Issue - decisions

Cranleigh Leisure Centre new build

04/10/2023 - Cranleigh Leisure Centre New Build

       I.          That a revised capital budget of £31,137,252, as shown in the financial viability assessment at Exempt Annexe 1, be agreed to deliver a new-build Cranleigh Leisure Centre;


     II.          That the leisure centre is built to Passivhaus certification standards;


   III.          That authority be delegated to the Joint Director for Place, in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, to submit a planning application in respect of the proposed new build;


  IV.          That authority be delegated to the Joint Director for Transformation and Governance, in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, to conduct the procurement of a contractor for the build and all related professional services, including, but not limited to, the Employers Agent and Design team;


     V.          That authority be delegated to the Joint Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to complete and execute all necessary contractual documents.