Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 7th July, 2015 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 June 2015 (to be laid on the table for half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 June 2015 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Tom Martin and Wyatt Ramsdale.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


The following declarations were made in respect of items on the agenda:-


Paul Wenham and Graeme Clark declared pecuniary interests in Agenda Item 16 – New Disciplinary Regulations for Statutory Officer Posts - and left the Chamber during consideration of the item.


Cllr Kevin Deanus declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 29 – Property Matter - and left the meeting during discussion and consideration of the item.




The Chairman to respond to the following question received from Mr Jerry Hyman of Farnham for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


“Deputy Leader,


Since early 2013, when the decision was made to move the Gostrey Centre to the Memorial Hall, Waverley's website has discouraged weekday hiring of the Hall by stating that it is only available on Saturdays and on Sunday afternoons (despite it having remained available for weekday hire during the past 2 years).  


In order that we can gauge the extent  to which the Memorial Hall's purpose will remain, please clarify whether the Council intends the hall to be available for hire during weekdays (daytime and evenings) following the proposed redevelopment, and whether the Hall will also host the Sunday lunches currently provided by the Gostrey Centre.”



The Executive received the following question from Mr Jerry Hyman of Farnham in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


“Deputy Leader,


Since early 2013, when the decision was made to move the Gostrey Centre to the Memorial Hall, Waverley's website has discouraged weekday hiring of the Hall by stating that it is only available on Saturdays and on Sunday afternoons (despite it having remained available for weekday hire during the past 2 years).


In order that we can gauge the extent to which the Memorial Hall's purpose will remain, please clarify whether the Council intends the hall to be available for hire during weekdays (daytime and evenings) following the proposed redevelopment, and whether the Hall will also host the Sunday lunches currently provided by the Gostrey Centre.”


The Deputy Leader, Cllr Julia Potts, replied as follows:-


            “Thank you Mr Hyman for your question and for bringing to our attention the contents of our website.  I have asked officers to ensure that the website is clear about the availability of the Memorial Hall.


            The Memorial Hall continues to be very popular and the Council sees a great future for the new Centre combined with Brightwells Gostrey.  There has been absolutely no discouragement of its use through its website or otherwise.  The Memorial Hall is available for regular and casual hire throughout the week and at weekends.  It is used by a wide range of clubs and societies. 


            When the Memorial Hall reopens following the redevelopment, the main hall plus additional space will be available for members of the public and local organisations to use throughout the week and at weekends.  I have some outline times at the moment, which are during the week, the main hall will be available to hire from 9am until 11am and again from 2pm until 11pm for regular and casual users, which will allow the Gostrey Centre to serve lunches in the hall between 12 noon and 1.30pm.  The Memorial Hall is underutilised during the lunchtime period so this additional use will have minimal impact on existing users.


            The Sunday lunches that are served at the Gostrey Centre are provided by Farnham ASSIST, a Christian charity that hires the venue every fourth Sunday.  There are no groups currently hiring the Memorial Hall at that time and so if they wanted to, Farnham ASSIST would be able to hire the space at the new facility, if they so wish.”



Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Memorial Hall and Gostrey Centre Redevelopment pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The purpose of the report is to continue to the next stage of the process for the redevelopment of the Farnham Memorial Hall to provide a base for the existing Brightwells Gostrey Centre services and to create a new Community and Well-Being Centre for Farnham and the surrounding area.  This will secure these vital community services for the future.


The report seeks authority to approve additional funding resulting from required design changes and cost inflation, and also requests approval to progress to the procurement phase to select a consultant to run the tender for the construction.




It is recommended that the Executive recommends to the Council that:


1.            £700,000 of additional funding be approved in 2015/16 in order to proceed with the project, funded from external contributions of £200,000 with the balance being financed from the Revenue Reserve; and


2.            authority be given to the Director of Finance and Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Major Projects to initiate the tender process to select a preferred consultant to run the construction tender process for the building works.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.            £700,000 of additional funding be approved in 2015/16 in order to proceed with the project, funded from external contributions of £200,000 with the balance being financed from the Revenue Reserve; and


2.            authority be given to the Director of Finance and Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Major Projects to initiate the tender process to select a preferred consultant to run the construction tender process for the building works.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to seek agreement to continue to the next stage of the process for the redevelopment of the Memorial Hall and approve additional funding].


25.1    Following the completion of a feasibility study and discussions with Brightwell Gostrey Centre Trustees, the Council, as part of the 2015/16 Budget, agreed to fund enhanced and refurbished facilities at Farnham Memorial Hall in order to maintain and improve key community facilities in Farnham at an estimated cost of £1.5m. At its meeting of the Executive on 6 January 2015, approval was given to submit a planning application for the scheme. Plans for the scheme are in Annexe 1 – New Scheme Site Plan, Annexe 2 – 3D Images of New Design for Memorial Hall and Annexe 3 – Internal Floor Plan.


25.2    Providing the space required for service delivery by the Gostrey Centre, partner agencies contractually renting space will generate income whilst maintaining the community aspect for the wider community within the Memorial Hall. In addition, the aesthetically pleasing design and flexible layout of the new facilities will mean that the Memorial Hall could become commercially viable as a facility, eventually becoming self-sustaining by being hired for private functions.


25.3    Further, the financial benefits of a single, flexible space, the new centre, with its wider usage, will help bring together different groups within the community under one roof. Its location is also beneficial, being close to the centre of town while providing good access and parking in a landscaped environment. This will underline Waverley’s commitment to improving leisure and lives of its residents.


25.4    Building a new community centre at the Memorial Hall whilst working with the Gostrey Centre trustees, provides an ideal opportunity to secure a viable financial future for both the Gostrey Centre and Memorial Hall.  This new and enhanced building will provide the Gostrey Centre with not only the space it requires, but will also ensure that there is the flexibility and versatility needed for a community space in the long term – one where facilities can be used to serve the whole community and provide a means of gaining financial stability and independence for the building.


25.5    Ahead of appointing the necessary consultancy support for the accompanying surveys and reports needed for the planning application, due diligence required that the site be thoroughly investigated at a subterranean level to establish if there are any barriers to development.  As part of the works, the Council’s quantity surveying and engineering consultant advisers arranged two specialist underground mapping and soil surveys.


25.6    Their findings indicated key utilities on site that had not been revealed in any property title documents or deed plans reviewed as part of the feasibility study.  In light of these findings, officers have worked in conjunction with architects to make the necessary design adjustments to avoid the substantial costs of diverting the five additional utilities that have been discovered. The effect of not making these adjustments would put the project at risk in respect of:


·        Time – Re-routing would add substantially to the time-frame in which the project can be delivered given that each utility supplier would need to organise their own specialist labour  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Waverley Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Waverley adopted a Carbon Management Plan 2010-2015 (CMP) in 2010 and committed to reducing energy consumption and cost through energy efficiency projects. It has proven to be a very useful vehicle to engage with services across the Council and identify opportunities. By the end of March 2014, Waverley managed to reduce energy consumption by 14.5% against 2008 figures, which represents approximately a cost avoidance of £680,000 over the same period. Despite energy price increases and enhancement of our services we have managed to maintain energy expenditure below 2008 levels. The period of the CMP concluded in March 2015 and the report addresses a succession plan.


The report recommends the adoption of the attached Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 that will set the scene for the next five years.  The plan proposes a reduction target in Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 3% year on year that will be reviewed annually by the Energy Efficiency Board.




It is recommended to the Council that the Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 be approved and adopted.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 be approved and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to recommend the adoption of an energy efficiency plan to replace the Carbon Management Plan]



26.1    Waverley adopted a Carbon Management Plan 2010-2015 (CMP) in 2010 and committed to reducing energy consumption and cost through energy efficiency projects. It has proven to be a very useful vehicle to engage with services across the Council.  It pulled together many of the activities already taking place across the services and provided the framework for assessing future projects in terms of both their financial savings and carbon dioxide (CO2).


26.2    During the period of the CMP, between 2008 and 2014, it is estimated that the cost avoidance, from reduced energy bills throughout Council buildings, was approximately £680k. Despite energy price increases and significant enhancement of services we have managed to maintain energy expenditure below 2008 levels.


26.3    The Government has required Local Authorities to monitor and publish greenhouse gas[1] (GHG) emissions from their operations since 2008. This reporting mechanism aims to reduce energy and assist with delivering national legislation.  It also recognises the important role of Councils to set an example to local communities.


26.4    In the form of an Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 (EEP), attached in Annexe 4, Waverley will continue exploring opportunities to make efficiency savings by reducing energy consumption from our buildings. The EEP will follow the format and process that was adopted for the CMP. It will aim to reduce GHG emissions, resulting from energy consumption, by 3% year on year. This target will lie alongside Waverley’s support for invest-to-save projects that aim for any investment to payback in 5 years or less. The target will be reviewed annually to coincide with the Council’s responsibility to report on GHG emissions to Government every year.


26.5    A number of projects have already been approved for implementation and a number of others are being examined for feasibility and viability, using the experience of successful projects to date. Some of these are outlined within the attached Plan. When opportunities arise, energy efficiency proposals will always be explored.


26.6    An Energy Efficiency Board will be formed and will have a strategic role in overseeing the progress of the plan. The relevant Heads of Service and portfolio holders will be responsible for project identification and delivery.


26.7    It remains important to encourage energy and cost savings at a time of significant financial strain for the Council. At the same time national legislation requires councils to promote effective management of energy use and carbon emissions. It is therefore prudent to consider a succession strategy in the form of an Energy Efficiency Plan that will maintain emphasis on identifying opportunities to reduce energy cost as well as satisfy Government requirements to reduce GHG emissions.


26.8    A report will be presented to the Executive on 1 September 2015 on Waverley’s annual GHG emissions for 2014-15 as required by Government. Within that report there will be a summary review of GHG emission reductions at the end of the superseded CMP period from April 2008 to March 2015.


26.9    The Executive




6.         the Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Ockford Road Conservation Area Appraisal pdf icon PDF 59 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend that the Ockford Road Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) be adopted by the Council as a material consideration and used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent within the Conservation Area (CA).




It is recommended to the Council that the CAA for Ockford Road be adopted as a material planning consideration. This will include the following amendments to the boundary:


a)    Inclusion of the millpond and Inn on the Lake extension

b)   Inclusion of Ockford Road extension


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Conservation Area Appraisal for Ockford Road be adopted as a material planning consideration. This will include the following amendments to the boundary:


a)    Inclusion of the millpond and Inn on the Lake extension

b)    Inclusion of Ockford Road extension


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to recommend the adoption of the Conservation Area Appraisal as a material planning consideration].


27.1    Ockford Road is one of 43 Conservation Areas (CA) in Waverley.  Currently nine Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) have been completed (Wrecclesham, Bramley, Farnham Town Centre, Wheelerstreet, Godalming Town Centre, Milford, Chiddingfold, Haslemere and Godalming Crownpits). 


27.2    In 2011, the Executive agreed a programme for the commencement of CAAs which has now been extended to 2020. Ockford Road is the seventh CAA to be completed since the programme commenced.  The need to undertake CAAs is set out in the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Section 71) and is supported through saved policy HE8 of the Waverley Local Plan.


27.3    CAAs are undertaken to identify and explain the character of the Conservation Area (CA).  This document will identify the specific qualities of the Ockford Road CA and thereby help to manage change within the area.  The Management Plan section also identifies a variety of projects that should be implemented to preserve and enhance the area.  It is considered pertinent for Waverley to undertake CAAs and this process allows for a review of the boundary and an assessment of adjacent areas to evaluate whether the boundary should be extended.


27.4    Two extensions were proposed to the existing CA boundary and formed part of the consultation. These are detailed within the CAA document, which is attached at Annexe 5.


27.5    As part of the consultation process, a walkabout was conducted with Local Councillors and representatives from the Town Council.  A public consultation was undertaken to support the development of the CAA and to ask the public’s views of the proposed extensions.  8 responses were received to the consultation which were summarised in the Consultation Statement.


27.6    In response to the consultation, Historic England (formerly English Heritage) suggested inclusion of the millpond to the rear of Ockford mill within the CA due to the historic connections and how this aids the understanding of the CAs agricultural past. Officers agree with this recommendation and the Inn on the Lake extension has been revised to include the millpond. This revision of the Inn on the Lake extension has been included in the updated CAA document.


27.7    The owner and occupier of the affected land and Godalming Town Council were notified and given 3 weeks to respond to this further boundary change.  One response was received regarding the millpond extension, which was also summarised in the Consultation Statement.


27.8    Ockford Road CAA has been subject to a robust consultation process to ensure residents and interested stakeholders had the opportunity to comment.  The Executive now




7.         the Conservation Area Appraisal for Ockford Road be adopted as a material planning consideration, to include the following amendments to the boundary:


a)    Inclusion of the millpond and Inn on the Lake extension; and

b)   Inclusion of Ockford Road extension.


[Reason: to recommend the adoption of the Conservation Area Appraisal as a material planning consideration].


Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 pdf icon PDF 144 KB

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 contains provisions which came into force on 20 October 2014 and which change how the Council deals with anti-social behaviour.


The purpose of the report is to provide the Executive with an overview of the powers contained in the 2014 Act, and for the Executive to make recommendations to the Council to amend the Scheme of Delegation in order to facilitate use of these powers.




It is recommended to the Council that:


1.         the Scheme of Delegation be amended as set out in Annexe 1 to this report;


2.         the Head of Housing Operations, Head of Environmental Services, Environmental Health Manager and Head of Community Services and Major Projects be authorised to exercise the Council’s functions and enforcement powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, including:


(i) securing civil injunctions;

(ii) issuing closure notices and securing closure orders;

(iii) issuing community protection notices;

(iv) implementing public space protection orders; and

(v) appointing authorised officers; and


3.         the Executive Director be authorised to extend a closure notice to 48 hours.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.         the Scheme of Delegation be amended as set out in Annexe 1 to this report;


2.         the Head of Housing Operations, Head of Environmental Services, Environmental Health Manager and Head of Community Services and Major Projects be authorised to exercise the Council’s functions and enforcement powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, including:


(i) securing civil injunctions;

(ii) issuing closure notices and securing closure orders;

(iii) issuing community protection notices;

(iv) implementing public space protection orders; and

(v) appointing authorised officers; and


3.         the Executive Director be authorised to extend a closure notice to 48 hours.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to provide an overview of the powers contained in the 2014 Act and to amend the Scheme of Delegation to facilitate use of these powers].



28.1    The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (“the Act”) brings in new provisions and powers relating to anti-social behaviour which aim to focus the response to anti-social behaviour on the needs of victims and empower communities to get involved in tackling anti-social behaviour.  The Act aims to ensure professionals have access to fast, effective powers to protect the public, and speed up the eviction of the most anti-social tenants.


28.2    The Act consolidates the nineteen pre-existing anti-social behaviour powers into six more flexible powers.  Two of those powers, the ‘community trigger’ and ‘community remedy’, have been introduced in order to focus the response to anti-social behaviour on the needs of victims. The six new powers came into effect on 20 October 2014, and officers need to be able to exercise the powers available to them under the Act in order to best address any anti-social behaviour issues within the Borough.


28.3    Criminal Behaviour Orders – The new Criminal Behaviour Order is available on conviction for any criminal offence, whether or not it involves anti-social behaviour. The CBO intended to tackle serious and persistent offenders whose behaviour has brought them before a criminal court.  Although CBOs will primarily be applied for by the Crown Prosecution Service, the Council could also apply if it is pursing a criminal matter through the courts (e.g. criminal breaches of Planning legislation; benefit fraud; environmental crime). The CBO can include both prohibitions and positive requirements.


28.4    Civil Injunction – The Civil Injunction can be applied for where the perpetrator has not been convicted of a criminal offence. It can be used to deal with a wide range of behaviour, and in serious cases to exclude a perpetrator from the home. Injunctions can be applied for ‘without notice,’ being given to the perpetrator in exceptional circumstances to stop serious harm to victims.


28.5    Community Protection Notice – This is intended to deal with particular, ongoing problems or nuisances which negatively affect the community’s quality of life by targeting the person responsible. The CPN replaces a number of existing notices (Litter Clearing Notice, Street Litter Control Notice and the Defacement Removal Notice).


28.6    Public Spaces Protection Order – This is designed to stop individuals or groups committing anti-social behaviour in a public space. It is intended to deal with a particular nuisance in a particular area which negatively affects the community’s quality of life. The order is only issued by the Council after consultation with relevant bodies, and the Council must reasonably believe that the behaviour warrants restrictions being implemented. The behaviour must be on-going or persistent (or there must be a reasonable belief that the future behaviour will be on-going or persistent). The restrictions set by the Council can be blanket restrictions or requirements or can be targeted against certain behaviours by certain groups at certain times.


28.7    The Public Spaces Protection Order replaces the Designated Public Place Order, Gating Orders, and Dog Control Orders.


28.8    Closure power – This replaces the Premises Closure Order,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


New Disciplinary Regulations for Statutory Officer Posts pdf icon PDF 41 KB

The purpose of the report is to amend the Council’s relevant Procedure Rules in the light of the new Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 which affect disciplinary procedures for the statutory positions of Head of Paid Service, Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer.




It is recommended that the Executive recommends to Council that


1.         the Council’s relevant Procedure Rules be amended in the light of the new Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015, as summarised within this report and set out in detail in Annexe 1; and


2.         the Council reappoints its existing two Independent Persons, namely Tony Allenby and Vivienne Cameron) for the purposes of conducting hearings required under these regulations.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


1.         the Council’s relevant Procedure Rules be amended in the light of the new Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015, as summarised within the report and set out in detail in Annexe 1; and


2.         the Council reappoints its existing two Independent Persons, namely Tony Allenby and Vivienne Cameron, for the purposes of conducting hearings required under these regulations.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to amend the Council’s relevant Procedure Rules in light of the new regulations affecting disciplinary procedures for statutory positions].



29.1    The procedures in respect of any disciplinary matters which arise in relation to a statutory officer post are covered by the National Conditions of Service for Local Chief Executives.


29.2    On 26 March 2015, the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) tabled the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 with the requirement that they are to come into force “no later than the first ordinary meeting of the authority falling after 11 May 2015”. Therefore the Regulations must be considered at the Council meeting on 21 July 2015.


29.3    Following approval from Council, the Council’s three Statutory Officers, (Head of Paid Services, Section 151 Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer) will be informed of the new Disciplinary Regulations. However, the change to the employees’ contracts of employment will not be implemented until there has been an agreed change to the national collective agreement which will formally amend the National Conditions of Service for Local Chief Executives. It should be noted that the Regulations do not apply to the Deputy Monitoring Officer or Deputy Section 151 Officer, who are deputies appointed by the statutory postholder and not statutory postholders themselves.


29.4    In summary, the changes are as follows:


·        Regulation 2 removes the provisions in the 2001 Regulations relating to the statutory “designated independent person” required to be appointed by a local authority before it could dismiss or discipline its Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer or Chief Finance Officer.


·        It makes new provision about the procedure to be followed in such cases, which authorities are required to include in their Procedure Rules.


·        In place of the DIP process, the decision should be taken by Full Council who must consider any advice, views or recommendations from an independent panel, the conclusions of any investigation into the proposed dismissal and any representations from the officer concerned.


·        The Regulations envisage that the Panel will consist of a minimum of two independent persons, who are appointed under section 102(4) of the Local Government Housing Act 1972.  Proportionality rules apply to such committees therefore the Panel will need to consist of at least 5 local authority elected members in addition to the two (or more) ‘neutral’ independent persons.


·        It also requires that the authority, when setting up its panel for the purpose of advising on matters relating to the dismissal of a relevant officer, invite at least two ‘independent persons’ who have been appointed under section 28(7) of the Localism Act 2011.  Waverley, as part of its shared arrangements with Mole Valley, Guildford and Spelthorne Borough Councils, has already appointed two independent persons under this legislation and expects to recruit further independent persons if plans to extend this arrangement to other Surrey Councils go ahead.


29.5    The disciplinary processes that would currently apply to this Council’s statutory officers are those agreed through the collective agreement of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authority Chief Executives.  These processes are contractual and can only be altered by national collective agreement.


29.6    The current process is,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Proposed Restructure of Waverley's Careline Service pdf icon PDF 79 KB

The report presents proposals to further develop the Waverley Careline Service to improve the service for Waverley’s older population and in light of the changes to government funding.




It is recommended that the Executive gives approval to the proposals to remodel the Careline Service and the detailed recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 1.


Additional documents:


The Executive has given approval to the proposals to remodel the Careline Service and agreed to RECOMMEND the detailed recommendations set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin to the COUNCIL .


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to consider proposals to further develop the Careline service]



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to an individual]


30.1    Society is changing. People are living longer and in greater prosperity. Older people are an increasingly diverse group, ranging from those who are in mid-life to those who have reached and exceeded their centenaries. The 2011 census recorded that 25,200 residents within Waverley were aged 65+. This is projected to increase by 14.3%, by 2020. The 85+ population is projected to increase by 28.6% by 2020.


30.2    Today, older people are much less likely to go into residential care as they age; remaining instead in their own homes for as long as possible. Not only is this more financially viable for individuals in the current economic climate, it means that older people can, with the right level of support, live independently for longer. As a result, older people are living in the community longer with complex conditions such as dementia and chronic illness.


Description: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPGDescription: Description: LOGO.JPG30.3    Waverley’s Careline service provides a very popular service to older and vulnerable people living within our communities by installing equipment that provides access to a 24 hour call centre should they need emergency assistance.  But if it is going to continue to meet the needs and aspirations of an ageing population, it must continue to adapt and modernise. Waverley Careline has a continued role to play as a vital, preventative service.


