Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 18th January, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Louise Fleming  Democratic Services & Business Support Team Manager

No. Item

EXE 67/21


To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 December 2021.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 November and the Special Meeting held on 14 December 2021 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


EXE 68/21


To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.


EXE 69/21


The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022.



There were no questions submitted from members of the public.

EXE 70/21


The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022.


There were no questions submitted from members of the Council.

The Leader advised that he would be moving Leader and Portfolio Holder updates to the end of the agenda as there were a number of updates to be made.  For ease of reference the items are listed below in the order in which they appeared in the agenda.

EXE 71/21

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


The Leader and Portfolio Holders gave brief updates on current issues not reported elsewhere on the agenda:

·         The Leader thanked all those involved in managing the aftermath of the tragic fire in the Charterhouse ward in Godalming the previous week.  Councillor Williams, Charterhouse ward member echoed his thanks to the Waverley officers and emergency services involved.

·         The Leader updated on the work on the Guildford collaboration, which was currently developing an Inter-Authority Agreement and risks being drafted for Executive and Council in due course.

·         Following discussions with administration group leaders, the Leader had made a number of changes to the Executive following the resignation from the Executive by Councillor Rosoman on health grounds.  Councillor Rosoman would remain a borough and town councillor.  He thanked Councillor Rosoman for her contribution to the Executive and for her work on behalf of residents.  In light of the significant workload involved in the housing portfolio, the decision had been taken to make the following changes and a press release would be issued shortly:

o   The Leader, Deputy Leader, Councillor Merryweather and Councillor Williams portfolios would remain largely unchanged, with an explicit responsibility for the Leader and Deputy Leader in respect of the Guildford collaboration. 

o   Councillor MacLeod would become the Portfolio Holder for Enforcement, Operations and Brightwells.  The Leader thanked Councillor MacLeod for his work in planning.  The new enforcement role would encompass the business transformation elements.

o   Councillor Mirylees would become the Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing, Parks and Leisure.

o   Councillor Townsend would become the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, retaining responsibility for the Cranleigh Leisure Centre as it moved into its capital project and planning stages and retaining the leadership of the Dunsfold Park governance.

o   Councillor Palmer would become Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery) which would encompass delivery of new social housing, joint responsibility for the housing strategy, homelessness and refugee management and retaining the chairmanship of the CIL Board.

o   Councillor Paul Rivers would be joining the Executive as Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations), which would encompass maintenance of existing housing stock, oversight of the housing maintenance contract and joint responsibility for the housing strategy.  Councillors Palmer and Rivers would rotate the chairmanship of the Landlord Services Advisory Board.

·         Councillor Clark paid tribute to Councillor Rosoman, thanking her and wishing her well for the future; and paid tribute to Councillor MacLeod for his work in planning and wishing him luck for his future role contributing to the modernisation of enforcement in the borough.  He welcomed the way the Executive, which was made up of representatives from four political groups, had worked together over the last two years.

·         Councillor MacLeod echoed the comments made about Councillor Rosoman.  A Brightwells project meeting was due to take place the following week with Crest Nicholson.  He thanked the officers in the planning team for their work, acknowledging that it was a difficult job and there were significant demands on the service.  He addressed the problems caused by unrealistic housing targets  ...  view the full minutes text for item EXE 71/21


There are no items under this heading.


The background papers relating to the following items are as specified in the reports included in the original agenda papers.

EXE 72/21

Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy - to approve strategy for consultation pdf icon PDF 403 KB

Officers are seeking Executive approval for the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.




It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies be approved to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.


Reason: To have an Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy which is fit for purpose and sets out our priorities for new affordable homes in the borough.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



The Leader presented the report which set out a draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy for consultation with stakeholders.  The document was aligned to the Corporate Strategy, in respect of provision of quality affordable housing, reducing energy bills for tenants and mitigating the impact of the housing stock on the climate.  He looked forward to receiving comments from stakeholders and thanked the officers involved in the production of the document. 


Councillor Williams welcomed the report and its commitment to sustainability and building net zero homes.  The recommendations would meet housing need and benefit residents whilst contributing to the sustainability agenda. 


Councillor Palmer echoed the comments made and welcomed the report and thanked the Portfolio Holder and officers for their work.  He highlighted the lack of genuine affordable housing and felt that the strategy provided a viable path forward.


RESOLVED that the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies be approved to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.


Reason: To have an Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy which is fit for purpose and sets out our priorities for new affordable homes in the borough.



EXE 73/21

Housing Revenue Account Progress report April - November 2021 pdf icon PDF 442 KB

To share the Landlord Service Advisory Board HRA progress report and request virements to balance the budget.  The report was shared with the Board on 2 December and updated by Finance on 13 December to reflect the November budget monitoring information. 


The report will provide the Executive with a status update on the income and expenditure of the HRA Revenue and Capital Accounts for the first seven months of 2021/22.  Informing the Executive of the financial performance of the service with information on the balance of the account, any underspends and overspends and requested virements. 




It is recommended that the Executive approves virements[1] of budgets within the HRA to realign the budget to need as detailed in Annexe 1.




[1] To move funds from one budget to another


RESOLVED that virements[1] of budgets within the HRA to realign the budget to need as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report be approved.


Reason: To update the HRA budgets according to needs and ensure services and works continue to be delivered during 2021/22.  The original HRA budget for 2021/22 was agreed by Council in February 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic.  In light of changes in needs from tenants, access to suppliers, contractors etc. this report seeks to provide an update to the Landlord Services Advisory Board and realign budgets in line with the current identified needs.  


[Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

[1] To move funds from one budget to another


The Leader presented the report which set out an update to the Landlord Services Advisory Board in December 2021 and recommendations which sought to realign budgets with the current position. 


RESOLVED that virements[1] of budgets within the HRA to realign the budget to need as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report be approved.


Reason: To update the HRA budgets according to needs and ensure services and works continue to be delivered during 2021/22.  The original HRA budget for 2021/22 was agreed by Council in February 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic.  In light of changes in needs from tenants, access to suppliers, contractors etc. this report seeks to provide an update to the Landlord Services Advisory Board and realign budgets in line with the current identified needs. 


[Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

[1] To move funds from one budget to another

EXE 74/21

Housing Maintenance Procurement Outcome report pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To update Executive Members on the outcome of the Housing Maintenance, Responsive Repairs, Void Refurbishment and Disabled Adaptations Contract procurement.  The Executive resolved to the procurement exercise on 7 January 2020 (minutes EXE 52/19 52.2.3).  To confirm that following the tender evaluation process Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality.




It is recommended that Members:

·         note this report as true reflection of the procurement process undertaken for the housing maintenance service, and note that following the tender evaluation process Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality

·         instruct officers to report to the Landlord Services Advisory Board within nine months on the outcome of the mobilisation of the new contract and the performance of the contractor.






1.    The procurement process undertaken for the housing maintenance service be noted, and that following a comprehensive tender evaluation process, Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality and has been confirmed as the preferred bidder and subject to contract and final due diligence, will be awarded the contract.

2.    Officers be requested to report to the Landlord Services Advisory Board within nine months on the outcome of the mobilisation of the new contract and the performance of the contractor.


Reason: To share the outcome of the procurement exercise and demonstrate the adherence to procurement rules


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


The Leader presented the report which set out the outcome of the Housing Maintenance Contract procurement.  It was noted that housing repairs generated a significant number of enquiries from tenants and there had been some issues with the current contract, exacerbated by the pandemic.  The procurement process would bring forward a new contractor with whom a better relationship could be built and contractual obligations could be put in place to allow monitoring of performance which would ultimately result in a better service for tenants.  It was likely that a performance report would come before the Landlord Services Advisory Board earlier than the nine month deadline.    




1.    The procurement process undertaken for the housing maintenance service be noted, and that following a comprehensive tender evaluation process, Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality and has been confirmed as the preferred bidder and subject to contract and final due diligence, will be awarded the contract.

2.    Officers be requested to report to the Landlord Services Advisory Board within nine months on the outcome of the mobilisation of the new contract and the performance of the contractor.


Reason: To share the outcome of the procurement exercise and demonstrate the adherence to procurement rules

EXE 75/21

Waverley Borough Council Draft Tree & Woodland Policy pdf icon PDF 367 KB

Following incorporation of comments from the Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee of the 24th of November, at Annexe 1 is the final draft of the Council’s Tree and Woodland Policy for approval by Executive.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the Tree and Woodland Policy attached at annexe 1 to the report.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Tree and Woodland Policy attached at annexe 1 to the report be approved


Reason: Public, Government and industry awareness of climate change and the fragile state of our environments, locally, nationally and internationally has never been higher or the importance of action so urgent.  Tree planting and appropriate management of existing trees and woodlands owned by the Council are even more important as part of these concerns.  There is therefore a need for a consistent and comprehensive approach to the Council’s tree and woodland management, beyond considering trees solely from a liability perspective.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Townsend presented the report which set out the draft Tree and Woodland Policy, with a commitment to improving biodiversity and the climate change agenda.  She thanked the officers involved in developing the policy, which would form a suite of environmental policies including a Pesticides Policy and a Biodiversity Policy being developed with assistance from the Surrey Wildlife Trust.  The Policy would ensure more trees were built and that existing trees and hedgerows were maintained to ensure that they captured the maximum amount of carbon.  The three policies would form part of the overarching Greenspaces Strategy. 


The Leader welcomed the report and the importance of maintaining existing tree stock.  Councillor Williams welcomed the report which linked into a range of other policies and strategies, all of which were crucial to responding to the climate emergency.  He thanked the Portfolio Holder and the officer team for their work.


RESOLVED that the Tree and Woodland Policy attached at annexe 1 to the report be approved


Reason: Public, Government and industry awareness of climate change and the fragile state of our environments, locally, nationally and internationally has never been higher or the importance of action so urgent.  Tree planting and appropriate management of existing trees and woodlands owned by the Council are even more important as part of these concerns.  There is therefore a need for a consistent and comprehensive approach to the Council’s tree and woodland management, beyond considering trees solely from a liability perspective.


EXE 76/21

Capital Projects pdf icon PDF 333 KB

To approve the list of projects for some of the remaining capital funds for 2021-22 funds. 




It is recommended that the Executive:

1.    Note the Asset Management Plan (AMP) produced by the Engineers for pavilions across the Borough and the RAG rating to prioritise works that are now critical

2.    Approve the value of up to £76,080* from the 2021-22 capital budget

[*full amount subject to clarification of approved works with Bourne Community Group].



Additional documents:




1.    The Asset Management Plan (AMP) produced by the Engineers for pavilions across the Borough and the RAG rating to prioritise works that are now critical be noted

2.    The value of up to £76,080* be approved from the 2021-22 capital budget

[*full amount subject to clarification of approved works with Bourne Community Group].


Reason: For urgent maintenance works required to Waverley pavilions to take place now that a strategic AMP has been produced.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny]



Councillor Merryweather presented the report which set out proposals for allocation of £76,080 of the remaining £161,341 from the fund agreed at the Council meeting in February 2021 for discretionary capital projects.  The Projects Co-ordinating Group was formed to consider the discretionary projects and bring back recommended projects and expenditure to the Executive.  The current proposals focussed on the borough’s pavilions, where a status report had been commissioned which showed that many of the pavilions had fallen behind in their programme of maintenance and repair.  The funding proposed would enable the Council to address some of the most severe cases.  There were other projects in the pipeline which would enable the remaining balance to be spent before the end of the year. 


In response to a question from the Leader, Councillor Merryweather confirmed that the figure of £76,080 was the maximum needed and the figure proposed for the Bourne Pavilion was contingent on discussions with the current tenant.  Councillor Townsend thanked the Portfolio Holder and welcomed the improvement to the borough’s pavilions, which would provide access to leisure for residents. 




1.    The Asset Management Plan (AMP) produced by the Engineers for pavilions across the Borough and the RAG rating to prioritise works that are now critical be noted

2.    The value of up to £76,080* be approved from the 2021-22 capital budget

[*full amount subject to clarification of approved works with Bourne Community Group].


Reason: For urgent maintenance works required to Waverley pavilions to take place now that a strategic AMP has been produced.



EXE 77/21

Tax Strategy 2022-24 pdf icon PDF 209 KB

The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the Council acknowledges its responsibilities with regard to tax by preparing and submitting for approval a Tax Strategy.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the Tax Strategy 2022-24 at Annexe 1.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Tax Strategy 2022-24 at Annexe 1 to the report be approved.


Reason: The Council is required to have in place a Tax Strategy to fulfil its responsibilities under the Legislation in Criminal Finances Act 2017, and to respond appropriately to the ‘Tackling tax evasion: Government guidance for the corporate offences of failure to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion’ Government guidance issued in September 2017.


[Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Merryweather presented the report which set out a Tax Strategy and made clear that this did not relate to Council Tax or other taxes levied.  The Council was required to have a tax strategy in place to fulfil its requirements under legislation relating to tackling tax evasion.


RESOLVED that the Tax Strategy 2022-24 at Annexe 1 to the report be approved.


Reason: The Council is required to have in place a Tax Strategy to fulfil its responsibilities under the Legislation in Criminal Finances Act 2017, and to respond appropriately to the ‘Tackling tax evasion: Government guidance for the corporate offences of failure to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion’ Government guidance issued in September 2017.