Agenda item




It is recommended to the Council, that:

1.    the rent level for Council dwellings be increased by a maximum of 4.10% from the 2021/22 level with effect from 1 April 2022 within the permitted guidelines contained within the Government’s rent setting policy;

2.    the average weekly charge for garages rented by both Council and non-Council tenants be increased by 50 pence per week excluding VAT from 1 April 2022;

3.    the service charges in senior living accommodation be increased by 30 pence per week from 1 April 2022 to £20.10;

4.    the recharge for energy costs in senior living accommodation be increased by 50 pence per week from 1 April 2022;

5.    the revised HRA Business Plan for 2022/23 to 2025/26 as set out in Annexe 1 be approved;

6.    the fees and charges as set out in Annexe 2 be approved:

7.    the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes as shown in Annexe 3 and 4 be approved;

8.    the financing of the capital programmes be approved in line with the resources shown in Annexe 5: and

9.    a strategic review will be undertaken on the 30-year HRA Business Plan in line with the content of this report during 2022/23.


90.1    The Leader of the Council introduced the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, including the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2022/23, and welcomed the input of the Landlord Services Advisory Board, which included tenants, into the process.  The Leader advised that the proposed rent increase was below the rate of inflation and highlighted the proposals to implement green technology with the aim of reducing tenants energy bills and carrying out a wholesale review of the HRA.  He invited the Finance Portfolio Holder, Councillor Merryweather, to present the detailed budget proposals and advised that there was provision of up to £100,000 in the Hardship Fund to mitigate the effects of the rent increase on the most vulnerable residents. 


90.2    The Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery) welcomed the additional provision in the Hardship Fund and asked Councillors to draw attention to any particular cases which could benefit.


90.3    The Mayor opened up the debate, and the following Members spoke: Councillors Keen, Cosser, Hyman and Goodridge.


90.4    As a point of personal explanation, Councillor Cockburn clarified that tenants had played a part of the former Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


90.5    As a point of personal explanation, the Leader clarified the role of tenants in the Landlord Services Advisory Board.


90.4    On a point of order, Councillor Hyman sought clarification on the figures quoted in the report.


90.5    The Head of Finance and Property and the Strategic Director (s151 Officer) provided clarification on the cost of delivery of Ockford Ridge. 


90.6    In concluding the debate, the Leader responded to the points raised in the debate and formally moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Clark.


90.7    In accordance with Procedure Rule 17.4, the Mayor called for a recorded vote on the recommendations.


The vote was carried, with votes in favour 40, 1 against; and 2 abstentions.




1.    the rent level for Council dwellings be increased by a maximum of 4.10% from the 2021/22 level with effect from 1 April 2022 within the permitted guidelines contained within the Government’s rent setting policy;

2.    the average weekly charge for garages rented by both Council and non-Council tenants be increased by 50 pence per week excluding VAT from 1 April 2022;

3.    the service charges in senior living accommodation be increased by 30 pence per week from 1 April 2022 to £20.10;

4.    the recharge for energy costs in senior living accommodation be increased by 50 pence per week from 1 April 2022;

5.    the revised HRA Business Plan for 2022/23 to 2025/26 as set out in Annexe 1 be approved;

6.    the fees and charges as set out in Annexe 2 be approved:

7.    the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes as shown in Annexe 3 and 4 be approved;

8.    the financing of the capital programmes be approved in line with the resources shown in Annexe 5: and

9.    a strategic review will be undertaken on the 30-year HRA Business Plan in line with the content of this report during 2022/23.


For (40)

Councillors Baker, Beaman, Blishen, Clark, Cosser*, D’Arcy, Deanus, Ellis, Jenny Else, Follows, Foryszewski, Gale, Goodridge, Heagin, Henry, Hesse, Howard, James, Keen, Knowles, MacLeod, Penny Marriott, Peter Marriott, Michaela Martin, Peter Martin, Merryweather, Mirylees, Mulliner, Neale, Nicholson, Palmer, Potts, Reed, the Mayor Councillor Robini, Seaborne, Liz Townsend, Philip Townsend, the Deputy Mayor Councillor Ward, Williams and Wilson.


Against (1)

Councillor Hyman*


Abstentions (2)

Councillors Cockburn and Dear


*Councillor Cosser asked that it be noted that he objected to recommendation 7

**Councillor Hyman asked that it be noted that he was voting against recommendations 1 and 5 only.

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