30.4    The service has been managed by the Sheltered Services Manager on a temporary basis following the departure of the previous Careline and Telecare Manager last year. This arrangement has demonstrated the significant synergy between Sheltered Services and the Careline Service which has proven to be beneficial and successful for both services.


30.5    The Careline service had been offering an additional element funded entirely from external Supporting People funding for the past four years.  This provided additional contact to those clients needing a little more support.  This additional element of the service was not seen as effective when compared to other approaches to supporting people in the community.  As a result funding is being withdrawn by Surrey County Council in 2015/16 and they have working with Waverley to put in place alternative arrangements for those clients who previously received this additional contact.  


30.6    Moving forward, there is an opportunity to embed the closer working arrangements across the Careline and Sheltered Housing teams under a single manager focused on supporting the needs of older people in Waverley.  The new Sheltered Services and Careline Manager role will replace the two current Sheltered Services Manager and the Careline and Telecare Manager roles. The current Sheltered Services Manager has assimilation rights into the redesignated Sheltered Services and Careline Manager role.


30.7    The closer working across the two teams under a single manager would necessitate, for operational reasons, the establishment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Budget Approval and Appointment of Build Contractor for Show Homes at Ockford Ridge; Middlefield, Farnham and 33 Bridge Road, Haslemere pdf icon PDF 695 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval to appoint contract administrators and build contractors for the development of the show homes at Ockford Ridge, Godalming; four affordable homes at Middlefield, Farnham and two affordable homes at Bridge Road, Haslemere, along with a budget allocation for these schemes from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes Reserve.




That the Executive recommends to Council that approval be given for:-


1.    the allocation of a budget, as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes Reserve for the development of two show homes at Ockford Ridge; four affordable homes at Middlefield, Farnham and two affordable homes at 33 Bridge Road, Haslemere;


2.    the appointment of a build contractor for the Ockford Ridge show homes in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to deliver the development within the agreed budget;


3.    the appointment of Lawson Queay to act as Employer’s Agent for Middlefield in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to deliver four new affordable homes within the agreed budget;


4.    the appointment of a build contractor for Middlefield following the successful completion of the tender process in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in consultation with the Director of Resources and the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Finance; and


5.    the appointment of the architect for the post-planning period, a Contract Administrator and a build contractor for 33 Bridge Road following the successful completion of the tender process in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in consultation with the Director of Resources and the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Finance.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that approval be given for:-


1.    the allocation of a budget, as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes Reserve for the development of two show homes at Ockford Ridge; four affordable homes at Middlefield, Farnham and two affordable homes at 33 Bridge Road, Haslemere;


2.    the appointment of a build contractor for the Ockford Ridge show homes in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to deliver the development within the agreed budget;


3.    the appointment of Lawson Queay to act as Employer’s Agent for Middlefield in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to deliver four new affordable homes within the agreed budget;


4.    the appointment of a build contractor for Middlefield following the successful completion of the tender process in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in consultation with the Director of Resources and the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Finance; and


5.    the appointment of the architect for the post-planning period, a Contract Administrator and a build contractor for 33 Bridge Road following the successful completion of the tender process in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in consultation with the Director of Resources and the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Finance.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to seek approval to appoint contract administrators and build contractors, along with budget allocations for the schemes]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


31.1    This item seeks approval to appoint contract administrators and build contractors for the development of the show homes at Ockford Ridge, Godalming; four affordable homes at Middlefield, Farnham and two affordable homes at Bridge Road, Haslemere, along with a budget allocation for these schemes from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes Reserve.


Ockford Ridge show homes


31.2    In March 2015, approval was given for the use of the Homes and Communities Agency Delivery Partner Panel 2 Framework for the Ockford Ridge project phases A-D and approval for a budget allocation for pre-development costs for the 16 new affordable homes at Site D and two show homes on Site C.


31.3    Planning permission for two show homes was granted on 11 March 2015 and these will be the first new build homes to be built at Ockford Ridge. The build contract for the show homes is outside the main contract and below the OJEU threshold.  A two-stage tender process was used to procure a medium-sized build contractor to build the show homes. Two tender submissions were received at the end of March 2015 and evaluated against the agreed criteria.


31.4    The current approved budget position for Ockford Ridge is set out in the table below and the budget estimate for the development of the two show houses is set out in (Exempt) Annexe 9.




Approved budget



Indicative budget



Indicative budget


Pre-development costs




Site D




Site A-C





Middlefield, Farnham


31.5    In February 2015, planning permission was granted for the redevelopment of the parking area at Middlefield, Farnham to provide four affordable homes for rent to meet local housing need. The approved layouts of the site and elevation drawings are shown in Annexe 10.  Pre-development services have been provided by Lawson Queay in the role of Employers Agent (EA) who has been working at risk on this project.


31.6    Progress to appoint a build contractor has been slower than anticipated because the first request for expressions of interest in April 2015 resulted in only two returns. The approach has been reviewed and a tender pack has now been issued on 12 June 2015 in full through the Council’s procurement system. Local medium-sized build contractors have been contacted directly to inform them of this opportunity. The deadline for the return of the tender is 17 July 2015.


31.7    Lawson Queay has produced cost estimates for the scheme, including indicative build costs and contingency, set out in the (Exempt) Annexe. The anticipated build programme is 10 months, split over the next two years. There is an approved budget of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Members' Allowances Scheme

As part of a recent audit into members expenses, it was agreed that the next revision of the Members’ Allowances Scheme should be considered in conjunction with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, as there was an area identified that should be included in the WBC scheme, namely Section 8(2) relating to when a member could be suspended.


The scheme is only usually updated annually to increase the level of allowances in line with any pay award made to staff and the next full review of the Scheme by the Independent Remuneration Panel is not due until 2017.  However, as the amendment to the scheme is for administrative purposes and to be consistent with the regulations, the Executive is asked to agree the following additional wording to be added to the scheme, as a new paragraph 8 (7):-


            “Where a councillor is suspended or partially suspended from their responsibilities or duties as a member of the authority, any travelling and subsistence allowance payable to the councillor in respect of the responsibilities or duties from which they are suspended or partially suspended may be withheld by the authority”.




It is recommended to the Council that the new paragraph 8 (7), detailed above, be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the new paragraph 8 (7) below, be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16:-


“Where a councillor is suspended or partially suspended from their responsibilities or duties as a member of the authority, any travelling and subsistence allowance payable to the councillor in respect of the responsibilities or duties from which they are suspended or partially suspended may be withheld by the authority”.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to revise the Members’ Allowances Scheme to ensure it is in line with the regulations].



32.1    As part of a recent audit into members’ expenses, it was agreed that the next revision of the Members’ Allowances Scheme should be considered in conjunction with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, as there was an area identified that should be included in the WBC scheme, namely Section 8(2) relating to when a member could be suspended.


32.2    The scheme is only usually updated annually to increase the level of allowances in line with any pay award made to staff and the next full review of the Scheme by the Independent Remuneration Panel is not due until 2017. However, as the amendment to the scheme is for administrative purposes and to be consistent with the regulations, the Executive




19.       the following additional wording be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16, as a new paragraph 8 (7):-


                        “Where a councillor is suspended or partially suspended from their responsibilities or duties as a member of the authority, any travelling and subsistence allowance payable to the councillor in respect of the responsibilities or duties from which they are suspended or partially suspended may be withheld by the authority”.


[Reason: to revise the Members’ Allowances Scheme to ensure it is in line with the regulations].



The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Forward Programme - July 2015 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To adopt the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


The Executive adopted the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley.


RESOLVED that the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley be adopted.


Budget Management - May 2015 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

The report provides a review of service delivery progress against the 2015/16 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account. 




It is recommended that the Executive notes the report.



The Executive noted the budget management report.




[Reason: to provide a review of service delivery of progress against the 2015/16 budget]


RESOLVED  that the budget management report be noted.


[Reason: to provide a review of service delivery of progress against the 2015/16 budget]


Treasury Management Activity: 2014/15 Outturn and 2015/16 Year to Date pdf icon PDF 153 KB

The purpose of the report is to summarise Waverley’s Treasury Management activities during 2014/2015 and to advise of the Treasury Management activities in 2015/16 to date.




That the Executive notes the treasury management activity and investment performance in 2014/15 and notes and endorses treasury management activity and investment performance in 2015/16.


Additional documents:


The Executive has noted the treasury management activity and investment performance in 2014/15 and notes and endorses treasury management activity and investment performance in 2015/16.




[Reason: to summarise and advise of Waverley’s Treasury Management activity]



RESOLVED  that the treasury management activity and investment performance in 2014/15 be noted and the treasury management activity and investment performance in 2015/16 be noted and endorsed.


[Reason: to summarise and advise of Waverley’s Treasury Management activity]



Housing Delivery Board Annual Report 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

The report summarises the work undertaken by the Housing Delivery Board in 2014/15. The Terms of Reference require that an annual report be presented to the Executive every year. 




It is recommended that the work carried out by the Housing Delivery Board in 2014/15 be endorsed.



The Executive has endorsed the work carried out by the Housing Delivery Board in 2014/15.




[Reason: to summarise the work undertaken by the Housing Delivery Board over the last year].


RESOLVED  that the work carried out by the Housing Delivery Board in 2014/15 be endorsed.


[Reason: to summarise the work undertaken by the Housing Delivery Board over the last year].


Approval to submit planning applications: Land Adjacent to 75 Sherrydon, Cranleigh and Garage Site at Binhams Lea, Dunsfold pdf icon PDF 602 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval for the submission of a planning application for the development of the parking area adjacent to 75 Sherrydon, Cranleigh to provide two 2 bedroom affordable homes for rent and for the demolition of 14 garages and redevelopment of garage area adjacent to the Fire Station at Binhams Lea, Dunsfold to provide two 2 bedroom affordable homes for rent.




The Executive is recommended to approve


1.         the submission of planning applications for the development of the part of parking area at Sherrydon, Cranleigh and the garage area at Binhams Lea, Dunsfold to provide affordable housing to meet local housing need; and


2.         a budget allocation of £15,000 for professional fees for the site in Cranleigh and £15,000 for professional fees for the site in Dunsfold, to be brought forward from the indicative 2016-17 budgets for these schemes.



The Executive has given approval to


1.         the submission of planning applications for the development of the part of parking area at Sherrydon, Cranleigh and the garage area at Binhams Lea, Dunsfold to provide affordable housing to meet local housing need; and


2.         a budget allocation of £15,000 for professional fees for the site in Cranleigh and £15,000 for professional fees for the site in Dunsfold, to be brought forward from the indicative 2016-17 budgets for these schemes.




[Reason: to seek approval to submit planning applications]





1.         planning applications be submitted for the development of the part of parking area at Sherrydon, Cranleigh and the garage area at Binhams Lea, Dunsfold to provide affordable housing to meet local housing need; and


2.         a budget allocation of £15,000 for professional fees for the site in Cranleigh and £15,000 for professional fees for the site in Dunsfold be approved, to be brought forward from the indicative 2016-17 budgets for these schemes.


