Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 5th July, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Louise Fleming  Democratic Services & Business Support Team Manager

No. Item

EXE 10/22


To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 June 2022.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 June 2022 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.

EXE 11/22


To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.

EXE 12/22


The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 28 June 2022.


There were no questions received from members of the public.

EXE 13/22


The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 28 June 2022.



There were no questions received from Members of the Council.

EXE 14/22

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


The Leader and Portfolio Holders gave brief updates on current issues not reported elsewhere on the agenda:

·         Cllr Clark provided an update on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and the forthcoming consultation on proposed changes to traffic management in the town centre.

·         Cllr MacLeod provided an update on the Brightwells development and enforcement work in the Council.

·         Cllr Marriott provided an update on the Corporate Equality Objectives and Action Plan and it was hoped to hold an informal Councillor working group.

·         Cllr Merryweather promoted the discretionary element of the energy rebate scheme which was now open to applications.

·         Cllr Mirylees updated on the works to the Museum of Farnham.  The Procurement of Leisure Centre contract was on schedule.  She welcomed the recent Film Waverley event.

·         Cllr Palmer updated on the next bidding round of the Community Infrastructure Levy and welcomed all applications.

·         Cllr Townsend updated on the examination of LPP2 which was due to start on 12 July.  The Climate Change SPD consultation started on 28 June and details were on the Council’s website.  The Council’s new pre-app service had launched.  She also welcomed the Film Waverley event and a new Economic Development Strategy was being worked on.

·         Cllr Williams advised that the decarbonisation of Memorial Hall continues; work on cycle shelters continued; and Woolmer Hill now had solar panels installed.  He welcomed the work of the sustainability team.

·         The Leader thanked staff for running the elections on 23rd and 30th June and thanked the team working on supporting the Ukrainian refugees.

EXE 15/22

Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 265 KB

To consider any recommendations made by the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committees at their meetings on 20 and 21 June 2022 respectively.


The Leader introduced the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny meetings which had taken place in June. The Executive had discussed all the recommendations at their informal meeting, and thanked the Vice-Chairmen of both Committees for attending and for their contributions.


The Leader addressed the recommendations as follows:


R22-06-20-10.1:       The recommendations were accepted as they were compatible with the aims and objectives of the allocations policy.


R22-06-20-15.1        The recommendation was accepted.


S22-06-21-8.1           The recommendation was rejected as the Executive felt a policy was needed to set a direction before further steps could be taken.


S22-06-21-8.2           The recommendation was rejected as the Council had not had a biodiversity policy and action plan in place before. Therefore, the whole document was new.


S22-06-21-8.3           The recommendation was partially accepted.  An appendix with a broad outline of the indicative budget will be added. However, more detailed assessments of the resources required will depend on the baseline data collected.


S22-06-21-8.4           The recommendation was rejected as this work would be done as part of establishing the baselines for particular areas, acknowledging the limitations of those baselines.


S22-06-21-8.5           The recommendation was rejected as the plan related to land owned and managed by the Council and the Council’s activities would have negligible impact on the biodiversity of MoD land.


S22-06-21-8.6           The recommendation was accepted.  The Executive wished to ensure that the document was accessible and an executive summary would be provided.


S22-06-21-8.7           The recommendation was accepted.  The relevant paragraphs would be broadened and highlighted.


S22-06-21-8.8           The recommendation was rejected.  Such a decision was for the future and it was not possible to assess the viability of this as a target until the baseline data for individual sites had been obtained.


S22-06-21-8.9           The recommendation was accepted.


S22-06-21-8.10        The recommendation was rejected as site specific information would be in the management plan. The associated column would be removed to avoid confusion.


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.

EXE 16/22

Tenancy Strategy pdf icon PDF 421 KB

Officers are seeking Executive recommendation to adopt the revised Tenancy Strategy.




It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the Tenancy Strategy and recommends adoption to Full Council.  Strategy to come into effect on Monday 4 September 2022 in line with the revised Tenancy Agreement and Tenancy Policy.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive Committee approves the Tenancy Strategy and recommends adoption to Full Council.  Strategy to come into effect on Monday 5 September 2022 in line with the revised Tenancy Agreement and Tenancy Policy.


Reason: To adopt a Tenancy Strategy that sets out how social housing in the borough will be let, to meet housing needs, provide tenants with long term security in their home and create sustainable communities.  The strategy had been updated following consultation and the decision to stop issuing flexible tenancies[1] to Council tenants. 


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]

[1] Flexible tenancies are secure Local Authority tenancies for a fixed term


Councillor Palmer introduced the report which set out a revised Tenancy Strategy and highlighted proposed changes to the Tenancy Agreement and Tenancy Policy to remove flexible tenancies which had been supported by 97% of the respondents to the consultation.  The Leader welcomed the proposals which would provide stability for Council tenants.


RESOLVED that the Executive Committee approves the Tenancy Strategy and recommends adoption to Full Council.  Strategy to come into effect on Monday 5 September 2022 in line with the revised Tenancy Agreement and Tenancy Policy.


Reason: To adopt a Tenancy Strategy that sets out how social housing in the borough will be let, to meet housing needs, provide tenants with long term security in their home and create sustainable communities.  The strategy had been updated following consultation and the decision to stop issuing flexible tenancies[1] to Council tenants. 

[1] Flexible tenancies are secure Local Authority tenancies for a fixed term

EXE 17/22

Godalming Regeneration Project pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Obtain approval to progress to the next governance stage of the Central Godalming Regeneration Project. This project was formerly known as The Burys Development Project[1] but it has been renamed to reflect the size and multi-site nature of the scheme and its strategic importance to central Godalming and town centre housing.


Authorise funds to progress the project through to planning pre-application stage and assessments of detailed viability and delivery options.




It is recommended that the Executive:


      i.        Agree to change the name of the Burys Development Project to the Central Godalming Regeneration Project


    ii.        Recommends to Council to approve a supplementary estimate of £164,000 to progress the project to the next phase (3), including preliminary public engagement, to be funded from the Property Investment reserve.


   iii.        Note that phase 3 of the scheme will progress to a formal planning pre-application submission  that, subject to the outcome of the engagement process, may include the following elements:


-       A residential scheme and public car parking at Crown Court Car Park to bring much needed housing into the centre of Godalming

-       A retrofit of The Burys for office working space to reflect new ways of working, and increased car parking provision at The Burys site to allow for loss of car parking at Crown Court Car Park

-       A residential and/or car parking scheme at the Wharf Car Park on Woolsack Way






     i.        the name of the Burys Development Project be changed to the Central Godalming Regeneration Project;


    ii.        Council be recommended to approve a supplementary estimate of £164,000 to progress the project to the next phase (3), including preliminary public engagement, to be funded from the Property Investment reserve; and


 iii       it be noted that phase 3 of the scheme will progress to a formal planning pre-application submission  that, subject to the outcome of the engagement process, may include the following elements:


-       A residential scheme and public car parking at Crown Court Car Park to bring much needed housing into the centre of Godalming

-       A retrofit of The Burys for office working space to reflect new ways of working, and increased car parking provision at The Burys site to allow for loss of car parking at Crown Court Car Park

-       A residential and/or car parking scheme at the Wharf Car Park on Woolsack Way




The project offers an opportunity for regeneration of three Council owned sites within the Central Godalming area.   The project proposes to bring underutilised elements of the sites forward to generate much needed town centre housing, improve the access of the Council offices at Bridge Street and ensure the office space is utilised to the maximum in a period of hybrid working.  These elements will in turn benefit the town centre and bring footfall to local businesses, therefore bringing forward an opportunity for all three sites to be part of a regeneration project and thus the new name for the project.

To respond to the Phase 2 findings that demonstrates that viable schemes are possible on the nominated 3 sites whilst understanding that more detail is required to move them forward. 


The Council offices at the Burys in Godalming are unfit for purpose: they have been expensive to heat and maintain, due to the building’s low energy efficiency, for many years and they are excess to the Council’s post-Covid requirements. Absent this project, Waverley will have to spend a significant amount of scarce revenue funding to operate, repair and maintain the current building over the coming years.  It is an extremely inefficient building in layout and energy use accounting for 10% of Waverley buildings carbon output, and work is required to rectify this to meet our Climate Emergency objectives.  The current layout does not allow for the decreased numbers of staff working in the building due to the implementation of hybrid working and the new Agile Working Policy. 


Phase 3 will allow the Council to fully understand the potential for the delivery of much needed housing in Godalming and to engage with the local economy in Godalming.


By completing the pre-application stage, it will give the Council an understanding of whether the project deliverables can be met and to help to understand in detail any future planning risks, whilst bringing forward solutions to mitigate those risks.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]  ...  view the full decision text for item EXE 17/22


Councillor Merryweather presented the report which set out proposals to progress to Phase 3 of the Burys Development Project.  Phase 1 had identified concepts and established metrics against which they could be measured.  14 broad concepts had been identified and three had been shortlisted to progress to the Phase 2 studies which had looked at viability and deliverability.  The Phase 3 studies which would involve community engagement and further detailed analysis.  He thanked officers for their work and welcomed the engagement of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the all Councillor briefing and Godalming Town Council.


The Leader also welcomed the engagement with Godalming Town Council and reminded the Executive that inaction was not an option.




     i.        the name of the Burys Development Project be changed to the Central Godalming Regeneration Project;


    ii.        Council be recommended to approve a supplementary estimate of £164,000 to progress the project to the next phase (3), including preliminary public engagement, to be funded from the Property Investment reserve; and


 iii       it be noted that phase 3 of the scheme will progress to a formal planning pre-application submission  that, subject to the outcome of the engagement process, may include the following elements:


-       A residential scheme and public car parking at Crown Court Car Park to bring much needed housing into the centre of Godalming

-       A retrofit of The Burys for office working space to reflect new ways of working, and increased car parking provision at The Burys site to allow for loss of car parking at Crown Court Car Park

-       A residential and/or car parking scheme at the Wharf Car Park on Woolsack Way




The project offers an opportunity for regeneration of three Council owned sites within the Central Godalming area.   The project proposes to bring underutilised elements of the sites forward to generate much needed town centre housing, improve the access of the Council offices at Bridge Street and ensure the office space is utilised to the maximum in a period of hybrid working.  These elements will in turn benefit the town centre and bring footfall to local businesses, therefore bringing forward an opportunity for all three sites to be part of a regeneration project and thus the new name for the project.

To respond to the Phase 2 findings that demonstrates that viable schemes are possible on the nominated 3 sites whilst understanding that more detail is required to move them forward. 


The Council offices at the Burys in Godalming are unfit for purpose: they have been expensive to heat and maintain, due to the building’s low energy efficiency, for many years and they are excess to the Council’s post-Covid requirements. Absent this project, Waverley will have to spend a significant amount of scarce revenue funding to operate, repair and maintain the current building over the coming years.  It is an extremely inefficient building in layout and energy use accounting for 10% of Waverley buildings carbon output, and work is required to rectify this to meet our Climate  ...  view the full minutes text for item EXE 17/22

EXE 18/22

Community Governance Review of Towns and Parishes in the Waverley Borough Council Area Final Recommendations pdf icon PDF 150 KB

A Community Governance Review (CGR) looks at the governance arrangements of the towns and parishes in the area under review and seeks to ensure that these are reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area.


At Full Council on 14 December 2021, the Council approved the commencement of a CGR and its terms of reference. The first stage of consultation took place between 17 January 2022 and 25 February 2022. At Full Council on 17 May 2022, the method to evaluate the submissions in the initial consultation and the commencement of the second stage of consultation was approved.


The purpose of this report is to report the final recommendations to the Executive.




That the Executive recommends to Full Council that:


(a)   the final recommendations as set out in annexe 1 are approved; and


(b)  consent is sought from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) to:


                     i.        amend the boundaries in their final recommendations for new Borough wards to ensure the boundaries are coterminous; and

                    ii.        change the Town Council size and warding arrangements for Farnham, Godalming and Haslemere.


Additional documents:




That the Executive recommends to Full Council that:


(a)   the final recommendations as set out in annexe 1 are approved; and


(b)  consent is sought from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) to:


                     i.        amend the boundaries in their final recommendations for new Borough wards to ensure the boundaries are coterminous; and

                    ii.        change the Town Council size and warding arrangements for Farnham, Godalming and Haslemere.


Reason: The final recommendations have been formulated with consideration to key data for each parish and parish ward. This includes electorate projections and housing development data, submissions received at both stages of consultation, the parish/town council size, whether there is agreement between affected parishes and positive and/or negative effects on the electorate.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



The Leader presented the report which set out the final recommendations of the Community Governance Review in respect of Waverley’s Towns and Parishes, following consultation.




That the Executive recommends to Full Council that:


(a)   the final recommendations as set out in annexe 1 are approved; and


(b)  consent is sought from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) to:


                     i.        amend the boundaries in their final recommendations for new Borough wards to ensure the boundaries are coterminous; and

                    ii.        change the Town Council size and warding arrangements for Farnham, Godalming and Haslemere.


