Agenda and minutes

Joint Planning Committee - Wednesday, 27th November, 2019 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Ema Dearsley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 30th October 2019 (to be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting).


The minutes of the meeting which took place on 30 October 2019 were confirmed and signed.  



To receive apologies for absence.


Where a Member of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Area Planning Committee may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


Members are advised that in order for a substitute to be arranged, a Member must give four clear working days notice of their apologies. For this meeting, the latest date apologies can be given for a substitute to be arranged is 20 November 2019.


There were apologies for absence from Councillor Val Henry. There were no substitutes.



To receive from Members declarations of interests in relation to any items included on the Agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Councillor Richard Cole advised that he had a non-pecuniary in A1 because of his role on the Cranleigh Planning Committee that of sufficient weight that could be a perception that wouldn’t consider with an open mind. He will leave the meeting for this item and Cllr Beaman will take the chair.

Councillor Paul Follows advised that he had a non-pecuniary interest in item A1 because

  • In his capacity as Deputy Leader he had met with a number of residents (in the presence of officers) to discuss the wider context of this application;
  • He had received multiple emails and letters from residents and from representatives of the applicant / their agents; and
  • He had met with planning officers on a number of occasions in regards to the planning process for this application.

He believed none of the above prevent him from taking part in the debate and voting. 


Councillor Liz Townsend declared a non-pecuniary interest in item A1 as she was a Cranleigh Parish Councillor but had heard the application with officers present. She also declared a non-pecuniary interest in item A2 as the site was part of the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan which she had been involved with.


Councillor Patricia Ellis declared a non-pecuniary interest in applications A1 and A2 but she was not a member of the Committee nor attending as a substitute. She had been involved in, and had supported, the exchange of land. In relation to the school she had been a governor of the school and had resigned prior to the application being received.   



The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public of which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for recipt of questions is 5pm on 20th November.


There were none.



The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for recipt of questions is 5pm on 20th November.



There were none.



Additional documents:


WA/2018/1966 - Cranleigh Nursing Home, John Wiskar Drive pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Erection of a building to provide an 80 bed care home including 20 community beds together with a building to provide health workers accommodation with access from Knowle Lane, associated parking and ancillary works




That permission be REFUSED


Councillor David Beaman was in the Chair for this item.



Erection of a building to provide an 80 bed care home including 20 community beds together with a building to provide health workers accommodation with access from Knowle Lane, associated parking and ancillary works




With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda papers had been published there had been 38 additional representations from the public. There were 11 in objecting to the scheme and 27 in support. Cranleigh Parish Council had also reconsidered the amended access and highways layout and now had raised an objection on further grounds. There was also an amendment to the second reason for refusal of which is detailed in the update sheet.


The Committee was advised that the application had come to committee because of the level of public interest both for and against the application. The Head of Planning had, therefore, waivered his delegated authority to refuse the application and brought it to Committee. Members noted that the Council had previously granted planning permission for the site to be developed for medically related purposes, however, this was prior to the National Planning Policy Framework and the adoption of the Council’s new Local Plan Part 1. The proposal was for a significantly greater amount of development, the design and layout of which resulted in a very much more sprawling development that gave the appearance of filling the site significantly when  compared to previous schemes. Officers advised that they felt that the benefits by way of 20 community beds, 60 private nursing beds and affordable health worker accommodation were not sufficient to outweigh the (visual) harm and adverse (landscape) impacts.  It was, therefore, recommended that permission is refused.


Public Speaking

In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Cathy Plank                                      -           Objector

Cllr Rowena Tyler                            -           Parish/Town Council

John Sneddon and Giles Mahoney          -           Supporters]


Councillor Patricia Ellis also spoke on this application as the local Ward Councillor.


Councillor Jerry Hyman also spoke on the application.




Prior to commencing debate a motion was put forward and seconded to defer consideration of the application as it was felt that there were a number of issues that needed to be addressed. Put to the vote there were 5 in favour of deferral, 14 against and 1 abstention so the motion was not carried.


Councillor Brian Adams opened debate on the application. He agreed with the officer recommendation feeling that the proposal was over development of the site. Councillor Jacqui Keen also was concerned and felt that 20 community beds which might not be gifted to the community in perpetuity was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


WA/2017/1389 - Cranleigh C Of E Primary Upper School & Cranleigh C Of E Lower School, Parsonage Road & Church Lane, Cranleigh, GU6 7AN, GU6 8AR pdf icon PDF 957 KB

Outline Application for the erection of 91 dwellings (including 27 affordable dwellings), provision of new and altered access, amenity space, landscaping and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except access, following demolition of all existing buildings (as amplified by additonal information received 27/07/2018 and amended by additonal information and plans received 17/09/18)




That, subject to the applicant entering into appropriate legal agreement within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure affordable housing, off-site play area and playing pitch improvements, off site community facility improvements, off site environmental improvements and on-site SuDS and open space management/maintenance and subject to conditions 1-27 and and informatives 1-7, permission be GRANTED



Councillor Richard Cole returned to Chairing the meeting.



Outline Application for the erection of 91 dwellings (including 27 affordable dwellings), provision of new and altered access, amenity space, landscaping and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except access, following demolition of all existing buildings (as amplified by additonal information received 27/07/2018 and amended by additonal information and plans received 17/09/18)




With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda papers had been published there had been several amendments to conditions. As these were not noted in the update sheet but spoken verbally, these amendments are noted below:


Condition 3 – Plan numbers conditions

It was recommended that a note is added to the proposed wording to confirm that plans 15013/C101C, 15013/C102A, 15013/SK21B, 15013/SK22B, 15013/SK23A, and 15013/SK24A are indicative only for all matters other than access.


