Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 12th July, 2016 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 24 May 2016 and of the Meeting held on 7 June 2016 (to be laid on the table half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 24 May 2016 and of the last Meeting held on 7 June 2016 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ged Hall.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.




The Chairman to respond to the following questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


i.          From Mr Bob Lees, Chairman of the POW Campaign

“Having read the draft Local Plan, and attended the O and S meeting on Monday 27th June, there would appear to be a number of contradictions and very basic errors of fact which are not obviously coming to light.

Examples of contradictions would include claims variously that 61% and 63% of Waverley is part of the Metropolitan Green Belt (MGB), 71% and 78% is AONB and AGLV, 31% and 28% is Countryside Beyond the Green Belt and so on.

Examples of errors would include; in RE3 para (ii) gives AGLV the same status as AONB, at least until the revised AONB is designated in 2018, yet section 18.12 claims that none of the Dunsfold Aerodrome is in the AONB, factually correct, yet parts of it are in the AGLV which according to RE3(ii) should have the same status as AONB. 18.12 also claims 86% of the 249 hectare site is Brownfield, yet the, still disputed, 86% applies to the original application area which when extrapolated to the current 249 hectares only gives some 74 to 75% as Brownfield. In addition Appendix A at page 195 has a key of AONB/AGLV which on the actual map has large areas of this designation missing at both the Cranleigh and Farnham ends of the Borough.

The above is not an exhaustive list and these types of error would indicate a lack of basic proof reading and Quality Assurance checking and is not the image I am sure Waverley would want to project. Indeed Councillor Hesse, at the O and S meeting, asked what Quality Assurance had been undertaken and was assured that full checking had been carried out and that all claims in the document could be fully substantiated.


Can the Executive ensure that the draft Local Plan is at least basically factually correct and thoroughly proof read, by officers, to make it at least self consistent, especially in such key exhibits as Appendix A, before it is presented to the whole Council?”


ii.         From Mr Charles Orange, Chairman of Hascombe Parish Council


“I note that a key piece of evidence presented for the inclusion of Dunsfold Airfield in the draft Local Plan is the flawed 2014 Consultation. The response to this was less than 4% of the population of Waverley Borough which had 80% “in favour” of Dunsfold Airfield. In contrast the current public consultation on the application for 1800 houses on Dunsfold Airfield has 84% of respondents objecting to the development. Will the Executive confirm that the more recent consultation data will be included in the plan to show a balanced and more current view?”


iii.        from Mr Chris Britton of Cranleigh


“What changes to the Draft Local Plan will the Executive make to ensure that the cumulative impacts of adopting the proposed, very large,  ...  view the full agenda text for item 29.


The Executive received the following questions in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


i.          from Mr Bob Lees, Chairman of the POW Campaign

“Having read the draft Local Plan, and attended the O and S meeting on Monday 27th June, there would appear to be a number of contradictions and very basic errors of fact which are not obviously coming to light.

Examples of contradictions would include claims variously that 61% and 63% of Waverley is part of the Metropolitan Green Belt (MGB), 71% and 78% is AONB and AGLV, 31% and 28% is Countryside Beyond the Green Belt and so on.

Examples of errors would include; in RE3 para (ii) gives AGLV the same status as AONB, at least until the revised AONB is designated in 2018, yet section 18.12 claims that none of the Dunsfold Aerodrome is in the AONB, factually correct, yet parts of it are in the AGLV which according to RE3(ii) should have the same status as AONB. 18.12 also claims 86% of the 249 hectare site is Brownfield, yet the, still disputed, 86% applies to the original application area which when extrapolated to the current 249 hectares only gives some 74 to 75% as Brownfield. In addition Appendix A at page 195 has a key of AONB/AGLV which on the actual map has large areas of this designation missing at both the Cranleigh and Farnham ends of the Borough.

The above is not an exhaustive list and these types of error would indicate a lack of basic proof reading and Quality Assurance checking and is not the image I am sure Waverley would want to project. Indeed Councillor Hesse, at the O and S meeting, asked what Quality Assurance had been undertaken and was assured that full checking had been carried out and that all claims in the document could be fully substantiated.


Can the Executive ensure that the draft Local Plan is at least basically factually correct and thoroughly proof read, by officers, to make it at least self consistent, especially in such key exhibits as Appendix A, before it is presented to the whole Council?”


