Agenda and minutes

Budget meeting, Council - Tuesday, 22nd February, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Caudle Hall, Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre, Crown Court Car Park, Godalming, GU7 1DY

Contact: Louise Fleming  Democratic Services & Business Support Team Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 315 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 14 December 2021 (herewith).


80.1     The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 December 2021 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


81.1     Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jerome Davidson, Sally Dickson, Jan Floyd-Douglass, Brian Edmonds, David Else, John Gray, Peter Isherwood, Paul Rivers, Penny Rivers, Anne-Marie Rosoman and Trevor Sadler – Tuesday 22 February 2022.


81.2     Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Kevin Deanus, Simon Dear, Jan Floyd-Douglass, Maxine Gale, John Gray, Daniel Hunt, Peter Isherwood, Anna James, Jacqui Keen, Robert Knowles, Michaela Martin, Kika Mirylees, Julia Potts, Mr Mayor Cllr John Robini, Anne-Marie Rosoman, Trevor Sadler and George Wilson – Tuesday 8 March 2022.



To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


82.1     Councillor Hyman declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in item 9.2 as a Waverley Tenant.  Councillor Hyman had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer under s33 of the Localism Act 2011 to participate in and vote on this item.


82.2     Councillor Williams declared a non-registrable interest in item 9.1 as the partner of a former volunteer at Godalming Citizens Advice.  Councillor Williams did not consider that this would prevent him from speaking and voting on this item.


82.3     Councillor Follows declared a registrable interest in the exempt item 14.1


82.4     The Mayor, Councillor Robini and Councillor Jacqui Keen declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in item 9.2 due to their rental of a garage from the Council.  The Mayor and Councillor Keen had been granted dispensations by the Monitoring Officer under s33 of the Localism Act 2011 to participate in and vote on this item.


82.5     Councillor Peter Marriott declared a registrable interest in item 9.1 as the organisation for which he is a Trustee had applied for funding from the Thriving Communities Fund.  Councillor Penny Marriott also declared a non-registrable interest in item 9.1 as the partner of Councillor Peter Marriott.


82.6     In response to a question from Councillor Hyman, following advice from officers the Mayor advised that it was not necessary to declare an interest in respect of Members’ Allowances as there was not a decision to be made on Members’ Allowances on the agenda.





83.1     The Mayor updated the Council on his activities since the last meeting.  A number of events had unfortunately been cancelled in the run up to Christmas and only six events had been able to go ahead.  The Mayor had enjoyed presenting the long service awards to staff and certificates to the swimming club at Broadwater in Godalming. 


83.2     The Mayor had attended a service at Guildford cathedral to commemorate the Queen’s 70th year of reign.  The Mayor had also attended the Farnham Sports Awards at Farnham Rugby Club to present prizes.  The Mayor had also attended a talk at the Haslemere Museum with historian Mary Beard and welcomed the work of the museum.


83.3     The Mayor welcomed the work of staff and residents in the recent storms.  He advised the Council of his forthcoming fundraising events for his Mayoral charities and concluded by reminding everyone to continue to stay safe following the end of the Government’s Covid restrictions and wished the Queen a speedy recovery from her Covid infection.





84.1     The Leader opened his announcements by updating on the work of the joint Inter-Authority Agreement Working Group with Guildford Borough Council which had been meeting almost weekly and was working at pace on the drafting of the agreement between the two councils and thanked all those Councillors involved.  The Leader advised that Councillor Rosoman had stepped down in her role on the Property Investment Advisory Board and he had appointed Councillor Clark in her place.  He concluded by thanking all the officers involved in the storm response over the previous weekend.


The Leader then invited Executive Portfolio Holders to give brief updates on current issues:


84.2     Councillor Clark provided a brief update on the recent survey carried out with all councillors on their IT requirements for the receipt of electronic committee papers.  Although the aim was to move towards a more paperless environment, this would not be at the expense of councillors being able to carry out their duties effectively.  Councillor Clark thanked all those who had responded to the survey which had provided some useful information and as a result future IT provision would be tailored to individual councillors’ needs.  An action plan would be brought to a future meeting of the Executive for approval.


84.3     Councillor MacLeod updated on the Council-wide project to improve enforcement, making it more efficient and cost effective. Cllr MacLeod had welcomed the filming which had taken place in Farnham, which had brought additional revenue to the Council.  In respect of Brightwells, he advised that the scheme was due to open in November and the Council was giving all the support it could to Crest Nicholson and Surrey County Council.


84.4     Councillor Penny Marriott updated on the review of the Council’s Corporate Equality Objectives which were due to come to Council in April for consideration.


84.5     Councillor Merryweather advised that he did not have any updates in addition to the items later in the agenda.


84.6     Councillor Mirylees updated the Council following the storms that around 50 trees in the borough had either been damaged or fallen and tree officers had been working over the weekend dealing with emergencies.  The Museum of Farnham service and Wilmer House was still being reviewed and a workshop would be taking place at the end of March with key stakeholders following the conclusion of the options analysis.  Councillor Mirylees also welcomed the forthcoming sporting and cultural events taking place in Waverley.


84.7     Councillor Palmer advised that he did not have any updates in addition to the items later in the agenda.


84.8     Councillor Liz Townsend updated the Council on the work on the planning portal and encouraged anyone still having issues with the portal to get in touch.  The Council was providing support to the local Chambers of Commerce in their wish to set up Business Improvement Districts, which would ensure that the cost of business initiatives in the area would be spread evenly among all the businesses in the district.  Training courses were being provided and  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL84/21



To respond to questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 15 February 2022.


85.1     There were no questions received from members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.



To respond to any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 15 February 2022.


Question received from Councillor Brian Edmonds:


“An objection raised with the Planning Inspectorate as to their power to impose a council tax burden through planning appeal costs yielded an unsatisfactory answer. To provide the public with transparency for their liability for Planning Inspector Appeal costs resulting from alleged “unreasonable” behaviour. Please could these costs for the past 12 months be advised at the next full Council meeting?”


86.1    The following questions were received from Members of the Council in accordance with Procedure Rule 11:


86.2    Councillor Liz Townsend read out the question from Councillor Brian Edmonds, Farnham Wrecclesham and Rowledge Ward


An objection raised with the Planning Inspectorate as to their power to impose a council tax burden through planning appeal costs yielded an unsatisfactory answer. To provide the public with transparency for their liability for Planning Inspector Appeal costs resulting from alleged “unreasonable” behaviour. Please could these costs for the past 12 months be advised at the next full Council meeting?


86.3    Response from Councillor Liz Townsend, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development


“In the past 12-month period, there have been just three appeals where Planning Inspectors have adjudged the Council has behaved unreasonably and have awarded either full costs (in two cases) or partial costs (in one instance) against us.  Two of the three cases related to Enforcement appeals.  The total, combined, financial liability to the Council in respect of these three awards was around £16,500. 


It should be noted that there were a number of significant appeals during this same 12-month period where costs awards were either not sought, or where costs claims against the Council were refused by the Inspector, notably those relating to Lower Weybourne Lane in Badshot Lea, The Woolmead in Farnham, The Heights in Haslemere, Loxwood Road in Alfold and Scotland Lane in Haslemere.”


86.4    From Councillor Steve Cosser, Godalming Charterhouse Ward


Since the last Borough Council election, residents in Godalming have

been in the dark about the intentions and proposals of this Council in respect of Broadwater Park Golf Club and have been given no opportunity to express any views about whatever the Council may have in mind for this site. Also, since I last raised this matter in full Council over six months ago, there has been no information supplied to Council on where things now stand.


Clearly this situation is unsatisfactory and I should therefore like to ask for an assurance that a full report on the current situation be brought to the next meeting of the Council for debate, ensuring that only matters which must by law be kept confidential are included in the exempt part of the report and that other material is available in the non-confidential part of the report.”


86.5    Response from Councillor Mark Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets



“The land referred to is still under full control of the tenant, Broadwater Park Golf Club. The Council is working with the club to resolve contractual issues between the club and third parties to enable the go ahead of capping of the former landfill, reestablishment of a golf facility and bring the land back into wider community use. The council’s intention is for the land not included within the new golf facility to be brought back into public community use, and the public will be given an opportunity as soon as practicably possible to be involved  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL86/21



To receive any motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1.


The deadline for receipt of motions was 5pm on Thursday 10 February 2022.


No motions have been received.


87.1     The Mayor advised that no motions had been received.



To receive the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 18 January and 8 February 2022, and to consider the recommendations set out within.


There are seven Part I matters for Council consideration, set out in the following agenda items:


9.1       EXE 83/21 General Fund Budget 2022/23 and MTFP 2022/23 - 24/25

9.2       EXE 84/21 Housing Revenue Account Business Plan - Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2022/23

9.3       EXE 85/21 Capital Strategy 2022/2023 - Incorporating Treasury Management Strategy and Asset Investment Strategy

9.4       EXE 86/21 Dunsfold Park Garden Village - Supplementary Planning Document – Adoption

9.5       EXE 87/21 Waverley Borough Council Emergency Plan

9.6       EXE 88/21 Annual Pay Policy Statement 2022/23

14.1     EXE 93/21 Property Matters - Property Acquisition



Additional documents:


88.1     It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 18 January and 8 February 2022 be received and noted.


88.2     There were eight Part I matters, for Council consideration, from the meeting on 8 February 2022.


EXE 83/21 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2022/23 AND MTFP 2022/23 - 24/25 pdf icon PDF 672 KB



It is recommended to the Council, to:


1.            agree a £5 increase in Waverley’s Band D Council Tax Charge for 2022/23 with resultant increases to the other council tax bands;


2.            agree to continue the Council’s existing Council Tax Support Scheme at the current levels;


3.            agree to extend Waverley’s council tax hardship fund to help those council taxpayers most financially affected by the pandemic, as set out in this report, with the final scheme details and criteria delegated to the S151 Officer in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder;


4.            agree to make no change to Fees and Charges for 2022/23 except for those proposed in Annexe 4, including the new approach for planning pre-application fees;


5.            approve the General Fund Budget for 2022/23 as summarised in Annexe 2, incorporating the baseline net service cost variations included at Annexe 1 and Annexe 3;


6.            approve the General Fund Capital Programme as detailed in Annexe 5; and


7.            approve the specific use of reserves to mitigate the Covid-19 uncertainty and other emerging economic risks including inflation; the estimated expected reduction in Retained Business Rates and New Homes Bonus funding over the Medium-Term Finance Plan period, and the other reserve movements as set out in Annexe 6.


Additional documents:


89.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the General Fund Budget 2022/23 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2022/23 – 2024/25, which was the third budget being presented in the light of Covid-19, the consequences of which would be felt for years to come.  The budget was presented in the context of rising inflation, rising energy prices and a rise in National Insurance contributions.  A £5 increase to a Band D property was proposed, which equated to 2.6% increase in Council Tax.  This rise would allow the Council to balance the budget for the coming year, whilst maintaining services and support for the voluntary sector.  Some fees would increase to reflect the actual cost to the Council of providing the services.  In recognition of the impact on residents, it was proposed that the Council Tax Hardship Fund be extended, and the Council Tax Support Scheme be maintained at the current level.


89.2    The Leader invited the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Merryweather, to present the detailed budget proposals. Councillor Merryweather’s speech is annexed to these minutes.


89.3    Councillor Mulliner, Leader of the Principal Opposition Group, addressed the meeting, thanking the officers involved for the significant amount of work in a challenging national financial position.  For the reasons already outlined, he felt that the 2022/23 budget was uncontroversial and made the following comments:

·         The Budget Strategy Working Group had identified that car parking charges was one of the few areas which the Council had a degree of control; and that the Voluntary Sector grants were important and should not be reduced.

·         The Group was sceptical over the collaboration with Guildford Borough Council.  It was felt that the timing of the collaboration was inappropriate in light of the paring back of local government finances; there was concern over speed by which the collaboration was entered into and the lack of careful consideration and scrutiny.  Guildford had taken a direct service approach, whereas Waverley had taken an outsourcing approach. If a joint approach was taken as contracts come up for renewal, this could incur additional costs.  Finally, there were concerns over the small amount of savings predicted, which amounted to less than 2% of combined annual expenditure.

·         The detailed breakdown of voluntary sector grants had been sent to all Councillors and it was noted that some Councillors were not happy with some of the allocations.  He sought clarification on the ability of the Council to amend the allocations.

·         In conclusion he thanked Councillor Merryweather and officers, and highlighted the need for close scrutiny of the collaboration project.


89.4    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillors Goodridge, Peter Martin, Nicholson, Ellis, Hyman, Gale, Liz Townsend, Cockburn, Baker, Mirylees, Michaela Martin. 


89.5    As a point of personal explanation, Councillor Jenny Else clarified her role in the process for allocating the Thriving Communities Fund.


89.6    As a point of personal explanation, Councillor Mulliner felt that it was not clear which Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be looking at the Thriving Communities Fund and asked  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL89/21

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
CNL 89/21 General Fund Budget 2022/23 and MTFP 2022/23 - 2024/25 Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • CNL90/21




    It is recommended to the Council, that:

    1.    the rent level for Council dwellings be increased by a maximum of 4.10% from the 2021/22 level with effect from 1 April 2022 within the permitted guidelines contained within the Government’s rent setting policy;

    2.    the average weekly charge for garages rented by both Council and non-Council tenants be increased by 50 pence per week excluding VAT from 1 April 2022;

    3.    the service charges in senior living accommodation be increased by 30 pence per week from 1 April 2022 to £20.10;

    4.    the recharge for energy costs in senior living accommodation be increased by 50 pence per week from 1 April 2022;

    5.    the revised HRA Business Plan for 2022/23 to 2025/26 as set out in Annexe 1 be approved;

    6.    the fees and charges as set out in Annexe 2 be approved:

    7.    the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes as shown in Annexe 3 and 4 be approved;

    8.    the financing of the capital programmes be approved in line with the resources shown in Annexe 5: and

    9.    a strategic review will be undertaken on the 30-year HRA Business Plan in line with the content of this report during 2022/23.

    Additional documents:


    90.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, including the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2022/23, and welcomed the input of the Landlord Services Advisory Board, which included tenants, into the process.  The Leader advised that the proposed rent increase was below the rate of inflation and highlighted the proposals to implement green technology with the aim of reducing tenants energy bills and carrying out a wholesale review of the HRA.  He invited the Finance Portfolio Holder, Councillor Merryweather, to present the detailed budget proposals and advised that there was provision of up to £100,000 in the Hardship Fund to mitigate the effects of the rent increase on the most vulnerable residents. 


    90.2    The Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery) welcomed the additional provision in the Hardship Fund and asked Councillors to draw attention to any particular cases which could benefit.


    90.3    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillors Keen, Cosser, Hyman and Goodridge.


    90.4    As a point of personal explanation, Councillor Cockburn clarified that tenants had played a part of the former Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


    90.5    As a point of personal explanation, the Leader clarified the role of tenants in the Landlord Services Advisory Board.


    90.4    On a point of order, Councillor Hyman sought clarification on the figures quoted in the report.


    90.5    The Head of Finance and Property and the Strategic Director (s151 Officer) provided clarification on the cost of delivery of Ockford Ridge. 


    90.6    In concluding the debate, the Leader responded to the points raised in the debate and formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Clark.


    90.7    In accordance with Procedure Rule 17.4, the Mayor called for a recorded vote on the recommendations.


    The vote was carried, with votes in favour 40, 1 against; and 2 abstentions.


    RESOLVED that


    1.    the rent level for Council dwellings be increased by a maximum of 4.10% from the 2021/22 level with effect from 1 April 2022 within the permitted guidelines contained within the Government’s rent setting policy;

    2.    the average weekly charge for garages rented by both Council and non-Council tenants be increased by 50 pence per week excluding VAT from 1 April 2022;

    3.    the service charges in senior living accommodation be increased by 30 pence per week from 1 April 2022 to £20.10;

    4.    the recharge for energy costs in senior living accommodation be increased by 50 pence per week from 1 April 2022;

    5.    the revised HRA Business Plan for 2022/23 to 2025/26 as set out in Annexe 1 be approved;

    6.    the fees and charges as set out in Annexe 2 be approved:

    7.    the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes as shown in Annexe 3 and 4 be approved;

    8.    the financing of the capital programmes be approved in line with the resources shown in Annexe 5: and

    9.    a strategic review will be undertaken on the 30-year HRA Business Plan in line with the content of  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL90/21

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    CNL 89/21 HRA Business Plan Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2022/23 Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • CNL91/21




    It is recommended that the Council:


    1.            Approves the 5-year Capital Strategy for 2022/2027, incorporating the Treasury Management Strategy, Prudential Indicators and Asset Investment Strategy.


    2.            Delegates authority to the Executive for the financial year 2022/23, subject to a positive recommendation from the Asset Investment Advisory Board and agreement from the Chief Executive and Strategic Director:

    a.    to bid, negotiate and complete on property acquisitions and investments in land and buildings with a total individual cost of up to £10m, subject to the decision fully satisfying all criteria and process requirements set out in this Strategy; and

    b.    to determine a funding strategy for the acquisition or investment in line with the Treasury Management Strategy; and

    c.    to appoint advisors and undertake appropriate due diligence for each property acquisition and investment proposal as necessary; and

    d.    to complete the legal matters and signing of contracts to execute the transactions referred to above


    Additional documents:


    91.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the Capital Strategy, incorporating the Treasury Management Strategy and Asset Investment Strategy.  He invited the Finance Portfolio Holder, Councillor Merryweather, to present the report and thanked Councillors for their input and highlighted the change in the recommendation relating to the delegation being reviewed annually, in response to comments made at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Councillor Merryweather clarified the process for internal borrowing and the figures for external borrowing.  


    91.2    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillors Mulliner, Peter Martin and Hyman.


    91.3    Councillor Merryweather responded to the points raised in the debate. 


    91.3    In concluding the debate, the Leader formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Merryweather.


    RESOLVED that


    1.            The 5-year Capital Strategy for 2022/2027, incorporating the Treasury Management Strategy, Prudential Indicators and Asset Investment Strategy be approved.


    2.            Authority be delegated to the Executive for the financial year 2022/23, subject to a positive recommendation from the Asset Investment Advisory Board and agreement from the Chief Executive and Strategic Director:

    a.    to bid, negotiate and complete on property acquisitions and investments in land and buildings with a total individual cost of up to £10m, subject to the decision fully satisfying all criteria and process requirements set out in this Strategy; and

    b.    to determine a funding strategy for the acquisition or investment in line with the Treasury Management Strategy; and

    c.    to appoint advisors and undertake appropriate due diligence for each property acquisition and investment proposal as necessary; and

    d.    to complete the legal matters and signing of contracts to execute the transactions referred to above.


    Councillor Hyman asked that his vote against the recommendations be



    At 10.13pm the Mayor adjourned the meeting.


    The Mayor resumed the meeting at 10.22pm.

    In view of the late hour, the Leader proposed that the Council consider items

    9.4, 9.5, 9.6 and 10, after which the meeting would then stand adjourned.


    Councillor Mulliner requested that the Council also consider item 13 before



    RESOLVED that the meeting be adjourned following consideration of the above items.



    Additional documents:


    92.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the Dunsfold Park Garden Village Supplementary Planning Document.  He invited the Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, Councillor Liz Townsend, to present the report.  Councillor Townsend drew the Council’s attention to the update sheet and reminded the Council that there was an existing planning application for the site and the SPD did not affect the quantum of development, simply setting out the masterplan for the site.


    92.2    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillors Dear, Hyman, Foryszewski, Cockburn, Merryweather, Deanus and Wilson.


    92.3    Councillor Liz Townsend and the Leader responded to the comments raised in the debate.  In concluding the debate, the Leader formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Liz Townsend.


    RESOLVED thatthe Dunsfold Park Garden Village Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be adopted by the Council, subject to corrections being made to the conservation designations set out on Pages 86 and 87 of the document to replace all instances of the text ‘SSSI’ on these two pages with the text ‘SNCI’.


    Councillor Hyman asked that his vote against the recommendation be recorded.









    1.1            That the Council approves and adopts of the attached Emergency Plan.


    1.2            That authority to make minor consequential grammatical and technical changes to the text, contact details etc. be delegated to the Head of Service in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.


    Additional documents:


    93.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the Waverley Borough Council Emergency Plan, which was an operational document which codified the way the Council responded to emergencies.


    93.2    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillor Jenny Else.


    93.3    The Leader responded to the points raised by Councillor Else.  In concluding the debate, the Leader formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Clark




    1.               That the Emergency Plan attached to the Council report be approved and adopted.


    2.               That authority to make minor consequential grammatical and technical changes to the text, contact details etc. be delegated to the Head of Service in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.



    EXE 88/21 ANNUAL PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 117 KB



    That the Pay Policy Statement for the 2022/23 financial year, attached at Annexe 1, be approved.

    Additional documents:


    94.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the Annual Pay Policy Statement, which was a statutory requirement.


    94.2    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillor Hyman.


    94.3    The Leader responded to the point raised by Councillor Hyman.  In concluding the debate, the Leader formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Clark.




    That the Executive recommend to Council that the Pay Policy Statement for the 2022/23 financial year, attached at Annexe 1, be approved.


    Councillor Hyman asked that his vote against the recommendation be recorded.




    COUNCIL TAX SETTING 2022/2023 pdf icon PDF 235 KB



    It is recommended that the Council agrees the following council tax resolutions:-


    (Set out in the attached report)

    Additional documents:


    95.1     The Mayor introduced the Council Tax Setting report. This was a technical report that summarised all of the appropriate budgetary decisions that had been taken to enable the level of Council Tax for 2022/23 to be determined, and specified all of the individual levels of Council Tax for approval by the Council.


    95.2     The Mayor moved the recommendation and it was


    RESOLVED that the Council Tax Setting resolutions as set out in the Council

    report, be approved.





    That the Council approve the extended absence of Councillor Jan Floyd-Douglass for a further period of six months due to her ongoing ill health.


    RESOLVED that approval be given to the extended absence of Councillor an Floyd-Douglass for a further six months due to her continuing ill-health.


    At 10.59pm, in accordance with Procedure Rule 9, Council RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting.


    The Deputy Mayor reconvened the meeting of Council at 7pm on Tuesday 8 March 2022.


    Apologies were recorded from Councillors Kevin Deanus, Simon Dear, Jan Floyd-Douglass, Maxine Gale, John Gray, Daniel Hunt, Peter Isherwood, Anna James, Jacqui Keen, Robert Knowles, Michaela Martin, Kika Mirylees, Julia Potts, Mr Mayor Cllr John Robini, Anne-Marie Rosoman, Trevor Sadler and George Wilson.





    97.1     The Mayor invited the following councillors who had registered to speak on Part II matters to make their statement:


    97.2     In respect of EXE 75/21 (Waverley Borough Council Draft Tree & Woodland Policy), Councillor Cosser welcomed the policy and action plan which would contribute to the management of the Council’s woodland stock.  However he raised concern over the short consultation period. 


    97.3     In respect of EXE 75/21 (Waverley Borough Council Draft Tree & Woodland Policy), Councillor Seaborne welcomed the policy however felt that carbon offsetting was not given sufficient priority nor properly linked to the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan.


    97.4     At the request of the Deputy Mayor, the Leader responded on the consultation process and advised that the Policy had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and those comments had been taken into account, and that comments received in the consultation would be incorporated into future versions.  The Leader advised that the Council would be planting more trees, although noted the amount of time it took for a tree to reach maturity.


    97.5     Councillor Liz Townsend advised that carbon offsetting would be dealt with as part of the Biodiversity Policy.


    97.6     In respect of EXE 90/21 (Carbon Neutrality Action Plan), Councillor Seaborne welcomed the action plan, however asked when a trajectory based on data rather than theory would be available, which reflected the reduction in emissions from council housing stock and noting the cost of retrofitting 4,700 houses and the removal of emissions from leisure centres. 


    97.7     Councillor Williams advised the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan was a living document and the data was being continuously improved.  A Housing Asset Management Strategy was in development and an audit of the housing stock was being undertaken, with a pilot being carried out to decarbonise the housing stock.  The Plan had been ranked 5th in the UK and a new leisure centre would be built in Cranleigh to Passivehaus standard.


    97.8     In respect of EXE 76/21 (Capital Projects), Councillor Hyman welcomed the proposals for the Bourne Pavilion, however sought clarification on how the projects were decided.


    97.9     Councillor Merryweather advised that officers put recommendations through a prioritisation process and receive a score and are considered as part of the budget process.  The Council had ringfenced a sum to allow flexibility throughout the year and as a consequence the Projects Coordinating Board had been set up to consider in year projects which reviewed bids and made recommendations on allocation of funds.


    97.10   In respect of EXE 91/21 (Service Plans), Councillor Hyman expressed concern that the service plans did not reflect the statutory duty to have an Air Quality Action Plan and that it appeared that the Council had delegated its responsibility to Surrey County Council through the Farnham Board. 


    97.11   Councillor Williams advised that consultants had been appointed to draft a new Air Quality Action Plan.



    To receive the Minutes of the Standards and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 6 December 2021 and to consider the recommendations set out within.


    There is one Part I matter for Council consideration, set out in the following agenda item:


    11.1     STD 13/21       Review of Arrangements for dealing with Standards allegations against Councillors and Co-opted Members under the Localism Act 2011


    98.1     It was moved by the Deputy Mayor, duly seconded and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Standards and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 6 December 2021 be received and noted.


    98.2     There was one Part I matter, for Council consideration, from the meeting on 6 December 2021.





    That the Council adopt the revised arrangements under which the Monitoring Officer will investigate a breach of the Code of Conduct.

    Additional documents:


    99.1    The Deputy Mayor presented the report which proposed revisions to the arrangements for how the Monitoring Officer deals with complaints against councillors or co-opted Members, alleging a breach of their Code of Conduct. The arrangements apply to complaints against Waverley Borough councillors and co-opted Members, and to complaints against Town and Parish councillors within Waverley and the proposals reflected feedback received following consultation with Town and Parish Councils.  The proposals set out timescales to progress investigations in a timely manner.


    99.2    The Deputy Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillors Jenny Else, Cosser, Follows and Hyman.


    99.3    In concluding the debate, the Deputy Mayor responded to the points raised in the debate and formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Goodridge.


    RESOLVED That the revised arrangements under which the Monitoring Officer will investigate a breach of the Code of Conduct be adopted.


    Councillor Jenny Else asked that her vote against the recommendation be recorded.









    It is recommended that the Council approve the change in the name of the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to better reflect its current responsibilities.


    RESOLVED that the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee be

    renamed as the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



    If necessary, to consider the following motion, to be moved by the Mayor:


    That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20 and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any matter on this agenda on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during the item(s), there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified in the appropriate paragraph(s) of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (to be identified at the meeting).



    101.1   At 9.15pm, the Mayor moved the recommendation and it was RESOLVED that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20 and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following Property matter on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during the item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, namely: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).





    To approve the recommendations as set out in the exempt report.

    Additional documents:


    102.1   At 7.45pm, the Council moved into Exempt session to consider the recommendations set out in the Exempt report.


    102.2   The Mayor moved the recommendations set out in the Exempt report, which the Council RESOLVED to agree, by 28 votes in favour; 1 against and 6 abstentions.


    For (28)

    Councillors Baker, Beaman, Blishen, Clark, Cockburn, D’Arcy, Davidson, Follows,

    Foryszewski, Heagin, Henry, Hesse, MacLeod, Penny Marriott, Peter Marriott, Peter

    Martin, Merryweather, Mulliner, Neale, Nicholson, Palmer, Reed, Paul Rivers, Penny

    Rivers, Liz Townsend, Philip Townsend, Deputy Mayor Councillor Ward and



    Against (1)

    Councillor Hyman


    Abstention (6)

    Councillor Cosser, David Else, Jenny Else, Goodridge, Howard and Seaborne.


    The reconvened meeting ended at 8.30pm on Tuesday 8 March 2022.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    CNL 97/21 Property Matters - Property Acquisition Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item