Reason: The final recommendations have been formulated with consideration to key data for each parish and parish ward. This includes electorate projections and housing development data, submissions received at both stages of consultation, the parish/town council size, whether there is agreement between affected parishes and positive and/or negative effects on the electorate.


EXE 19/22

Financial Outturn 2021/22, Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) & Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan Monitoring 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 616 KB

·            To report the financial outturn for the year 2021/22 for the General Fund and HRA against revenue and capital budgets.

·            To report the outcome of the review of general fund reserves within the scope of the MTFP, as committed to in the budget report to Council in February.

·            To alert members to emerging pressures and risks to the 2022/23 budget and the general fund MTFP

·            To note the ongoing strategic review of the HRA Business Plan  


        This report contains the following Annexes:


        Annexe 1 – General Fund revenue outturn 2021/22 summary

        Annexe 2 – General Fund capital outturn 2021/22 summary

       Annexe 3 – HRA revenue outturn 2021/22 summary

        Annexe 4 – HRA capital outturn 2021/22 summary

       Annexe 5 – Capital Receipts Flexibility 2021/22

        Annexe 6 – General Fund reserves within the scope of the MTFP




That the Executive:

                    i.       note the 2021/22 outturn position for the HRA and General Fund including the agreed budget carry forward amounts

                   ii.       note the emerging pressures and risks set out in the report and, in the light of these, ask officers to undertake a mid-year review of the MTFP including any reprioritisation of capital schemes, and report to Council in October via overview and scrutiny committee.

                  iii.       recommend to Council to approve the schedule of reserves in Annexe 6 including the purpose, allowable use and the proposed movements in 2021/22 and to agree a delegation to the S151 officer to agree draw down from the reserves if the use is in line with the approved purpose. 

                  iv.       recommend to Council to make the change to the treasury management strategy threshold for the maximum investment for an individual counterparty as set out in paragraph 8.2.

                   v.       approve the capital receipt flexibility strategy as detailed in paragraph 9.3 to utilise the extended flexibilities around funding.



Additional documents:




                    i.       the 2021/22 outturn position for the HRA and General Fund including the agreed budget carry forward amounts be noted

                   ii.       the emerging pressures and risks set out in the report be noted and, in the light of these, officers be asked to undertake a mid-year review of the MTFP including any reprioritisation of capital schemes, and report to Council in October via overview and scrutiny committee.

                 iii.       It be recommended to Council to approve the schedule of reserves in Annexe 6 including the purpose, allowable use and the proposed movements in 2021/22 and to agree a delegation to the S151 officer to agree draw down from the reserves if the use is in line with the approved purpose. 

                 iv.       It be recommended to Council to make the change to the treasury management strategy threshold for the maximum investment for an individual counterparty as set out in paragraph 8.2.

                   v.       the capital receipt flexibility strategy as detailed in paragraph 9.3 to utilise the extended flexibilities around funding be approved.


Reason: Reporting the financial outturn builds on the quarterly monitoring during the year and shows the extent to which the Council has kept within its income and expenditure budgets, demonstrating transparency and good governance. This report follows up on actions identified in the budget report agreed by Council in February. It should be noted that the HRA business plan strategic review is underway and will be reported to the Executive, via scrutiny committee, in the autumn.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



Councillor Merryweather presented the report which set out the 2021/22 outturn position, the emerging pressures on the current financial year’s budget and proposals for managing those pressures, including a further review of the Medium Term Financial Plan later in the year.  A strategic review of the HRA Business Plan was already underway.


The Leader welcomed the work of the officers on their competent management of the Council’s finances.




                    i.       the 2021/22 outturn position for the HRA and General Fund including the agreed budget carry forward amounts be noted

                   ii.       the emerging pressures and risks set out in the report be noted and, in the light of these, officers be asked to undertake a mid-year review of the MTFP including any reprioritisation of capital schemes, and report to Council in October via overview and scrutiny committee.

                 iii.       It be recommended to Council to approve the schedule of reserves in Annexe 6 including the purpose, allowable use and the proposed movements in 2021/22 and to agree a delegation to the S151 officer to agree draw down from the reserves if the use is in line with the approved purpose. 

                 iv.       It be recommended to Council to make the change to the treasury management strategy threshold for the maximum investment for an individual counterparty as set out in paragraph 8.2.

                   v.       the capital receipt flexibility strategy as detailed in paragraph 9.3 to utilise the extended flexibilities around funding be approved.