[Reason: to seek approval to submit planning applications]



Redevelopment of 8 Elmbridge Cottages: Approval to submit planning application pdf icon PDF 2 MB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval for the submission of a planning application for the alteration of a property within our current housing stock at 8 Elmbridge Cottages, Cranleigh, to alter the internal layout and build an extension to convert a three bedroom house to 2 two bedroom maisonettes to meet local housing need.




The Executive is recommended to approve:


1.         the submission of a planning application for the redevelopment 8 Elmbridge Cottages, Cranleigh to provide 2 x 2 bedroom affordable homes to meet housing need; and


2.         an additional budget allocation of £15,000 for pre-development costs.



The Executive has agreed to:


1.         the submission of a planning application for the redevelopment 8 Elmbridge Cottages, Cranleigh to provide 2 x 2 bedroom affordable homes to meet housing need; and


2.         an additional budget allocation of £15,000 for pre-development costs.




[Reason: to seek approval to submit a planning application]




1.         a planning application be submitted for the redevelopment 8 Elmbridge Cottages, Cranleigh to provide 2 x 2 bedroom affordable homes to meet housing need; and


2.         an additional budget allocation of £15,000 for pre-development costs be approved.


[Reason: to seek approval to submit a planning application]


Draft Shopfront Design Guide: Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 29 KB

The purpose of the report is to gain authorisation to undertake a formal public consultation on the draft Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  The long term objective is that the Shopfront Design Guide SPD will be adopted and become a material consideration and used in the determination of relevant applications for planning permission and listed building consent. It will also be relevant to the consideration of applications for advertisement consent.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the draft Shopfront Design Guide SPD for the purposes of public consultation.


Additional documents:


The Executive has approved the draft Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the purposes of public consultation.




[Reason: to gain authorisation to undertake a formal consultation on the draft SPD]


RESOLVED  that the draft Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be approved for the purposes of public consultation.


[Reason: to gain authorisation to undertake a formal consultation on the draft SPD]


Health and Safety Policy pdf icon PDF 21 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval of the revised Health and Safety Policy that has been produced to enable the Council to fully meet its Health and Safety responsibilities.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the new Health and Safety Policy.

Additional documents:


The Executive has approved the new Health and Safety Policy.




[Reason: to seek approval for the revised Health and Safety Policy]


RESOLVED  that the new Health and Safety Policy be approved.


[Reason: to seek approval for the revised Health and Safety Policy]


New HR Policies: Social Media and Politically Restricted Posts pdf icon PDF 250 KB

The purpose of the report is to ask the Executive to approve the new Social Media and Politically Restricted Posts policies.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the Social Media and Politically Restricted Posts policies.



The Executive has approved the Social Media and Politically Restricted Posts policies.




[Reason: to seek approval for the new HR policies].


RESOLVED  that the Social Media and Politically Restricted Posts policies be approved.


[Reason: to seek approval for the new HR policies].


Appointment of Special Interest Groups 2015/16 (including Weydon Lane) pdf icon PDF 138 KB

At the commencement of each Council year, the Executive is invited to consider whether it wishes to establish or re-convene any Special Interest Groups.  Attached is a proposal to establish a Weydon Lane Special Interest Group in 2015/16, already agreed in principle by the Executive in 2014/15.  There are currently no other SIGs required but Portfolio Holders can bring forward proposals for any future SIGs as and when necessary.




It is recommended that the Executive endorses the proposed Terms of Reference and agrees that membership of the Weydon Lane SIG be decided by the Portfolio Holder for the Environment in liaison with the Chairman of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



The Executive has endorsed the proposed Terms of Reference for the Weydon Lane SIG and has agreed that membership of the SIG be decided by the Portfolio Holder for the Environment in liaison with the Chairman of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


[This item has already been considered at the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and is not subject to call-in]


[Reason: to agree the Terms of Reference and Membership of Special Interest Groups].



RESOLVED  that the proposed Terms of Reference for the Weydon Lane SIG be endorsed and the membership of the SIG be decided by the Portfolio Holder for the Environment in liaison with the Chairman of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


[Reason: to agree the Terms of Reference and Membership of Special Interest Groups].



Community Covenant pdf icon PDF 52 KB

In November 2014, the Surrey Civilian Military Partnership Board held a conference to understand the current pressures affecting current and ex-service personnel living or working in Surrey. The conference also looked at what is currently being done and what more could be done.


Following the conference, Waverley’s Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee asked for an update on the Community Covenant, which was signed by Waverley on 31 October 2012, and considers issues arising from a Surrey wide conference examining the effectiveness of the Covenant. The Committee considered the proposed actions and now recommends their approval, in part or in their entirety, to the Executive.




That the Executive:


i)             notes the observations and endorsements of the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee;

ii)            appoints a Member as ‘Waverley Champion’ for the Armed Forces;

iii)           asks the Corporate Policy Manager to pursue the actions recommended in Table 2, and to report back to the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee in 12 months.



The Executive has


1.         noted the observations and endorsements of the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee and agreed to appoint Cllr Maurice Byham as ‘Waverley Champion’ for the Armed Forces; and


2.         agreed to ask the Corporate Policy Manager to pursue the actions recommended in Table 2, and to report back to the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee in 12 months.


[This item has already been considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


[Reason: to receive a report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and give consideration to its recommendations]




1.         the observations and endorsements of the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and Cllr Maurice Byham be appointed as the ‘Waverley Champion’ for the Armed Forces; and


2.         the Corporate Policy Manager be asked to pursue the actions recommended in Table 2 of the report, and to report back to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 12 months.


[Reason: to receive a report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and give consideration to its recommendations]


Responsive Repairs In-depth Review: Final Report pdf icon PDF 132 KB

In September 2014, the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee agreed the terms of reference for an in-depth scrutiny review of Waverley’s Responsive Repairs Service, and asked the Housing Improvement Sub-Committee to undertake the review.  The Housing Improvement Sub-Committee’s report, including recommendations for making improvements in the services is attached as Annexe 1 to the report.




It is recommended that the Executive


1.         receives the final report of the in-depth review into responsive repairs and thanks the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its work on the review;


2.         gives approval to the Joint Action Plan, as set out at Annexe 2; and


3.         asks officers to monitor progress of the action plan and report back to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in six months time.

Additional documents:


The Executive has received the final report of the in-depth review into responsive repairs and thanked the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its work on the review and has


1.         given approval to the Joint Action Plan, as set out at Annexe 2 to the report; and


2.         asked officers to monitor progress of the action plan and report back to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in six months time.


[This item has already been considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


[Reason: to receive the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and consider its recommendations]



The Executive received the final report of the in-depth review into responsive repairs and thanked the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its work on the review.  It was then




1.         the Joint Action Plan, as set out at Annexe 2 to the report, be approved; and


2.         officers be asked to monitor progress of the action plan and report back to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in six months time.


[Reason: to receive the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and consider its recommendations]



Proposals for the Development of Services and Accommodation for Older People pdf icon PDF 128 KB

The report presents proposals to carry out a comprehensive programme of consultation for staff and tenants regarding the need to remodel the present sheltered housing service whilst addressing reductions in Supporting People funding.




It is recommended that the Executive gives approval to officers commencing a formal consultation process with staff and tenants in the sheltered housing service, based on the proposals contained in this report and reports back to the next meeting of the Executive with final recommendations.


Additional documents:


The Executive has given approval to officers commencing a formal consultation process with staff and tenants in the sheltered housing service, based on the proposals contained in the report and asked them to report back to the next meeting of the Executive with final recommendations.




[Reason: to consider proposals to carry out a comprehensive consultation with staff and tenants regarding the sheltered housing service].



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).]


RESOLVED  that officers commence a formal consultation process with staff and tenants in the sheltered housing service, based on the proposals contained in the report, and report back to the next meeting of the Executive with final recommendations.


[Reason: to consider proposals to carry out a comprehensive consultation with staff and tenants regarding the sheltered housing service].



Property Matters pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To consider a number of property-related issues in the borough outlined in the report.




It is recommended that:


1.         with regard to the surrender and renewal of the lease to Farnham Cricket Club, Farnham Park:


·         Waverley grants a lease of the land shown outlined on the plan at Annexe 1 to Farnham Cricket Club for 50 years, on terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, and with other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Estates and Valuation Manager; and

·         the virement proposed in the (Exempt) Annexe be agreed; and


2.         Waverley accepts the early surrender of the lease of 4 Hillcroft, Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, enters into a 10 year lease of 3 and 4 Hillcroft, Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, with terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed that


1.         with regard to the surrender and renewal of the lease to Farnham Cricket Club, Farnham Park:


·         Waverley grants a lease of the land shown outlined on the plan at Annexe 1 to Farnham Cricket Club for 50 years, on terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, and with other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Estates and Valuation Manager; and

·         the virement proposed in the (Exempt) Annexe be agreed; and


2.         Waverley accepts the early surrender of the lease of 4 Hillcroft, Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, enters into a 10 year lease of 3 and 4 Hillcroft, Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, with terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.




[Reason: to consider a number of property-related issues in the Borough]



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]




1.         with regard to the surrender and renewal of the lease to Farnham Cricket Club, Farnham Park:


·         Waverley grants a lease of the land shown outlined on the plan at Annexe 1 to Farnham Cricket Club for 50 years, on terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, and with other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Estates and Valuation Manager; and

·         the virement proposed in the (Exempt) Annexe be agreed; and


2.         Waverley accepts the early surrender of the lease of 4 Hillcroft, Shepherds Hill, Haslemere and enters into a 10 year lease of 3 and 4 Hillcroft, Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, with terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


[Reason: to consider a number of property-related issues in the Borough]




To note the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting.  The Register of Decisions will be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting:


i.          Windows 2003


            To authorise the use of £10,000 from the unallocated capital fund for the additional work involved in the Windows 2003 Server replacement.


ii.         Extension of Free Parking Trial


            To authorise an extension of the ‘free Wednesday’ parking trial until the end of July 2015, on the same basis as previously agreed, at a cost of approximately £6,000 to be met from additional income to the car parking budget.




The Executive noted the actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting.


The Executive noted the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting:


i.          Windows 2003


            To authorise the use of £10,000 from the unallocated capital fund for the additional work involved in the Windows 2003 Server replacement.


ii.         Extension of Free Parking Trial


            To authorise an extension of the ‘free Wednesday’ parking trial until the end of July 2015, on the same basis as previously agreed, at a cost of approximately £6,000 to be met from additional income to the car parking budget.





To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 7.30 pm it was


RESOLVED  that pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during the item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                                    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Having declared an interest, Cllr Kevin Deanus withdrew from the meeting at this point, prior to consideration of the following item.




To consider the (Exempt) report attached.


The Executive has agreed the recommendations as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin.




1.         a planning application be submitted for the development of the land at Chilton Close, Alfold to provide affordable housing to meet housing need; and


2.         a budget allocation of £20,000 be agreed for pre-development costs, to be met from the new affordable homes capital programme budget.