Agenda item


This report provides a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 Budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.  The projection is based on the position to date.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the report and:


1.         approves the virement requests from the additional planning income to cover additional legal fees £15,000 and consultants costs £15,000 within Development Control as detailed in paragraph 2.4; and a dedicated Environmental Health Officer on a two-year fixed-term contract at the appropriate grade at an estimated cost of £10,000 in the current financial year;


2.         approves the Council Tax Support Scheme remaining unchanged for 2015/16 as detailed in 2.6;


3.         approves the allocation of £15,000 from the Provision for Urgent Schemes to provide a new Heating System at the Museum, of Farnham;


4.         approves the allocation of £1,800 from the provision for Urgent Schemes to carry out a Ceiling Inspection at the Borough Hall;


5.         approves a further supplementary estimate of £39,000 to cover the balance of storm damage costs relating to the HRA, to be charged to the HRA working balance as detailed in paragraph 5;


6.         approves the virement of £100,000 from HRA cyclical maintenance budget to HRA responsive repairs budget; and


7.         approves the list of additional properties for decent homes work as detailed in paragraph 4.7 and (Exempt) Annexe 6.



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                        Information relating to the financial of business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


The Executive considered and noted the budget management report which provided a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account.  The Executive




1.         the virement requests from the additional planning income be approved to cover additional legal fees of £15,000 and consultants costs of £15,000 within Development Control, as detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Agenda report; and a dedicated Environmental Health Officer on a two-year fixed-term contract at the appropriate grade at an estimated cost of £10,000 in the current financial year;


2.         approval be given to the Council Tax Support Scheme remaining unchanged for 2015/16, as detailed in paragraph 2.6 of the Agenda report;


3.         the allocation of £15,000 from the Provision for Urgent Schemes be approved to provide a new heating system at the Museum of Farnham;


4.         the allocation of £1,800 from the Provision for Urgent Schemes be approved to carry out a ceiling inspection at the Borough Hall; and


5.         the list of additional properties for decent homes work be approved as detailed in paragraph 4.7 and (Exempt) Annexe 6 of the Agenda report.


Waverley has now been notified by the Government of the reimbursement of costs resulting from the Storms during last winter.  Despite previous reassurances about reimbursing all costs, there are significant costs that the Government is not covering.  These mostly relate to the HRA.   A further £39,000 is now required to cover the total shortfall and this is included in the table at paragraph 4.2.  The net cost of the storm damage to the HRA is £89,000, after allowing for insurance settlements and receipt of the Bellwin grant.  In December 2013 a supplementary estimate of £50,000 was approved to be met from the HRA working balance in anticipation of the storm costs.


Responsive repairs and voids and cyclical repairs budgets cover the day to day and planned maintenance of the housing stock.  As the use of the interface between the Orchard system and Mears (the housing contractor) continues to bed in greater control of expenditure will be gained.  It is currently projected that day to day repairs will exceed the budget provision by £100k which will be met from cyclical budget (external decorations). The apportionment of budget between responsive and cyclical will be reviewed as part of the Star chamber process. 


The Executive therefore




43.       a further supplementary estimate of £39,000 be approved to cover the balance of storm damage costs relating to the HRA, to be charged to the HRA working balance as detailed in paragraph 5 of the agenda report; and


44.       the virement of £100,000 from HRA cyclical maintenance budget to the HRA responsive repairs budget be approved.


[Reason: To provide an indication of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account]


Supporting documents: