Agenda and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 28th November, 2017 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 October and of the Special meeting held on 6 November 2017 (to be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting).


The minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2017 and of the special meeting held on 6 November 2017 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


The Interim Managing Director and Strategic Director of Finance and Resources declared interests in Agenda Item 19 and left the meeting during consideration of the item.



The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 21 November 2017.



The Executive received the following question from Mr David Beaman of Farnham in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


"Would WBC be prepared to consider on a case by case basis issuing a free parking permit to blue badge holders who live outside Waverley but work in Waverley on a regular basis - the particular person in mind lives in Guildford but works as a volunteer at the Godalming Hub and has been issued with a permit to continue parking free of charge at Royal Surrey County Hospital."


The answer from the Portfolio Holder for Environment is as follows:-


“Whilst the council recognises the value of all volunteers and appreciates their contribution to the community, the council is unfortunately not able to offer free parking to all of the people who volunteer within the borough. It would be unfair to offer free permits to some volunteers and not others. This is the case across most organisations and authorities in Surrey, including the Royal Surrey County Hospital which does not issue permits for volunteers, only long term patients. 


Waverley Borough Council can only issue free parking permits to Blue Badge holders who meet the qualifying criteria and who live within the borough.”



Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Budget Management Report and Mid Year Review pdf icon PDF 89 KB

The report provides a mid-year review of the 2017/18 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account against the forecast to 31 March 2018, based on the latest information available.




It is recommended that the Executive:

1.            notes the latest position against the budget in 2017/18;


2.            approves to earmark £50,000 of the one-off property income to the property income provision, as detailed in paragraph 6;


3.            approves a budget of £10,000 for economic initiatives to help support local businesses, as detailed in paragraph 9 and authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Front Line Services and the Portfolio Holder responsible for business support to agree how to allocate;


4.            approves the spending of the additional planning income by an increase of 20% on planning fees in 2017/18 on delivering the improvement plan, as detailed in paragraph 13;


5.            approves a virement of £20,000 from replacement of the property database system to some of the cost of the call management system, as detailed in paragraph 19;


6.            approves a virement of £12,000 from desktop and server upgrades to the scanning of the planning files, as detailed in paragraph 20;


7.            approves a virement for £40,000 from the Control and Management of Oak Processionary Moth and Ash Dieback and the repair works at Aarons Hill Skate Park to security measures in parks and recreation grounds, as detailed in paragraph 21;


8.            approves a short term bridging loan to the value of £50,000 to Dunsfold Parish Council to enable the early completion of the play facilities project included in Waverley’s Capital Programme, subject to a signed legal agreement, as detailed in paragraph 24;


9.            approves a virement of £1 million from the contingency on the high value asset levy to a earmarked reserve for potential cost with the introduction of Universal Credit, as detailed in paragraph  27;


10.         approves a virement of £10,000 for windows at Hillcroft, Haslemere from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 30;


11.         recommends to Council to approve a virement of £100,000 into Aids and Adaptations from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 32;


12.         recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £100,000 for Internal Remodelling works into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 33;


13.         approves a virement of £20,000 into the garage repairs project from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 33;


14.         approves a virement of £30,000 from the Core Capital savings to Tree works, as detailed in paragraph 35; and


15.         recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £240,000 for Ockford Ridge Site A into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 40.



74.1    The Executive has considered the report providing a mid-year review of the 2017/18 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account against the forecast to 31 march 2018, based on the latest information available. 


74.2    The Executive has RESOLVED that

1.            the latest position against the budget in 2017/18 be noted;


2.            £50,000 of the one-off property income be approved to the property income provision, as detailed in paragraph 6;


3.            a budget of £10,000 for economic initiatives to help support local businesses, as detailed in paragraph 9 and authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Front Line Services and the Portfolio Holder responsible for business support to agree how to allocate;


4.            the spending of the additional planning income by an increase of 20% on planning fees in 2017/18 on delivering the improvement plan be approved, as detailed in paragraph 13;


5.            a virement of £20,000 from replacement of the property database system to some of the cost of the call management system be approved, as detailed in paragraph 19;


6.            a virement of £12,000 from desktop and server upgrades to the scanning of the planning files be approved, as detailed in paragraph 20;


