Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 2nd February, 2016 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 January 2016 (to be laid on the table half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 January 2016 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.



The Chairman to respond to the following questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


i.          from Mrs Anne Cooper of Farnham


“Taking into account the recent cold wet weather, it would be good to hear the Portfolio Holder for East Street give a report on the current state of Grade II Listed Brightwell House.  The Redgrave Theatre, built by public subscription, is attached to Brightwell House and although this extension is scheduled for demolition, it currently remains part of the principal building under the protection of the Grade II Listing.  These buildings have been left in a derelict condition since 1999 and reportedly contain bat roosts.  In the intervening 17 years both buildings have been vandalised, subject to thefts of valuable items and to water penetration.  There have been plans for the renovation of Brightwell House since 2006 as part of the long delayed Crest Nicholson redevelopment of East Street, but there is still uncertainty about when this might happen.  Please could we have the dates of all previous and any expected structural surveys of the fabric of Brightwell House and the Redgrave?”


ii.         from Mr Jerry Hyman of Farnham


            "My question relates to Farnham’s town-centre road system and the Air Quality Action Plan, and asks whether anyone knows what we are doing, as there are conflicting Plans in place.


For instance, the consented plans for the almost-completed development on the old Police Station site indicate that a new pedestrian crossing will soon be installed in Longbridge, whilst the consented Crest Nicholson plans show traffic lights and three new pedestrian crossings at the Longbridge junction;  the Council’s Farnham Area Conservation Management Plan proposes a shared-space solution, and the Herald recently reported that Surrey are planning a mini-roundabout there.        


We appear to have a similarly confused situation regarding the main Royal Deer junction, for which the Council has repeatedly approved CNS’s reconfiguration proposals to more-than-double both pedestrian and traffic waiting times -  resulting Crest being tasked with finding a different ‘solution’ -   whilst our MP and Surrey Highways have together been pursuing and claiming public approval for entirely contradictory proposals.  We now find that the Woolmead planning application proposes yet another different design for the junction.  However, Mr Hunt’s recent ‘update’ in his End-of Year Letter informed us that a practical solution is still being sought. 


Hence it’s difficult to know what the Plan is for our gyratory system, with at least seven different Plans either agreed or being pursued, and it’s unclear quite when the interesting process of continually installing, uninstalling and replacing them all will commence.


Our Local Plan, our AQAP and numerous major developments depend upon this, so if anyone knows what we are doing, can you please describe the current Plan for Farnham’s gyratory system, and the likely timescales ?


[NB.    Questions from members of the public express personal views of the questioners and Waverley does not endorse any statements in any way and  ...  view the full agenda text for item 122.


The Executive received the following questions in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


i.          from Mrs Anne Cooper of Farnham


“Taking into account the recent cold wet weather, it would be good to hear the Portfolio Holder for East Street give a report on the current state of Grade II Listed Brightwell House. The Redgrave Theatre, built by public subscription, is attached to Brightwell House and although this extension is scheduled for demolition, it currently remains part of the principal building under the protection of the Grade II Listing. These buildings have been left in a derelict condition since 1999 and reportedly contain bat roosts. In the intervening 17 years both buildings have been vandalised, subject to thefts of valuable items and to water penetration. There have been plans for the renovation of Brightwell House since 2006 as part of the long delayed Crest Nicholson redevelopment of East Street, but there is still uncertainty about when this might happen. Please could we have the dates of all previous and any expected structural surveys of the fabric of Brightwell House and the Redgrave?”


Mrs Cooper was not present at the meeting to ask her question and the Chairman undertook to send the response to her question in writing.


ii.         from Mr Jerry Hyman of Farnham


            "My question relates to Farnham’s town-centre road system and the Air Quality Action Plan, and asks whether anyone knows what we are doing, as there are conflicting Plans in place.


For instance, the consented plans for the almost-completed development on the old Police Station site indicate that a new pedestrian crossing will soon be installed in Longbridge, whilst the consented Crest Nicholson plans show traffic lights and three new pedestrian crossings at the Longbridge junction; the Council’s Farnham Area Conservation Management Plan proposes a shared-space solution, and the Herald recently reported that Surrey are planning a mini-roundabout there.


We appear to have a similarly confused situation regarding the main Royal Deer junction, for which the Council has repeatedly approved CNS’s reconfiguration proposals to more-than-double both pedestrian and traffic waiting times - resulting Crest being tasked with finding a different ‘solution’ - whilst our MP and Surrey Highways have together been pursuing and claiming public approval for entirely contradictory proposals. We now find that the Woolmead planning application proposes yet another different design for the junction. However, Mr Hunt’s recent ‘update’ in his End-of Year Letter informed us that a practical solution is still being sought.


Hence it’s difficult to know what the Plan is for our gyratory system, with at least seven different Plans either agreed or being pursued, and it’s unclear quite when the interesting process of continually installing, uninstalling and replacing them all will commence.


Our Local Plan, our AQAP and numerous major developments depend upon this, so if anyone knows what we are doing, can you please describe the current Plan for Farnham’s gyratory system, and the likely timescales ?


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Cllr Adams, responded as follows:-


“Waverley’s Air Quality  ...  view the full minutes text for item 122.


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Waverley Financial Strategy 2016/17 - 2019/20


The reports from the Executive in respect of the 2016/17 budget are set out at Agenda Item 8 to the Council agenda, incorporating:-


8a.       General Fund Revenue Budget 2016/2017


8b.       General Fund Capital Programme 2016/2017


8c.       Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2016/2017


8d.       Council Tax Setting 2016/2017


These reports have been dealt with at Agenda Item 8 of the Council agenda.


Treasury Management 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

The purpose of the report is to approve the:

·         revised Treasury Management Policy

·         2016/17 Treasury Management Strategy

·         2016/17 Investment Strategy

·         and the Prudential Indicators to 2018/19.




The Executive recommends to the Council that the 2016/17 Treasury Management Policy, the 2016/17 Treasury Management Strategy, the Annual Investment Strategy for 2016/17, and the Prudential Indicators to 2018/19 be approved.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the 2016/17 Treasury Management Policy, the 2016/17 Treasury Management Strategy, the Annual Investment Strategy for 2016/17, and the Prudential Indicators to 2018/19 be approved.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to approve the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2016/17]


124.1  Treasury management is the management of the Council’s investments and cash flows, its banking, money market and capital market transactions, the effective control of the risks associated with those activities and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.


124.2  For Waverley Borough Council this means collecting around £130m per annum and managing a similar amount of revenue expenditure, together with an average investment of around £65m each day invested in financial markets and, with the introduction of HRA Self-financing in 2012/13, it now also includes borrowing of £192m.


124.3  The latest revision to the code by CIPFA in November 2011 incorporates the implications of the new HRA Self-Financing framework and tightens up on the requirements for the management of risk.  These changes were incorporated in Waverley’s Policy and originally approved in February 2012.


124.4  The code requires local authorities to maintain their Treasury Management Policy in accordance with the code, and any of its revisions, and with legislation. It also requires local authorities to determine their Treasury Management strategies and Investment strategies on an annual basis and their Prudential Indicators on an annual basis. 


124.5  CIPFA has produced this Code and the accompanying guidance notes to help satisfy nine main purposes:


i.          To assist public service organisations in the development and maintenance of firm foundations and clear objectives for their treasury management activities, and thereby to add to their credibility in the public eye.

ii.         To emphasise the over-riding importance of effective risk management, as the foundation for treasury management in all public service bodies.


iii.        To provide transparency for treasury management decisions including the use of counterparties and financial instruments that individual public service organisations intend to use for the prudent management of their financial affairs.


iv.       To encourage the pursuit of value for money in treasury management, and to promote the reasoned use, development and appreciation of appropriate and practical measures of performance.

v.         To enable CIPFA members to fulfil their professional and contractual responsibilities to the organisations they serve and, in accordance with the members’ charter, “to maintain and develop the professional competence of both themselves and those they supervise”.

vi.       To help facilitate a standardisation and codification of treasury management policies and practices in the public services.

vii.      To assist those involved in the regulation and review of treasury management in the public services, particularly those charged with the audit of the same

viii.      To foster a continuing debate on the relevance and currency of the statutory and regulatory regimes under which treasury management in the various parts of the public services operates.

ix.       To further the understanding and confidence of, and to act as a reference work for, financial and other institutions whose businesses bring them into contact with the treasury management activities of public service organisations.


124.6  The key documents in line with the requirements of the Code are approved by Council annually as follows:


·           Treasury Management Policy Statement is included at Annexe 1 and sets out the headline objectives of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 124.


Funding for Voluntary Sector Organisations 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The purpose of the report is to consider the applications to the Waverley Community Grant Scheme for revenue funding in 2016/17, taking into account the observations made by the Community Overview and Scrutiny Grants Sub-Committee and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


The report proposes to continue to protect the Council’s overall level of discretionary spending on grants at £725,110 to the voluntary sector despite significant reductions in Waverley’s government funding. 




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         confirms the overall funding to the voluntary sector at £725,110 for 2016/17;


2.         considers the applications for Waverley Community Partnership funding in 2016/17, having regard to the comments of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Grants Sub-Committee; and


3.         recommends grant levels for each organisation, as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report, to the Council for approval.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


1.         the overall funding to the voluntary sector be confirmed at £725,110 for 2016/17; and


2.         having considered the applications for Waverley Community Partnership funding in 2016/17 and the comments of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Grants Sub-Committee, recommends grant levels for each organisation, as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to consider applications for revenue funding to the voluntary sector in 2016/17]


125.1  The Waverley Community Grant Scheme awards funding towards the running costs of organisations that provide high priority services for the benefit of Waverley residents, in partnership with the Council.  The services that the partner organisations deliver across all corporate objectives could fall into any of the 5 priority areas.  In addition the Council made a specific commitment in the Corporate Plan to work with voluntary groups to meet the needs of residents.  Waverley’s contribution to the Waverley Voluntary Partnership also helps support organisations to deliver wellbeing activities.  The financial implications are explained in detail below.


125.2  The Council’s total grants allocated to Community organisations in 2016/17 are £725,110 showing the Council’s continued commitment to its partnerships with voluntary organisations.  This overall budget has been maintained over the past four years, despite the Council’s significant reductions in its government grant.  As a proportion of the Council’s overall net budget spend, the level of financial support has increased.  A summary of the grant and Service Level Agreement funding proposed in 2016/17:









Waverley Community Grant Scheme (grants)



Waverley Voluntary Partnership (commissioning)



Service Level Agreements



Total proposed funding allocated to Voluntary Sector organisations




125.3  In addition to the above funding, the Council supports these and additional organisations in many other ways including assistance with accessing other sources of funding, one-off capital investment, discretionary rate relief and rent relief.


125.4  At its meeting on 6 October 2015, the Executive agreed to open the 2016/17 funding round of the Waverley Community Grant Scheme (previously called the Waverley Community Partnership) to coincide with the budget setting process.  In the current year 2015/16, the Council maintained its overall financial package for the voluntary sector and the total funding for the Waverley Community Grants Scheme was £158,650.


125.5  The Council will receive a further 52% reduction in its grant from the Government for 2016/17 and will need to identify cost savings to balance its budget.   However, Members recognise the vital services delivered in partnership with the voluntary sector and are mindful of the potential impact that any cut would have on our voluntary organisations.  Members are also keen to ensure services that support Waverley’s growing older population and more vulnerable residents are prioritised in the current economic climate. It is currently proposed in the draft budget 2016/17 that the overall funding budget for voluntary organisations be maintained at the same level as the current year.  Within this, the budgets for the Waverley Community Grant Scheme, Voluntary Grants Partnership and Service Level Agreements will vary.    


125.6  The Council has not decreased its overall funding to the voluntary sector for five years and this clearly demonstrates Waverley’s continued commitment to the voluntary sector despite the Council having to make its own budget reductions.


125.7  Despite further significant reductions in Government funding, it is proposed that the total amount of money that Waverley contributes to the Waverley Voluntary Partnership (WVP) commissioning pilot scheme should remain at the same level  ...  view the full minutes text for item 125.


Annual Pay Policy Statement 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The purpose of the report is to advise Members of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016-17.




It is recommended that the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016-17 be approved and recommended to the Council for adoption.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016-17 be approved and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to seek approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016/17].


126.1  The Localism Act 2011 requires all public authorities to publish Annual Pay Policy Statements.  The Council is required to adopt the Annual Pay Policy Statement each year and the Council is not legally permitted to depart from the policies set out in that statement when it considers actual decisions in relation to individuals’ remuneration, including redundancy and/or severance.


126.2  The Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016-17 has been updated in line with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, resulting in minimal adjustment from last year and the amendments are shown in Annexe 7 as tracked changes.


126.3  The Executive


            RECOMMENDS that


63.       the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016-17 at Annexe 7 be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to seek approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2016/17].


Corporate Plan 2016-2019 pdf icon PDF 379 KB

The report sets out the proposed content of the new Corporate Plan 2016-19. The design concept will be presented to the Executive at the meeting.  The observations from the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Corporate Plan are included.




The Executive is requested to consider the draft Corporate Plan 2016-2019 and recommend it to the Council for approval and adoption.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Corporate Plan 2016-2019 be approved and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to approve the proposed contents of the new Corporate Plan for 2016-19]


127.1  The Council’s last Corporate Plan expired in 2015 and there is a need for a new Plan to set out and deliver the Council’s objectives during the life of the current administration 2016-19.


127.2  The Corporate Plan, attached at Annexe 8, provides the strategic direction of the Council by setting out its priorities for the next four years.  The Plan also forms a vital part of the Performance Management Framework for the Council.  The objectives contained in the Plan are delivered through annual Service Plans which in turn are delivered through individual staff targets and these are monitored through the appraisal process.  


127.3  The objectives set out in the Corporate Plan have been arrived at through discussion, research and consultation over the last year taking into consideration the needs of customers and partner organisations.  It is proposed that the overall design of the Corporate Plan will follow the existing design concept adopted for Waverley’s recruitment material. 


127.4. The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the Corporate Plan at its meeting on 18 January 2016 and its observations were as follows:-


      Consideration to be given to the inclusion of youth and young people in the document

      Inclusion of air quality

      Suggestion that the achievements should be grouped under the same headings as the priorities

      Make reference in the document to Waverley working as part of an integrated hierarchy of local government (with County/Towns/Parishes).


127.5  The Executive considered each comment but agreed that no changes were required to the document.  The Executive accordingly


            RECOMMENDS that


64.       the Corporate Plan 2016-2019, at Annexe 8, be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to approve the proposed contents of the new Corporate Plan for 2016-19]


Starter Homes Local Authority Funding Programme pdf icon PDF 979 KB

The purpose of the report is to inform the Executive of the outcome of the bid for funding through the Local Authority Starter Homes Funding programme to prepare land to facilitate the development of Starter Homes on two small sites in Waverley and seeks approval to enter into a funding agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) for the grant allocation of £124,000, approval to submit a planning application and approval to dispose to a private developer or build contractor.




That the Executive recommends to the Council that:


1.         the funding agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency be signed to enable the grant allocated through the Starter Homes Programme to be received;


2.         approval be given for a planning application to be submitted in due course; and


3.         approval be given for the disposal of the site for Starter Homes at best consideration to a private developer or build contractor, subject to final agreement on price with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Director of Finance and Resources.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.         the funding agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency be signed to enable the grant allocated through the Starter Homes Programme to be received;


2.         approval be given for a planning application to be submitted in due course; and


3.         approval be given for the disposal of the site for Starter Homes at best consideration to a private developer or build contractor, subject to final agreement on price with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Director of Finance and Resources.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to inform members of the outcome of the bid for funding and seek approval for actions to progress the starter homes]


128.1  The Council has a long-standing commitment to delivering affordable housing in Waverley.  One of the Government’s objectives for housing is to enable more young people in home ownership by offering access to lower cost newly built market housing by building 200,000 Starter Homes, to be offered at a minimum 20% discount on open market value, in the next four years.  The maximum open market value for a Starter Home is £250,000.

128.2  In October 2015, the Homes and Communities Agency invited bids from local authorities to bring forward sites for the development of Starter Homes. The grant is available for undertaking investigative works by March 2016 to make the site ready for development.  Land eligible for funding through this programme was expected to be:

·         commercial, industrial, leisure or other non-residential institutional land which is either vacant, under-used or unviable in its current or former use, and

·         not currently identified for housing in a local or neighbourhood plan or within the authority’s 5 year housing land supply, and

·         in local authority ownership.

128.3  During 2016/17, the Council would need to enter into an unconditional contract with a developer for the sale of the site and secure planning permission to deliver six Starter Homes.