Condition 4 – Provision of school and play facilities prior to implementation

This condition was recommended to be deleted as these matters would be covered by the legal agreement.


Condition 8 – Water supply impact studies

It was recommended that this condition is amended to the following: 

“Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling hereby permitted, the developer shall ensure that sufficient water supply to serve the development (without harm to existing water supply to other sites) has been provided in accordance with detailed impact studies of the existing water supply infrastructure which have previously been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (in consultation with Thames Water).”


Condition 13,14 and 15 – Noise – It was recommended that these conditions are deleted as they are sufficiently covered by (amended) condition 18.


Condition 18 – Construction Environmental Management Plan

It is recommended that point c is amended with the following addition: “Such details of measures to minimise noise shall include details of how the first occupiers of the development will be protected from noise within the rest of the development site.”


Condition 19 – No flood lighting

It was recommended that this condition is re-written as:

“No floodlights or other forms of external lighting shall be installed at the development (either for the carrying out of the development or for use when the development is occupied) other than as agreed in relation to condition 18(d).”


Condition 21 – Biodiversity enhancements

It was recommended that the date of the report referred to in point d is amended to relate to the July 2018 report.


Members were also alerted to an amendment to the recommendation which was amended as follows:


That, subject to the applicant entering into appropriate legal agreement within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure affordable housing, provision of an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


WA/2019/1168- Land At West Cranleigh Nurseries And North Of Knowle Park Between Knowle Lane And Alfold Road, Cranleigh pdf icon PDF 789 KB

Application for all remaining reserved matters for site A pursuant to the outline planning permission WA/2016/2207, comprising details of the design, construction and management of a 22.80 hectare country park including the provision of associated car parking, cycle parking, public toilets and play equipment. This application affects a public footpath. This is a subsequent application to outline permission WA/2016/2207 which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (revision of WA/2018/2019)



That, subject to conditions permission be GRANTED




Application for all remaining reserved matters for site A pursuant to the outline planning permission WA/2016/2207, comprising details of the design, construction and management of a 22.80 hectare country park including the provision of associated car parking, cycle parking, public toilets and play equipment. This application affects a public footpath. This is a subsequent application to outline permission WA/2016/2207 which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (revision of WA/2018/2019)




With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda papers had been published the Environment Agency had been consulted on additional information to demonstrate that all proposed ground levels associated with the park land application site would either be lowered or maintained at the existing current ground level. They were advised that the Environment Agency found this to be satisfactory and had no objections to the partial discharge of condition 16 of the outline consent in relation to the application site (Site A). 


The Committee noted that the application had come to committee because it was a major application for 22.80 hectare country park which fell outside of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. Permission was sought for the approval of all reserved matters relating to site A of the outline consent WA/2016/2207 for a new country park in Cranleigh. Having given consideration to the Development Plan as a while, it was considered that the proposed development would be acceptable subject to conditions.


Public Speaking

In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Councillor Nigel Sanctuary- Parish/Town Council

Robert Winkley                    - Supporter]



The Committee considered the application. Councillor Liz Townsend opened debate saying that it was a fantastic opportunity but as it affected a Public Footpath 393 and Long Distance Footpath LT11 whether it needed a proper assessment. Officers confirmed that this was not necessary. She went on to talk about the possibility of anti-social behaviour in the car park and whether anything could be done. Officers agreed that they could put an extra condition on the permission to include barriers/bollards.


Councillor Paul Follows asked about the ongoing maintenance of the application site. Officers confirmed that this would be carried out by the management company of the associated development.


Councillor Brian Adams asked whether a defibrilator and lifebuoys would be provided in the park. Officers advised that this was covered by separate health and safety legislation.


Councillor George Wilson asked about whether or not there would be commercial activity/entertainment on the site. Officers advised that there was conditions in place and this was covered by separated legislation. 


Moving to the recommendation, it was moved and seconded to grant the scheme subject to an extra  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.

Meeting adjourned

At 9.25pm it was agreed by vote that the meeting be adjourned following the decision of item A3, WA/2009/1168.


WA/2019/1171 - Land Centred Coordinates 485710 148770 On West Side Of Green Lane, Badshot Lea pdf icon PDF 631 KB

Approval of reserved matters: layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline permission granted under WA/2015/2283 for the erection of up to 105 dwellings (including 32 affordable) together with associated works (as amplified by drainage information received 08/08/2019 and 12/08/2019 and amended plans and information received 20/09/2019 and 07/11/2019)




That, permission be GRANTED, subject to the applicant entering into appropriate legal agreement within 3 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure the provision of: 30% on site affordable housing; contributions towards SANG, education infrastructure, SuDS management/maintenance, play space provision and maintenance, open space management/maintenance, contributions towards off-site play pitch improvements, off-site highways and public footpath improvements and travel plan, and subject to conditions and informatives.




Approval of reserved matters: layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline permission granted under WA/2015/2283 for the erection of up to 105 dwellings (including 32 affordable) together with associated works (as amplified by drainage information received 08/08/2019 and 12/08/2019 and amended plans and information received 20/09/2019 and 07/11/2019)


The meeting was adjourned following consideration of the previous item. This planning application would be considered as soon as possible and Members would be informed. (Note: Date of reconvened meeting was arranged for 17 December at 6.30pm)