Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 9th June, 2015 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item

The Executive wished Roger Standing, Head of Customer, IT and Office Services, a happy and long retirement and thanked him for his hard work over the last 28 years at Waverley.


Appointment of Chairman

To confirm the appointment of the Leader of the Council as Chairman of the Executive for the Council year 2015/2016.


The Leader of the Council was confirmed as Chairman of the Executive for the Council year 2015/16.


RESOLVED  that the Leader of the Council, Cllr Robert Knowles, be confirmed as Chairman of the Executive for the Council year 2015/16.


Appointment of Vice-Chairman

To confirm the appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council as Vice-Chairman of the Executive for the Council year 2015/2016.



The Deputy Leader of the Council was confirmed as Vice-Chairman of the Executive for the Council year 2015/2016.


RESOLVED  that the Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr Julia Potts, be confirmed as Vice-Chairman of the Executive for the Council year 2015/2016.



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 March 2015 (to be laid on the table half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 March 2015 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Cllr Kevin Deanus declared a pecuniary interest in respect of Agenda Item 21 – Property Matters and left the meeting during discussion and consideration of the matter.



The Chairman to respond to the following question received from a member of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


Mr Jerry Hyman of Farnham


Council Leader,


My question addresses the core principles of the EIA Directive, which are,


(i)       that the EIA legislation defines planning consent as being the decision which allows the project to commence, as was confirmed authoritatively by the Grand Chamber in the White City Case, C-508/03 (Commission v UK) which at paragraph 100 states that,


“… it should be noted that Article 1(2) of that directive defines ‘development consent’ for the purposes of the directive as the decision of the competent authority or authorities which entitles the developer to proceed with the project.”

(ii)  that the parallel ‘Barker’ Case, C-290/03 at paragraph 48 further established the principle that the implementing decision


“… cannot extend beyond the parameters set by the principal decision …”, and


(iii) that the Directive precludes the granting of consent in the absence of a complete and up-to-date Environmental Statement, which the ‘Barker’ Case also established,

  “… must be of a comprehensive nature, so as to relate to all the aspects of the project which have not yet been assessed or which require a fresh assessment.” ;

so in view of those principles, does Waverley therefore accept that when determining an Application for an implementing consent for an EIA Project, and where it is known that the Environmental Statement is flawed, outdated, incomplete and/or would enable commencement of development on terms that alter the parameters of the original approval, then the Application cannot be considered to be non-material and cannot be lawfully granted ?



The Executive received the following question from Mr Jerry Hyman in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


Council Leader.  My question addresses the core principles of the EIA Directive, which are,


(i) that the EIA legislation defines planning consent as being the decision which allows the project to commence, as was confirmed authoritatively by the Grand Chamber in the White City Case, C-508/03 (Commission v UK) which at paragraph 100 states that,


“… it should be noted that Article 1(2) of that directive defines ‘development consent’ for the purposes of the directive as the decision of the competent authority or authorities which entitles the developer to proceed with the project.”

(ii)  that the parallel ‘Barker’ Case, C-290/03 at paragraph 48 further established the principle that the implementing decision


“… cannot extend beyond the parameters set by the principal decision …”, and


(iii) that the Directive precludes the granting of consent in the absence of a complete and up-to-date Environmental Statement, which the ‘Barker’ Case also established,

“… must be of a comprehensive nature, so as to relate to all the aspects of the project which have not yet been assessed or which require a fresh assessment.” ;

so in view of those principles, does Waverley therefore accept that when determining an Application for an implementing consent for an EIA Project, and where it is known that the Environmental Statement is flawed, outdated, incomplete and/or would enable commencement of development on terms that alter the parameters of the original approval, then the Application cannot be considered to be non-material and cannot be lawfully granted ?

The Leader of the Council responded as follows:-


“Thank you very much Mr Hyman. Well, it’s difficult to answer a hypothetical question, but I am happy to confirm that in undertaking all of its duties, the Council will meet all of the legal requirements imposed upon it”.




Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Witley Conservation Area Appraisal pdf icon PDF 164 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend that the Witley Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) be adopted by the Council as a material consideration and used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent within the Conservation Area (CA).




It is recommended to the Council that the CAA for Witley be adopted as a material planning consideration, to include the following amendments to the boundary:


a)    Inclusion of Enton Mill Area

b)   Inclusion of the Gardens at Witley Lodge

c)    Removal of The Tree Nursery to the rear of Churchfields and All Saints Church

d)   Removal of George Eliot Close (in part)

e)    Removal of the South-west corner of CA on Church Lane.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Conservation Area Appraisal for Witley be adopted as a material planning consideration, to include the following amendments to the boundary:


a)    Inclusion of Enton Mill Area

b)    Inclusion of the Gardens at Witley Lodge

c)    Removal of The Tree Nursery to the rear of Churchfields and All Saints Church

d)    Removal of George Eliot Close (in part)

e)    Removal of the South-west corner of CA on Church Lane.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to recommend the adoption of a Conservation Area Appraisal as a material planning consideration].


6.1       Witley is one of 43 Conservation Areas (CA) in Waverley.  Currently eight Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) have been completed (Wrecclesham, Bramley, Farnham Town Centre, Wheelerstreet, Godalming Town Centre, Milford, Chiddingfold and Haslemere). 


6.2       In 2011 the Executive agreed a programme for the commencement of CAAs. This is the sixth CAA to be completed since the programme commenced. Wheelerstreet was the pilot appraisal which was used to test the guidance set out by English Heritage. Following successful adoption of the Wheelerstreet CAA, this approach formed the basis of all future CAAs.


6.3       CAAs are undertaken to identify and explain the character of the Conservation Area (CA).  This document will identify the specific qualities of the Witley CA and thereby help to manage change within the area.  The Management Plan section also identifies a variety of projects that should be implemented to preserve and enhance the area.  The need to undertake CAAs is set out in the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (section 71) and is supported through saved policy HE8 of the Waverley Local Plan.


6.4       It is therefore considered pertinent for Waverley to undertake CAAs with the aim to appraise the character of each CA; identify the qualities which should be preserved and enhanced, and produce a management plan to include proposals for enhancement where necessary.  This process also allows a review of the boundary and an assessment of adjacent areas to evaluate whether the boundary should be extended.  The CAA is attached at Annexe 1. 


6.5       Five amendments to the conservation area boundary are proposed within the Witley CAA. The amendments have been proposed following careful consideration of English Heritage guidance, and the architectural and historic interest of each area. The boundary has not been reviewed since 1980, and there have been significant changes to Witley and CA guidance in that time. There are few opportunities to review the boundary of a CA, so it is timely to undertake this work as part of the CAA. It is unknown when the opportunity to assess the boundary will present itself again.  The reasons for each amendment are fully explained in the following paragraphs.


Extension: Enton Mill


6.6       The properties in this area reflect a wide range of architectural detailing styles which are typical of the Surrey vernacular. Traditional tile hanging, timber framing, brick nogging, leaded light windows, tall red brick chimneys and galletting all add to the character of the lane. Additionally, the vestiges of the historical use of the mill found in the materials such as the weather-boarding, and the varied roof heights and detailing, such as an eyebrow dormer on Enton Mill, provide particular interest and beauty to the area. The architectural detailing of this group of properties is akin to the properties within the current CA boundary, but additionally supplements further the architectural interest of Witley in terms of traditional Surrey styles and the historic connection with the Ponds.


6.7       The setting of the Enton Mill area adds to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Amendment to Milford Conservation Area Boundary pdf icon PDF 27 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend that a small amendment to the boundary of the Milford Conservation Area be adopted.




It is recommended to the Council that the amendment to the Milford Conservation Area boundary is adopted.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the amendment to the Milford Conservation Area boundary be adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to agree a small amendment to the boundary of the Milford Conservation Area].


7.1       Milford is one of 43 Conservation Areas (CA) in Waverley. It is one of the nine CAs where Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) have been adopted (Wrecclesham, Bramley, Farnham Town Centre, Wheelerstreet, Godalming Town Centre, Milford, Chiddingfold, Haslemere and Godalming Crownpits). 


7.2       In 2011 Executive agreed a programme for the commencement of CAAs which has now been extended to 2020.


7.3      Following a review of all the CA boundaries on Waverley’s mapping system an anomaly was identified within Milford CA.  Normally it is expected that a CA boundary would follow a physical feature such as a road or a garden boundary, but in the case of Milford the boundary dissects the rear gardens of 1-15 Ockfields and the Surgery on Church Road (built post-CA designation). As a result the affected properties and most of their curtilages are outside the CA, but a small part of each curtilage is currently shown as being within the CA.  In order to rectify this, it is proposed that the boundary of the CA should be amended slightly to follow the rear boundary of the above properties and to remove the affected properties from the CA entirely.


7.4      A plan of the amendment to Milford Conservation Area boundary is attached at Annexe 3.  A focused consultation on this amendment took place between 13 March and 24 April 2015, including those affected by the change and key stakeholders such as the Parish Council and Historic England.


7.5       The only comment received was from Historic England, which supports the change to the CA boundary. This minor amendment to the Milford CA boundary resolves an existing anomaly and will not have any detrimental impact on the wider CA or its purpose.


7.6       The Executive




2.         the amendment to the Milford Conservation Area boundary be adopted.


[Reason: to agree a small amendment to the boundary of the Milford Conservation Area].


Policy for dealing with 'unreasonably persistent' and 'unreasonable' complaints pdf icon PDF 31 KB

The report proposes the introduction of a ‘stand-alone’ policy for dealing with unreasonably persistent and unreasonable complainants, in accordance with guidance published recently by the Local Government Ombudsman to help local authorities to develop a proportionate approach when responding to unreasonable complainant behaviour.




It is recommended that the Executive considers the observations of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and recommends to the Council that the draft policy for dealing with unreasonably persistent and unreasonable complainants be approved to come into effect at the earliest opportunity.


Additional documents:


The Executive considered the observations of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the draft policy for dealing with unreasonably persistent and unreasonable complainants be approved to come into effect at the earliest opportunity.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to propose the introduction of a stand-alone policy for dealing with unreasonably persistent and unreasonable complainants].


8.1       Waverley’s current complaints policy has a section on how the Council will deal with unreasonably persistent complainants.  However, following the Ombudsman’s recent advice, officers believe that it would be preferable to have a ‘stand-alone’ policy on dealing with such complainants, which can be shared with complainants if they start to behave unreasonably, and ensure that they understand how the Council will deal with their complaint.  The policy will also help staff and Members understand what actions are available to manage unreasonable behaviour, and to ensure that staff are protected from potential harassment and harm.


8.2       The draft policy, attached as Annexe 4, sets out the overarching principles on which the policy is based and gives examples of unreasonable actions and behaviours that could result in a complainant being regarded as being unreasonably persistent.  The draft policy also identifies the issues to be considered before taking action, and options for taking action to manage the behaviour of unreasonable or unreasonably persistent complainants.


8.3       It is proposed that a decision to regard a complainant as being unreasonable or unreasonably persistent will be the responsibility of the Executive Director who will write to the complainant, enclosing a copy of the policy, and will explain:


  • Why the decision has been taken
  • What this means for his or her contact with the Council
  • How long any restrictions on access will last; and
  • What the complainant can do to have the decision reviewed.


8.4       Any complaints received from the complainant that are about new issues will be treated on their merits, and consideration will be given to whether any restrictions previously applied are still appropriate, proportionate and/or necessary.


8.5       The draft policy was considered at the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 24 March 2015.  The Committee noted the policy and asked the Corporate Complaints Officer to review the draft in the light of the issues raised by Members.  In particular, it was considered that it would be helpful if the annual report on complaints handling included information on the number of ‘unreasonable’ complainants.  The Committee also questioned whether including examples of unreasonable behaviour was helpful.


8.6       The draft policy has since been amended to reflect some of the issues raised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.          The draft now contains clear advice on the options for reviewing of a decision by the Council to regard a complainant as unreasonable or unreasonable persistent, ie the complainant can raise their complaint with the relevant Ombudsman service.  The draft also makes clear that the annual report to Members on complaint handling will in future include the number of complainants designated as being unreasonable or unreasonably persistent in the previous year.


8.7       However, the section of the draft policy that gives examples of unreasonable behaviour (para 4) has been retained.  This paragraph reflects the recent guidance published by the Local Government Ombudsman referred to above, and officers believe that it will help complainants understand what aspects of their behaviour has led to the Council deciding that they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


The background papers relating to the following items are as set out in the reports included in the original agenda papers.


Executive Forward Programme pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To adopt the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


The Executive adopted the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley.


The Executive adopted the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley.


Revenue Outturn 2014/15 (General Fund and Housing Revenue Account) pdf icon PDF 44 KB

The report provides a summary of the 2014/15 Revenue Outturn for the General Fund and The Housing Revenue Account (HRA).  The Statement of Accounts, which contains the detailed figures in a format compliant with Audit requirements, will be presented for approval by the Audit Committee later in the Summer.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            notes the Revenue Outturn position for 2014/15;


2.            approves Revenue Carry Forwards of £136,000 on the General Fund from 2014/15 to 2015/16 as detailed at Annexe 3;


3.            approves an additional budget of £7,500 from the 2014/15 General Fund underspend to meet the cost of the enhanced recycling information campaign as set out in paragraph 16;


4.            approves the transfer of the net General Fund underspend, after identified commitments, to the Revenue Reserve Fund;


5.            approves Revenue Carry Forwards on the HRA of £170,000 from 2014/15 to 2015/16, including £150,000 to fund the fitting of Smoke Alarms in 2015/16 as detailed at Annexe 3; and


6.            requests officers to undertake a mid-year budget review for 2015/16 and report to the Executive in October.


Additional documents:


The Executive agreed to


1.            note the Revenue Outturn position for 2014/15;


2.            approve Revenue Carry Forwards of £136,000 on the General Fund from 2014/15 to 2015/16 as detailed at Annexe 3;


3.            approve an additional budget of £7,500 from the 2014/15 General Fund underspend to meet the cost of the enhanced recycling information campaign, as set out in paragraph 16 of the report;


4.            approve the transfer of the net General Fund underspend, after identified commitments, to the Revenue Reserve Fund;


5.            approve Revenue Carry Forwards on the HRA of £170,000 from 2014/15 to 2015/16, including £150,000 to fund the fitting of Smoke Alarms in 2015/16 as detailed at Annexe 3; and


6.            request officers to undertake a mid-year budget review for 2015/16 and report to the Executive in October.




[Reason: to receive the final budget report for 2014/15 setting out the outturn position].




1.            the Revenue Outturn position for 2014/15 be noted;


2.            Revenue Carry Forwards of £136,000 on the General Fund from 2014/15 to 2015/16 be approved, as detailed at Annexe 3;


3.            an additional budget of £7,500 be approved from the 2014/15 General Fund underspend to meet the cost of the enhanced recycling information campaign, as set out in paragraph 16 of the report;


4.            the transfer of the net General Fund underspend, after identified commitments, to the Revenue Reserve Fund be approved;


5.            Revenue Carry Forwards on the HRA of £170,000 from 2014/15 to 2015/16 be approved, including £150,000 to fund the fitting of Smoke Alarms in 2015/16, as detailed at Annexe 3; and


6.            officers be requested to undertake a mid-year budget review for 2015/16 and report to the Executive in October.