The Leader of the Council responded as follows:-


“A thorough proof reading of the draft Local Plan will be made before it is published to rectify errors and inconsistencies. You have referred particularly to the status of the AGLV and the AONB. We are not arguing that the AGLV has the same status as the AONB. We recognise the value of the AONB as a national landscape designation, but Policy RE3 (ii) only states that the same principles will apply in the AGLV. However, one of the changes we are proposing before the Plan is published is to amend the text to clarify that the AGLV designation does not carry as much weight as the AONB.”




ii.         From Mr Charles Orange, Chairman of Hascombe Parish Council


“I note that a key piece of evidence presented for the inclusion of Dunsfold Airfield in the draft Local Plan is the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Budget Management Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

The report provides a review against the 2016/17 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account forecast to 31 March 2017 based on the latest information available.


It is recommended that the Executive notes the report and


1.            approves the use of the Repairs and Renewals fund in the first instance to fund the cost of £25,000 for new waste bins as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report;


2.            allocates £40,000 from the General Fund urgent schemes budget for Development Consultancy budget, see para 13 of the report;


3.            recommends to Council to approve the virement for urgent boiler works of £439,000 detailed in paragraph 18;


4.            approves a virement of £44,000 within the HRA New Build Budget, from the Bridge Road, Haslemere scheme to the Ladymead and Hullmead scheme, see paragraph 22 of the report; and


5.         approves the allocation of up to £200,000 from the HRA New Build Budget  for Ockford Ridge to bring forward demolition and site assembly works on Site D.




The Executive has noted the report and


1.            approved the use of the Repairs and Renewals fund in the first instance to fund the cost of £25,000 for new waste bins as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report;


2.            allocated £40,000 from the General Fund urgent schemes budget for Development Consultancy budget, see para 13 of the report;


3.            approved a virement of £44,000 within the HRA New Build Budget, from the Bridge Road, Haslemere scheme to the Ladymead and Hullmead scheme, see paragraph 22 of the report; and


4.         approved the allocation of up to £200,000 from the HRA New Build Budget  for Ockford Ridge to bring forward demolition and site assembly works on Site D.




The Executive also RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that


5.         the virement of £439,000 for urgent boiler works, as detailed in paragraph 18 of the report, be approved.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to provide a review against the budget for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account]





30.1    The Executive noted the budget management report and RESOLVED that


1.            the use of the Repairs and Renewals fund in the first instance to fund the cost of £25,000 for new waste bins be approved, as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report;


2.            £40,000 from the General Fund urgent schemes budget be allocated for Development Consultancy budget, as at paragraph 13 of the report;


3.            a virement of £44,000 be approved within the HRA New Build Budget, from the Bridge Road, Haslemere scheme to the Ladymead and Hullmead scheme, as set out at paragraph 22 of the report; and


4.         the allocation of up to £200,000 from the HRA New Build Budget  for Ockford Ridge be approved to bring forward demolition and site assembly works on Site D.


30.2    Within the HRA Core Capital budget, a condition review of heating and hot water systems has been undertaken which has identified a need for urgent works to communal boiler systems at the Sheltered Housing schemes and Abbey Court, at a cost of £690,000 in 2016/17.  Previous experience at Blunden Court, where tenants were left without hot water, has meant that this work is a priority to ensure continued heating and hot water services.  There is a budget of £251,000 available so virement is sought for the remainder of £439,000 to be able to appoint a contractor to undertake the work.  The Executive therefore




15.       the virement of £439,000 for urgent boiler works, as detailed above, be approved.


[Reason: to provide a review against the budget for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account]





Waverley Borough Local Plan Part I: Strategic Policies and Sites pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The new Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 1 has reached a key stage in its development.  The purpose of the report is to seek approval to the proposed submission version of Local Plan Part 1.  It also seeks approval of an updated Local Development Scheme (LDS), which sets out the timetable for completion of Local Plan Part 1 and the provisional timetable for Local Plan Part 2. The report summarises the evolution of the Plan and its key contents as well as explaining the process going forward.  It also includes details of the most recent consultation on the emerging Plan and how this has informed the development of the pre?submission Plan.




It is recommended that the Executive:-


  1. recommends to the Council that the Local Plan Part 1 be approved for Publication; and


  1. approves the revised Local Development Scheme; and


  1. recommends to the Council that the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make any further minor amendments to the pre-submission Plan arising from the completion of supporting technical documents.




Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:-


1.            the Local Plan Part 1 be approved for Publication;


2.            the revised Local Development Scheme at Annexe 3 be approved; and


3.            the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make any further minor amendments to the pre-submission Plan arising from the completion of supporting technical documents.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to seek approval for the submission of the proposed version of the Local Plan Part I]


[NB Cllrs Maurice Byham, Pat Frost, John Gray, Stephen Mulliner and Richard Seaborne attended the meeting and spoke on this item].


31.1    The Local Plan Part 1 sets out the key policies and overall strategy for managing and directing future development in Waverley over the period to 2032.  The Plan has reached the stage where it is ready to be published in its pre-submission form.  Subject to Council approval, therefore, the intention will be to formally publish the plan, which will trigger a period for representations to be made on the Plan, before it is submitted for Examination by a Planning Inspector.


31.2    At this stage, the Plan has been considered by the Executive, having been subject to input from both the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Local Plan Special Interest Group (which has been constituted to support development of the Local Plan).  


31.3    The Plan has its origins in the Core Strategy, which was originally submitted for Examination in 2013.  However, as Members will be aware, the Core Strategy was subsequently withdrawn from Examination on the recommendation of the Inspector.  In the light of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which had been published in 2012, the Inspector was of the view that the Council should update its evidence on housing need and should cease relying on a housing target that had been derived from the now revoked South East Plan.


31.4    Although the Core Strategy was withdrawn from Examination, it is not the case that the Council had to start from scratch with a new Plan.  The Core Strategy was developed after a number of consultations and was underpinned by an extensive evidence base, culminating in the development of key policies on matters such as the role of town centres, delivery of affordable homes, and employment.  Many of these Core Strategy policies have been updated, including updates to the evidence where necessary, but have not had to be changed significantly in order to remain consistent with national policy in the NPPF.


31.5    The focus of work in developing the new Local Plan has been to update the evidence of housing need and to develop the most appropriate strategy for both the number and distribution of new homes.  This has clearly had implications for other strands of work, including developing and updating the evidence on the availability of land, updating the evidence on infrastructure capacity and future delivery and reviewing the implications of delivering more housing on the various constraints that affect Waverley.


31.6    An extensive evidence base has been developed to support the new Local Plan.  Much of this is already complete and published on the Council’s website.  One of the key documents is the West Surrey Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).  This sets out the objectively assessed need (OAN) for new homes within each of the local authorities that make up the West Surrey Housing Market Area (HMA) (Guildford, Woking and Waverley).  In Waverley’s case the OAN is equivalent to 519 homes per annum.


31.7  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Thames Basin Heaths SPA Avoidance Strategy pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Consultation on a review of the Council’s Thames Basin Heaths SPA Avoidance Strategy took place in March/April 2016. The purpose of the review was to release the extra SANG capacity (numbers of dwellings) at Farnham Park that had been identified through the results of new visitor survey data. It also included an update of the tariff for developer contributions.




It is recommended that the Executive recommends to the Council that the review of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA Avoidance Strategy be adopted.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the review of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA Avoidance Strategy be adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to consider the outcome of the consultation and recommend the strategy for adoption]




32.1    On 1 March 2016, the Executive approved the draft review of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA Avoidance Strategy for public consultation. The consultation period ran for six weeks, closing on 25 April 2016. A total of 23 responses were received in that time. These were mainly from individual residents or residents’ groups, but also included promoters of potential housing sites in the Farnham area, Natural England and the RSPB.  The main comments were:


In support

     Process of calculating enhanced capacity is valid

     Updated strategy is appropriate


     Visitor survey methodology/results are flawed

     Visitor numbers to the SPA have increased, not reduced – opposite to what is intended

     Process of calculating enhanced capacity is flawed or not clear

Other matters

     Developments of over 50 dwellings between 5km and 7km of the SPA may have an impact on the SPA, and may therefore be required to provide mitigation

     400m exclusion zone should be increased

     Fewer dwellings should be permitted with the 5km zone

     ‘In perpetuity’ maintenance should be just that, not ‘approx. 80 years’

     SANG/SAMM tariff should be reviewed annually

     Strategy is not effective in protecting birds; is illegal; or is not fit for purpose

     Occupancy rate should be reviewed regularly

     Developers should source all their own SANGs

     SANG quality criteria not reproduced in full

     Farnham Park is becoming an overworked asset; increasing pressure from dogs and irresponsible owners; drainage issues

     Limited potential for additional SANG at Farnham Quarry or Tongham Pools.


32.2    Annexe 7 to this report is a schedule summarising all the comments received, along with officers’ responses. 


32.3    The issues raised about the effectiveness and/or legality of the strategy are noted, but it is important to note that these were not matters that were subject to the review. That dealt only with the potential enhanced capacity of the Farnham Park SANG arising from monitoring the strategy and the consequent update of the SANG/SAMM tariff. In January 2016, the Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee considered an update report on Natural England’s review of the effectiveness of SANG. It resolved to note the current position and the status of that review whereby the TBH Joint Strategic Partnership Board (JSPB) considered the interim draft report required further consideration and should not be published. The report is not yet complete, but its findings will be reported to the Council in due course when it has received the JSPB’s endorsement.


32.4    The calculation of the enhanced SANG capacity was carried out in consultation with Natural England (NE). In its response to the draft review document, NE has again endorsed the Council’s approach. Officers are therefore of the view that there are no reasons why the Council should not now proceed to adopt the revised Avoidance Strategy based on the enhanced SANG capacity at Farnham Park and updated tariff contributions.