7.            a virement for £40,000 from the Control and Management of Oak Processionary Moth and Ash Dieback and the repair works at Aarons Hill Skate Park to security measures in parks and recreation grounds be approved, as detailed in paragraph 21;


8.            a short-term bridging loan to the value of £50,000 be made to Dunsfold Parish Council to enable the early completion of the play facilities project included in Waverley’s Capital Programme, subject to a signed legal agreement, as detailed in paragraph 24;


9.            a virement of £1 million from the contingency on the high value asset levy to an earmarked reserve for potential cost with the introduction of Universal Credit be approved, as detailed in paragraph 27;

10.       a virement of £10,000 be approved for windows at Hillcroft, Haslemere from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 30;

11.       a virement of £20,000 into the garage repairs project from HRA core capital programme savings be approved, as detailed in paragraph 33;  and

12.       a virement of £30,000 from the Core Capital savings to Tree works be approved, as detailed in paragraph 35.


74.3    This financial year, the workstream of aids and adaptations has been under alot of demand pressure.  To date the full £200,000 budget has been committed and demand remains high. It is requested that a further budget of £100,000 budget be approved, to be vired from savings on the core capital programme.


74.4    An internal remodelling pilot scheme is underway which will spend £40,000 of the £140,000 budget relating to structural and damp works.  The remaining will not be spent this financial year and therefore it is requested that £100,000 is carried forward to continue works in 2018/19.


74.5    The revised HRA New Build capital programme budget for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.


Framework for Waverley's new Chief Executive and Strategic Director Role pdf icon PDF 104 KB

At its meeting on 6 June 2017, the Council agreed that in order to meet its ambitions going forward, the Council would continue to require a principal executive in a leadership role such as a Chief Executive or Executive Director to maintain robust strategic and operational leadership. At its meeting on 18 July 2017, the Council agreed interim arrangements for the role of Head of Paid Service.   The following report outlines the recruitment framework for the Council’s Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service) and Strategic Director roles.




It is recommended that the Executive recommends to the Council that


1.         arrangements be made for Tom Horwood to continue as Waverley’s Interim Managing Director until Waverley appoints a permanent Chief Executive and that he also undertake the statutory functions of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer with effect from 1 January 2018;


2.         Annie Righton be appointed as Interim Strategic Director with effect from 1 January 2018;


3.         the Council’s permanent Senior Management Team be comprised of a full-time Chief Executive and two full-time Strategic Directors with effect from 1 January 2018;


4.         Waverley’s pay scales, as included in the approved pay policy, be revised to include the Chief Executive and Strategic Director pay proposals set out in this report, with effect from 1 January 2018;


5.         the Chief Executive position includes the statutory functions of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer; and


6.         the recruitment process commences to appoint to the vacant Chief Executive role and Strategic Director role, with external advice and support provided by Solace in Business.  


Additional documents:


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 1 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                        Information relating to any individual]


75.1    Following the departure of the previous Head of Paid Service, the Council appointed Tom Horwood as interim Managing Director and Head of Paid Service.  The appointment took effect on 1 August 2017 for a period of up to 6 months on a part-time arrangement involving two to four days per week, as necessary to meet the demands of the job.


75.2    Tom Horwood is also an Executive Director for East Hampshire District Council and Havant Borough Council under shared management arrangements.  The Executive received a separate report on its agenda providing an update on his assignment to date, which is currently scheduled to end on 31 January 2018.


75.3    Waverley’s Strategic Director - Front Line Services and Interim Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer will be leaving the Council at the end of December 2017 to take up a new role.  As a busy Council, with clear expectations and targets to be delivered this year,  it is important that the Council takes steps to retain sufficient Director level capacity within the organisation on an interim basis, while agreeing the process for securing permanent appointments to the roles of both Chief Executive and Strategic Director.


Interim Arrangements


75.4    In advance of the process to secure a permanent replacement, it is proposed that the existing arrangements be extended to retain Tom Horwood as Waverley’s Interim Managing Director.  It is also proposed that he undertake the statutory roles of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer on an interim basis, with effect from 1 January 2018.