[Reason: to receive the final budget report for 2014/15 setting out the outturn position].


Capital Programme Outturn 2014/15 (General Fund and Housing Revenue Account) pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The report presents the outturn for the Council’s 2014/15 Capital Programme.  It also seeks approval to add rescheduled expenditure and minor slippage from the 2014/15 Programme to the 2015/16 Programme.



It is recommended that the Executive:-


1.         notes the Capital Outturn position for 2014/15;


2.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £963,895 as shown in Annexe 1, from the 2014/15 General Fund Capital Programme to the 2015/16 General Fund Capital Programme;


3.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £1,273,125 (in addition to the £550,000 already approved) as detailed in Annexe 2 from the 2014/15 HRA Capital Programme to the 2015/16 HRA Capital Programme;


4.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £4,858,809 as detailed at Annexe 3 from the 2014/15 New Affordable Homes programme into 2015/16;


5.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £55,000 as detailed at Annexe 4 from the 2014/15 Stock Remodelling programme into 2015/16; and


6.         approves the capital financing set out in paragraph 16.


Additional documents:


The Executive agreed to:-


1.         note the Capital Outturn position for 2014/15;


2.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £963,895, as shown in Annexe 1, from the 2014/15 General Fund Capital Programme to the 2015/16 General Fund Capital Programme;


3.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £1,273,125 (in addition to the £550,000 already approved) as detailed in Annexe 2 from the 2014/15 HRA Capital Programme to the 2015/16 HRA Capital Programme;


4.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £4,858,809 as detailed at Annexe 3 from the 2014/15 New Affordable Homes programme into 2015/16;


5.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £55,000 as detailed at Annexe 4 from the 2014/15 Stock Remodelling programme into 2015/16; and


6.         approve the capital financing set out in paragraph 16 of the report.




[Reason: to receive the outturn for the capital programme in 2014/15 and agree rescheduled expenditure and minor slippage into 2015/16].


RESOLVED  that:-


1.         the Capital Outturn position for 2014/15 be noted;


2.         the transfer of budgets totalling £963,895, as shown in Annexe 1, from the 2014/15 General Fund Capital Programme to the 2015/16 General Fund Capital Programme be approved;


3.         the transfer of budgets totalling £1,273,125 (in addition to the £550,000 already approved) be approved, as detailed in Annexe 2 from the 2014/15 HRA Capital Programme to the 2015/16 HRA Capital Programme;


4.         the transfer of budgets totalling £4,858,809 be approved, as detailed at Annexe 3, from the 2014/15 New Affordable Homes programme into 2015/16;


5.         the transfer of budgets totalling £55,000 be approved, as detailed at Annexe 4 from the 2014/15 Stock Remodelling programme into 2015/16; and


6.         the capital financing set out in paragraph 16 of the report be approved.


[Reason: to receive the outturn for the capital programme in 2014/15 and agree rescheduled expenditure and minor slippage into 2015/16].


Affordable Housing and Infrastructure Contribution Thresholds pdf icon PDF 137 KB

The Government has set new thresholds that affordable housing and pooled infrastructure contributions should not be sought from developments of 10 units or less, and which have a maximum combined gross floorspace of no more than 1,000 sq. m.  These new thresholds are below those that are currently adopted in the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002.  This means that Waverley can no longer require new residential development to provide the level of new affordable homes that was previously required by Policy H5. 


However, the new Government policy guidance also allows Councils to choose to apply a lower threshold of five dwelling units or less for seeking affordable housing contributions and pooled infrastructure contributions in Areas of Outstanding Natural beauty (AONB).  Given the existing high level need for affordable homes across the whole of the Borough and the limited opportunity for appropriate sites to deliver more than 10 new homes in rural locations, the Council is requested to endorse the application of this lower threshold in the AONB.  




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         notes the changes in the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) on seeking contributions for affordable housing and tariff-style planning obligations; and


2.         agrees the approach to apply a lower threshold for affordable housing or tariff style contributions on sites within the AONB.