Reason: Reporting the financial outturn builds on the quarterly monitoring during the year and shows the extent to which the Council has kept within its income and expenditure budgets, demonstrating transparency and good governance. This report follows up on actions identified in the budget report agreed by Council in February. It should be noted that the HRA business plan strategic review is underway and will be reported to the Executive, via scrutiny committee, in the autumn.



The background papers relating to the following items are as specified in the reports included in the original agenda papers.

EXE 20/22

Godalming Greenway Gateway route selection pdf icon PDF 472 KB

The council is promoting greater cycling and walking, as part of the Climate Emergency response, to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. As well as supporting with Surrey County Council (SCC) to develop a spinal Guildford to Godalming Greenway, Waverley is leading on a project to deliver an east – west ‘Gateway’ section.


The purpose of this report is to:


a. inform the executive of the results of the public consultation and the route selection for both Philips Memorial Park and The Burys;

b. seek approval to continue to detailed design, costing and procurement of the recommended routes.




It is recommended that the Executive:

a. Approve the new Sports Pavilion alignment route of the Godalming Greenway Gateway as the preferred route through Phillips Memorial Park and proceed to Phase 2 of the project.

b. Approve the “cycle street” option for The Burys section of the Greenway Gateway for SCC to include in the main Godalming Greenway contraction phase.


Additional documents:




a. the new Sports Pavilion alignment route of the Godalming Greenway Gateway as the preferred route through Phillips Memorial Park be approved and the project proceed to Phase 2.

b. the “cycle street” option for The Burys section of the Greenway Gateway for SCC to include in the main Godalming Greenway contraction phase be approved.


Reason: Approval of a designated route for the Godalming Greenway Gateway will enable the project to proceed to procurement of detailed design, costing and construction of the first section through Phillips Memorial Park.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



Councillor Williams presented the report which set out two proposed new routes for the Godalming Greenway Gateway which took account of comments received during the consultation.  The Leader welcomed the responses received and the proposals.




a. the new Sports Pavilion alignment route of the Godalming Greenway Gateway as the preferred route through Phillips Memorial Park be approved and the project proceed to Phase 2.

b. the “cycle street” option for The Burys section of the Greenway Gateway for SCC to include in the main Godalming Greenway contraction phase be approved.


Reason: Approval of a designated route for the Godalming Greenway Gateway will enable the project to proceed to procurement of detailed design, costing and construction of the first section through Phillips Memorial Park.


EXE 21/22

Woolmer Hill 3G project update pdf icon PDF 156 KB

**Please note that the updated covering report replaces the one circulated in the main agenda, including legal comments and an updated purpose and recommendation as set out below**


To update the Executive on the progress made on obtaining funding, to the sum of £672,947 for a new 3G artificial pitch at Woolmer Hill Sports ground.

To authorise the Head of Commercial Services to enter into such agreements as are necessary with the Football Foundation to secure the grant funding.

To authorise a budget of up to £10,000 for external legal support.




·         The Executive approve the entering into of a restriction against title and deed of dedication as requested by the Football Foundation to secure the grant allocation of £672,947 to build the 3G pitch. 


·         The Executive approve the budget of £10,000 for external legal support to complete the necessary checks and documentation stipulated by the Football Foundation and progress the project.


Additional documents:




·         The Executive approve the entering into of a restriction against title and deed of dedication as requested by the Football Foundation to secure the grant allocation of £672,947 to build the 3G pitch. 


·         The Executive approve the budget of £10,000 for external legal support to complete the necessary checks and documentation stipulated by the Football Foundation and progress the project.


Reason: To allow the 3G artificial pitch to be built at Woolmer Hill sports ground, adding a significant and much needed sports resource to the Haslemere area.


[Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Mirylees presented the report which provided an update on progress made with securing funding for a new 3G artificial pitch at Woolmer Hill Sports ground and proposed entering into a legal agreement and seeking external legal support to progress the project.




·         The Executive approve the entering into of a restriction against title and deed of dedication as requested by the Football Foundation to secure the grant allocation of £672,947 to build the 3G pitch. 


·         The Executive approve the budget of £10,000 for external legal support to complete the necessary checks and documentation stipulated by the Football Foundation and progress the project.


Reason: To allow the 3G artificial pitch to be built at Woolmer Hill sports ground, adding a significant and much needed sports resource to the Haslemere area.