128.4  Bids were submitted to fund pre-development costs on two small sites in Waverley at the former garage site in Aarons Hill, Godalming and land to the rear of 13 Ryle Road, Farnham to enable them to be brought forward for the delivery a total of six Starter Homes.  A breakdown of the bids is set out below:



No of Starter Homes

Site investigation costs


Remediation costs


Ecological works


Planning permission




Aarons Hill







Ryle Road










128.5  As the maximum open market value for a Starter Home is £250,000, the proposed schemes provide one and two bedroom homes. Based on initial pre-planning advice, the site at Aarons Hill has capacity for 4 x 1bed flats to the front of the site and the land at Ryle Road has potential for 2 x 2 bed houses.   The delivery timetable is set out below:




Funding incurred on allowable costs for pre-development works

31 March 2016

Site remediated and ready for the development of Starter Homes

31 March 2017

Planning permission achieved for Starter Homes development

31 March 2017

Unconditional contract entered into by the Council with a developer or build contractor for Starter Homes development

31 March 2017

Commencement of start on site works related to Starter Homes 

31 March 2018

Starter Homes practically completed

31 March 2019



128.6  The grant funding enables the Council to carry out pre-development works to bring the sites forward for development.  When each site is ready for development, the Council will dispose of it to a developer or build contractor, for the construction and sale of Starter Homes. 


128.7  The Council will market the site to achieve best consideration, subject to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 128.


Legislation changes affecting the Private Rented Sector pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The purpose of the report is to outline the changes to legislation affecting the private rented sector and the additional duties imposed on the Council.




It is recommenced that the Executive notes the impact on the Council of new legislation affecting the private rented housing sector and


1.         recommends to the Council that the Scheme of Delegation be amended, as set out in Annexe 1, to include the enforcement provisions under a) the Redress Schemes for Lettings Agency Work and Property Management Work Order 2014; and, b) the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015; and


2.         The statement of principles at Annexe 2 be adopted, which the Council will follow in determining the amount of penalty charge payable by a landlord who has failed to comply with a remedial notice under the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Regulations 2015.



Additional documents:


The Executive has noted the impact on the Council of new legislation affecting the private rented housing sector and agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


1.         the Scheme of Delegation be amended, as set out in Annexe 1, to include the enforcement provisions under a) the Redress Schemes for Lettings Agency Work and Property Management Work Order 2014; and, b) the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015; and


2.         the statement of principles at Annexe 2 be adopted, which the Council will follow in determining the amount of penalty charge payable by a landlord who has failed to comply with a remedial notice under the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Regulations 2015.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to outline the changes in legislation and prepare for the additional duties imposed on the Council]




129.1  There have been a number of new pieces of legislation which affect the private rented sector.  Some of the changes do not affect the Council directly but do impact on advice provided to landlords and tenants.  However, some changes introduce new legal duties on the Council or have the potential to significantly affect the way that enforcement action is taken.  The new pieces of legislation are as follows:

Redress Scheme for Lettings and Property Management Work

129.2  The Redress Schemes for Lettings Agency Work and Property Management Work (Requirement to Belong to a Scheme etc.) Order 2014 came into force on 1 October 2014. This Order requires persons who engage in lettings agency or property management work to belong to a redress scheme for dealing with complaints in connection with that work. The Order imposes a duty on local authorities to enforce the provisions.

129.3  Where the enforcement authority is satisfied that a person has failed to comply with the requirement it may, by notice, require that person to pay a monetary penalty of such amount as the authority determine, which must not exceed £5,000. The authority may recover the monetary penalty on the order of a court by providing a certificate, signed by the authority’s Chief Finance Officer, stating that the amount due has not been received by the date specified.

129.4  The Council needs to update the Scheme of Delegation to include the new enforcement provisions under the Order and decide on the level of the monetary penalty.

Retaliatory Evictions

129.5  The Deregulation Act 2015 contains provisions to prevent landlords from responding to a legitimate complaint from their tenants about the condition of the property by serving a Section 21 eviction notice. It applies to all new assured shorthold tenancies that start on or after 1 October 2015.

129.6  To gain protection against this kind of retaliatory eviction a relevant tenant must report any disrepair or poor conditions to the landlord in writing. If the landlord does not respond within 14 days, or responds by issuing a Section 21 Notice, the tenant should ask the local authority to carry out an inspection to determine whether the property contains any serious health or safety hazards. If the local authority then serves an Improvement Notice or Notice of Emergency Remedial Action, the landlord cannot evict the tenant for 6 months using the no-fault eviction procedure. This protection does not apply to Section 8 Notices i.e. eviction where the tenant has failed to pay rent for 2 months.

129.7  There are two main areas of impact on the Private Sector Housing team arising from this:

a.  There will be a need to carry out an inspection and take enforcement action quickly in response to a tenant’s complaint. Failure to do so may result in the tenant being evicted in spite of these new provisions, which potentially will cause an increase in unintentional homeless cases. With a small Private Sector Housing Team there are times when it will only be possible  ...  view the full minutes text for item 129.


Disposal of Council Dwellings and Carrying out Major Works pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval to dispose of eight properties, each requiring major works in excess of the Asset Management Strategy viability threshold and with other risk factors and to seek approval for a budget to refurbish three properties.




That the Executive recommends to the Council the following:


1.            the disposal by open market sale of eight properties, as shown in (Exempt) Annexe 1, in accordance with the Asset Management Strategy, thus generating a capital receipt;


2.         the funding of the major works to three properties as shown in (Exempt) Annexe 1, from the 2016/17 Stock Remodelling Reserve and/or the capital receipt from the disposal programme and the re-letting of the vacant properties for an Affordable Rent of up to 80% of open market value; and


3.         the tendering of the refurbishment works for the three properties and the appointment of contractors.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.            the disposal by open market sale of eight properties be approved, as shown in (Exempt) Annexe 1, in accordance with the Asset Management Strategy, thus generating a capital receipt;


2.         the funding of the major works to three properties as shown in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be agreed, from the 2016/17 Stock Remodelling Reserve and/or the capital receipt from the disposal programme and the re-letting of the vacant properties for an Affordable Rent of up to 80% of open market value; and


3.         the tendering of the refurbishment works for the three properties and the appointment of contractors be approved.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to seek approval to dispose of properties requiring major works in excess of the Asset Management Strategy viability threshold]



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


130.1  The Council owns a number of properties across the Borough that require extensive refurbishment works to bring them up to Decent Homes standard, estimated to cost in excess of £1 million.  The major works required to these properties include repairing structural defects, treating damp floors and walls, replacing ceilings, re-plastering walls, replacing kitchens and bathrooms, upgrading central heating and electrical re-wiring and drainage remedial works to make them suitable for letting. 


130.2  The major works to each property have been highlighted in the attached decision-making model at (Exempt) Annexe 11.  The model considers whether the refurbishment work is appropriate and cost effective and uses the following criteria:


                      i.        Financial

                    ii.        Other risk factors – e.g. listed building status, high level of day-to-day repairs (predominantly properties built before pre-1945), not on mains drainage

                   iii.        Demand (Housing Need)

                   iv.        Redevelopment potential


130.3  The options considered in conjunction with the Housing Development Team were:


                    i.          Refurbish

                  ii.          Refurbish and consider letting at a higher affordable rent level

                 iii.          Renovate and configure to create an improved layout

                 iv.          Redevelop

                  v.          Extend to increase the number of affordable homes

                 vi.          Offer to a Housing Association for continued use as affordable housing

                vii.          Sell on the open market.



130.4  The properties listed in (Exempt) Annexe 11 require major works in excess of the Asset Management Strategy viability threshold.  Column L shows the estimated long term cost over thirty years (including the immediate repairs, as shown in column S).  These costs were considered in relation to the total income potential from each property, over 30 years. Column M indicates if the reinvestment would be financially feasible. Where costs equate to between 33% and 66%, other factors are taken into consideration. Where costs equate to more than 66% of income, disposal is recommended. Column M shows that this applies to eight properties.


130.5  The 2015-2020 Asset Management Strategy sets out the other risk factors to take into account when considering disposals.  These include properties where the Council spends most on day-to-day repairs, listed buildings, properties not on mains drainage and those located outside the borough. 


130.6  The Housing Options Team has assessed the demand for each property, using data from the Housing Register. Column N shows that all the properties were assessed as being in high demand and meet a housing need.  The Housing Development Team has rated the development potential of each property. Column O shows that four properties had some limited development potential. Further work was undertaken to develop proposals for these properties, but the alternative options failed to deliver value for money. The remaining properties were not considered to have  ...  view the full minutes text for item 130.



To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 7.48 pm it was


RESOLVED  that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during this item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


                        Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) (paragraph 3).




Property Matter - Cranleigh

To consider the (Exempt) report attached on this matter.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the recommendations set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this decision bulletin be approved.


[This matter is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to deal with property matters in the Borough]


The Executive has considered a report on this matter, attached as (Exempt) Annexe 12 and




73.       the recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 12 be approved.


[Reason: to deal with property matters in the Borough]


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Forward Programme pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive the forward programme of Executive decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


The Executive adopted the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


RESOLVED  that the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council be adopted.


Service Plans 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

The report presents the draft Service Plan objectives for all of the Council’s services for 2016/17. 




It is recommended that


1.         the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee be thanked for its observations, and the observations be noted; and


2.         the Service Plan objectives for 2016-17 be endorsed.



The Executive has thanked the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its observations and, having noted the observations, endorsed the Service Plan objectives for 2016-17.


[This item has already been considered by the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee but could be called-in]


[Reason: to set out the strategic objectives for each service, delivering the Council’s corporate priorities]


RESOLVED  that the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee be thanked for its observations and, having noted the observations, the Service Plan objectives for 2016-17 be endorsed.


[Reason: to set out the strategic objectives for each service, delivering the Council’s corporate priorities]


Update on 3 Southern Counties Devolution Proposals pdf icon PDF 69 KB

The purpose of the report is to advise the Executive on the 3SCs (3 Southern Counties) proposals for devolution and how these might affect this Council.




It is recommended that the Executive


1.         note and provide any comment in respect of the submission of the 3SCs Devolution Proposal; and


2.         include’3SC devolution proposals’ on the Executive’s Forward Programme as a potential key decision.


Additional documents:


The Executive has


1.         noted the submission of the 3SCs Devolution Proposal; and


2.         agreed to include ‘3SC devolution proposals’ on the Executive’s Forward Programme as a potential key decision.




[Reason: to advise the Executive on the 3SCs (3 Southern Counties) proposals for devolution and how these might affect the Council]




1.         the submission of the 3SCs Devolution Proposal be noted; and


2.         ‘3SC devolution proposals’ be included on the Executive’s Forward Programme as a potential key decision.


[Reason: to advise the Executive on the 3SCs (3 Southern Counties) proposals for devolution and how these might affect the Council]


Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The report sets out the first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Waverley.  The aim of the Strategy and accompanying Action Plan is to demonstrate the ways in which the Council and its partners will support the health and wellbeing of all residents, including children and young people, families, adults and older adults.




It is recommended that, subject to the observations of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the strategy be approved and adopted.



Additional documents:


Having taken into account the observations of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Executive has approved the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2016-2021.


[This item has already been considered by the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee but could be called-in]


[Reason: to set out and agree the first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Waverley]



RESOLVED  that, having taken into account the observations of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2016-2021 be approved.


[Reason: to set out and agree the first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Waverley]



Appointment of Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee

The Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee seeks approval from the Executive for the establishment of a Sub-Committee to review the Meals on Wheels service.  It is proposed that the membership of the Sub-Committee is as follows:-


Cllrs Carole Cockburn, Jim Edwards, Jenny Else, Kika Mirylees and Nabeel Nasir.




It is recommended that approval be given to the establishment of a Meals on Wheels Review Sub-Committee, to consist of the above five members.


The Executive has agreed the establishment of a Meals on Wheels Review Sub-Committee, with the membership consisting of  Cllrs Carole Cockburn, Jim Edwards, Jenny Else, Kika Mirylees and Nabeel Nasir.


[It would not be appropriate to call-in this item]


RESOLVED  that a Meals on Wheels Review Sub-Committee be established, with the membership consisting of  Cllrs Carole Cockburn, Jim Edwards, Jenny Else, Kika Mirylees and Nabeel Nasir.


Property Matter - Bramley

To consider the (Exempt) report attached on this matter.


The Executive has agreed the recommendation set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this decision bulletin.




[Reason: to deal with property matters in the Borough]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to these  minutes be approved.


[Reason: to deal with property matters in the Borough]