Councillor David Beaman

Profile image for Councillor David Beaman

Party: Farnham Residents

Political grouping: Farnham Residents Group

Ward: Farnham North West

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Home address: 
3 Highfield Close

Mobile:  07788 202242

Bus. email:

Download Councillor David Beaman contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 24/05/2018 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

My career has been in the public transport industry, spending over 30 years holding various positions up to Managing Director in a number of bus companies operating in both the public and private sectors. Between 2002 and 2009, I established and owned my own small bus company operating in Dorset.


I moved to Farnham in 2010, and between 2011 and 2015 I was an Independent Councillor representing Upper Hale on Farnham Town Council. In August 2016, I was elected as a Farnham Resident Councillor representing Farnham Castle ward on Farnham Town Council.


I am currently Chair of South West Surrey Disability Empowerment Network which represents the interests of disabled people living and working in Waverley. I am also a member of the Farnham Society, Treasurer and Acting Secretary of the Hale Recreation Ground Management Committee, and Trustee of The Bus Archive.
