Agenda and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 6th February, 2018 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 November 2017 (to be left on the table for half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 November 2017 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew Bolton.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Cllrs Jim Edwards and Ged Hall declared general non-pecuniary interests as members of Haslemere Town Council.


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Medium Term Financial Plan 2018/19 - 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

The report outlines the latest General Fund Budget position for 2018/19.  Members are reminded of the need to achieve savings throughout the three-year period covered by the Medium Term Financial Plan.  Information is provided on the details of the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2018/19 and the Council’s financial position following this.


Each Overview and Scrutiny Committee was requested, in the light of the significant budget shortfall in the medium term, to consider all of the proposals identified in this report and their observations are set out in the report.




It is recommended that the Executive, after considering comments from the four Overview and Scrutiny Committees, makes the following recommendations to Council, to:


1.            agree a 2.99% increase in Waverley’s element of Council Tax for 2018/2019;


2.            Waverley’s council tax premium for long term empty properties be increased to 100% at the earliest opportunity;


3.            agree to make no change to the Council’s existing Council tax support scheme;


4.            implement the income and cost saving proposals as shown at Annexe 2, including any staffing changes;


5.            implement the growth proposals as shown at Annexe 2, including any staffing changes;


6.            approve the changes to Fees and Charges as shown at Annexe 3;


7.            approve the delegation for agreeing Building Control fees to the Strategic Director/Chief Finance Officer and Portfolio Holder for Planning;


8.            approve the General Fund Budget for 2018/19, incorporating the above changes and the staff pay award;


9.            agree that the Executive carries out a review of the Medium Term Financial Plan and General Fund Budget in the Summer 2018 and takes any appropriate action in the light of the position at that time;


10.         approve the 2018/19 General Fund Capital Programme and financing proposals as shown at Annexe 5; and


11.         agree that the budgets for capital schemes marked with an asterisk on the schedules be approved, but spending on these projects to be subject to the agreement of the Strategic Director (S.151 Officer) and Finance Portfolio Holder or the Executive, if appropriate.


Additional documents:


The reports from the Executive in respect of the 2018/19 budget are set out at Agenda Item 9 to the Council agenda, incorporating:-


9a.       General Fund Budget Revenue and Capital – 2018/19


9b.       Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2018/19


9c.       Council Tax Setting 2018/19.


These reports have been dealt with at Agenda Item 9 of the Council agenda.


Treasury Management Framework 2018/2019 pdf icon PDF 56 KB

The Council is required to approve the annual Treasury Management Framework for the following financial year. The framework must comply with the Code of Practice on Treasury Management (the Code) produced by CIPFA, however, the 2018/19 code has not yet been finalised and is awaiting policy changes from Government. Following a review by officers, it is recommended that Council extends the validity of the 2017/18 framework until an updated framework is presented to April 2018 Council.




It is recommended that the Executive recommends to the Council that the approved Treasury Management Framework for 2017/18 be extended until the Council meeting in April 2018.


93.1    The Treasury Management Framework for 2017/18 was approved at February 2017 Council. Treasury management is the management of the Council’s investments and cash flows, its banking, money market and capital market transactions, the effective control of the risks associated with those activities and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.


93.2    For Waverley Borough Council this means collecting around £130m per annum and managing a similar amount of revenue expenditure together with an average investment of around £65m each day invested in financial markets and, with the introduction of HRA Self-financing in 2012/13, it now also includes borrowing of £192m and in future this could also include borrowing to support commercial investment.


93.3    The current version of the code (last updated in November 2011) incorporates the implications of HRA Self-Financing and requirements for the management of risk. The 2018 revised code is expected to require inclusion of information regarding the Council’s high level policies for borrowing and commercial investments held for financial return.


93.4    The CIPFA code requires local authorities to maintain their Treasury Management Policy in accordance with the code, and any of its revisions, and with legislation. It also requires local authorities to determine their Treasury Management strategies, Investment strategies and their Prudential Indicators on an annual basis. 


93.5    During 2017 CIPFA undertook to revise the code through a series of consultations and have delayed the publication of the revised code pending the outcome of the Government’s consultation which ended in December 2017 on proposed changes to the prudential framework of capital finance, which includes the Local Authorities Investment Code and MRP Guidance. Publication of the revised code is expected imminently but not in time for the Council to incorporate into its Treasury Management Framework at the February Council meeting.


93.6    The Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan includes significant planned investment in commercial property through the recently set up Investment Board which is developing the Property Investment Strategy in conjunction with the Value for Money Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Council also has ambitions to maximise development of affordable housing within its Housing Business Plan. Professional treasury management advice is currently being obtained to enable the Council to develop a long term strategic financing plan to maximise and optimise financial resources on both General Fund and HRA accounts, including potential debt restructuring, use of cash reserves and borrowing whilst remaining legal and managing risk exposure.


93.7    The Council is requested to extend the adoption of the 2017/18 Treasury Management Framework until the April Council meeting where it will be requested to adopt a revised framework incorporating the revised CIPFA code, and supported by specialist treasury management advice alongside the Property Investment strategy.  The Executive accordingly


            RECOMMENDS that


28.       the approved Treasury Management Framework for 2017/18 be extended until the Council meeting in April 2018.


[Reason: to agree an extension of the current treasury management framework awaiting policy changes from Government]



Annual Pay Policy Statement pdf icon PDF 48 KB

The purpose of the report is to advise members of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19.




It is recommended that the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2018-19 be approved and recommended to the Council for adoption.

Additional documents:


94.1    The Localism Act 2011 requires all public authorities to publish Annual Pay Policy Statements.           


94.2    The Council is required to adopt the Annual Pay Policy Statement each year and the Council is not legally permitted to depart from the policies set out in that statement when it considers actual decisions in relation to individuals’ remuneration, including redundancy and/or severance.


94.3    The Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2018-19 at Annexe 1 has been updated in line with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, resulting in minimal adjustment from last year and the amendments are shown as tracked changes. The Executive




29.       the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2018-19 be approved and adopted.


[Reason: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 which requires all public authorities to publish Annual Pay Policy Statements]


Funding for Voluntary Sector Organisations 2018/2019 - Service Level Agreements 2018-2021 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

The Council currently operates a Service Level Agreement funding arrangement with 12 voluntary sector organisations.  All Agreements expire on 31 March 2018 and organisations will sign new three year Agreements for 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021.  The purpose of this report is to consider the proposed levels of Service Level Agreement funding to the voluntary sector organisations, taking into account the observations made by the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Sub-Group.  


The report proposes to continue to protect the Council’s overall level of discretionary funding allocated at £687,105 to the voluntary sector despite significant reductions in Waverley’s government funding.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            confirms the overall funding to the voluntary sector at £687,105 for 2018/19; 


2.            considers the proposed allocations for the Service Level Agreements for 2018/19-2021, having regard to the comments of the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Sub-Group; and


3.         recommends funding levels for each organisation, as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report, to the Council for approval.

Additional documents:


[Cllr David Round was in attendance and spoke on this item]


95.1    The Council has a strong commitment to working with and funding voluntary sector organisations to deliver services to residents.  It is pleased to have maintained its overall budget at the same level since 2012/13, despite having to make significant savings on other services.  The Council will look to protect funding to the voluntary sector, which supports many of our most vulnerable residents, if at all possible.


95.2    The Council has previously funded voluntary organisations in three ways:  through SLAs, the Waverley Community Partnership annual grant scheme and the Waverley Voluntary Commissioning Partnership in partnership with Surrey County Council Adult Social Care.


95.3    Following the work of a Grants Review Special Interest Group held in 2011, seven organisations signed three year SLAs as a pilot for this new way of working.  In 2015/16 the Council made the decision to move an additional 4 organisations across from the annual grant scheme to three year SLAs and a further 5 organisations to one year Agreements in 2017/18.  This means that all SLAs expire on 31 March 2018.  Due to this, the Waverley Community Partnership annual grant scheme was suspended for 2017/18 to determine its future.  This meant that the Council’s primary way of funding voluntary organisations would be SLAs to enable it to closely align funded activities with agreed priorities, deliver more effective partnership working and better outcomes for local communities. 


Financial Implications


95.4    The Council’s total proposed funding allocated to community organisations in 2018/19 is £687,105 showing the Council’s continued commitment to its partnerships with voluntary organisations.  This overall budget has been maintained at a similar level over the past 5 years, despite the Council’s significant reductions in its government grant.  Waverley has continued to receive a cut in its Government Grant in the current year, 2017/18, which reduces to zero in 2018/19.  The financial projection in the latest approved medium term financial plan shows a budget shortfall of £2.8m over the next 3 years.  Proposals to close the budget gap in 2018/19 are currently being considered by Members but there is still a significant shortfall to address in future years.  At this stage however, there are no proposals to reduce the overall funding to the voluntary sector. 


Summary of funding proposed for 2018-2021 


95.5    The Agreements will detail this level of funding per annum for the three-year period of the Agreement; however, individual amounts will be subject to annual review and Council approval in February each year as part of the budget setting process:



Annual funding proposed (for each of the next 3 years 2018-2021)

Actual funding for 2017/18

Waverley Voluntary Commissioning Partnership



Service Level Agreements



Total funding



*The Orchard Club saw a reduction of £20,000 in their funding in 2017/18 due to changes in the way they deliver their services under the SLA.


95.6    In addition to the above funding, the Council supports these and additional organisations in many other ways including  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95.


Waverley Borough Council Prevent Strategy pdf icon PDF 61 KB

The report proposes the adoption of a new Prevent Policy, in line with the recently adopted Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk.  The Policy summarises the Council’s Prevent responsibilities and provides an overview on the delivery of Prevent in Waverley and Surrey.




It is recommended that the proposed Prevent Policy and Implementation Plan be approved and adopted.

Additional documents:


96.1    Prevent is one of four objectives which make up the government’s Strategy for countering terrorism, CONTEST, with the others being Pursue, Protect, and Prepare. Prevent is unique in that it is the only element of CONTEST that takes place in the pre-criminal space, prior to any illegal activity taking place. Prevent is also predominantly a safeguarding mechanism, in recognition that radicalisation of vulnerable individuals is comparable to the other forms of harm and abuse considered by the Council’s Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk.


96.2    The Prevent Strategy published by the government in 2011 has three key objectives:


·         To respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat faced from those who promote it.

·         To prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, and ensure that they are given the appropriate advice and support.

·         To work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which need to be addressed.


96.3    The Prevent duty applies to Waverley Borough Council and other agencies working with vulnerable adults, children and young people, where the work is being carried out on behalf of the Council. The Prevent Implementation Plan (included as an annex within the Prevent Policy) outlines the Council’s Prevent duties and lead officers responsible for ensuring that these actions are carried out.  


96.4    Prior to the 2015 Act, responsibility for Prevent and its delivery largely sat with the Police. In line with the requirements of the 2015 Act, the lead responsibility for Prevent shifted from Surrey Police to Surrey County Council. As the lead agency for Prevent in Surrey, Surrey County Council is responsible for proposing procedures and governance for Surrey’s Prevent Strategy. This includes the Channel process, and using multi-agency structures, to co-ordinate Prevent activity across Surrey to develop a joint understanding of threats, vulnerabilities and risks outlined in the Counter Terrorism Local Plan (CTLP). The Chief Executive at Waverley Borough Council receives a Waverley CTLP annually, which is incorporated into the Council’s Implementation Plan for Prevent.


96.5    The Prevent Policy sets out how the Council will meet its obligations to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.  It applies to staff, agency workers, volunteers, and contractors employed by the Council.  It is also applicable to Councillors undertaking official duties on behalf of the Council.  The policy complements and supports the Waverley Borough Council Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk.


96.6    It is vital for successful safeguarding that the procedures in this Policy are understood and applied consistently at an individual, managerial and organisational level.  The essential elements of the Policy are awareness of the Council’s responsibilities for Prevent and how to make a referral should a concern be raised.  Once the Policy is adopted there will be awareness training for all staff, including how to make a referral if there is a concern.


96.7    At its meeting on 23 January 2018, the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee welcomed the Strategy, attached at Annexe 4, and endorsed its adoption to the Executive. Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 96.


Review of Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 422 KB

The Standards Panel on 29 January 2018 is receiving a revised Scheme of Delegation picking up issues that have arisen in the first eight months of operation of the new Scheme.  In accordance with the Council’s constitution, the Standards Panel is required to comment on the changes in advance of them being considered by the Executive and Council.  The Scheme of Delegation will follow, with amendments shown as tracked changes.




It is recommended to the Council that the revised Scheme of Delegation be approved and adopted.


97.1    The Standards Panel, at its meeting on 29 January 2018, reviewed the Scheme of Delegation and further amendments proposed which had been identified in the first eight months of operation of the scheme. 


97.2    The Panel discussed feedback from members about the process for being able to call-in planning applications for consideration by a Planning Committee and revised wording is set out below in respect of this.  This wording also incorporates the provisions which are already set out in the Constitution relating to those applications which will be determined by a Joint Planning Committee - and the Standards Panel agreed that this provision should be replicated in both documents for clarity.


97.3    The proposed changes are shown as tracked changes in Annexe 5.  The Executive now


            RECOMMENDS that


32.       the revised Scheme of Delegation at Annexe 5 be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to keep the Scheme of Delegation under regular review and make changes as necessary]



The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Budget Management Report pdf icon PDF 80 KB

This report provides a review of the 2017/18 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account against the forecast to 31 March 2018, based on the latest information available.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            notes the latest position against the budget in 2017/18;


2.            agrees that delegated authority be given to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Finance to agree the Government’s required Memorandum of Understanding in order for the business rate pilot to progress, as detailed in paragraph 18;


3.            approves the rescheduling of £16,000 for the Lammas lands HLS project into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 22;


4.            approves the rescheduling of £83,000 for Farnham Museum into 2018/19 as detailed in paragraph 24;


5.            approves the rescheduling of £270,000 for external refurbishment works on the Ockford Ridge Phase 2 into 2018/19 for the refurbishment on Ockford Ridge Phase 3, as detailed in paragraph 36;


6.            approves the rescheduling of £420,000 for works on the community rooms into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 37;


7.            approves the rescheduling of £200,000 for utility works on Ockford Ridge into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 42;


8.            approves the rescheduling of £100,000 for the demolition works on Ockford Ridge Site A into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 43; and


9.            approves the rescheduling of £50,000 for Ockford Ridge Site C to 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 44.





1.            the latest position against the budget in 2017/18 be noted;


2.            delegated authority be given to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Finance to agree the Government’s required Memorandum of Understanding in order for the business rate pilot to progress, as detailed in paragraph 18;


3.            the rescheduling of £16,000 for the Lammas lands HLS project into 2018/19 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 22;


4.            the rescheduling of £83,000 for Farnham Museum into 2018/19 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 24;


5.            the rescheduling of £270,000 for external refurbishment works on the Ockford Ridge Phase 2 into 2018/19 for the refurbishment on Ockford Ridge Phase 3 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 36;


6.            the rescheduling of £420,000 for works on the community rooms into 2018/19 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 37;


7.            the rescheduling of £200,000 for utility works on Ockford Ridge into 2018/19 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 42;


8.            the rescheduling of £100,000 for the demolition works on Ockford Ridge Site A into 2018/19 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 43; and


9.            the rescheduling of £50,000 for Ockford Ridge Site C to 2018/19 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 44.

 [Reason: to review the budget and make any variations as necessary]




Performance Management Report Q2 2017/18 (July - September 2017) pdf icon PDF 139 KB

The report provides an analysis of the Council’s performance in the second quarter of 2017/18 in service areas of Finance, Strategic HR, Complaints, Community Services, Planning, Environmental Health and Housing. Annexe 1 to the report details performance against key indicators, with year on year trend analysis.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            considers the performance figures for Quarter 2 and agrees any observations or recommendations about performance and progress towards targets;


2.            approves the changes highlighted in this report to the complaints indicators on adopting the new Complaints Handling Policy;


3.            endorses the change of target for the indicator CS2 (the number of visits to Farnham Leisure Centre);


4.            agrees a review of Leisure Centre indicators;


5.            approves the change to the target of the E4 (missed bins) indicator from 26 to 50; and


6.            endorses inclusion of a new Housing indicator to measure Rent Arears starting from Q1 2018/17.


Additional documents:


The Executive considered the performance figures for Quarter 2, taking into account the observations and recommendations about performance and progress towards targets from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and




1.         the changes highlighted in the report to the complaints indicators on adopting the new Complaints Handling Policy be approved;


2.         a review of Leisure Centre indicators be agreed;


3.         the change to the target of the E4 (missed bins) indicator from 26 to 40 be approved; and


4.         inclusion of a new Housing indicator to measure rent arrears starting from Q1 2018/19 be endorsed.


[Reason: to review performance against key indicators and make any amendments as necessary]



Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register pdf icon PDF 104 KB

In accordance with the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (‘the Act’), since the 1 January 2016, Waverley has kept a register of individuals and associations who wish to acquire a serviced plot for their own self-build or custom housebuilding project.


The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Regulations 2016 (‘the Regulations’) require Councils to grant sufficient planning permissions to meet the demand for plots shown in their self-build and custom housebuilding registers. In order to ensure that registers provide a realistic indication of local demand, the Regulations enable Councils to control entry by imposing a local connection test, a financial test and also introducing a fee for joining and being on the register.


The report recommends that Members approve the introduction of additional eligibility criteria and fee for entry onto and remaining on the Waverley Borough Council Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register (‘the SB & CH Register’). This report also recommends that members agree to make provision in the Council’s Scheme of Delegation to ensure that the requirements of the Act and its accompanying regulations are met. This will be addressed as part of the review of the Scheme of Delegation which will be presented to the Standards Panel in January 2018.




It is recommended that approval be given to:


1.    the introduction of a local connection test as additional eligibility criteria for being entered on either Part 1 or Part 2 of SB & CH Register;


2.    the introduction of a set charging fee of £25 for applicants wishing to gain entry onto the SB & CH Register; and


3.    the introduction of an annual set fee of £10 to be charged for each base period that the applicant remains on the SB & CH Register with effect from 31 October 2018.





1.    the introduction of a local connection test as additional eligibility criteria for being entered on either Part 1 or Part 2 of the Self-Build & Custom Housebuilding (SB & CH) Register be approved;


2.    the introduction of a set charging fee of £25 for applicants wishing to gain entry onto the SB & CH Register be approved; and


3.    the introduction of an annual set fee of £10 to be charged for each base period that the applicant remains on the SB & CH Register with effect from 31 October 2018.


[Reason: to seek approval for the introduction of additional criteria and fee for entry onto and remaining on the register]



Litter and Dog Fouling Enforcement Proposal pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval to trial the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for littering and dog fouling offences in partnership with East Hants District Council.




It is recommended that the Executive


1.         supports the proposal for a one-year trial of litter and dog fouling enforcement in partnership with East Hants District Council; and


2.         authorises the Head of Environmental Services to enter into an agreement with East Hants District Council;


3.         supports the proposed introduction of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) for dog fouling and other dog related issues; and


4.         agrees to set the level of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and dog fouling at £100 with a discount to £75 for early payment within 14 days.

Additional documents:




1.         the proposal for a one-year trial of litter and dog fouling enforcement in partnership with East Hants District Council be supported;


2.         the Head of Environmental Services be authorised to enter into an agreement with East Hants District Council;


3.         the proposed introduction of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) for dog fouling and other dog related issues be supported; and


4.         the level of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and dog fouling be set at £100 with a discount to £75 for early payment within 14 days.


[Reason: to seek approval to trial the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and dog fouling enforcement in partnership with East Hants District Council]



Weyhill Car Park - Authority to Apply for De-registration of Common Land pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The report seeks authoity to submit an applciation to the Secretary of State to de-register the common land known as Weyhill car park with a view to re-surfacing the car park and implementing charging.




It is recommended that authority be delegated to the Head of Environmental Services to progress the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for the de-registration of the common land at Weyhill in Haslemere.

Additional documents:


[Cllr David Round was in attendance and spoke on this item]


RESOLVED  that authority be delegated to the Head of Environmental Services to progress the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for the de-registration of the common land at Weyhill in Haslemere.


[Reason : to seek authority to submit an application to the Secretary of State to de-register common land]



Waverley Complaints Handling Policy and Review of Complaints received in 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

The report proposes changes to the Council’s complaints handling policy and the introduction of a new two stage complaints procedure with immediate effect.  The report also provides a brief summary of the complaints received by Waverley in 2016/17 and the Council’s performance in responding to those complaints. 




It is recommended that the new complaints handling policy, at Annexe 1, be approved and the statistical information in the report be noted.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED  that the new complaints handling policy, at Annexe 1 to the report, be approved and the statistical information be noted.


[Reason: to agree changes to the complaints handling policy and the introduction of a new two stage complaints procedure]



Transfer of Land and Lease of Store, Gostrey Meadow, Farnham pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Authority is sought to transfer a small area of land of around 10 square metres, as shown hatched red on the plan at Annexe 1, and grant a long lease of the adjoining shelter at Gostrey Meadow, Farnham, as shown outlined in red, to Farnham Town Council.




It is recommended that:


1.            the small area of land at Gostrey Meadow, Farnham, shown hatched red on the plan at Annexe 1,  be transferred to Farnham Town Council for the purposes of constructing a disabled toilet; and


2.            the adjoining shelter be leased to Farnham Town Council for a period of up to 50 years on a full repairing and insuring basis, with any other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


Additional documents:




1.            the small area of land at Gostrey Meadow, Farnham, shown hatched red on the plan at Annexe 1,  be transferred to Farnham Town Council for the purposes of constructing an accessible toilet; and


2.            the adjoining shelter be leased to Farnham Town Council for a period of up to 50 years on a full repairing and insuring basis, with any other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


[Reason: to consider a property-related matter]




To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 8.04pm it was


RESOLVED  that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during the item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                                    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).



To consider the (Exempt) report, To Follow.

Additional documents:


[Cllrs Maurice Byham, Mary Foryszewski, David Hunter, Peter Isherwood and  Nick Williams attended the meeting as members of the Overview and Scrutiny Working Group.  The Leader invited them to speak on the item]


Having discussed this item in (Exempt) session, at 8.23pm the meeting resumed in open session to consider the recommendations.


The Executive considered the conclusions and recommendations of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the procurement approach for the provision of waste, recycling, street cleaning and grounds maintenance services from the end of the current contracts in October 2019, as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe and RESOLVED that:


1.         the high standards of performance achieved under the current contracts for waste recycling, street cleaning and grounds maintenance be noted;


2.         the recommendations in relation to the proposed service design for the services to be delivered from October 2019, as set out in paragraph 1.5 of the Executive Summary in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be endorsed;


3.         the recommended approach to be taken to progress the three options for the procurement of services from October 2019, as set out in paragraph 1.6 of the Executive Summary in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be supported; and


4.         authority be delegated to the Strategic Director and Portfolio Holders for Environment and Finance to identify and action the most advantageous options for Waverley.


[Reason: to present the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Working Group and  agree the next steps]