Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 5th April, 2016 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 March 2016.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 March 2016 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Paul Wenham, Executive Director, declared an interest in Agenda Item 8, Staffing Changes, and left the Chamber during discussion and consideration of the item.


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Staffing Changes pdf icon PDF 196 KB

The proposals in the report are necessary following the full retirement of the Monitoring and Returning Officer (AI09) who is responsible for the statutory roles of Monitoring Officer, Registration Officer and Returning Officer.  The changes in the report will look to maintain a robust and resilient structure and suitable Corporate Governance arrangements.




That the Executive recommends to the Council that, with effect from 1 July 2016:-


1.         the post of Monitoring and Returning Officer (Post AI09) be deleted from the establishment;


2.         the Head of Paid Service (Executive Director) be appointed to the statutory roles of Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer;


3.         the Director of Operations and Director of Finance and Resources be appointed as Deputy Returning Officers; and


4.         the following changes to reporting lines be approved:-


i.          Senior Manager – Elections and Special Projects to report to Executive Director;


ii.         Internal Audit Client Manager to the Director of Finance and Resources, with dotted reporting lines to the Executive Director and Monitoring Officer;


iii.        Corporate Complaints Officer to the Corporate Policy Manager; and


iv.        Mayor’s Secretary to the Democratic Services Manager.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that, with effect from 1 July 2016:-


1.         the post of Monitoring and Returning Officer (Post AI09) be deleted from the establishment;


2.         the Head of Paid Service (Executive Director) be appointed to the statutory roles of Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer;


3.         the Director of Operations and Director of Finance and Resources be appointed as Deputy Returning Officers; and


4.         the following changes to reporting lines be approved:-


i.          Senior Manager – Elections and Special Projects to report to Executive Director;


ii.         Internal Audit Client Manager to the Director of Finance and Resources, with dotted reporting lines to the Executive Director and Monitoring Officer;


iii.        Corporate Complaints Officer to the Corporate Policy Manager; and


iv.        Mayor’s Secretary to the Democratic Services Manager.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to make changes to the staffing and reporting structure]




156.1  The Monitoring and Returning Officer took flexible retirement in 2013 and has announced his intention to fully retire from the Council in the week ending 1 July 2016.  The postholder currently works 2 days a week throughout the year and increases his hours to prepare for and manage elections.


156.2  One of the aims of flexible retirement is to assist with the smooth transition when the employee retires fully.  With this in mind, the Council, when advertising the post of Head of Democratic and Legal Services (now Head of Policy and Governance), stated its expectation that the Monitoring Officer role be transferred to the newly recruited postholder.  In the light of this, the Head of Policy and Governance has been appointed to the role of Monitoring Officer from 1 July 2016 as anticipated.


156.3  For the last twenty years at Waverley, and in common with many Councils, the roles of Electoral Registration and Returning Officer have been carried out by the Head of Paid Service.  However, in December 2013, recognising the particular experience of the Monitoring Officer (then called the Head of Corporate Governance), these roles were allocated to that post, with the Head of Paid Services (Executive Director) taking the Deputy Returning Officer role. Following the full retirement of Monitoring and Returning Officer, it is proposed that the roles of Electoral Registration and Returning Officer revert back to the Head of Paid Service.


156.4  The role of Electoral Registration Officer is to manage the preparation and maintenance of Waverley’s Electoral Register.  The role of Returning Officer is to lead the electoral process for all levels of election in Waverley.  It involves assuming personal responsibility for successful conduct of all elections.


156.5  In terms of the other aspects of the vacated role of the Monitoring and Returning Officer and the particular skills of staff across the Council, there is the opportunity to reallocate these tasks to other officers.  These tasks are:

·        Internal Audit

·        Corporate Complaints

·        Mayoralty Support


156.6  The Director of Finance and Resources, as the statutory Section 151 Officer, is required to make arrangements for the proper administration of the Council’s financial affairs.  A sound internal audit function is an essential part of those requirements.  It is proposed that the Director of Finance and Resources becomes the line manager for the operational Internal Audit Client function. This was the arrangement that worked well until 2010 and is a relationship duplicated in many local Councils such as Elmbridge in Surrey.  To further demonstrate the independence of internal audit from financial services, the new structure proposes a reporting relationship for the Internal Audit Client manager to the Executive Director and Monitoring Officer, represented by dotted line reporting, for use as required.


156.7  The proposed structure will continue to fulfil the Council’s statutory requirements and further strengthen resilience, with the two Directors being designated Deputy Returning Officers as part of their core responsibilities. The key proposals are:




Electoral Registration Officer

revert to the Head of Paid Service (Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 156.


Health and Wellbeing Officer pdf icon PDF 67 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to the addition of a Health and Wellbeing Officer post to the establishment using the staff savings arising from the deletion of two vacant part-time posts.




That the Executive recommends to the Council that:


  1. a Health and Wellbeing Officer post be added to the establishment using the staff savings identified in the financial implications; and


  1. posts HB07 and ED23 be deleted from the establishment, as set out in the report.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.            a Health and Wellbeing Officer post be added to the establishment using the staff savings identified in the financial implications; and


2.            posts HB07 and ED23 be deleted from the establishment, as set out in the report.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to seek approval for the addition of a post to the establishment]


157.1  At it’s meeting on 16 February 2016 the Council approved and adopted Waverley’s new Corporate Plan 2016 -19 which has identified Community Wellbeing as a key priority. It was agreed that wellbeing and prosperity of our varied communities is at the heart of everything we do. The priority will be delivered through various mechanisms including:


1.         providing community leadership to champion the local issues that most affect our residents;

2.         investing in the delivery of new community facilities on the Farnham Memorial Hall site including day centre services;

3.         implementing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and action plan to deliver activities and services to improve the lives of Waverley residents; and

4.         implementing the Ageing Well Strategy which will support older people to lead healthy and independent lives.


157.2  Prior to the adoption of the Corporate Plan, the Council approved the Ageing Well Strategy; 2015 -2020 and accompanying action plan at it’s meeting on 20 October 2015; and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy; 2016 - 2021and action plan on 16 February 2016. 


157.3  These strategies set the scene for how the Council will meet the health and wellbeing needs of an ageing population, address health inequalities across the borough and how we will work with our partners to deliver services.  The Health and Wellbeing Strategy is the overarching document for the health and wellbeing agenda developed and delivered through the Council linking with other strategies such as the Leisure Development Plan, Ageing Well, new Arts and Cultural Strategy and Parks and Countryside Open Space Strategy and will support the delivery of their action plans.   


157.4  This Health and Wellbeing Officer post will be responsible for continuing and developing further the health and wellbeing agenda and opportunities that are currently being delivered through an externally-funded Post, and for delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and accompanying Action Plan that have been developed via this current role. 


157.5  As part of Communities Star Chamber proposals for 2016/17, it was agreed to use savings from the Communities staffing budget to fund a Health and Wellbeing post which will continue and develop further the health and wellbeing agenda and opportunities that are currently being delivered through the current Health and Wellbeing Officer post that is funded via the Better Care Fund, previously known as the Personalisation, Prevention Partnership Fund.


157.6  As this Post was not considered a growth item (funding already identified), it was not included as part of the budget-setting process for 2016/17, hence this report is required to approve incorporating a Health and Wellbeing Officer into the establishment.  There is no additional cost to the Council for this Post as it will be funded through the staff savings identified from two part-time vacant posts HB07 and ED23.


157.7  The external funding for the current temporary post is coming to an end and the new Health and Wellbeing Officer post will continue with the same responsibilities as the current post and remain on the same pay scale.  The post will be responsible  ...  view the full minutes text for item 157.


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Forward Programme pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive the forward programme of Executive decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


The Executive agreed the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


RESOLVED    that the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council be agreed.


Waverley Borough Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 65 KB

The purpose of the report is to provide an update on the work being carried out to complete the new Local Plan Part 1 and to update the timetable for completing that work ready for the Council to approve the plan, in the light of the time required to complete some of the important transport evidence needed to support the Plan.




That the Executive notes the progress with the Local Plan and agrees the amendment to the timetable as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report.


Additional documents:


The Executive has noted the progress made with the local plan and agreed the amendment to the timetable as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report.




[Reason: to update members on progress made with the local plan and agree future steps]


RESOLVED    that the progress made with the local plan be noted and the amendment to the timetable be agreed, as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report, that the draft plan should go through committee cycles in June/July, culminating in the Council agreeing the Plan for Publication in July 2016.


[Reason: to update members on progress made with the local plan and agree future steps]


Tenant Involvement Strategy 2016-19 pdf icon PDF 55 KB

The report presents the final draft of the Tenant Involvement Strategy 2015-2018 for adoption by the Council, and outlines the promotional activities planned to launch the Strategy. The Strategy recognises the achievements made in tenant involvement in the previous three years, and sets out the Council’s aims for tenant involvement over the next three years. 




That the Executive adopts the Tenant Involvement Strategy 2015-18.

Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to adopt the Tenant Involvement Strategy for 2016-19.


[This item has already been considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


[Reason: to approve the strategy that sets out the Council’s aims for tenant involvement over the next three years]


RESOLVED    that the Tenant Involvement Strategy for 2016-19 be approved and adopted.


[Reason: to approve the strategy that sets out the Council’s aims for tenant involvement over the next three years]


Performance Management Report - Quarter 3, 2015/16 (October - December 2015) pdf icon PDF 105 KB

The Council’s Performance Management Framework (PMF) contains a number of indicators that assist Members and officers in identifying current improvement priorities and progress against targets.  The indicators are reviewed quarterly by the Executive and are aligned to our Corporate Plan priorities.


This report gives an analysis of the Council’s performance in the third quarter of 2015/16.


Annexe 1 to this report contains the list of indicators used for reporting performance and includes targets, graphs and comments.




The recommendations from the Community and Corporate O&S Committee meetings on 8 March and 21 March are detailed below. It is recommended that the Executive:


1.    examines the performance figures for quarter three as set out in Annexe 1; and


2.    agrees the following:


a.    The target of Processing of planning applications: Major applications - % determined in 13 weeks be increased to 80%.

b.    That due to concerns about the number of planning applications lost at appeal, mandatory training be arranged for all Planning Committee Members to focus on reasons for refusal and ensure robustness of the process.

c.    The percentage of building control applications checked within 15 days is adjusted to 10 days with an 80% target rate.

d.    The percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting target be adjusted to 54% as Waverley progresses towards achieving the joint Surrey recycling target of 60% by 2023. 

e.    Increasing Cranleigh Leisure Centre target visits to 75,000 per quarter.

f.     Increasing Godalming Leisure Centre target visits to 92,000 per quarter.

g.    To continue to provide Godalming Museum performance indicators to the Community O&S Committee for monitoring; and


3.    thanks the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and agrees to their recommendations as detailed.


Additional documents:


The Executive has examined the performance figures for quarter three as set out in Annexe 1 to the report, thanks the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their proposals and has agreed the following, that:


a.    the target of Processing of planning applications: Major applications - % determined in 13 weeks be increased to 80%;

b.    due to concerns about the number of planning applications lost at appeal, mandatory training be arranged for all Planning Committee Members to focus on reasons for refusal and ensure robustness of the process;

c.    the percentage of building control applications checked within 15 days be adjusted to 10 days, with an 80% target rate;

d.    the percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting target be adjusted to 54% as Waverley progresses towards achieving the joint Surrey recycling target of 60% by 2023;

e.    Cranleigh Leisure Centre target visits be increased to 75,000 per quarter;

f.     Godalming Leisure Centre target visits be increased to 92,000 per quarter; and

g.    Godalming Museum performance indicators continue to be provided to the Community O&S Committee for monitoring.

[This item has already been considered by the Corporate and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committees]

[Reason: to review performance indicators and progress against targets].



RESOLVED  that, having examined the performance figures for quarter three as set out in Annexe 1 to the report, and thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their proposals, the following be agreed, that:


a.    the target of Processing of planning applications: Major applications - % determined in 13 weeks be increased to 80%;

b.    due to concerns about the number of planning applications lost at appeal, mandatory training be arranged for all Planning Committee Members to focus on reasons for refusal and ensure robustness of the process;

c.    the percentage of building control applications checked within 15 days be adjusted to 10 days, with an 80% target rate;

d.    the percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting target be adjusted to 54% as Waverley progresses towards achieving the joint Surrey recycling target of 60% by 2023;

e.    Cranleigh Leisure Centre target visits be increased to 75,000 per quarter;

f.     Godalming Leisure Centre target visits be increased to 92,000 per quarter; and

g.    Godalming Museum performance indicators continue to be provided to the Community O&S Committee for monitoring.


 [Reason: to review performance indicators and progress against targets].



Major Works to a Council Dwelling pdf icon PDF 54 KB

The purpose of the attached report is to seek approval for a budget to undertake major works to a council dwelling.




It is recommended that:-


1.         the funding of the major works of up to £50,000 to the council dwelling identified in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be approved and allocated from capital receipts from the disposal programme, with the vacant property being re-let for an affordable rent of up to 80% of open market value; and


2.         the tendering of the refurbishment works for this property and the appointment of a contractor be delegated to the Head of Housing Operations, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Director of Finance and Resources.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed that:-


1.         the funding of the major works of up to £50,000 to the council dwelling identified in (Exempt) Annexe 1 be approved and allocated from capital receipts from the disposal programme, with the vacant property being re-let for an affordable rent of up to 80% of open market value; and


2.         the tendering of the refurbishment works for this property and the appointment of a contractor be delegated to the Head of Housing Operations, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Director of Finance and Resources.




[Reason: to seek approval for a budget to undertake major works to a council dwelling]



[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]




1.         the funding of the major works of up to £50,000 to the council dwelling identified in (Exempt) Annexe 1 to the agenda report be approved and allocated from capital receipts from the disposal programme, with the vacant property being re-let for an affordable rent of up to 80% of open market value; and


2.         the tendering of the refurbishment works for this property and the appointment of a contractor be delegated to the Head of Housing Operations, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Director of Finance and Resources.


[Reason: to seek approval for a budget to undertake major works to a council dwelling]



Bank arrangements contract renewals pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To approve the proposed contract with HSBC for the Council’s banking facility and a contract with Allpay for a transaction receipt handling facility via Post Offices and other outlets.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the proposed contract with HSBC for the Council’s banking facility, and a contract with Allpay for a transaction receipt handling facility via Post Offices and other outlets. 

Additional documents:


The Executive has approved the proposed contract with HSBC for the Council’s banking facility, and a contract with Allpay for a transaction receipt handling facility via Post Offices and other outlets. 




[Reason: to approve contract renewals for banking arrangements]


[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


RESOLVED  that the proposed contract with HSBC for the Council’s banking facility, and a contract with Allpay for a transaction receipt handling facility via Post Offices and other outlets, be approved. 


[Reason: to approve contract renewals for banking arrangements]



To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 7.33 pm it was


RESOLVED  that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


                        Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) (paragraph 3).




Review of Cleaning Services

To consider the (Exempt) report attached.


The Executive has agreed the recommendation set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin.


RESOLVED  that approval be given to the development and launch of an in-house cleaning service, as set out in the (Exempt) report.


[Reason: to consider an alternative model for the delivery of specific elements of the cleaning service].


Property Matter

To consider the (Exempt) report, attached.


The Executive has agreed the recommendation set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin.


RESOLVED  that approval be given to Waverley entering into a deed of easement across Dunsfold Common Road, on the terms and conditions as set out in the report, with the final agreement of other terms and conditions to be delegated to the Director of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Customer and Corporate Services.


[Reason: to consider a request for an easement]