75.5    In advance of the process to secure a permanent replacement for the Strategic Director role, an interim Director has been selected following an interview process for a temporary period until that appointment is made.  It is therefore recommended that the Council appoints Annie Righton on an interim basis to this role.  Her CV is attached to this report as (Exempt) Annexe 2.


Permanent posts


75.6    It is imperative that a robust and resilient senior management resource is in place and therefore a full-time Chief Executive role with two full-time Strategic Directors is the proposed model. This structure compares favourably with other local authorities of this size with retained housing functions that typically have a Chief Executive and between two and four directors.


75.7    In order to progress the permanent appointments, the Council has secured the services of Solace in Business, a leading recruitment specialist in local government with a strong track record in appointments to both Chief Executive and Director level roles.  Having considered initial advice from Solace in Business, it is proposed that:


a)    the appropriate job title, given the strategic direction of the council, for the role previously titled ‘Executive Director’, should be Chief  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75.


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Setting of Council Tax Base and Business Rates Base for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval for:


1.         the 2018/19 council tax base which, under the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the Council is required to determine prior to approval of the Council’s budget for 2018/19; and


2.         the business rate forecast process for 2018/19 which, under the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 forms a major element of Waverley’s estimated core funding for its General Fund Budget.




It is recommended that


1.         the council tax base for Waverley be approved for the year 2018/19, as shown in Annexe 1; and


2.         the business rate estimates for 2018/19 be approved, as set out in the table in paragraph 4. and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Finance and Resources, in conjunction with the Finance Portfolio Holder, to make any final changes necessary before the NNDR1 return is submitted to the Government on 31 January 2018.


Additional documents:




1.         the council tax base for Waverley be approved for the year 2018/19, as shown in Annexe 1 to the report; and


2.         the business rate estimates for 2018/19 be approved, as set out in the table in paragraph 4, and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Finance and Resources, in conjunction with the Finance Portfolio Holder, to make any final changes necessary before the NNDR1 return is submitted to the Government on 31 January 2018.


[Reason: to approve the council tax base and business rates estimates].


Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy pdf icon PDF 82 KB

The Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy has been revised to streamline the administrative process and give clarity on factors to be considered in decisions for grant relief. 




The Executive are asked to:


1.            adopt the Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy as set out in Annexe 1; and


2.            delegate authority to the Head of Finance to apply discretion and make decisions to award discretionary relief, including any sub-delegation of those powers, and if an objection is received the Head of Finance considers the case, and the scheme of delegation be amended accordingly.





1.            the Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy be approved, as set out in Annexe 1; and


2.            authority be delegated to the Head of Finance to apply discretion and make decisions to award discretionary relief, including any sub-delegation of those powers, and if an objection is received the Head of Finance considers the case, and the scheme of delegation amended in due course.


[Reason: to review and adopt the discretionary relief policy]


Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 223 KB

The IRP last completed a full review of Members’ Allowances in January 2012 and was due to review the Council’s scheme during 2017 in accordance with the requirement to review them every five years.  In view of this, and the recent changes to the structure of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, it was considered timely for the IRP to meet again and as part of their review of members’ allowances, discuss how to fund the additional SRAs within an already tight budget. 




It is recommended that the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel be recommended to the Council for approval.

Additional documents:


[Cllr Peter Isherwood attended the meeting and spoke on this item].


RESOLVED  that the Independent Remuneration Panel be requested to review the level of Special Responsibility Allowance paid to the Audit Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman, with any revisions to the report being made prior to its consideration at the February Council meeting.



Customer Services Review pdf icon PDF 84 KB

The purpose of the report is to provide feedback to the Executive from the Value for Money and Customer Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 30October on the Customer Services Review, and to agree the schedule of activity programmed until March 2019.




The Executive is recommended to approve the delivery and implementation of the workstreams set out in the report as the next stage of the Customer Services Review.



RESOLVED  that the delivery and implementation of the workstreams set out in the report be approved as the next stage of the Customer Services Review.


[Reason: To receive feedback from the Value for Money and Customer Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 30October on the Customer Services Review, and to agree the schedule of activity programmed until March 2019.]



Community Infrastructure Levy: Draft Charging Schedule pdf icon PDF 109 KB

The purpose of the report is to set out the Council’s approach to collecting developer contributions towards infrastructure.  The report seeks approval to consult on the draft charging schedule and sets out the proposed next steps leading to the adoption of the CIL Charging Schedule and its implementation.




It is recommended that


1.         the CIL Draft Charging Schedule, attached as Annexe 1, be approved for the purpose of consultation; and


2.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Operational Planning, to approve any subsequent minor changes to the Draft Charging Schedule, including the draft instalments policy, and other supporting documents, before consultation commences. 




Additional documents:




1.         the CIL Draft Charging Schedule, attached as Annexe 1, be approved for the purpose of consultation; and


2.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Operational Planning, to approve any subsequent minor changes to the Draft Charging Schedule, including the draft instalments policy, and other supporting documents, before consultation commences. 


[Reason: to set out the Council’s approach to collecting developer contributions towards infrastructure and seek approval to consult on the draft charging schedule, setting out the proposed next steps leading to the adoption of the CIL Charging Schedule and its implementation.]



Brownfield Land Register pdf icon PDF 89 KB

The report informs members about the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 and the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle (PiP)) Order 2017.


The Regulations place a duty on local planning authorities to prepare, publish and maintain a register of previously developed land, known commonly as “brownfield land” which is suitable for residential development. Preparation of a Brownfield Land Register is a statutory obligation and Waverley Borough Council must publish at least a Part 1 register by 31 December 2017. This report discusses the implications of the new legislation.


The Order enables local authorities to grant PiP on suitable sites by entering them on Part 2 of the register. There is currently no statutory requirement for sites to be entered on Part 2. A report will be made to the Executive at a later date setting out the process for dealing with Part 2.




It is recommended that members note the contents of this report, which details the statutory requirement for the Council to prepare and compile a Part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register by 31 December 2017.


RESOLVED  that the contents of the report, which details the statutory requirement for the Council to prepare and compile a Part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register by 31 December 2017, be noted.


[Reason: to inform members about the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 and the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle (PiP)) Order 2017]


Planning Development Control: Performance against Government Targets and Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 94 KB

The report provides an update on the Council’s latest performance against the Government’s targets for speed and quality for planning applications and appeals. It also presents the outcome of the Review of the Development Control Function that followed the Cratus Strategic Review. The Development Control review is included as Annexe 1.


The report includes recommendations for the improvement of the Service as a consequence of recent performance but also taking into account the conclusions of the Service Review. The recommendations include alternative timescales for implementation which vary depending on the availability of resources to carry out identified tasks.




It is recommended that


1.         training for officers and members in relation to supporting the Council’s compliance with Government appeals (quality) target be put in place;


2.         performance against Government indicators be included within all Area Planning Committee agendas;


3.         the Development Control Improvement Plan be adopted as the detailed service improvement plan for Development Management/Control;


4.         the timescales for achievement of workstreams in the Improvement Plan be kept under review, taking into account the availability of resources to support implementation of the Plan;


5.         regular updates on progress with the Plan’s actions be discussed and agreed with the Planning Operations Portfolio Holder and a full update be reported to Executive in six months time (April 2018); and


6.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning  Services, in consultation with the Planning Operations Portfolio Holder, to vire the additional income spending of the raised income from the expected increase in Planning fees to support implementation of the Development Management Improvement Plan and other appropriate improvements to the Service.


Additional documents:


[Cllrs Carole Cockburn and Peter Isherwood attended the meeting and spoke on this item]




1.         training for officers and members in relation to supporting the Council’s compliance with Government appeals (quality) target be put in place;


2.         performance against Government indicators be included within all Area Planning Committee agendas;


3.         the Development Control Improvement Plan be adopted as the detailed service improvement plan for Development Management/Control;


4.         the timescales for achievement of workstreams in the Improvement Plan be kept under review, taking into account the availability of resources to support implementation of the Plan;


5.         regular updates on progress with the Plan’s actions be discussed and agreed with the Planning Operations Portfolio Holder and a full update be reported to Executive in six months time (April 2018); and


6.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Planning Operations Portfolio Holder, to vire the additional income spending of the raised income from the expected increase in Planning fees to support implementation of the Development Management Improvement Plan and other appropriate improvements to the Service.


[Reason: to provide an update on the Council’s latest performance against the Government’s targets for speed and quality for planning applications and present the outcome of the Review of the Development Control Function that followed the Cratus Strategic Review, making recommendations for improvement of the service].


Home Improvement Policy pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The report introduces a revised Private Sector Home Improvement Policy for Waverley that will allow the Council to extend the range of assistance available to vulnerable residents to help them remain living safely and independently in their own homes.




It is recommended that the Executive adopts the Home Improvement Policy.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED  that the Home Improvement Policy be adopted.


[Reason: To adopt a revised Private Sector Home Improvement Policy for Waverley that will allow the Council to extend the range of assistance available to vulnerable residents to help them remain living safely and independently in their own homes.]




Reports and Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Following the recent cycle of Overview and Scrutiny Committees, there are a number of issues that the Committees wish to draw to the Executive’s attention or make recommendations to the Executive.  These are summarised in the report to follow after the last O and S Committee has met.  A representative of the Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Board will be invited to attend the meeting to present the report.


The Executive received the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and thanked all of the Committees for their hard work.  The Executive




1.         the strategic direction of the Council be clearly developed and publicised and clear timeframes be included for when the strategic vision will be in place;


2.         improved communication of the role of Waverley Training Services with key stakeholders and promotion in the community of the service’s benefits for young people should be put in place;


3.         the Orchard – Agresso interface be expedited as a matter of high priority, to release staff resources from unnecessary invoice administration, and to ensure that Waverley’s management accounts accurately reflect order commitments;


4.         funding be prioritised in the 2018/19 budget for specialist rent management software to support officers to maintain Waverley’s good performance on rent collection, bearing in mind that rental income drives the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan;


5.         the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee supported the proposed development of the sheltered housing service to address the cut in funding from Surrey County Council, and the necessary growth bid within the Housing Revenue Account, along with the proposed re-branding as Senior Living Schemes, although it was suggested that a more ‘homely’ alternative to Schemes would make them sound more attractive; and it was agreed that members should be advised of the dates and times of consultation meetings to be held at each of the Sheltered Housing Schemes, so that they could attend and provide reassurance to residents of Waverley’s commitment to the Sheltered Housing Service.


[Reason: to receive recommendations and comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees]


Lease of Allotment Land, Weybourne Road, Farnham pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Authority is sought for the grant of a long lease of the land shown outlined on the attached plan to Farnham Town Council for the purposes of management of allotments.




It is recommended that Waverley gives a long lease for the allotments at Weybourne Road, Farnham to Farnham Town Council for a peppercorn rent, with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED  that a long lease be granted for the allotments at Weybourne Road, Farnham to Farnham Town Council for a peppercorn rent, with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


[Reason: to consider property-related matters in the borough]


Lease Renewal for Scout Hut, Hale Recreation Ground, Farnham pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Authorisation is sought to renew the lease of the scout hut on Hale Recreation Ground for a term of 25 years.  Previous leases have been for 10 years, but a longer term is sought to cover costs of repairs to the hut.




It is recommended that the lease for the Scout Hut at Hale Recreation Ground be renewed on terms and conditions as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe with other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Estates and Valuation Manager.

Additional documents:


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                        Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


RESOLVED  that the lease for the Scout Hut at Hale Recreation Ground be renewed on terms and conditions as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, with other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


[Reason: to consider a property-related matter]


Interim Managing Director's Action

To note the following urgent action taken by the Interim Managing Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting.  The Register of Decisions will be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting:-


i.          Air Quality Audit


            To authorise expenditure of £15,000 to cover additional unbudgeted costs of the Council’s independent audit of its air quality monitoring and reporting arrangements.


ii.         Hickley’s LEP Revenue Bid


            To authorise up to £30,000 of Waverley funding as a matched-funding contribution towards the submission of a bid by Surrey County Council for the highways scheme at Hickley’s.



RESOLVED  that the urgent actions taken by the Interim Managing Director relating to the Air Quality Audit and the Hickley’s LEP Revenue Bid be noted.



Update report from the Interim Managing Director pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Tom Horwood commenced work as interim Managing Director and statutory Head of Paid Service of Waverley Borough Council on 1 August 2017.  This report provides an update on his assignment.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the update of the interim Managing Director.



RESOLVED  that the update of the interim Managing Director be noted.