Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 30th March, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: ZOOM MEETING - Virtual Meeting. View directions

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Democratic Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

No. Item

EXE 83/20


To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 March 2021.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 March 2021 were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting.

EXE 84/20


To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


The Leader declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to agenda item 12, the Electric Vehicle Strategy, as he owned an EV car. He abstained from the vote.

EXE 85/20


The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 23 March 2021.


The Executive received the following question in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


(i)            From Charles Collins, Savills:


“Given the closure of the LPP2 public consultation 2 months ago and the Local Development Scheme indicating adoption of LPP2 by January/ February 2022, what deadline has been set to submit LPP2 to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination? Are you able to advise what committee stages are required in advance?”


Response from Cllr Andy MacLeod, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy:


“The Council has received over 1100 comments as a result of the public consultation which have raised a number of different issues.  These are currently being considered.  The Council will submit the Local Plan for its examination as soon as this has been done with the intention that the Plan will still be adopted early in 2022.  However, if this requires a change to the timetable we will set this out in an updated Local Development Scheme that will be published.  The decision to submit the Local Plan for its examination is a decision of the full Council following the recommendation of the Council’s Executive.”

EXE 86/20


The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 23 March 2021.


There were no questions from Members.

EXE 87/20

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


The Leader and Portfolio Holders gave brief updates on current issues not reported elsewhere on the agenda:

·         The government had declined to extend the regulations enabling remote meetings to take place, therefore after 7 May councillors would need to attend meetings in person, in the Council Chamber. There were concerns over the potential health risks for councillors and officers, and therefore the Annual Council was being brought forward to 27 April, and as much business as possible was being directed to the scheduled Council meeting on 20 April.

·         The government was running a consultation on the future of the New Homes Bonus, and the council would be submitting a response which would highlight the shortcomings in the underlying assumptions of the proposals.

·         A Transport Projects Officer had been recruited to the Sustainability Team to help develop the council’s work on reducing carbon emissions and promoting active and sustainable travel.

·         The Chairman of Waverley’s Tenants Panel, Terry Daubney, had joined the National Housing Ombudsman’s Resident Panel, so Waverley now had two representatives on that panel. They would also be part of Waverley’s new housing complaints group.

·         The Tenants Panel had held an on-line open meeting, with more than 30 tenants attending, who gave constructive and some critical feedback to officers. The Head of Housing Operations had prepared a leaflet which would sent to all tenants concerning the repairs and maintenance service. The Housing Team and contractors took the complaints very seriously and were working hard to meeting tenants’ expectations of service.

·         The Brightwells Yard development in Farnham remained on track to open in September, with M&S possibly opening a little earlier. A very positive meeting had been held with Reel about the plans for the cinema which was due to open in December. Crest were changing the energy system for the flats from gas boilers to electric, and would be installing solar panels on the roofs. Crest had started marketing the flats and selling off plan.

·         The consultation on the proposed Public Space Protection Order would close on Friday. There had been positive feedback so far, although there was some debate around the exact wording. Any further comments would be welcomed.

·         Leisure Centres were on track to re-open on 12 April, subject to final confirmation from the government on 5 April. Outdoor pitches were open at The Edge and the Leisure Team had put together a full programme of activities for the Easter break, both online and the outdoors. Final arrangements were in place for the launch of the Godalming Park Run at Broadwater Park.

·         Careline continued to provide invaluable peace of mind to residents and their families. There were 1,660 clients in Waverley and in January 2021, 2,260 calls were received with an ambulance despatched on 45 occasions as a result. In February, 1,910 calls were received, of which 49 required ambulance assistance.

·         Threats to cyber-security continued to be a challenge for organisations, and the council was very serious about its responsibilities to protect IT systems and residents’ data.  ...  view the full minutes text for item EXE 87/20


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.

EXE 88/20

Council Tax exemption for young people leaving care pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Request that the Executive considers and recommends to Council a new Council Tax exemption that would ensure that Care Leavers within Waverley do not have to pay Council Tax up to the age of 25.


Care leavers who are living independently for the first time find managing their own finances extremely challenging, due to issues such as limited family support. This can mean that care leavers may fall into debt and financial difficulty.




That the Executive recommend to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.


RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.


Reason: Waverley is keen to work jointly with Surrey Council to support care leavers to provide care leavers with the help they require in these challenging times. One of the ways we can support our Surrey Care Leavers as Corporate Parents as set out in the Children and Social Work Act 2017 is to exempt all Care Leavers from their Council Tax responsibilities.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



88.1    Cllr Merryweather presented the proposal for Waverley to introduce a new Council Tax exemption category for young people leaving the care of the local authority, after being in care for a period of 13 weeks or more spanning their 16th birthday. Waverley was keen to work jointly with Surrey Council to support care leavers living independently for the first time. One of the ways in which the council could help support our Surrey Care Leavers as Corporate Parents as set out in the Children and Social Work Act 2017 was to exempt all Care Leavers from their Council Tax responsibilities.


88.2    The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.




The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.

EXE 89/20

Insurance collaboration pdf icon PDF 403 KB

To gain Executive approval to enter into an insurance collaboration with London Borough of Sutton (LBS) including five Surrey Districts and Boroughs to manage insurance administration, jointly procure insurance and pool the insurance policies excess (deductibles). Pooled excess reduces the external policy premiums that would otherwise not be practicably possible for a single council without taking on excessive financial risk. This proposal will secure a significant cost saving through economies of scale, increased administrative capacity, expertise and improved business continuity without impacting on the council’s overall insured risk exposure.




It is recommended that the Executive approve the collaborative agreement to join the integrated insurance service led by LBS.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to approve the collaborative agreement to join the integrated insurance service led by London Borough of Sutton.


Reason: The key objectives for joining the collaboration are to reduce insurance costs, increase policy limits and to increase insurance administration and management capacity to mitigate the council’s insurance administrative dependency on an experienced and difficult to replace part time officer.





89.1    Cllr Merryweather introduced the proposal for Waverley to enter into an insurance collaboration led by the London Borough of Sutton (LBS), including five Surrey Districts and Boroughs, to manage insurance administration, jointly procure insurance and pool the insurance policies excess (deductibles). This proposal would secure a significant cost saving through economies of scale, increased administrative capacity, expertise, and improved business continuity without impacting on the council’s overall insured risk exposure.


89.2    Cllr Joan Heagin expressed her reservations about the proposed arrangement, but recognised that there were also benefits for the council, and she urged the council to be an active partner in the collaboration to ensure that benefits and risks were fully understood. Members noted that three other Surrey districts that had been in the arrangement for some time had provided positive feedback on their experience.


89.3    The Executive RESOLVED to approve the collaborative agreement to join the integrated insurance service led by London Borough of Sutton.

EXE 90/20

Request for supplementary estimate for Rule 6 representation at planning appeal lodged by UKOG (234) Ltd in respect of drilling for hydrocarbon minerals and associated infrastructure pdf icon PDF 214 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for a supplementary estimate to cover the fees of an external consultant to represent the Council and local residents as a Rule 6 party in an appeal by UKOG against Surrey County Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the drilling for hydrocarbon minerals and associated infrastructure in Dunsfold.  This report sets out that the Council does not have sufficient budget to meet these fees.




It is recommended that the Executive approve a supplementary estimate for £30,000 to meet the fees of the external consultants, to be met from the revenue reserve fund.


RESOLVED to approve a supplementary estimate for £30,000 to meet the fees of the external consultants, to be met from the revenue reserve fund.


Reason: Whilst the Planning Service budget includes sums for contractors, it does not have sufficient funds to meet the abovementioned fees as well as support Development Management in respect of its business as usual duties. It is therefore necessary to seek a supplementary estimate to pay the above amount.





90.1    Cllr Palmer introduced the request for a supplementary estimate, to fund the council’s Rule 6 representation at the planning appeal lodged by UKOG (234) Ltd.


90.2    Cllr John Gray thanked the Executive for their continued support for local residents, businesses, and the parish councils in opposing plans by UKOG to carry out exploratory drilling activity in the Dunsfold area. Being a Rule 6 party at the appeal would allow the council to strengthen its support to Surrey County Council in defending the refusal of the planning application, and achieve a positive outcome.


90.3    Executive Members emphasised the importance of Waverley continuing its community leadership role on this issue, which had commenced with the Listening Panel held in the summer of 2019 and sustained through two Surrey County Council planning committee meetings.


90.4    The Executive RESOLVED to approve a supplementary estimate for £30,000 to meet the fees of the external consultants, to be met from the revenue reserve fund.


EXE 91/20

Review of Refuse and Recycling Bin Provision pdf icon PDF 783 KB

To seek the Executive’s support for the recommendations arising from the review the current policy on domestic waste bin provision and the environmental and budget implications thereof.


Having reviewed the current position regarding the bin provision policy, the report details a proposed new policy and charging mechanism for all bins and waste and recycling containers. In addition, there is a proposal for moving to smaller bins for residual waste in order to encourage a reduction for waste that goes for disposal, in support of both the Council’s environmental aspirations and likely future Government waste strategies.


The proposal includes a phased approach to implementation, with an associated communication strategy, in order to maintain residents’ support of the Council’s efforts to maximise reuse and recycling and to minimise residual waste.




1.    That the Executive approve the revised bin provision policy as set out in paragraph 8 of the report.


2.    That as part of the procurement of any new Bins, consideration is given to the purchase of containers which maximise the use of recycled materials.


3.    That delegated authority is given to the Head of Environmental and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, to implement the Policy and its operational management as soon as practicable.


4.    That if the Policy is adopted as laid out in 2.2 above, the s151 Officer uses his delegated authority to approve any fees laid out in this report, which are inconsistent with the schedule of fees and charges previously approved in the Council’s Budget for the 2021-22 financial year.



1.    To approve the revised bin provision policy as set out in paragraph 8 of the agenda report.

2.    As part of the procurement of any new Bins, consideration is given to the purchase of containers which maximise the use of recycled materials.

3.    Delegated authority is given to the Head of Environmental and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, to implement the Policy and its operational management as soon as practicable.

4.    If the Policy is adopted as laid out in 2 above, the s151 Officer uses his delegated authority to approve any fees laid out in this report, which are inconsistent with the schedule of fees and charges previously approved in the Council’s Budget for the 2021-22 financial year.


Reason: To provide for suitable and sufficient bins to meet the Council’s statutory and customer requirements for waste collection; to contribute to the financial needs of the Council within the current financial environment, through an appropriate charging policy for waste and recycling containers; and, to help meet the Council’s climate change emergency response, as laid out in its Carbon Neutrality Action Plan; specifically, the commitments to moving toward zero waste, through ongoing reductions in residual waste arising from domestic collections and further improvements in the amount of collected waste which is reused, composted or recycled.


[This matter has already been considered by the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.]



90.1    Cllr Williams introduced the proposal that revised the bin provision policy, following a review of the current policy on domestic waste bin provision and the environmental and budget implications thereof. The report proposed a new policy and charging mechanism for all bins and waste and recycling containers. In addition, there was a proposal for moving to smaller bins for residual waste in order to encourage a reduction for waste that goes for disposal, in support of both the Council’s environmental aspirations and likely future Government waste strategies. The proposal included a phased approach to implementation, with an associated communication strategy, in order to maintain residents’ support of the Council’s efforts to maximise reuse and recycling and to minimise residual waste.


90.2    Members emphasised the importance of communications to support changing residents’ behaviour, and recognised the financial pressures on the council that prevented refuse and recycling bins being provided free of charge.


90.3    The Executive RESOLVED that:

1.    To approve the revised bin provision policy as set out in paragraph 8 of the agenda report.

2.    As part of the procurement of any new Bins, consideration is given to the purchase of containers which maximise the use of recycled materials.

3.    Delegated authority is given to the Head of Environmental and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, to implement the Policy and its operational management as soon as practicable.

4.    The s151 Officer uses his delegated authority to approve any fees laid out in this report, which are inconsistent with the schedule of fees and charges previously approved in the Council’s Budget for the 2021-22 financial year.

EXE 92/20

Property Matter - Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley GU5 8QP: Grant of new lease for two garages to Landspeed Homes Limited pdf icon PDF 217 KB

This report seeks approval for two leases of one garage each at Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley from the Council to Landspeed Homes Limited (Landspeed).




It is recommended that:


·         The two garage leases to Landspeed be approved


·         Delegated authority is given to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal document(s) with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).

Additional documents:



·         approve grant of two garage leases to Landspeed Homes Ltd; and

·         Delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal documents with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


Reason: To simplify the freehold and leasehold arrangements between the council and Landspeed in relation to a block of garages benefiting affordable housing provided by the council and Landspeed.





92.1    Cllr Merryweather introduced the proposal to grant two leases of one garage each at Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley from the council to Landspeed Homes Limited. This would simplify the freehold and leasehold arrangements between the council and Landspeed in relation to a block of garages benefiting affordable housing provided by the council and Landspeed.


92.2    The Executive RESOLVED to:

·         approve grant of two garage leases to Landspeed Homes Ltd; and

·         Delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal documents with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).

EXE 93/20

Electric Vehicle Strategy pdf icon PDF 358 KB

This report seeks the Executive’s adoption of the Electric Vehicle Strategy.




That the Executive adopt the attached Electric Vehicle Strategy.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to adopt the Electric Vehicle Strategy.


Reason: To contribute to the Council’s Carbon Neutrality Action Plan by encouraging the use of Electric Vehicles and working with partners to provide a network of charging points across the borough.


[This matter has already been considered by the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.]



93.1    Cllr Williams introduced the Electric Vehicle Strategy in the context of the climate emergency, the council’s climate emergency declaration, and the need to reduce carbon emissions across Waverley, aiming for a net zero carbon target by 2030. Half of carbon emissions were due to petrol and diesel vehicles, so promoting a dramatic modal shift in methods of transport was imperative including enabling take-up of electric vehicles by expanding the network of electric vehicle charging points in order to anticipate and shape demand.


93.2    Cllr Cockburn, whilst recognising the importance of the climate emergency, was concerned about the council assuming responsibility for providing electric vehicle charging points. She was particularly concerned about the visual impact of electric charging stations being installed in car parks within the Farnham Conservation Area, and the policy being developed without talking to the local town and parish councils.


93.3    Executive Members endorsed the policy, and confirmed that town councils had been engaged in developing the proposals. It was noted however, that electric vehicles did have environmental challenges in relation to the manufacture and disposal of batteries, and the generation of electricity.


93.4    The Executive RESOLVED to adopt the Electric Vehicle Strategy.

EXE 94/20

Service Plans 2021-2024 pdf icon PDF 293 KB

The purpose of this report is to present the three-year rolling Service Plans for April 2021 to March 2024 for approval. The Service Plans have been prepared by Heads of Service, in collaboration with their teams and Portfolio Holders, to set out the service objectives for the coming three years in line with the Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 and the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).


Each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees has reviewed the Service Plans under their remit and their comments have been included in section 7 “Consultation and Engagement” of this report for the Executive’s consideration.




It is recommended that the Executive:

a)      consider the comments and recommendations received by the Overview & Scrutiny Committees, as listed in section 7 “Consultation and Engagement” of this report, and

b)      approve the Service Plans 2021-24, as set out at Annexe 1, for implementation from 1 April 2021.

Additional documents:



RESOLVED that the Service Plans 2021-2024 be approved.


Reason: Service Plans are a major part of the Council’s performance framework and delivery mechanism for the Corporate Strategy.


[Service Plans have already been considered by the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committees.]



94.1    The Leader introduced the three-year rolling Service Plans for April 2021 to March 2024 for approval. The Service Plans had been prepared by Heads of Service, in collaboration with their teams and Portfolio Holders, to set out the service objectives for the coming three years in line with the Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 and the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).


94.2    The Executive RESOLVED that the Service Plans 2021-2024 be approved.

EXE 95/20

Additional Restrictions Grant - Covid business support proposals 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 372 KB

The Government has distributed billions of pounds of support to businesses during the pandemic through local authorities. Waverley paid over £22m of covid-support business grants to businesses in the Borough between April and October 2020. Since the November 2020 lockdown and subsequent statutory restrictions, Waverley has operated a further six separate business support schemes allocating government funding. One of the schemes is the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) which covers the period November 2020 to March 2022 and is targeted mainly at businesses that don’t meet the criteria for the other specific support packages. The government guidance enables local authorities to allocate part of this funding towards wider business support measures to help its business community recover. Waverley received an initial £2.5m of funding and was required by government to set a discretionary grants scheme and decide how much money to allocate to wider business support.


This report sets out the proposed allocation from the first tranche of funding for wider business support measures and the main target areas for this funding. The report seeks Executive’s approval to these proposals and agreement to a delegation to make specific allocations and payments within this framework so that funding can be quickly allocated as Waverley’s business community rebuilds during 2021.




It is recommended that the Executive:

1.    Approve the allocation of £0.5m from the ARG first tranche of £2.5 received to wider business support measures with the balance and subsequent tranches being allocated to direct business grants alongside other grant schemes.


2.    Approve the proposed four priority areas for strategic business support and the indicative initial spending plan set out in Annexe 1.


3.    Delegate to the Strategic Director in consultation with the portfolio holders for finance and economic development, the spending of the wider support funding on specific business support projects and initiatives during 2021/22, having regard to the plan set out at Annexe 1.


4.    Request officers to monitor activity and spending and report to councillors as part of the quarterly performance reports to Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive and to review the agreed proposals in six months, seeking approval if material changes are required.

Additional documents:



1.    Approve the allocation of £0.5m from the ARG first tranche of £2.5 received to wider business support measures with the balance and subsequent tranches being allocated to direct business grants alongside other grant schemes.

2.    Approve the proposed four priority areas for strategic business support and the indicative initial spending plan set out in Annexe 1.

3.    Delegate to the Strategic Director in consultation with the portfolio holders for finance and economic development, the spending of the wider support funding on specific business support projects and initiatives during 2021/22, having regard to the plan set out at Annexe 1.

4.     Request officers to monitor activity and spending and report to councillors as part of the quarterly performance reports to Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive and to review the agreed proposals in six months, seeking approval if material changes are required.


Reason: The impact on the economy on certain sectors has been considerable and this money enables Waverley Borough Council to work in a more strategic ways to assist recovery and long term support to local businesses and employment. The delegation requested will enable speedy utilisation of these vital government funds to support businesses where it is most needed. These proposals are in addition to the significant package of grants being awarded by Waverley through the government’s various Covid support schemes.





95.1    Cllr Townsend introduced proposals to allocate funds from the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) for wider business support activities. The Government had distributed billions of pounds of support to businesses during the pandemic through local authorities. Waverley had paid over £22m of Covid support business grants to businesses in the Borough between April and October 2020.


95.2     Since the November 2020 lockdown and subsequent statutory restrictions, Waverley had operated a further six separate business support schemes allocating government funding. One of the schemes was the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) which covered the period November 2020 to March 2022 and was targeted mainly at businesses that did not meet the criteria for the other specific support packages. The government guidance enabled local authorities to allocate part of this funding towards wider business support measures to help its business community recover. Waverley had received an initial £2.5m of funding and was required by government to set a discretionary grants scheme and decide how much money to allocate to wider business support.


95.3     The proposed allocation of £0.5m from the first tranche of funding for wider business support measures would be targeted at: support for key sectors (Retail/tourism- visitor economy/ hospitality/ leisure/ events); Business diversification and start up; Digital connectivity; and, Business intelligence.


95.4    Executive Members thanked officers in the Finance Team for their work in distributing government grants to businesses at short notice, and managing the different schemes; and the Economic Development Team for their work with Chambers of Commerce and Town Councils supporting local businesses.


95.5    The Executive RESOLVED to:

1.    Approve the allocation of £0.5m from the ARG first tranche of £2.5m received to wider business support measures with the balance and subsequent tranches being allocated to direct business grants alongside other grant schemes.

2.    Approve the proposed four priority areas for strategic business support and the indicative initial spending plan set out in Annexe 1.

3.    Delegate to the Strategic Director in consultation with the portfolio holders for finance and economic development, the spending of the wider support funding on specific business support projects and initiatives during 2021/22, having regard to the plan set out at Annexe 1.

4.     Request officers to monitor activity and spending and report to councillors as part of the quarterly performance reports to Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive and to review the agreed proposals in six months, seeking approval if material changes are required.