The Executive has agreed to:


1.         note the changes in the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) on seeking contributions for affordable housing and tariff-style planning obligations; and


2.         the approach to apply a lower threshold for affordable housing or tariff style contributions on sites within the AONB.




[Reason: to report on changes to Government policy guidance and choose the appropriate threshold for affordable housing contributions]




1.         the changes in the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) on seeking contributions for affordable housing and tariff-style planning obligations be noted; and


2.         the approach to apply a lower threshold for affordable housing or tariff style contributions on sites within the AONB be agreed.


[Reason: to report on changes to Government policy guidance and choose the appropriate threshold for affordable housing contributions]


The Elstead and Weyburn Neighbourhood Area Application pdf icon PDF 267 KB

Elstead Parish Council and PeperHarow Parish Meeting intend to prepare a neighbourhood development plan (known as a Neighbourhood Plan) for Elstead and Weyburn.  Under the neighbourhood planning legislation the first stage of the process is for each Parish Council to apply to Waverley for the Borough Council to agree the neighbourhood area that their neighbourhood plan should cover.  This report considers the neighbourhood area application.



It is recommended that the Executive approves the neighbourhood area application from Elstead Parish Council for the purposes of the Elstead and Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan.


Additional documents:


The Executive has approved the neighbourhood area application from Elstead Parish Council for the purposes of the Elstead and Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan.



[Reason: to agree the neighbourhood area that the neighbourhood plan should cover]



RESOLVED  that the neighbourhood area application from Elstead Parish Council be approved for the purposes of the Elstead and Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan.

[Reason: to agree the neighbourhood area that the neighbourhood plan should cover]



Property Matter - Easement of Access at Ricardo Court, Bramley pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Authorisation is sought to enter into an easement of access across land at Ricardo Court to service a proposed new development of 24 dwellings, 15 of which will be affordable.




It is recommended that an easement of access be granted over Waverley-owned land as shown on the plan annexed, on the terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed that an easement of access be granted over Waverley-owned land as shown on the plan annexed to the report, on the terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, and with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.




[Reason: to seek authorisation for an easement of access across Council land]


RESOLVED  that an easement of access be granted over Waverley-owned land, as shown on the plan annexed to the report, on the terms and conditions set out in the (Exempt) Annexe, and with other terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Estates and Valuation Manager.


[Reason: to seek authorisation for an easement of access across Council land]


Appointment of Employer's Negotiating Team 2015/2016

To appoint the Members of the Employers’ Negotiating Team whose role is to conduct negotiations with the staff through the Waverley Joint Negotiating Committee for Pay and Conditions and all matters concerning local pay and conditions of service.  The meetings of the Joint Negotiating Committee are usually held in November/December each year.  The Employers’ Negotiating Team comprises 6 councillors members and the proposed membership is as follows:-


Cllr Robert Knowles (Leader)

Cllr Julia Potts (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Pat Frost

Cllr Stefan Reynolds

Cllr Peter Isherwood

Cllr Simon Thornton





The Executive has appointed the following members as the Employers’ Negotiating Team on the Waverley Joint Negotiating Committee for Pay and Conditions for 2015/2016:


Cllr Robert Knowles (Leader)

Cllr Julia Potts (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Pat Frost

Cllr Stefan Reynolds

Cllr Peter Isherwood

Cllr Simon Thornton


[This item is not subject to the call-in procedure].



RESOLVED  that the following members be appointed as the Employers’ Negotiating Team on the Waverley Joint Negotiating Committee for Pay and Conditions for 2015/2016:-


Cllr Robert Knowles (Leader)

Cllr Julia Potts (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Pat Frost

Cllr Stefan Reynolds

Cllr Peter Isherwood

Cllr Simon Thornton





Appointments to Surrey County Council Local Committee Task Groups 2015/16

The County Council has requested that Waverley nominates to a number of Task/Sub-Groups of the Waverley Local Committee and the proposed membership of each is as follows:


Farnham Task Group (3 members)


Cllrs Wyatt Ramsdale, Julia Potts and a Farnham Town Council representative (tbc)


Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Thornton and Denis Leigh


Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner


Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Inchbald and Brian Ellis


Youth Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Carole King and Jeanette Stennett




It is recommended that the nominations to the Waverley Local Committee Task Groups for 2015/2016 be agreed.



The Executive has agreed the following appointments to the Task/Sub-Groups of the Waverley Local Committee:


Farnham Task Group (3 members)


Cllrs Wyatt Ramsdale, Julia Potts and Chris Storey


Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Thornton and Denis Leigh


Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner


Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Inchbald and Mary Foryszewski


Youth Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Carole King and Jeanette Stennett


[This item is not subject to the call-in procedure]



RESOLVED  that the following appointments to the Task/Sub-Groups of the Waverley Local Committee be agreed:


Farnham Task Group (3 members)


Cllrs Wyatt Ramsdale, Julia Potts and Chris Storey


Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Thornton and Denis Leigh


Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner


Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Inchbald and Mary Foryszewski


Youth Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Carole King and Jeanette Stennett



Appointments to Outside Bodies 2015-2017 pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Appointments to outside bodies are made on a two-yearly basis and the proposed appointments for 2015-2017 are attached.




It is recommended that the appointments to Outside Bodies for 2015-2017 be agreed, as attached.


The Executive has agreed the appointments to Outside Bodies for 2015-2017, as attached.


[This item is not subject to the call-in procedure]


RESOLVED  that the appointments to Outside Bodies for 2015-2017 be agreed, as attached at Annexe 5, for information.




To note the following actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting.  The Register of Decisions will be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting:


i.          A3 Litter Picking


            To authorise an urgent litter-pick of the verges of the stretch of the A3 through Waverley for which the Council is responsible, at a cost of £17,000 to be met from a virement from the unused inflation provision for 2015/16.


ii.         Riverside Improvement Works


            To authorise the following improvements to the Riverside Car Park, Farnham:-


a.         construction of four speed humps to be installed at intervals on the main roadway of Riverside Car Park, to reduce the possibility of cars travelling too fast in an area in which pedestrians will be present;


b.         the construction of wooden knee-rails between parking bays to lessen the ability for anti-social driving in large open spaces; and


c.         the provision and installation of CCTV cameras. 


The costs of these works being £9,400 to be met from the underspend on the capital programme.


iii.        Museum of Farnham


            To authorise urgent repair works to the brickwork and carry out a survey of the front façade of the Museum of Farnham at an estimated cost of £9,500, to be met from the urgent Capital Schemes Budget in 2015/16.






The Executive noted the actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting.


The Executive noted the following actions taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting:


i.          A3 Litter Picking


To authorise an urgent litter-pick of the verges of the stretch of the A3 through Waverley for which the Council is responsible, at a cost of £17,000 to be met from a virement from the unused inflation provision for 2015/16.


ii.         Riverside Improvement Works


            To authorise the following improvements to the Riverside Car Park, Farnham:-


a.         construction of four speed humps to be installed at intervals on the main roadway of Riverside Car Park, to reduce the possibility of cars travelling too fast in an area in which pedestrians will be present;


b.         the construction of wooden knee-rails between parking bays to lessen the ability for anti-social driving in large open spaces; and


c.         the provision and installation of CCTV cameras. 


The costs of these works being £9,400 to be met from the underspend on the capital programme.


iii.        Museum of Farnham


            To authorise urgent repair works to the brickwork and carry out a survey of the front façade of the Museum of Farnham at an estimated cost of £9,500, to be met from the urgent Capital Schemes Budget in 2015/16.




To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 7.14 pm it was


RESOLVED  that pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during the item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                                    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Property Matters

To consider the attached (Exempt) report.


The Executive agreed the recommendations as set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin.


RESOLVED  that the recommendations set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to these minutes be approved.