Agenda, decisions and minutes

Extraordinary, Executive - Tuesday, 21st March, 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Interim Democratic Services Manager

No. Item

EXE 102/22


To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.

EXE 103/22

Local Plan Part 2: Adoption pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Please note that the Appendices referred to below and in the attached report are attached to the agenda for the meeting of Full Council taking place at 6pm on Tuesday 21 March, following the meeting of the Executive.


The Appendices are available on the Council’s website: Agenda for Council on Tuesday, 21st March, 2023, 6.00 pm - Waverley Borough Council


1.1          Following the Examination of Local Plan Part 2: Strategic Policies and Sites (LPP2), the Council has received the report from the independent Planning Inspector, Mr GJ Fort BA PGDip MCD MRTPI. This is provided as Appendix 1 and the schedule of Main Modifications (MMs) recommended by the Inspector is provided as Appendix 2.


1.2          The Inspector has concluded that, subject to the recommended MMs, LPP2 is legally compliant and sound and provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the Borough. The MMs are considered to improve and strengthen the Plan. It should be noted that the Council has no discretion to vary the MMs recommended by the Inspector. If they are not accepted, the Council cannot adopt LPP2.


1.3          The next step in the process is for the Council to formally adopt LPP2 as part of the statutory development plan for the Borough. The LPP2 for adoption is the Submitted Plan (comprising the Regulation 19 Draft Plan and Addendum) as amended by the MMs recommended by the Inspector (Appendix 2) and Additional Modifications identified by the Council. This is provided as a tracked-changes version at Appendix 3. The final version of LPP2 will be published as quickly as possible after the Council has resolved to adopt it. Delegated authority is sought to address any further Additional Modifications (minor corrections/ updates/ formatting)  identified in finalising the document.


1.4          Following adoption of LPP2, the Council will need to update the Policies Map to include the consequential changes identified in the Schedule of Changes to the Adopted Policies Map published for consultation with the proposed MMs and AMs in December 2022. This is provided as Appendix 4.




That the Executive recommends that the Council resolves to:


1.         Adopt the Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2 incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector (Appendix 2) and Additional Modifications identified by the Council (all as shown in the tracked changes version at Appendix 3) and agrees the consequential Changes to the Adopted Policies Map (Appendix 4).


2.         Authorise the Executive Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy, in consultation with Planning Portfolio Holder, to make any other Additional Modifications (minor corrections, factual updates, and formatting) identified in finalising LPP2 for publication.


The Executive RESOLVED to recommend that the Council resolve to:


1.    Adopt the Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2 incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector (Appendix 2) and Additional Modifications identified by the Council (all as shown in the tracked changes version at Appendix 3) and agrees the consequential Changes to the Adopted Policies Map (Appendix 4).


2.    Authorise the Executive Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy, in consultation with Planning Portfolio Holder, to make any other Additional Modifications (minor corrections, factual updates, and formatting) identified in finalising LPP2 for publication.


Reason: To adopt Local Plan Part 2 as part of the statutory development plan for the Borough.


This matter was recommended to Full Council for decision.


Cllr Liz Townsend, Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning & Economic Development, introduced the item, and thanked Officers for their outstanding efforts to complete the work on LPP2 in order for it to be submitted to the Executive and Council for adoption.


The Executive RESOLVED to recommend that Council resolve to:


1.            Adopt the Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2 incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector (Appendix 2) and Additional Modifications identified by the Council (all as shown in the tracked changes version at Appendix 3) and agrees the consequential Changes to the Adopted Policies Map (Appendix 4).


2.            Authorise the Executive Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy, in consultation with Planning Portfolio Holder, to make any other Additional Modifications (minor corrections, factual updates, and formatting) identified in finalising LPP2 for publication.


Reason: To adopt Local Plan Part 2 as part of the statutory development plan for the Borough.

EXE 104/22

Brambleton Hall - Disposal of Land pdf icon PDF 158 KB

This report seeks approval for disposal, by way of a lease agreement, of a small parcel of public open space on the Weydon Lane former landfill site, as shown in Annexe 1, to Brambleton Hall.




It is recommended that the Executive:


           1.     appropriate the area of land marked in Red on the plan marked in Annexe 1 for planning purposes as set out in the report.


           2.     Under s203 Housing and Planning Act 2016, override the Covenant dated 2 June 1972, not to use the land other than as in accordance with the covenant as set out in the report, in order to facilitate the development in accordance with the planning permission granted.


            3.    approve disposal, by way of a lease agreement, of land marked in Annexe 1 for a term of 20 years at nil consideration to Brambleton Hall The Parochial Church Council of the Bourne Parish (PCC) subject to them complying to the requirements set out in the planning permission.

Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to:


1.        appropriate the area of land marked in Red on the plan marked in Annexe 1 for planning purposes as set out in the report.


2.        under s203 Housing and Planning Act 2016, override the Covenant dated 2 June 1972, not to use the land other than as in accordance with the covenant as set out in the report, in order to facilitate the development in accordance with the planning permission granted.


3.         approve disposal, by way of a lease agreement, of land marked in Annexe 1 for a term of 20 years at nil consideration to Brambleton Hall The Parochial Church Council of the Bourne Parish (PCC) subject to them complying to the requirements set out in the planning permission.


Reason: to enable the PCC of the Bourne Parish to construct a children’s play area and site a storage unit on council-owned land adjacent to the Brambleton Hall. This supports the Council’s priority to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and communities through enabling Brambleton Hall to open up their facilities to a larger number of users and grow the activities on offer.


[Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Resources]


Cllr Mark Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial & Assets, introduced the report setting out the proposed disposal, by way of a lease agreement, of a small parcel of public open space on the Weydon Lane former landfill site to the Parochial Church Council of the Bourne Parish.


The Executive RESOLVED to:


1.        appropriate the area of land marked in Red on the plan marked in Annexe 1 for planning purposes as set out in the report.


2.        under s203 Housing and Planning Act 2016, override the Covenant dated 2 June 1972, not to use the land other than as in accordance with the covenant as set out in the report, in order to facilitate the development in accordance with the planning permission granted.


3.         approve disposal, by way of a lease agreement, of land marked in Annexe 1 for a term of 20 years at nil consideration to Brambleton Hall The Parochial Church Council of the Bourne Parish (PCC) subject to them complying to the requirements set out in the planning permission.


Reason: to enable the PCC of the Bourne Parish to construct a children’s play area and site a storage unit on council-owned land adjacent to the Brambleton Hall. This supports the Council’s priority to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and communities through enabling Brambleton Hall to open up their facilities to a larger number of users and grow the activities on offer.