32.5    A number of concerns raised in the consultation relate to the management of Farnham Park generally and how  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Memorial Hall Redevelopment pdf icon PDF 84 KB

The report relates to the construction of a Community Well Being Centre at the site of the Farnham Memorial Hall as a base for the existing Brightwells Gostrey Centre.  The report identifies the opportunity to relocate the Council’s Waverley Training Services function to the currently unoccupied the lower ground floor of the re-developed Memorial Hall building. 


The report seeks approval for:  the appointment of a build contractor for the redevelopment of the Farnham Memorial Hall following a comprehensive tender process; a revised budget for the scheme; the relocation of Waverley Training Services to part of the new building, the sale of the Pump House site for development.




That the Executive recommends to Council that it agrees to:


1.    following a comprehensive tender process, appoint the contractor A as specified in the (Exempt) Annexe, as the building contractor to carry out the Memorial Hall enhancement works;


2.    the relocation of Waverley Training Services to the lower ground floor of the refurbished Memorial Hall site;


3.    the disposal of the Pump House site; and


4.    additional funding of £724,000 to allow the project to proceed – to be bridge financed from the revenue reserve fund, pending the capital receipt from the sale of the Pump House.



Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.    following a comprehensive tender process, contractor A as specified in the (Exempt) Annexe, be appointed as the building contractor to carry out the Memorial Hall enhancement works;


2.    the relocation of Waverley Training Services to the lower ground floor of the refurbished Memorial Hall site be agreed;


3.    the disposal of the Pump House site be approved; and


4.    additional funding of £724,000 be approved to allow the project to proceed – to be bridge financed from the revenue reserve fund, pending the capital receipt from the sale of the Pump House.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to appoint a build contractor, agree a revised budget for the scheme and agree to the relocation of Waverley Training Services from the Pump House].



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


33.1    This report relates to the construction of a Community Well Being Centre at the site of the Farnham Memorial Hall as a base for the existing Brightwells Gostrey Centre.  The report identifies the opportunity to relocate the Council’s Waverley Training Services function to the currently unoccupied lower ground floor of the re-developed Memorial Hall building. 


33.2    The report seeks approval for:  the appointment of a build contractor for the redevelopment of the Farnham Memorial Hall following a comprehensive tender process; a revised budget for the scheme; the relocation of Waverley Training Services to part of the new building, the sale of the Pump House site for development.


33.3    With regard to financial implications, a budget of £2.33m was agreed at Council in July 2015.  Since then a comprehensive specification has been produced, tenders received and an opportunity has been identified to maximise usage by utilising unallocated space in the new building on the lower ground floor for the use of Waverley Training Services.  To deliver this enhanced project an extra £724,000 is required. Whilst this is expected to be funded from the capital receipt from the sale of the under-utilised Pump House, the additional funds can be initially bridge-financed from the Revenue Reserve fund.


33.4    The report relates to the Council’s corporate priority of community wellbeing as, in addition to continuing day centre provision, a community centre will be provided. This will create new, and enhance existing, activities and facilities for older and younger people. Existing leisure services at the Memorial Hall would be enhanced and expanded and would cater for the wider community.


33.5    The extension of the Memorial Hall will provide older residents in Farnham and the surrounding area with a space for services that they need, thereby reducing experiences of social isolation and associated health needs. It will have the flexibility to expand and change to meet the needs of this growing demographic.


33.6    The provision of an exemplary Community Centre will bring together a variety of agencies with a common aim, under the same roof, with plans for a dedicated space for Carer’s Support, the provision of a Telecare demonstrator suite and flexible space for new partner organisations.


33.7    Waverley Training Services focuses on helping people into work and delivering apprenticeships in line with national Government policy. There are clear community health and wellbeing benefits to helping young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) as well as those in the wider community that are seeking employment or wish to re-train or develop skills. Employment is key to tackling social isolation.


33.8    In February 2015 the Council agreed the Memorial Hall scheme,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Report of the Constitution SIG pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To receive the report of the Constitution SIG which met in April 2016 and make appropriate recommendations to the Council.




It is recommended to the Council that


1.         the Scheme of Delegation be amended so that any councillor within the remit of an Area Planning Committee can call-in a planning application for consideration at that Area Planning Committee, not just the ward councillor;


2.         for the Joint Planning Committee, the Scheme of Delegation be amended to enable any councillor within the area of the planning application defined by the relevant Area Planning Committee to call-in an application; and


3.         the relevant pages of the Constitution relating to Informal and Formal Questions be amended, as set out at Annexe 2.




Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


1.         the Scheme of Delegation be amended so that any councillor within the remit of an Area Planning Committee can call-in a planning application for consideration at that Area Planning Committee, not just the ward councillor;


2.         for the Joint Planning Committee, the Scheme of Delegation be amended to enable any councillor within the area of the planning application defined by the relevant Area Planning Committee to call-in an application; and


3.         the relevant pages of the Constitution relating to Informal and Formal Questions be amended, as set out at Annexe 2.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to report on the meeting of the Constitution SIG and make recommendations for change]



34.1    The Constitution SIG was re-established in April 2016, with the following membership:-


Cllr Robert Knowles (Chairman – until May 2016)

Cllr Julia Potts (Chairman from May 2016)

Cllr Kevin Deanus

Cllr Pat Frost

Cllr Michael Goodridge

Cllr John Williamson


34.2    The Terms of Reference were set out in the agenda as follows, to


a.         carry out the annual review of the constitution and


b.         review specifically and decide upon the optimum process for ‘calling-in’ planning applications for major sites to the Joint Planning Committee.


34.3    At the first meeting of the SIG, the Terms of Reference were revised to also include:


c.         any additional items eg the Overview and Scrutiny Review and the Boundary Review.


Planning – Scheme of Delegation


34.4    As per the Terms of Reference, the SIG was invited to review specifically and decide upon the optimum process for ‘calling-in’ planning applications for major sites to the Joint Planning Committee, as set out in the Council’s Scheme of Delegation.  Members wanted the process to be transparent and simple, particularly for the benefit of new councillors and proposed that the ability to call-in a planning application should not only be limited to the ward councillor, as was currently the case.  It was agreed that this would apply to also to the Area Planning Committees.


34.5    With regard to the Joint Planning Committee and because of its more strategic role, members wanted also to encourage wider interest in applications by councillors across the Borough.    The proposed amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to pick up these changes are attached as Annexe 10.  It was agreed that the rules needed to be clearly explained to all councillors to ensure a consistent understanding of how to call-in a planning application, to include:-


a.         the 21 day limit to be complied with when calling-in an application to Committee;


b.         the requirement to provide clear planning reasons to support any call-in; and


c.         confirmation that all call-in requests would be acknowledged by planning officers.


Constitution: Questions by Members of the Public


34.6    The SIG reviewed the section of the Constitution which sets out the requirements for members of the public wanting to ask a formal or informal question at a meeting.


34.7    The SIG had concerns about the effectiveness of the Informal Question Time prior to meetings of the Executive, Council and Committees.  The purpose of the informal questions had always been for members of the public to turn up and ask any question of councillors, without prior warning, on the understanding that it may not be possible to be provided with a comprehensive answer on the evening.  It did however accommodate the needs of those members who had not been able to submit a formal question in accordance with the timescales set out in the constitution.


34.8    However, the SIG was satisfied that by improving the process for submitting formal questions, and making it more accessible to members of the public, it would no longer be necessary to operate both the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


Officer Support for Overview and Scrutiny - Options Analysis pdf icon PDF 93 KB

At its last meeting, the Executive received a report from the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee setting out the findings and recommendations from its review of Overview and Scrutiny at Waverley.  The Executive noted the recommendation that ‘dedicated scrutiny officer support be secured’ and asked officers to put forward options.  Accordingly, this report identifies and analyses options in respect of scrutiny staffing at Waverley.  Executive Members are asked to consider the options set out within this report and decide upon a way forward. 




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         recommends to the Council that the new post of ‘Scrutiny Officer’ be added to the Council’s establishment as set out as option 3 within the report; and


2.         agrees a supplementary estimate to cover additional staffing costs in 2016/17 and agrees to growth proposals being put forward during the next budget round from 2017/18 onwards. 




The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.         the new post of ‘Scrutiny Officer’ be added to the Council’s establishment as set out as option 3 within the report; and


2.      a supplementary estimate to cover additional staffing costs in 2016/17 and growth proposals being put forward during the next budget round from 2017/18 onwards be agreed. 


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to consider options for scrutiny staffing and support at Waverley]




35.1    A Sub-Committee of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee was appointed by the Executive to review the Terms of Reference and arrangements for Overview and Scrutiny (OS) at Waverley.  


35.2    The Sub-Committee discussed this remit and in view of the length of time since OS arrangements were last reviewed comprehensively and along with anecdotal evidence of member dissatisfaction with OS arrangements, agreed that the review should be undertaken in the context of evaluating the effectiveness of Waverley’s OS function in relation to the four principles of effective scrutiny as described by the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS). According to the four principles, good scrutiny:


·         provides a constructive ‘critical friend’ challenge – holding decision-makers to account;

·         amplifies the voices and concerns of the public;

·         is led by independent people who take responsibility for their role; and

·         drives improvement in public services and makes a difference.


35.3    As part of its evidence gathering, the Sub-Committee sought the views of Waverley Members through a survey and interviews. The feedback received indicated a high level of frustration with the way in which the current arrangements operate, and an appetite for the scrutiny function at Waverley taking a more constructive and proactive role in supporting the work of the Council. The desktop research carried out into OS arrangements at other councils, and a review of academic research into OS arrangements generally, shows that the issues that Waverley has with its OS arrangements are not uncommon.


35.4    When it met in June, the Executive endorsed the broad findings of the review into OS arrangements at Waverley.  In addition to agreeing that plans for Member and Officer Training on Scrutiny be progressed and that the Constitutional SIG be asked to advise the Executive on any required changes to the Constitution, the Executive asked for a report outlining the costs and benefits of different options in respect of dedicated officer support for overview and scrutiny at Waverley. 


35.5    Officers have considered and assessed the extent to which the new approach to scrutiny at Waverley that will be pursued as a result of the OS review would necessitate additional or different staffing resources and have also considered the extent to which it will not.  Officers have also looked at the type of scrutiny support posts that exist in other authorities’ structures to see what can be learnt from best practice.  This work has informed the options set out below.


35.6    There are any number of approaches that Waverley could choose to take to support scrutiny. However, there are three basic and distinct options to be considered at this point:


·         Option 1 – no change

·         Option 2 - reallocate workloads within the existing Democratic Services structure so that an existing Grade 7 Democratic Services Officer has responsibility for servicing all scrutiny committees

·         Option 3 - create a new Grade 7 Scrutiny Officer post within the Council’s Corporate Policy Team.


These options are explained and analysed below. 


35.7    Option 1 – no change


   Under this option, there would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Recruitment of an IT Support Analyst pdf icon PDF 50 KB

The purpose of the report is to approve the recruitment of an IT Support Analyst.  The creation of the post is in response to the work demands within the IT Team and requires a re-allocation of staffing budgets within the service.  The new post will provide generalist support to the business across a range of software applications but with particular focus on finance.




It is recommended to the Council that approval be given to the establishment of an IT Support Analyst Role.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that approval be given to the establishment of an IT Support Analyst Role.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to approve the recruitment of the post following reallocation of staffing budgets within the service]




36.1    The purpose of this item is to approve the recruitment of an IT Support Analyst.  The creation of the post is in response to the work demands within the IT Team and requires a re-allocation of staffing budgets within the service.  The new post will provide generalist support to the business across a range of software applications but with particular focus on finance.


36.2    The proposal being made is driven to some extent by the resignation of the IT Development Officer who will be retiring in September. The current post-holder is working on a 0.4 fte contract and has expertise in supporting the finance systems.             In 2015 the Council approved funding to resource a Sharepoint Support Officer. Whilst an appointment was made it was a part time (0.6) appointment. It is proposed that the balance of the resource be utilised to fund the new IT Support Analyst post.


36.3    Sharepoint continues to be a high profile area of work but with the Sharepoint Support Officer working well with the Analyst Programmer in this area, it is proposed that reallocating the budget to the new post is more effective than seeking a second part-time appointment to support Sharepoint.  The Executive


            RECOMMENDS that


29.       approval be given to the establishment of an IT Support Analyst Role.


[Reason: to approve the recruitment of the post following reallocation of staffing budgets within the service]




Intention to Appropriate Land at Bourne Recreation Ground, Farnham pdf icon PDF 74 KB

The purpose of the report is for the Council to resolve its intention to appropriate land at Bourne Recreation Ground.   Officers consider that appropriation of the land is necessary to enable the existing Bourne Recreation Pavilion to be redeveloped, which will significantly improve the leisure facilities for the local residents.    


The Council owns the freehold site at Bourne Recreation Ground and a local benefactor is wishing to donate a significant sum of money to enable the redevelopment of the pavilion and leisure facilities.  A local community group has been set up, Bourne Asset Community Group Community Interest Company (“the Community Group”), to provide the new pavilion and leisure facilities.  The Community Group will take responsibility for the redevelopment of the pavilion.   The current pavilion is in a fairly poor state of repair and would require considerable funds to bring up to a reasonable standard.


The Council has received external legal advice on the most appropriate and legally robust way of proceeding in order to enable the redevelopment of the pavilion which is to “appropriate land” at Bourne Recreation Ground, due to its village green status.


Planning permission was granted on 5 February 2016 for the demolition and building of the new pavilion.  The Council intends to grant the Community Group a long lease in order for the Group to undertake the works and manage the pavilion, which will be dealt with in a later Executive Report.  The granting of a long lease would require Secretary of State approval.




It is recommended that the Executive recommends to the Council:


1.         to formally resolve its “intention to appropriate” the relevant village green land at Bourne Recreation Ground (measuring under 209 square metres) as outlined on the accompanying Plan  A to enable redevelopment of the Bourne Recreation pavilion; and


2.         to advertise its intention to appropriate land as required by law in a local newspaper for 2 consecutive weeks and consider any objections received in relation to the proposed appropriation of land.



Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL:


1.         to formally resolve its “intention to appropriate” the relevant village green land at Bourne Recreation Ground (measuring under 209 square metres) as outlined on the accompanying Plan  A to enable redevelopment of the Bourne Recreation pavilion; and


2.         to advertise its intention to appropriate land as required by law in a local newspaper for 2 consecutive weeks and consider any objections received in relation to the proposed appropriation of land.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to progress appropriation of the land to enable the pavilion to be redeveloped]


37.1    The purpose of this report is for the Council to resolve its intention to appropriate land at Bourne Recreation Ground, as shown on Plan A.   Officers consider that appropriation of the land is necessary to enable the existing Bourne Recreation Pavilion to be redeveloped, which will significantly improve the leisure facilities for the local residents.    


37.2    The Council owns the freehold site at Bourne Recreation Ground and a local benefactor is wishing to donate a significant sum of money to enable the redevelopment of the pavilion and leisure facilities.  A local community group has been set up, Bourne Asset Community Group Community Interest Company (“the Community Group”), to provide the new pavilion and leisure facilities.  The Community Group will take responsibility for the redevelopment of the pavilion.   The current pavilion is in a fairly poor state of repair and would require considerable funds to bring up to a reasonable standard.


37.3    The Council has received external legal advice on the most appropriate and legally robust way of proceeding in order to enable the redevelopment of the pavilion which is to “appropriate land” at Bourne Recreation Ground, due to its village green status.  Planning permission was granted on 5 February 2016 for the demolition and building of the new pavilion.  The Council intends to grant the Community Group a long lease in order for the Group to undertake the works and manage the pavilion, which will be dealt with in a later report to the Executive. 


37.4    There are potentially financial implications for the Council in the “appropriation of land” and external legal advice and support may be required at a later stage. The initial costs (e.g. advertising of intention to appropriate land) will be met from the existing Parks and Open Spaces budget.   Legal Services intend to deal with the “appropriation of land” process internally.  If external legal advice is required at a later stage in relation to the appropriation of land, a supplementary budget may be requested.


37.5    A local authority is able to “appropriate” land using its powers under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Local Government Act 1972.  The Council will need to appropriate the land at Bourne Recreation Ground prior to any works being carried out in relation to the new pavilion, due to its village green status.   There is a legal framework which restricts the use and development of village greens.  The Council will not need to seek Secretary of State approval at this stage for the appropriation of land.  The Council would however need to seek the approval of the Secretary of State prior to any disposal of land by long lease to the Community Group, due to the village green legislation.   


37.6    The Bourne Recreation pavilion site falls within land registered as village green.  A local benefactor would like to donate a significant sum of money to demolish and re-build the Bourne Recreation pavilion and therefore provide enhanced leisure facilities to the local community.  The Bourne Asset Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Executive Forward Programme pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To adopt the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council.



The Executive Forward Programme was approved.


RESOLVED  that the Executive Forward Programme be approved.


Treasury Management Activity 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

The purpose of the report is to summarise Waverley’s Treasury Management activities during 2015/2016.




That the Executive notes and endorses the investment activity and performance in 2015/16.


Additional documents:


The Executive has noted and endorsed the investment activity and performance in 2015/16.




[Reason: to summarise Waverley’s Treasury Management activities during 2015/16]



RESOLVED  that the investment activity and performance in 2015/16 be noted and endorsed.


[Reason: to summarise Waverley’s Treasury Management activities during 2015/16]



In-Depth Review of the Waverley Meals on Wheels Service - Findings Report pdf icon PDF 83 KB

It was agreed at the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19 January 2016 to carry out an in-depth review of the Meal on Wheels Service as a result of the steady decrease in the uptake of meals since 2011.


The purpose of this report is to inform the Executive of the Sub-Committee’s findings, taking into account the observations made by the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee at is meeting on 14 June and to seek approval of the recommendations for the development of a future Meals Service. 




That the Executive:


  1. considers the findings of the in-depth review,


  1. provides feedback and observations on the three options; and


  1. approves the request for officers to enter into discussions with the Waverley Borough Council funded Day Centres and the Royal Voluntary Service about the development of a replacement fresh cooked meal service, prepared by some or all of the Day Centres, utilising the current group of volunteers for meals and social contact and funded from the Council’s contribution of £30,000 plus any future contributions from Surrey County Council.  The intention would be to have the new service in place by 1 January 2017.



The Executive has:


  1. considered the findings of the in-depth review and provided feedback on the three options; and


  1. approved the request for officers to enter into discussions with the Waverley Borough Council funded Day Centres and the Royal Voluntary Service about the development of a replacement fresh cooked meal service, prepared by some or all of the Day Centres, utilising the current group of volunteers for meals and social contact and funded from the Council’s contribution of £30,000 plus any future contributions from Surrey County Council.  The intention would be to have the new service in place by 1 January 2017.




[Reason: to consider the outcome of the in-depth review into the meals on wheels service and agree the next steps]


As part of the discussion it was suggested that the Community Rooms at Parkhurst Fields in Churt could be a suitable venue and officers agreed to explore this as another facility.


RESOLVED  that, having considered the findings of the in-depth review and provided feedback on the three options, the request for officers to enter into discussions with the Waverley Borough Council funded Day Centres and the Royal Voluntary Service about the development of a replacement fresh cooked meal service, prepared by some or all of the Day Centres be approved, utilising the current group of volunteers for meals and social contact and funded from the Council’s contribution of £30,000 plus any future contributions from Surrey County Council.  The intention would be to have the new service in place by 1 January 2017.


[Reason: to consider the outcome of the in-depth review into the meals on wheels service and agree the next steps]


Performance Management Report - Quarter 4 2015/16 (Jan - March 2016) pdf icon PDF 86 KB

The Council’s Performance Management Framework (PMF) contains a number of indicators that assist Members and officers in identifying current improvement priorities and progress against targets.  The indicators are reviewed quarterly by the Executive and are aligned to our Corporate Plan priorities. The report gives an analysis of the Council’s performance in the fourth quarter of 2015/16.


Annexe 1 to the report contains the list of indicators used for reporting performance and includes targets, graphs and comments.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         examines the performance figures for quarter 4 as set out in Annexe 1; and


2.         thanks the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their review of the quarter 4 performance as detailed in the report.


Additional documents:


The Executive has examined the performance figures for quarter 4 as set out in Annexe 1 to the report and thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their review of the quarter 4 performance as detailed in the report.


[This item has already been considered by Overview and Scrutiny and it would not be appropriate to call it in]


[Reason: to provide an analysis of the Council’s performance in the fourth quarter]


RESOLVED  that the performance figures for quarter 4 as set out in Annexe 1 to the report be examined and the Overview and Scrutiny Committees be thanked for their review of the quarter 4 performance as detailed in the report.


[Reason: to provide an analysis of the Council’s performance in the fourth quarter]


Service Plans - Year End Outturn Report for 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Service Plans are devised each year in order to deliver the Council’s corporate priorities. This report gives the Executive the opportunity to consider the year end outturn of each Service Plan for 2015/16 having been scrutinised by the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee which examined actions completed and if not, explored the reasoning.




It is recommended that the 2015/16 Outturn Service Plan report be considered and approved.




Additional documents:


The Executive has considered and approved the 2015/16 Outturn Service Plan report.


[This item has already been considered by Overview and Scrutiny and it would not be appropriate to call it in]


[Reason: to enable consideration of the year end outturn for each Service Plan]


RESOLVED  that the 2015/16 Outturn Service Plan report be considered and approved.


[Reason: to enable consideration of the year end outturn for each Service Plan]


Badshot Lea Recreation Ground - Approval to submit Planning Application pdf icon PDF 66 KB

The report seeks approval to submit a planning application to install cricket ball stop netting at Badshot Lea Recreation Ground, Farnham.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the request to submit a planning application for the erection of ball stop netting around Badshot Lea Recreation Ground, Farnham.



The Executive has approved the request to submit a planning application for the erection of ball stop netting around Badshot Lea Recreation Ground, Farnham.




[Reason: to seek approval to submit a planning application]



RESOLVED  that the request to submit a planning application for the erection of ball stop netting around Badshot Lea Recreation Ground, Farnham be approved.


[Reason: to seek approval to submit a planning application]



Property Matter - Farnham Town Football Club pdf icon PDF 53 KB

The report seeks approval to allow a surrender and regrant of a lease for Farnham Town Football Club at the Memorial Ground, West Street, Farnham.




It is recommended that Farnham Town Football Club be permitted to surrender their existing lease and be granted a new lease, on terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.




Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed that Farnham Town Football Club be permitted to surrender their existing lease and be granted a new lease, on terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.




[Reason: to consider the property lease issue]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


RESOLVED  that Farnham Town Football Club be permitted to surrender their existing lease and be granted a new lease, on terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


[Reason: to consider the property lease issue]