Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 3rd February, 2015 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

Note: [In the event that adverse weather conditions prevent this meeting from proceeding, the meeting will be held instead at 2.00pm on Friday 6 February 2015] 

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 January 2015 (to be laid on the table for half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 January 2015 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Stewart Stennett and Adam Taylor-Smith.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interests in connection with items on the agenda.



The Chairman to respond to the following question received from Celia Sandars of Farnham for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


            “What alternative locations for the Memorial Hall site did those responsible for progressing the East Street/Brightwells scheme look at when informed by the Brightwells Trustees that they would be unable to operate adequately from the new Gostrey Centre proposed as a community benefit within the development, following the allocation of additional facilities to M&S Food as a new tenant for Crest Nicholson’s town centre site?”



The Executive received a question from Celia Sandars of Farnham in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


            “What alternative locations for the Memorial Hall site did those responsible for progressing the East Street/Brightwells scheme look at when informed by the Brightwells Trustees that they would be unable to operate adequately from the new Gostrey Centre proposed as a community benefit within the development, following the allocation of additional facilities to M&S Food as a new tenant for Crest Nicholson’s town centre site?”


The Portfolio Holder for Older Persons gave the following response:-


            “Thank you for your question.  I need to correct you on two points.  Firstly, it was the Trustees who asked for an alternative location away from Brightwells.  The request did not come from the Council itself.  Secondly, the space that was intended for the new Brightwells Gostrey Centre at Brightwells has not been allocated to M&S Simply Food. 


            Turning to your question.  Council officers considered sites to meet the needs of the Brightwells Gostrey Centre, both now and in the future; including the Maltings and Cobgates.  However, the Memorial Hall was the favoured option as it met the needs of both the Brightwells Gostrey Centre and the users of the Memorial Hall, as well as the wider community.”


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


WAVERLEY FINANCIAL STRATEGY 2015/16 - 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Additional documents:


The reports from the Executive in respect of the 2015/16 budget are set out at Appendix A to the Council agenda incorporating:-


Appendix A.1 –         General Fund Budget 2015/16


Appendix A.2 –         General Fund Capital Programme 2015/16


Appendix A.3 –         Housing Revenue Account Annual Business Plan 2015/2041 and Revenue Budget 2015/15


Appendix A.4 -          Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2015/16, New Affordable Homes Programme, Stock Improvement Programme


Appendix A.5 -          Council Tax Setting 2015/16


These reports will be dealt with under Agenda Item 8 of the Council agenda.



The purpose of the report is to consider the applications to the Waverley Community Partnership for revenue funding in 2015/16, taking into account the observations made by the Community O&S Grants Sub-Committee and Committee on the proposed grant levels.


The report proposes to continue to protect the Council’s overall level of discretionary spending on grants at £744,530 to the voluntary sector, despite significant reductions in Waverley’s Government funding.  At the same time, the proposal is to increase the overall amount the Council provides for services that support older people.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            confirms the overall funding to the voluntary sector at £744,530 for 2015/16;


2.         considers the applications for Waverley Community Partnership funding in 2015/16, having regard to the comments of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Grants Sub-Committee;


3.         recommends grant levels for each organisation, as detailed in Annexe 2 to the report, to the Council for approval;


4.         recommends that the increased total funding of £55,000 for Rowleys is ring-fenced to support its running costs and that the full grant be held in restricted funds within the Age UK Waverley financial accounts for Rowleys;


5.         recommends the remaining balance of the 2014/15 Emergency Funding Provision is carried over to 2015/16 to support any unexpected or urgent requests for support throughout the year;


6.         agrees the proposed funding allocations to the seven SLA organisations and, subject to concluding negotiations with them, agrees that the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Grants be authorised to agree the final allocations and content of the SLA documents; and


7.         recommends a reserve fund of £19,420 be established to invest in any further opportunities to meet community needs and to enable the SLA organisations to deliver further improvements in outcomes where a clear case can be made.


Additional documents:


The Executive has considered the applications for Waverley Community Partnership funding in 2015/16, having regard to the comments of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Grants Sub-Committee and agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


1.            the overall funding to the voluntary sector be confirmed at £744,530 for 2015/16;


2.         recommended grant levels for each organisation, as detailed in Annexe 2 to the report, be approved;


3.         the increased total funding of £55,000 for Rowleys be ring-fenced to support its running costs and that the full grant be held in restricted funds within the Age UK Waverley financial accounts for Rowleys;


4.         the remaining balance of the 2014/15 Emergency Funding Provision is carried over to 2015/16 to support any unexpected or urgent requests for support throughout the year;


5.         the proposed funding allocations to the seven SLA organisations be agreed and, subject to concluding negotiations with them, agrees that the Director of Finance and Resources, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Grants be authorised to agree the final allocations and content of the SLA documents; and


6.         a reserve fund of £19,420 be established to invest in any further opportunities to meet community needs and to enable the SLA organisations to deliver further improvements in outcomes where a clear case can be made.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to consider the applications for revenue funding to the voluntary sector in 2015/16.]


133.1  The Waverley Community Partnership awards funding towards the running costs of organisations that provide high priority services for the benefit of Waverley residents, in partnership with the Council.  The services that the partner organisations deliver across all corporate objectives and could fall in any of the 5 priority areas.  In addition the Council made a specific commitment in the Corporate Plan to work with voluntary groups to meet the needs of residents.  Waverley’s contribution to the Waverley Voluntary Partnership also helps support organisations to deliver wellbeing activities.


133.2  The Council’s overall financial package to the voluntary sector is £744,530 showing the Council’s continued commitment to its partnerships with voluntary organisations.  This overall budget has been maintained over the past four years, despite the Council’s significant reductions in its government grant.  As a proportion of the Council’s overall net budget spend, the level of financial support has increased.


133.3  Summary of grant and SLA funding proposed in 2015/16





Waverley Community Partnership (grants)



Waverley Voluntary Partnership (grants)



Service Level Agreements



Reserved Funds/Emergency Funding Provision



Total proposed funding to the Voluntary Sector



In addition to the above funding, the Council supports these and additional organisations in many other ways including assistance with accessing other sources of funding, one-off capital investment, discretionary rate relief and rent relief.


Waverley Community Partnership


133.4  At its meeting on 30 September 2014, the Executive agreed to open the 2015/16 funding round of the Waverley Community Partnership to coincide with the budget setting process.  In the current year, 2014/15, the Council maintained its overall financial package for the voluntary sector and the total funding for the Waverley Community Partnership was £328,819. 


133.5  The Council will receive a further 30% reduction in its grant from the Government for 2015/16 and will need to identify cost savings to balance its budget.  However, Members recognise the vital services delivered in partnership with the voluntary sector and are mindful of the potential impact that any cut would have on our voluntary organisations.  Members are also keen to ensure services that support Waverley’s growing older population and more vulnerable residents are prioritised.  It is currently proposed in the draft budget 2015/16 that the overall funding budget for voluntary organisations be maintained at the same level as the current year.  Within this, the budgets for the Waverley Community Partnership, Voluntary Grants Partnership and Service Level Agreements will vary.  This clearly demonstrates Waverley’s continued commitment to the voluntary sector despite the Council having to make its own budget reductions.


Waverley Voluntary Partnership (WVP)


133.6  Despite further significant reductions in Government funding, it is proposed that the total amount of money that Waverley contributes to the Waverley Voluntary Partnership (WVP) should remain at the same level for 2015/16 at £42,770.  Given this, Surrey County Council has also agreed to maintain its contribution at the same level as the current year.


Service Level Agreements (SLA)


133.7  The Council financially supports a number of other voluntary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133.



The purpose of the report is to advise Members of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015-16.




It is recommended that the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015-16 be approved and recommended to the Council for adoption.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015-16 be approved and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to seek approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015/16.]



134.1  The Localism Act 2011 requires all public authorities to publish Annual Pay Policy Statements.           


134.2  The Council is required to adopt the Annual Pay Policy Statement each year and the Council is not legally permitted to depart from the policies set out in that statement when it considers actual decisions in relation to individuals’ remuneration, including redundancy and/or severance.


134.3  The Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015-16 has been updated in line with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, resulting in minimal adjustment from last year and the amendments are shown as tracked changes.  A copy is attached as Annexe 3.  The Executive now




64.       the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015-16 be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to seek approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2015/16.]




To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



The following matters were included in (Exempt) on the agenda and discussed in (Exempt) session.  The reports remain exempt.



At 7.30 pm it was


RESOLVED    that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during this item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:


                          Paragraph 3


                          Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).




To consider the (Exempt) report attached.


The Executive considered a report on this matter, a copy of which is attached as (Exempt) Annexe 4.  The Executive




65.           the recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 4 to these minutes be approved.


[Reason: to obtain approval for an increased allocation to fund the purchase of six former police houses]


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.



To adopt the Executive forward programme for the period February 2015 onwards.



The Executive agreed to adopt the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council, subject to the deletion of Weydon Lane SIG which would aim to report back to the Executive six months after its commencement.


RESOLVED that the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council be adopted, subject to the deletion of Weydon Lane SIG which would aim to report back to the Executive six months after its commencement.



The report provides a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 Budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.  The projection is based on the position to date.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the report and gives approval to


1.            undertake the invest-to-save project to install a magnetic device to reduce the gas consumption of boilers at the Central Offices, to be met from the budget for Urgent Schemes as detailed at paragraph 3.2 and Annexe 2;


2.            virement of £260,000 within the HRA 2014-15 Capital Programme from Kitchen and Bathroom alterations (inc wash basins) to Asbestos and Structural, as detailed at paragraph 4.6;


3.            virement of £50,000 from the cyclical maintenance to void work as detailed in paragraph 4.3;and


4.            undertake the Free Car Park Initiative Trial, as detailed at paragraph 2.10, at an estimated cost of £15,000 from the overall additional income reported to date.


Additional documents:


The Executive noted the report and agreed to


1.            undertake the invest-to-save project to install a magnetic device to reduce the gas consumption of boilers at the Central Offices, to be met from the budget for Urgent Schemes as detailed at paragraph 3.2 and Annexe 2 of the report;


2.            virement of £260,000 within the HRA 2014-15 Capital Programme from Kitchen and Bathroom alterations (inc wash basins) to Asbestos and Structural, as detailed at paragraph 4.6;


3.            virement of £50,000 from the cyclical maintenance to void work as detailed in paragraph 4.3;and


4.            undertake the Free Car Park Initiative Trial, as detailed at paragraph 2.10, at an estimated cost of £15,000 from the overall additional income reported to date.




[Reason: To provide an indication of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


RESOLVED  that the report be noted and


1.            the invest-to-save project be undertaken to install a magnetic device to reduce the gas consumption of boilers at the Central Offices, to be met from the budget for Urgent Schemes as detailed at paragraph 3.2 and Annexe 2 of the report;


2.            a virement of £260,000 within the HRA 2014-15 Capital Programme from Kitchen and Bathroom alterations (inc wash basins) to Asbestos and Structural be agreed, as detailed at paragraph 4.6;


3.            a virement of £50,000 from the cyclical maintenance to void work be agreed, as detailed in paragraph 4.3;and


4.            the Free Car Park Initiative Trial be undertaken, as detailed at paragraph 2.10, at an estimated cost of £15,000 from the overall additional income reported to date.


[Reason: To provide an indication of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account]



The report sets outs the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2015/16, comprising:

·        revised Treasury Management Policy;

·        2015/16 Treasury Management Strategy;

·        2015/16 Investment Strategy; and,

·        Prudential Indicators for 2014/15 to 2017/18.




It is recommended that the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2015/16 be endorsed.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed that the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2015/16 be endorsed.




[Reason: to endorse the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2015/16]



RESOLVED  that the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2015/16 be endorsed.


[Reason: to endorse the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2015/16]




The report summarises the implications of Article 10 of the European Waste Framework Directive (EWFD), highlights the potential risk to the way in which waste and recycling services are currently provided in Waverley (via co-mingled collections), and sets out the actions that have been put in place to safeguard the Council’s current approach into the future.


The report concludes that the Council’s current waste collection arrangements conform with the requirements of the European Waste Framework Directive, and asks the Executive to endorse this position.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         endorses the conclusions of the Compliance Modelling exercise for Waverley and agrees, in light of this, to continue with the current waste collection system until at least 2019 when the service will be retendered;


2.         acknowledges the need to keep the current assessment under review and to carry out a new assessment if and when any significant service changes take place; and


3.         asks Officers to continue to closely monitor best practice approaches to recycling and waste disposal across the country in order to identify any potential improvements to the current approach in Waverley.


Additional documents:


The Executive has


1.         endorsed the conclusions of the Compliance Modelling exercise for Waverley and agrees, in light of this, to continue with the current waste collection system until at least 2019 when the service will be retendered;


2.         acknowledged the need to keep the current assessment under review and to carry out a new assessment if and when any significant service changes take place; and


3.         agreed to ask Officers to continue to closely monitor best practice approaches to recycling and waste disposal across the country in order to identify any potential improvements to the current approach in Waverley.




[Reason: to summarise the implications of the European Waste Framework Directive and endorse the Council’s current approach into the future]




1.         the conclusions of the Compliance Modelling exercise for Waverley be endorsed and, in light of this, agreement be given to continue with the current waste collection system until at least 2019 when the service will be retendered;


2.         the need to keep the current assessment under review be acknowledged and a new assessment be carried out if and when any significant service changes take place; and


3.         officers be asked to continue to closely monitor best practice approaches to recycling and waste disposal across the country in order to identify any potential improvements to the current approach in Waverley.


[Reason: to summarise the implications of the European Waste Framework Directive and endorse the Council’s current approach into the future]



To comply with the Waste Emissions Trading Act 2003, waste authorities for a two-tier area must have a joint strategy for the management of waste from households, and must keep this strategy under review.  The report introduces the second revision to the Joint Waste Management Strategy for Surrey, which was initially adopted by Waverley Borough Council in 2006.  The latest revision is recommended for adoption by the Executive.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the adoption of the Updated Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy Revision 2 (2015).


Additional documents:


The Executive has approved the adoption of the Updated Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy Revision 2 (2015).



[Reason: to adopt the latest revision of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy].


RESOLVED  that the Updated Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy Revision 2 (2015) be adopted.

[Reason: to adopt the latest revision of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy].



The report seeks approval to install three Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points within three Waverley car parks.  The project aims to create an open and accessible electric vehicle network across the South East to encourage and enable the use of EVs. The project aims to support the Government’s environmental and sustainability policies relating to carbon emissions and air pollution.


Deploying EV infrastructure within the Borough actively supports Waverley’s duty to improve air quality under its statutory Air Quality Action Plan as well as encourages reductions in carbon emissions. The National Planning Policy Framework also promotes air quality consideration through sustainable transport infrastructure in new developments.


Under the EV South East Network project, Waverley has been offered three EV rapid charging points which would be installed at the following car parks: Central – Farnham, Crown Court – Godalming and Stocklund Square – Cranleigh. This offer is at no capital cost to the Council.  Waverley would enter into a three year agreement with the project delivery partners to operate and maintain the rapid charging points. After this period the contract agreement could be renegotiated.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         approves in principle the implementation of up to three EV charging points in the three car parks proposed above in paragraph 7, as part of the South East Network project, subject to final site feasibility studies and satisfactory contract terms and conditions; and


2.         delegates authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, the Portfolio holders for Finance, Environment and Sustainability to sign off the project once the details are finalised.



The Executive has agreed to


1.         approve in principle the implementation of up to three EV charging points in the three car parks proposed in paragraph 7, as part of the South East Network project, subject to final site feasibility studies and satisfactory contract terms and conditions; and


2.         delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, the Portfolio Holders for Finance, Environment and Sustainability to sign off the project once the details are finalised.




[Reason: to seek approval to install three electric vehicle charging points within three Waverley car parks.]




1.         the implementation of up to three EV charging points in the three car parks proposed in Farnham, Godalming and Cranleigh be approved in principle, as part of the South East Network project, subject to final site feasibility studies and satisfactory contract terms and conditions; and


2.         delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, the Portfolio Holders for Finance, Environment and Sustainability to sign off the project once the details are finalised.


[Reason: to seek approval to install three electric vehicle charging points within three Waverley car parks.]



The purpose of the report is to seek approval for the submission of a planning application to convert the unoccupied part of the HRA-owned property at Rowland House, Cranleigh to a fully wheelchair accessible flat. 




The Executive is recommended to approve the submission of a planning application for change of part of Rowland House, Cranleigh to a fully wheelchair accessible flat. 



The Executive has given approval for the submission of a planning application for change of use of part of Rowland House, Cranleigh to a fully wheelchair accessible flat. 




[Reason: to seek approval for the submission of a planning application].


RESOLVED  that approval be given for the submission of a planning application for change of use of part of Rowland House, Cranleigh to a fully wheelchair accessible flat. 


[Reason: to seek approval for the submission of a planning application].



To consider the (Exempt) report attached.


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


The Executive considered a report on this matter and agreed the recommendations contained within, as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe 5 to these minutes.



To note the following actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting.  The Register of Decisions will be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting:


i.          Withdrawal of Enforcement Notice


            To approve the withdrawal of an enforcement notice on land at Brookhurst Grange, Holmbury Road, Ewhurst, Cranleigh.


ii.         Apprentice Salary Scale


            To authorise the amendment of the Apprentice Salary Scale, to come into effect from 1 February 2015.


The Executive noted the following actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting:


i.          Withdrawal of Enforcement Notice


            To approve the withdrawal of an enforcement notice on land at Brookhurst Grange, Holmbury Road, Ewhurst, Cranleigh.


ii.         Apprentice Salary Scale


            To authorise the amendment of the Apprentice Salary Scale, to come into effect from 1 February 2015.



The Executive noted the following actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting:


i.          Withdrawal of Enforcement Notice


            To approve the withdrawal of an enforcement notice on land at Brookhurst Grange, Holmbury Road, Ewhurst, Cranleigh.


ii.         Apprentice Salary Scale


            To authorise the amendment of the Apprentice Salary Scale, to come into effect from 1 February 2015.