Agenda item

Waverley Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020

Waverley adopted a Carbon Management Plan 2010-2015 (CMP) in 2010 and committed to reducing energy consumption and cost through energy efficiency projects. It has proven to be a very useful vehicle to engage with services across the Council and identify opportunities. By the end of March 2014, Waverley managed to reduce energy consumption by 14.5% against 2008 figures, which represents approximately a cost avoidance of £680,000 over the same period. Despite energy price increases and enhancement of our services we have managed to maintain energy expenditure below 2008 levels. The period of the CMP concluded in March 2015 and the report addresses a succession plan.


The report recommends the adoption of the attached Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 that will set the scene for the next five years.  The plan proposes a reduction target in Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 3% year on year that will be reviewed annually by the Energy Efficiency Board.




It is recommended to the Council that the Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 be approved and adopted.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 be approved and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to recommend the adoption of an energy efficiency plan to replace the Carbon Management Plan]



26.1    Waverley adopted a Carbon Management Plan 2010-2015 (CMP) in 2010 and committed to reducing energy consumption and cost through energy efficiency projects. It has proven to be a very useful vehicle to engage with services across the Council.  It pulled together many of the activities already taking place across the services and provided the framework for assessing future projects in terms of both their financial savings and carbon dioxide (CO2).


26.2    During the period of the CMP, between 2008 and 2014, it is estimated that the cost avoidance, from reduced energy bills throughout Council buildings, was approximately £680k. Despite energy price increases and significant enhancement of services we have managed to maintain energy expenditure below 2008 levels.


26.3    The Government has required Local Authorities to monitor and publish greenhouse gas[1] (GHG) emissions from their operations since 2008. This reporting mechanism aims to reduce energy and assist with delivering national legislation.  It also recognises the important role of Councils to set an example to local communities.


26.4    In the form of an Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 (EEP), attached in Annexe 4, Waverley will continue exploring opportunities to make efficiency savings by reducing energy consumption from our buildings. The EEP will follow the format and process that was adopted for the CMP. It will aim to reduce GHG emissions, resulting from energy consumption, by 3% year on year. This target will lie alongside Waverley’s support for invest-to-save projects that aim for any investment to payback in 5 years or less. The target will be reviewed annually to coincide with the Council’s responsibility to report on GHG emissions to Government every year.


26.5    A number of projects have already been approved for implementation and a number of others are being examined for feasibility and viability, using the experience of successful projects to date. Some of these are outlined within the attached Plan. When opportunities arise, energy efficiency proposals will always be explored.


26.6    An Energy Efficiency Board will be formed and will have a strategic role in overseeing the progress of the plan. The relevant Heads of Service and portfolio holders will be responsible for project identification and delivery.


26.7    It remains important to encourage energy and cost savings at a time of significant financial strain for the Council. At the same time national legislation requires councils to promote effective management of energy use and carbon emissions. It is therefore prudent to consider a succession strategy in the form of an Energy Efficiency Plan that will maintain emphasis on identifying opportunities to reduce energy cost as well as satisfy Government requirements to reduce GHG emissions.


26.8    A report will be presented to the Executive on 1 September 2015 on Waverley’s annual GHG emissions for 2014-15 as required by Government. Within that report there will be a summary review of GHG emission reductions at the end of the superseded CMP period from April 2008 to March 2015.


26.9    The Executive




6.         the Energy Efficiency Plan 2015-2020 be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to recommend the adoption of an energy efficiency plan to replace the Carbon Management Plan]


[1] This includes carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous dioxide (N2O).

Supporting documents: