Agenda item



84.1     The Leader opened his announcements by updating on the work of the joint Inter-Authority Agreement Working Group with Guildford Borough Council which had been meeting almost weekly and was working at pace on the drafting of the agreement between the two councils and thanked all those Councillors involved.  The Leader advised that Councillor Rosoman had stepped down in her role on the Property Investment Advisory Board and he had appointed Councillor Clark in her place.  He concluded by thanking all the officers involved in the storm response over the previous weekend.


The Leader then invited Executive Portfolio Holders to give brief updates on current issues:


84.2     Councillor Clark provided a brief update on the recent survey carried out with all councillors on their IT requirements for the receipt of electronic committee papers.  Although the aim was to move towards a more paperless environment, this would not be at the expense of councillors being able to carry out their duties effectively.  Councillor Clark thanked all those who had responded to the survey which had provided some useful information and as a result future IT provision would be tailored to individual councillors’ needs.  An action plan would be brought to a future meeting of the Executive for approval.


84.3     Councillor MacLeod updated on the Council-wide project to improve enforcement, making it more efficient and cost effective. Cllr MacLeod had welcomed the filming which had taken place in Farnham, which had brought additional revenue to the Council.  In respect of Brightwells, he advised that the scheme was due to open in November and the Council was giving all the support it could to Crest Nicholson and Surrey County Council.


84.4     Councillor Penny Marriott updated on the review of the Council’s Corporate Equality Objectives which were due to come to Council in April for consideration.


84.5     Councillor Merryweather advised that he did not have any updates in addition to the items later in the agenda.


84.6     Councillor Mirylees updated the Council following the storms that around 50 trees in the borough had either been damaged or fallen and tree officers had been working over the weekend dealing with emergencies.  The Museum of Farnham service and Wilmer House was still being reviewed and a workshop would be taking place at the end of March with key stakeholders following the conclusion of the options analysis.  Councillor Mirylees also welcomed the forthcoming sporting and cultural events taking place in Waverley.


84.7     Councillor Palmer advised that he did not have any updates in addition to the items later in the agenda.


84.8     Councillor Liz Townsend updated the Council on the work on the planning portal and encouraged anyone still having issues with the portal to get in touch.  The Council was providing support to the local Chambers of Commerce in their wish to set up Business Improvement Districts, which would ensure that the cost of business initiatives in the area would be spread evenly among all the businesses in the district.  Training courses were being provided and grant funding continued to be provided to local businesses impacted by Covid.  The Annual Business Meeting would be held on 2 March, which would include presentations and a Q&A session.  Councillor Townsend welcomed the return of the Friday Night Project to Cranleigh and thanked volunteers involved for their work; and also thanked all those involved in the storm response.  Councillor Townsend drew the Council’s attention to the update sheet of corrections in respect of the item on the Dunsfold Park SPD.


84.9     Councillor Williams drew the Council’s attention to the importance of the Council’s response to climate change, in light of the severe weather experienced in the borough.  Feasibility work had begun on the provision of solar energy in suitable sites in the borough and the walking and cycling infrastructure plan work was ongoing, working closely with town and parish councils.  Decarbonisation work on the Memorial Hall in Farnham was also ongoing.  He paid tribute to the work of officers on the climate emergency action plan.