating Support service: January - July 2015

Total number of referrals (Year to date)


Number of referrals (July)


Total open cases 2015-16 (Year to date)


Number of current active cases (July)


Total Closed Cases (Year to date)


Closed Cases (July)



73.8    Floating Support staff are key to ensuring that older people in the wider community receive the support, advice and signposting they need in order to remain independent within their own homes.  Continuing with the Floating Support service until March 2017 is now considered an essential step.


73.9    The proposals will enable the best aspects of the current service to continue; including dedicated support for each of the Council’s sheltered units, alongside more flexible support for those living in the community.  The proposal to continue with the Floating Support service will:

·        Create the ongoing opportunity to offer more flexible, preventative support for older people in the wider community

·        Ensuring a more innovative and flexible approach in proving support to a greater number of older people

·        Ability to meet the support demands within the community instead of ‘scheme only’ support

·        Meet the financial challenges of Government  funding reductions

·        Potential to free up much needed council stock by assisting older people who wish to downsize to smaller  accommodation that better meets their needs

·        Greater ability to focus on preventing social isolation and developing own social networks

·        Supporting the need for tenants to remain in their own home in their own community when personal needs increase.


73.10  The Executive at its meeting on 7 July 2015 agreed that formal and comprehensive consultations with both staff and tenants to propose and discuss the potential changes should take place.  The consultation period ran from 21 July 2015 until 10 August 2015.


73.11  Each sheltered scheme tenant was written to, advising them of proposed changes and an opportunity to meet and discuss the proposals. The letter also provided the tenants the opportunity to bring along any family, friends or advocates.  Each tenant meeting was chaired by Hugh Wagstaff, Head of Housing Operations and supported by Cllr Carole King, Portfolio Holder for Housing, and Christian Evans, Sheltered & Careline Services Manager.


73.12  The majority of tenants attended each meeting and felt happy and comfortable in discussing the proposed changes and the reasons behind them.  It was clearly explained in each meeting that they could feedback during the meeting or anytime after by speaking with staff, by telephone, email or letter.  The table below outlines the dates of the tenant consultations and their responses: 

Date of consultation

Sheltered Scheme

Issues raised regarding proposed changes

Other issues discussed


Riverside Court

- No issues or concerns raised.


- Repairs

- Entry & safeguarding schemes

- Use of scooters

- External redecoration


Falkner Court

- Detailed explanation of why we accept external funding


- Water tanks

- dates for new kitchens & bathrooms

- Car parking


Shepherds Court

- Covering annual leave


- Developing a Winter plan

- Car parking

- Repair issues



Bowring House

- No issues or concerns raised


- Support plans

- Repair issues

- Recent refurbishment of new lounge



Blunden Court

- Covering annual leave

- Service used to be 24hr


- Service charges & rent – how this is used.

- Social Services – better ways of working together

- Repair issues

- Guest Flat



Moat Lodge

- Covering annual leave


- Repair issues

- Scooter storage


Rolston House

- Covering annul leave


- Domestic cover quite low

- Refurbishment of the communal toilets


Dower House

- No issues or concerns raised


- Gardening contract

- New communal lighting


73.13  The main issue raised regarding the proposed changes was the cover arrangements when scheme managers are on annual leave.  Arrangements were put into place several months ago to mitigate the absence of scheme staff by creating a ‘buddy’ system with schemes close to each other.  When a scheme manager is on annual leave, the scheme is covered each day by another manager for half a day, effectively splitting their time between two schemes during this time.


73.14  This cover system has been in place since April 2015 and has proved a successful arrangement with both staff and tenants. This arrangement will continue without any changes to the service.  All other issues raised were discussed with tenants in detail and followed up to provide appropriate answers.

73.15  The staff consultation period ran from 21 July 2015 until 10 August 2015.


Date of consultation

With Whom

Discussions and Issues raised regarding proposed changes

Further information


All Scheme Managers and Assistant Managers

No issues or concerns raised



Assistant Managers 

- Details of how this will affect them individually by deleting the roles and creating one full time assistant manager for extra care schemes.

We explained to the postholders of posts HI19 and HI39 that:

·        their posts could be deleted from the establishment with effect from 21 October 2015

·        A new full-time assistant manager post would be created and they would both have the opportunity to apply for that post.

The Council’s redeployment process would be the preferred option if at all possible for the post holder who was either not successful or not interested in applying for the new post.


- One Assistant Manager stated that she did not want to be considered for the full time post and would like to explore redeployment within the Council.

- The other Assistant Manager is interested in applying for the full time position.


All Scheme Managers and Assistant Managers

- Confirmed ‘buddy’ system for scheme cover (A/L, sickness etc)

- No other issues or concerns raised.



Assistant Managers

- No further issues or concerns raised.

- One Assistant Manager again stated that she did not want to be considered for the full time post and would like to explore redeployment within the Council.

- The other Assistant Manager also remains interested in applying for the full time position.



73.16  Sheltered Services has loosely been working in the parameters of the proposed staffing restructure for the past year in most schemes.  Feedback from staff has been that the structure has worked and has not caused any issues with service delivery or tenant satisfaction.

73.17  On the whole, Scheme Managers felt that the proposals would continue to provide a very supportive and first class service to Waverley’s tenants living in sheltered housing.  The two affected Assistant Managers also raised no specific issues regarding the proposed changes as stated in the table above.


73.18  Overall, the proposed changes discussed during the consultation with both staff and tenants have been received well with no objections being brought forward.  Further information on staffing and costings can be found in (Exempt) Annexe 4.


73.19  With regard to the financial implications, the sheltered housing service is a stand alone service. i.e. it is not subsidised by the rents that are paid by tenants’ in general family housing, and sheltered housing tenants pay the true cost of the service they receive.  In so doing, the service currently operates to a sustainable business model.


73.20  Successful negotiations with Surrey County Council have avoided reductions in external funding taking place in previous years.  The reduction in funding of £62,856 is being tapered across the three years 2014-2017. This reduction will be absorbed by the net changes in the number of Assistant Manager posts that are proposed.  External funding from Supporting People will continue to be based on the number of persons/tenants within sheltered housing. For the 2014-17 period, this amounts to £11.00 per person/flat per week.


73.21  Waverley has been piloting the Floating Support service this year and it has already shown to be both popular and effective, mirroring experience in those Councils who have already introduced this service.  Waverley’s Floating Support Service has provided a positive platform to successfully negotiate additional funding of £35,000 per annum from Surrey County Council from April 2015. This is to assist in the development and maintenance of the Floating Support Service. The following table illustrates the impact of grant reductions on the Supporting People funded staffing costs within the current service.






Total Cost of


SP Funding – including additional 35k for floating support

(Staffing and Supporting Systems)



(Staffing for Estate Management & Other Sheltered Costs)


2014 -15























*External funding reductions amounting to £62,856 are made incrementally over a three-year period with the additional external funding for floating support being available from 2015/16.


Post Title

No. of Posts

Budgeted Year 2015/16


Post Title

Proposed No. Of Posts

Budget year 2016/17

Scheme Managers

X 8



Scheme Managers

X 8


Assistant Managers

X 8 (Part time)



New Assistant Manager

X 1 (full time)


Domestic Staff

X 8



Domestic Staff

X 8


Floating Support Pilot

X 2 (end of year - 2 months)



Floating Support

X 2









Indirect Overheads




Indirect Overheads











73.22  In 2015/16 Floating Support has been funded from vacancies held within sheltered housing as agreed by Members. 


73.23  Other providers have already successfully remodelled their services along the lines proposed. Therefore there is the potential risk to the Council’s reputation as a provider of high quality accommodation and services for older people if the service is not seen to modernise.  The proposed changes to the service not only mitigate this risk, but they also permit the development of a service that will offer no tangible reduction in either the level or quality of service currently enjoyed by sheltered housing tenants. 


73.24  The report was considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 22 September 2015.  The Committee was reassured by the amount of consultation that had been undertaken and the feedback received, and recognised that the proposed staffing levels were not significantly different to the way in which the service had been operating at present due to potentially ‘at risk’ posts having been held vacant.


73.25  The Committee noted that it was always disappointing to have redundancies but endorsed the recommendations and noted that every effort was made to redeploy members of staff whenever possible.  The Executive now


            RECOMMENDS that


27.       the proposed staffing changes outlined in the report be approved;


28.       approval be given to the deletion of the current 8 part-time Assistant Manager posts from the establishment with effect from 21 October 2015;


29.       approval be given to the creation of a new full-time Assistant Manager post and posts HI19 and HI39 both be given the opportunity to apply for that post with effect from 21 October 2015;


30.       the potential redundancy cost, shown at (Exempt) Annexe 4 be agreed, noting that the Council’s redeployment process shall be applied fully which may prevent these costs; and


31.       the Floating Support service continues until March 2017 as an essential step to allow time to explore alternative options should external funding reduce further.


[Reason: to present the outcome of the consultation around proposals for the need to remodel the sheltered housing service]

Supporting documents: