Agenda item

Waverley Borough Council Prevent Strategy

The report proposes the adoption of a new Prevent Policy, in line with the recently adopted Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk.  The Policy summarises the Council’s Prevent responsibilities and provides an overview on the delivery of Prevent in Waverley and Surrey.




It is recommended that the proposed Prevent Policy and Implementation Plan be approved and adopted.


96.1    Prevent is one of four objectives which make up the government’s Strategy for countering terrorism, CONTEST, with the others being Pursue, Protect, and Prepare. Prevent is unique in that it is the only element of CONTEST that takes place in the pre-criminal space, prior to any illegal activity taking place. Prevent is also predominantly a safeguarding mechanism, in recognition that radicalisation of vulnerable individuals is comparable to the other forms of harm and abuse considered by the Council’s Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk.


96.2    The Prevent Strategy published by the government in 2011 has three key objectives:


·         To respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat faced from those who promote it.

·         To prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, and ensure that they are given the appropriate advice and support.

·         To work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which need to be addressed.


96.3    The Prevent duty applies to Waverley Borough Council and other agencies working with vulnerable adults, children and young people, where the work is being carried out on behalf of the Council. The Prevent Implementation Plan (included as an annex within the Prevent Policy) outlines the Council’s Prevent duties and lead officers responsible for ensuring that these actions are carried out.  


96.4    Prior to the 2015 Act, responsibility for Prevent and its delivery largely sat with the Police. In line with the requirements of the 2015 Act, the lead responsibility for Prevent shifted from Surrey Police to Surrey County Council. As the lead agency for Prevent in Surrey, Surrey County Council is responsible for proposing procedures and governance for Surrey’s Prevent Strategy. This includes the Channel process, and using multi-agency structures, to co-ordinate Prevent activity across Surrey to develop a joint understanding of threats, vulnerabilities and risks outlined in the Counter Terrorism Local Plan (CTLP). The Chief Executive at Waverley Borough Council receives a Waverley CTLP annually, which is incorporated into the Council’s Implementation Plan for Prevent.


96.5    The Prevent Policy sets out how the Council will meet its obligations to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.  It applies to staff, agency workers, volunteers, and contractors employed by the Council.  It is also applicable to Councillors undertaking official duties on behalf of the Council.  The policy complements and supports the Waverley Borough Council Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk.


96.6    It is vital for successful safeguarding that the procedures in this Policy are understood and applied consistently at an individual, managerial and organisational level.  The essential elements of the Policy are awareness of the Council’s responsibilities for Prevent and how to make a referral should a concern be raised.  Once the Policy is adopted there will be awareness training for all staff, including how to make a referral if there is a concern.


96.7    At its meeting on 23 January 2018, the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee welcomed the Strategy, attached at Annexe 4, and endorsed its adoption to the Executive. Members also recommended that training should be organised for all Councillors on Prevent, including how to approach it and what to do in the event they are concerned. The Executive


            RECOMMENDS that


31.       the proposed Prevent Policy and Implementation Plan be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to propose the adoption of a new Prevent Policy, in line with the recently adopted Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk, summarising the Council’s Prevent responsibilities and providing an overview on the delivery of Prevent in Waverley and Surrey.]


Supporting documents: