Agenda and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 September 2014.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 September 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed.



To advise the Executive of any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Tom Martin.


Declarations of Interest

To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.




The Executive received the following questions from members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


i.          from Patrick Haveron


“According to Cllr Paul Spooner, Executive member for Governance at Guildford Borough Council, Waverley have blocked the release of the joint SHMA report with Guildford & Woking, that has been available for several months. Why wasn't this key document used to inform the Local Plan consultation?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning replied as follows:-


            “The reason it has not been published  is that it is not complete. There are a number of technical areas on which Waverley has requested clarification from the consultants.  Also we are still in discussion with our colleagues in Guildford and Woking and we had a meeting with them last week on this very subject.”


ii.         from Stewart Edge of Farnham


“On 19October after the closure of the consultation period on the ‘Potential Housing Scenarios for the Local Plan’ 81% of respondents had voted for ‘Scenario 4’ – Dunsfold 3400 – as their preferred option.  In the light of this overwhelming preference for substantial building at Dunsfold do the Executive / Council plan immediately to establish 5 year housing plans which include building at Dunsfold Aerodrome – without which towns in Waverley will continue to be exposed to current greenfield development proposals which are unnecessary and take no account of local priorities?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning replied:-


“The Council will consider carefully all the comments which have been received as part of the consultation. This will include assessing the potential for Dunsfold Aerodrome to meet housing need.  However it is important that any Plan is supported by the necessary evidence to ensure that it is sound when assessed against the National Planning Policy Framework.   This includes understanding what  infrastructure is required to support new development. In relation to Dunsfold, the Council will need to be convinced that the necessary improvements to the road network can be provided. For information,  Dunsfold will make no or very little contribution to the first 5 years of any Plan and does nothing to address the housing need elsewhere in the Borough.”

iii.        from Ken Reed of Cranleigh


“In Part 1 of the New Local Plan, WBC are expected to allocate some development to Strategic Sites throughout the Borough. As Neighbourhood Plans are not allowed to change the numbers allocated to Strategic Sites, would the Executive please advise what factors will influence the selection of Strategic Sites and the size of those developments it would consider to be Strategic?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning replied as follows:-


“There is no agreed national definition of a strategic site in terms of size.  This is because this will depend on local circumstances.  For the purposes of this Plan, we have estimated that a ‘strategic site’ is one with the potential to deliver at least 100 homes.  This is not a fixed position but by allocating these it will help to ensure that there is  sufficient certainty about the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.

Part I - Recommendations to the Council

Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.




This report provides a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 Budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.  The projection is based on the position to date.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the report and:


1.         approves the virement requests from the additional planning income to cover additional legal fees £15,000 and consultants costs £15,000 within Development Control as detailed in paragraph 2.4; and a dedicated Environmental Health Officer on a two-year fixed-term contract at the appropriate grade at an estimated cost of £10,000 in the current financial year;


2.         approves the Council Tax Support Scheme remaining unchanged for 2015/16 as detailed in 2.6;


3.         approves the allocation of £15,000 from the Provision for Urgent Schemes to provide a new Heating System at the Museum, of Farnham;


4.         approves the allocation of £1,800 from the provision for Urgent Schemes to carry out a Ceiling Inspection at the Borough Hall;


5.         approves a further supplementary estimate of £39,000 to cover the balance of storm damage costs relating to the HRA, to be charged to the HRA working balance as detailed in paragraph 5;


6.         approves the virement of £100,000 from HRA cyclical maintenance budget to HRA responsive repairs budget; and


7.         approves the list of additional properties for decent homes work as detailed in paragraph 4.7 and (Exempt) Annexe 6.


Additional documents:


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                        Information relating to the financial of business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


The Executive considered and noted the budget management report which provided a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account.  The Executive




1.         the virement requests from the additional planning income be approved to cover additional legal fees of £15,000 and consultants costs of £15,000 within Development Control, as detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Agenda report; and a dedicated Environmental Health Officer on a two-year fixed-term contract at the appropriate grade at an estimated cost of £10,000 in the current financial year;


2.         approval be given to the Council Tax Support Scheme remaining unchanged for 2015/16, as detailed in paragraph 2.6 of the Agenda report;


3.         the allocation of £15,000 from the Provision for Urgent Schemes be approved to provide a new heating system at the Museum of Farnham;


4.         the allocation of £1,800 from the Provision for Urgent Schemes be approved to carry out a ceiling inspection at the Borough Hall; and


5.         the list of additional properties for decent homes work be approved as detailed in paragraph 4.7 and (Exempt) Annexe 6 of the Agenda report.


Waverley has now been notified by the Government of the reimbursement of costs resulting from the Storms during last winter.  Despite previous reassurances about reimbursing all costs, there are significant costs that the Government is not covering.  These mostly relate to the HRA.   A further £39,000 is now required to cover the total shortfall and this is included in the table at paragraph 4.2.  The net cost of the storm damage to the HRA is £89,000, after allowing for insurance settlements and receipt of the Bellwin grant.  In December 2013 a supplementary estimate of £50,000 was approved to be met from the HRA working balance in anticipation of the storm costs.


Responsive repairs and voids and cyclical repairs budgets cover the day to day and planned maintenance of the housing stock.  As the use of the interface between the Orchard system and Mears (the housing contractor) continues to bed in greater control of expenditure will be gained.  It is currently projected that day to day repairs will exceed the budget provision by £100k which will be met from cyclical budget (external decorations). The apportionment of budget between responsive and cyclical will be reviewed as part of the Star chamber process. 


The Executive therefore




43.       a further supplementary estimate of £39,000 be approved to cover the balance of storm damage costs relating to the HRA, to be charged to the HRA working balance as detailed in paragraph 5 of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80.



The report recommends a change in the staffing establishment to appoint a new Business Manager for the Building Control team.




It is recommended to the Council that the staffing establishment be amended to create the post of Business Manager and delete one Principal Surveyor post.



1.         The building control function is a statutory service that enforces minimum standards of design, construction, accessibility, safety, energy efficiency, carbon emissions and other features of buildings, particularly during the construction phase.  It sits within the Planning Service.


2.         Unlike other statutory services operated by local authorities, it is subject to competition from the private sector.  Householders, architects and builders can choose to obtain the necessary certificates of compliance with the building regulations from a local authority or from an Approved Inspector.


3.         Local authorities are required to fix their charges with the aim of covering the costs of running the trading account for the service, but are not permitted to make surpluses from the operation.  In addition, local authorities have a number of statutory duties, including inspecting dangerous structures and ensuring compliance with aspects of health and safety legislation that are undertaken by building control officers on behalf of the Council and are non fee-earning.


4.         The consequence of this commercial environment a significant amount of work (of the order of 20-25%) has now moved to the private sector, affecting the Council’s ability to operate a cost-effective service.  In response to these changes, alongside a desire to ensure that the service is not a burden on the Council’s resources, posts have been reduced.  This, in turn, has resulted in other challenges, relating to the management and performance of the service.


5.         In June 2014, Fortismere Associates were appointed by Waverley Borough Council to undertake a review of the building control service to address the above issues.  They reported in September 2014 and set out a number of recommendations.


6.         The key components of the recommendations are:


1.    Create a vision for the service with a clearly articulated set of goals, objectives and service standards;


2.    Identify a champion for the service who will:

manage the performance of individuals;

gather the management information necessary to assess its current performance and the costs associated with delivering different elements;

make the case for investment in IT to enable enhanced efficiency and electronic working;

prepare a business plan that includes detailed financial forecasts;

promote the service to existing and potential customers;

develop a customer charter;

ensure that the service directly contributes to the delivery of corporate objectives.


3.    Use the opportunities presented by the recent office move and vacancies to restructure the team, provide much closer integration with other planning service functions and introduce new methods of working.


7.         Key to the success of the team is the appointment of a Business Manager to be responsible for the operational direction of the team.  This is a new post replacing the Building Control Manager post which has been vacant for two years and for which funding has been removed.  The funding of the new post can be met from the deletion of a principal surveyor post which is currently vacant following the retirement in July of the previous post holder. It is not essential that the post holder is a building control professional though  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81.



To consider the (Exempt) report.

Additional documents:


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


              Information relating to the financial of business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


The Executive considered a report on this matter, attached as (Exempt) Annexe 1 and now




46.       the recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be agreed.


[Reason: to seek approval to sell a property and use the capital receipt to purchase an alternative affordable home in the local area to meet housing need.


Part II - Matters of Report

The background papers relating to the items in Part II of these minutes are as set out in the reports included in the agenda papers.





It is recommended that the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council be adopted.


RESOLVED  that the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council be adopted, subject to the Review of Corporate Health and Safety Policies being reallocated to the Environment Portfolio.




Ewhurst and Witley Parish Councils intend to prepare neighbourhood development plans (known as Neighbourhood Plans).  Under the neighbourhood planning legislation the first stage of the process is for each Parish Council to apply to Waverley for the Borough Council to agree the neighbourhood area that their neighbourhood plan should cover.  This report considers the neighbourhood area applications.



It is recommended that the Executive:

1.         approves the neighbourhood area application from Ewhurst Parish Council for the purposes of the Ewhurst Neighbourhood Plan; and

2.         approves the neighbourhood area application from Witley Parish Council for the purposes of the Witley Neighbourhood Plan.




Additional documents:




1.       the neighbourhood area application from Ewhurst Parish Council be approved for the purposes of the Ewhurst Neighbourhood Plan; and


2.       the neighbourhood area application from Witley Parish Council be approved for the purposes of the Witley Neighbourhood Plan.


[Reason: To agree the neighbourhood area applications from Ewhurst and Witley so that they can prepare neighbourhood plans].




The purpose of this report is to gain authorisation to spend up to £5,000 of Section 106 funding (from the environmental improvements budget in Godalming) to facilitate the initial design phase of the Wiggins Yard environmental improvement project (to improve the existing cobbled yard).




It is recommended that Executive approve £5,000 of Section 106 funding (from the environmental improvement budget in Godalming) to facilitate the design phase of the Wiggins Yard environmental improvement project.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED  that approval be given to £5,000 of Section 106 funding (from the environmental improvement budget in Godalming) to facilitate the design phase of the Wiggins Yard environmental improvement project.


[Reason: To gain authorisation to spend up to £5,000 of Section 106 funding to facilitate the initial design phase of the Wiggins Yard environmental improvement project]




Authority is sought for the submission of a Planning Application for a contract car park on the site shown outlined on the plan at Annexe 1.




It is recommended that Waverley Borough Council submits a planning Application to extend the current Planning Consent on the land outlined on the plan at Annexe 1 for a further 3 years to permit the continued use as a contract car park.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that approval be given to Waverley Borough Council submitting a planning application to extend the current planning consent on the land outlined on the plan at Annexe 1 to the agenda report for a further 3 years to permit the continued use as a contract car park.


[Reason: To seek approval to submit a planning application to extend the current planning consent on the land indicated in the agenda report]




It is a mandatory requirement for Local Authorities to report the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced due to their operational activities across their estates.


This report has been produced for Waverley Borough Council to comply with this requirement and covers the financial year 2013 -14.




It is recommended that the publication of the report and its submission to the Department for Energy and Climate Change be approved.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the publication of the report and submission to the Department for Energy and Climate Change be approved.


[Reason: To provide a report on the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced due to their operational activities across estates]




Waverley Borough Council is required to submit to Defra, annually, a Progress Report on Air Quality measures by the end of April.  Every third year the report must take the form of an Updating and Screening Assessment (USA).  This is the second Annual Progress Report (APR) in the current cycle – a USA report will be submitted in 2015.


The Environmental Protection Team’s Air Quality Officer has also submitted a Detailed Assessment to Defra seeking revocation of the Hindhead Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). 




It is recommended that the Detailed Assessment seeking revocation of the Hindhead AQMA and the Annual Progress Report be noted.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED  that the Detailed Assessment seeking revocation of the Hindhead AQMA be agreed and the Annual Progress Report be noted.


[Reason: To agree the revocation of the Hindhead AQMA and to note the annual progress report]




This report updates the Executive on the work undertaken relating to Farnham’s air quality issues and seeks endorsement of the next steps identified as necessary to revoke the Air Quality Management Area.


In 2013 the Council published the results of a feasibility study which assessed and ranked the statutory Air Quality Action Plan’s (AQAP) actions most likely to resolve Farnham’s high levels of NO2.  The study identified diesel vehicles, particularly private diesel-engined cars, as being the biggest contributor and two options were identified as having serious merit and being worthy of further, detailed study: a diesel car-parking strategy and a traffic management scheme.  The resultant, non-technical summary report is attached at Annexe 1.


The report concludes that the car-parking strategy will not achieve all of its goals but that the traffic management scheme will be effective if external funding is found (approx. £8.9m).  Nonetheless, during the last 12-18 months there have been significant technological advances relating to Air Quality, and a growing acceptance nationally that in future Low Emission Zones (LEZs) could provide an effective tool in reducing traffic-related air pollution.  For example, advances in Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) software that picks up higher polluting vehicles could result in traffic management control systems that are cost-effective and not reliant on major engineering works.  This report therefore also sets out to progress this work through a scoping project to look at such options in more detail.




It is recommended that


1.         the final reports are published and relevant recommendations passed to the highways authorities for consideration in future road management schemes along with the current revision of the Local Transport Plan (due in November 2014); and


2.         the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Low Emission Zone (LEZ) scoping report funding bids be endorsed.

Additional documents:




1.         the final reports be published and relevant recommendations passed to the highways authorities for consideration in future road management schemes along with the current revision of the Local Transport Plan (due in November 2014); and


2.         the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and Low Emission Zone (LEZ) scoping report funding bids be endorsed.


[Reason: To update the Executive on the work undertaken relating to Farnham’s air quality issues and to seek endorsement of the next steps identified as necessary]




Waverley’s Performance Management Framework (PMF) contains a number of indicators that assist Members and officers in identifying current improvement priorities and progress against targets.  The indicators in Waverley’s PMF are reviewed quarterly by the Executive.  This report details performance, at Annexe 1, for the three-month period 1 April – 30 June 2014.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committees and their respective Sub-Committees have considered the full list of indicators. Their comments on the indicators in this report and their recommendations are included.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         notes the performance figures for Quarter 1 2014/15 (April - June 2014) as set out at Annexe 1;


2.         thanks the Overview & Scrutiny Committees for their observations regarding the Quarter 1 performance and considers their recommendations, as follows:-


a.         for indicator LLe 2a – Number of Access to Leisure cards issued, the target should be increased to 400;


b.         for indicator LHO2b - Percentage of tenants in arrears who have been served with a Notice Seeking Possession (NoSP) – the target to be raised to less than 4% of tenants in arrears; and


c.         for indicator LLe3a-e: Number of visits to Sports and Leisure Centres, per 1,000 population, the target for the Godalming Leisure Centre should be 800 and the Herons Leisure Centre should not be included in the statistics whilst it was being refurbished.


Additional documents:


The Executive thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their observations and recommendations and noted the performance figures for Quarter 1 (April – June 2014).




1.         the target be increased to 400 for indicator LLe 2a – number of Access to Leisure cards issued;


2.         the target be raised to less than 4% of tenants in arrears for indicator LHO2b – percentage of tenants in arrears who have been served with a Notice Seeking Possession (NoSP);


3.         the target number of visits for Godalming Leisure Centre being 800 for indicator LLe3e; and


4.         the Herons Leisure Centre being removed from the list for the duration of its closure due to refurbishment.


[Reason: to review performance indicators to help identify improvement priorities and progress against targets].




To consider the draft Calendar of Meetings for the Council year 2015/16.




It is recommended that the Calendar of Meetings for 2015/16 be approved.


The Executive approved the Calendar of Meetings for 2015/16, attached as an Annexe for information only.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




            That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 7.35 p.m. it was


RESOLVED  that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during this item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified in the following paragraph of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, namely:-


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) (paragraph 3).



To consider the (Exempt) report.


RESOLVED  that the recommendation set out in the (Exempt) Report be approved.