Outside body

Blackwater Valley Advisory Committee for Public Transport


To discuss public transport matters in the Blackwater Valley.  Representatives attend from Bracknell Forest, Rushmoor, Surrey Heath, Waverley, Guildford and Hart Councils plus Hampshire and Surrey County Councils.


   (i).        To consider proposals of bus and train companies operating within the areas of the constituent Councils which it is considered will affect the interests of the population of two or more member districts;


  (ii).        To discuss and recommend proposals for the improvement of existing services;


(iii).        To discuss and recommend proposals for the introduction of new services or the variation of existing services to serve a wider area;


(iv).        To assist in the development of good public relations; and


 (v).        To invite key stakeholders of the public transport sector to participate in the meeting.



Support for the committee rotates between the participating councils. In 2022/23 the committee is hosted by Bracknell Forest Council.

Contact information

Lakhi Lally, Democratic Services, Bracknell Forest Council

Our representatives