Agenda item

WA/2019/1168- Land At West Cranleigh Nurseries And North Of Knowle Park Between Knowle Lane And Alfold Road, Cranleigh

Application for all remaining reserved matters for site A pursuant to the outline planning permission WA/2016/2207, comprising details of the design, construction and management of a 22.80 hectare country park including the provision of associated car parking, cycle parking, public toilets and play equipment. This application affects a public footpath. This is a subsequent application to outline permission WA/2016/2207 which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (revision of WA/2018/2019)



That, subject to conditions permission be GRANTED




Application for all remaining reserved matters for site A pursuant to the outline planning permission WA/2016/2207, comprising details of the design, construction and management of a 22.80 hectare country park including the provision of associated car parking, cycle parking, public toilets and play equipment. This application affects a public footpath. This is a subsequent application to outline permission WA/2016/2207 which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (revision of WA/2018/2019)




With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda papers had been published the Environment Agency had been consulted on additional information to demonstrate that all proposed ground levels associated with the park land application site would either be lowered or maintained at the existing current ground level. They were advised that the Environment Agency found this to be satisfactory and had no objections to the partial discharge of condition 16 of the outline consent in relation to the application site (Site A). 


The Committee noted that the application had come to committee because it was a major application for 22.80 hectare country park which fell outside of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. Permission was sought for the approval of all reserved matters relating to site A of the outline consent WA/2016/2207 for a new country park in Cranleigh. Having given consideration to the Development Plan as a while, it was considered that the proposed development would be acceptable subject to conditions.


Public Speaking

In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Councillor Nigel Sanctuary- Parish/Town Council

Robert Winkley                    - Supporter]



The Committee considered the application. Councillor Liz Townsend opened debate saying that it was a fantastic opportunity but as it affected a Public Footpath 393 and Long Distance Footpath LT11 whether it needed a proper assessment. Officers confirmed that this was not necessary. She went on to talk about the possibility of anti-social behaviour in the car park and whether anything could be done. Officers agreed that they could put an extra condition on the permission to include barriers/bollards.


Councillor Paul Follows asked about the ongoing maintenance of the application site. Officers confirmed that this would be carried out by the management company of the associated development.


Councillor Brian Adams asked whether a defibrilator and lifebuoys would be provided in the park. Officers advised that this was covered by separate health and safety legislation.


Councillor George Wilson asked about whether or not there would be commercial activity/entertainment on the site. Officers advised that there was conditions in place and this was covered by separated legislation. 


Moving to the recommendation, it was moved and seconded to grant the scheme subject to an extra condition in relation to bollards in the car park. Councillors voted 21 in favour and 1 against with no abstentions.



RESOLVED that, subject to conditions and an extra condition in relation to barriers, permission be GRANTED

Supporting documents: