Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 7th June, 2016 6.45 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 April 2016 (to be laid on the table for half-an-hour before the meeting).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 April 2016 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Kevin Deanus.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest raised under this heading.


Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Cranleigh Conservation Area Appraisal pdf icon PDF 63 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend that the Cranleigh Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) be adopted by the Council as a material consideration and used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent within the Conservation Area (CA).




It is recommended to the Council that the CAA for Cranleigh be adopted as a material planning consideration. This will include the following amendments to the boundary:


  • Extension:   Gardens to the rear of The White House and Chase Cottage, The Common.
  • Extension:   Garden to the rear of Homefield, Guildford Road.
  • Extension:   The Old Evangelical Church, Mead Road.
  • Extension:   Brookmead, Horsham Road.
  • Extension:   Area to the South of the High Street (from the library westwards up to and including Park Gate Cottages).
  • Extension:   Horseshoe Lane extension – five properties to be included to the north of The Common.
  • Extension:   Extension to Cranleigh Common.
  • Removal:      Area of space to the south of Barnside, Horseshoe Lane.
  • Removal:      Little Manor Gardens.



Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) for Cranleigh be adopted as a material planning consideration. This will include the following amendments to the boundary:


  • Extension:     Gardens to the rear of The White House and Chase Cottage, The Common.
  • Extension:     Garden to the rear of Homefield, Guildford Road.
  • Extension:     The Old Evangelical Church, Mead Road.
  • Extension:     Brookmead, Horsham Road.
  • Extension:     Area to the South of the High Street (from the library westwards up to and including Park Gate Cottages).
  • Extension:     Horseshoe Lane extension – five properties to be included to the north of The Common.
  • Extension:     Extension to Cranleigh Common.
  • Removal:       Area of space to the south of Barnside, Horseshoe Lane.
  • Removal:       Little Manor Gardens.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to recommend adoption of the Cranleigh Conservation Area Appraisal as a material planning consideration]


9.1       Cranleigh is one of 43 Conservation Areas (CAs) in Waverley. Currently twelve Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) have been adopted (Wrecclesham; Bramley; Farnham Town Centre; Chiddingfold; Wheelerstreet; Godalming Town Centre; Milford; Haslemere; Godalming Crownpits; Ockford Road; Witley and Alfold).

9.2       In 2011, the Executive agreed a programme for the commencement of CAAs which has been extended to 2020. Since the programme has commenced eight CAAs have been adopted, Cranleigh will be the ninth. In accordance with the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Section 71) it is the duty of the local authority to undertake CAAs.  This is also supported through saved Policy HE8 of the Waverley Local Plan.


9.3       CAAs are undertaken to identify and explain the character of the Conservation Area (CA).  This document will identify the specific qualities of the Cranleigh CA and thereby help to manage change within the area.  The Management Plan section also identifies a variety of projects that should be implemented to preserve and enhance the area.  It is considered pertinent for Waverley to undertake CAAs and this process allows for a review of the boundary and an assessment of adjacent areas to evaluate whether the boundary should be extended.


9.4       Seven extensions were proposed to the existing CA boundary and formed part of the consultation. Additionally, two areas were proposed to be removed from the CA.  These are detailed within the CAA document, which is attached at Annexe 1. 


9.5       In the two areas proposed for removal there are a number of trees which have a significant and positive impact on the streetscene.  In parallel with this report, the Landscape and Tree Officer is looking to place tree preservation orders on appropriate trees so that protection is retained.  Once the document is adopted, it will be fully published to incorporate additional photographs and be published on the Council’s website.


9.6       As part of the consultation process, a Steering Group consisting of members from Cranleigh Parish Council, the local amenity groups (including the Cranleigh History Society, Cranleigh Society and Neighbourhood Plan group), local Councillors, Surrey County Council (including the local SCC Councillor) and the Chamber of Commerce was set up.  This group was active in the preparation of the CAA and met regularly to discuss the content.  In addition, a walkabout was conducted and environmental enhancement projects for the management plan were highlighted.


9.7       A public consultation was undertaken to support the development of the CAA and to ask the public’s views of the proposed extensions.  21 responses were received to the consultation which were summarised in the Consultation Statement which is attached as Annexe 2.

9.8       The Executive now


            RECOMMENDS that


10.       the Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) for Cranleigh be adopted as a material planning consideration, to include the following amendments to the boundary:


·        Extension:         Gardens to the rear of The White House and Chase Cottage, The Common.

·        Extension:         Garden to the rear of Homefield, Guildford Road.

·        Extension:         The Old Evangelical Church, Mead Road.

·        Extension:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Adoption pdf icon PDF 53 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend that the Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be adopted by the Council as a material planning consideration and used in the determination of any application for planning permission (or listed building consent) related to a shopfront within the borough.  It will also be relevant to the consideration of applications for advertisement consent.




It is recommended to the Council that the Shopfront Design Guide SPD be adopted as a material planning consideration.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be adopted as a material planning consideration.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to adopt the SPD as a material planning consideration]




10.1    This project has been prompted following the recent adoption of the Farnham Conservation Area Management Plan and Godalming Town Centre and Haslemere Conservation Area Appraisals (CAA). The Management Plans, which form part of the CAAs, recommend that the existing shopfront design guidance be reviewed to ensure that it is up-to-date and relevant.


10.2    National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 57 says it is important to plan positively for high quality and inclusive design; paragraph 60 says local distinctiveness should be promoted and reinforced, but should not stifle innovation, originality or initiative. The Local Plan Saved Policy D4 supports this.


10.3    The Council has some longstanding guidelines relating to the design of shopfronts.  The new Shopfront Design Guide SPD, at Annexe 3, aims to provide up-to-date design guidance and good examples for the alteration or installation of shopfronts and shop signage within Waverley, to ensure that future developments are of the highest quality, whilst supporting the local distinctiveness of the towns and villages.


10.4    Once the document is adopted, it will be fully published to incorporate additional photographs and be published on the Waverley website.


10.5    In accordance with the SPD regulations, a formal public consultation was undertaken for six weeks, commencing on Friday 31 July 2015 and ending on Friday 11 September 2015.  14 responses were received to the consultation and were summarised in the Consultation Statement which was presented to the Executive.  Overall the production of the document has been well supported, with some useful changes proposed and as a result, a number of amendments have been made to the original document.


10.6    The Executive accordingly


            RECOMMENDS that


11.       the Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be adopted as a material planning consideration.


[Reason: to adopt the SPD as a material planning consideration]




Recruitment of Graduate Trainee to the Engineers' Team pdf icon PDF 57 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval for the recruitment of a Graduate Trainee to the Engineering Team.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the proposal to recruit a Graduate Trainee to the Engineering Team.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that a Graduate Trainee be recruited to the Engineering Team and the post be added to the establishment.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to seek approval to establish a Graduate Trainee post in the engineering team]


11.1    The general issue of succession planning for the Property and Engineering Service was raised with members during the budget process in 2015/16, with support for the investment being recorded by the Portfolio Holders at that time. The proposal has now been explored and evaluated.


11.2    The approach being put forward in response to this particular succession issue is in line with the corporate “Skills Gap and Capacity Management Strategy”.  The team currently constitutes a FTE of 2.5. The Team Manager is full-time as is one of the Engineers, although he has an agreement to work a 37 hour, four day compressed week. The average age of the team is 60 and so succession planning is a “live” issue, especially given the activity of the team does not readily lend itself to provision by a third party.


11.3    Activity of the team can be summarised as:


           Drainage  0.9 fte

           Street furniture 0.3 fte

           Technical advice/support to other departments  - 0.4 fte

           Corporate Property Management 0.7 fte

           Asset Management 0.1 fte.


11.4    There are other areas where the team have involvement e.g. car parking, emergency planning and contract management.  The Team has already committed to provide additional technical advice to Parking Services particularly in respect of design and build tendering processes starting with the Haslemere High Street Project. If resourced, this could be a permanent feature of the service. It is fundamental to this proposal that programme and project management will be available to Environmental Services in respect of car parks in particular.


11.5    Whilst in theory it would be possible to procure some of these services via a third party contractor or some sort of shared service arrangement, it is not anticipated that this would effectively preserve the efficacy of the current arrangement.  There is real value of having dedicated in-house resource that is familiar with and has detailed knowledge of the range of assets the Engineering Team can have day to day involvement with (e.g. in the event of flood). Therefore, having considered the various options and to ensure continuity, it is proposed that a Graduate Trainee be recruited.


11.6    It is anticipated that in common with other Graduate posts at Waverley, the job will be evaluated as Grade 9 with a starting salary of £21,827.  It is hoped that at least one of the current post-holders will remain in post long enough for them to familiarise the successful Graduate with the range of assets, records and day to day demands which would ease any future transition.  This is particularly important when considering the detailed knowledge required to enable Waverley to discharge its responsibilities in respect of drainage, water-courses and street furniture.  The make up of the team will be re-evaluated as existing post-holders retire and it may be that if this proposal is successful, it will not be necessary to have to recruit to full-time replacements.  Alternatively a two-year contract could be offered.


11.7    Funding for the post is expected to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



To consider the following recommendation on the motion of the Chairman:-




That, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified at the meeting in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



At 7.35 p.m. it was


RESOLVED  that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during these items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description set out in the following paragraphs in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


                        Minute 13


                        Information relating to any individual (Paragraph 1); and


                        Minute 14


                        Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) (Paragraph 3).


Legal Services Restructure

To consider the (Exempt) report attached.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the recommendations set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin be approved.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


The Executive has considered a report on this matter, attached as (Exempt) Annexe 4 and




13.       the recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 4 be approved.



Disposal of Properties

To consider the two proposed property disposals, details of which are attached.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the recommendations set out in the (Exempt) Annexe to this bulletin be approved.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]



The Executive has considered a report on this matter, attached as (Exempt) Annexe 5 and




14.       the recommendations set out in (Exempt) Annexe 5 be approved.




To adopt the forward programme of key decisions for Waverley Borough Council.


The Executive Forward Programme was approved, subject to moving the HRA Business Plan Review into the Housing Portfolio.


RESOLVED  that the forward programme of decisions for Waverley Borough Council be agreed, subject to moving the HRA Business Plan Review into the Housing Portfolio.


Revenue Outturn 2015/16 (General Fund and Housing Revenue Account) pdf icon PDF 127 KB

The report provides a summary of the 2015/16 Revenue Outturn for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA).  The Statement of Accounts, which contains the detailed figures in a format compliant with Audit requirements, will be presented for approval by the Audit Committee later in the Summer.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            notes the Revenue Outturn position for 2015/16;


2.            approves Revenue Carry Forwards of £59,703 on the General Fund from 2015/16 to 2016/17, as detailed at paragraph 18;


3.            approves the transfer of the net General Fund underspend, after identified commitments, to the Revenue Reserve Fund;


4.            approves Revenue Carry Forwards on the HRA of £25,000 from 2015/16 to 2016/17 as detailed at paragraph 28; and


5.            requests officers to undertake a mid-year budget review for 2016/17 and report to the Executive in October.



The Executive has agreed to


1.            note the Revenue Outturn position for 2015/16;


2.            approve Revenue Carry Forwards of £59,703 on the General Fund from 2015/16 to 2016/17, as detailed at paragraph 18 of the report;


3.            approve the transfer of the net General Fund underspend, after identified commitments, to the Revenue Reserve Fund;


4.            approve Revenue Carry Forwards on the HRA of £25,000 from 2015/16 to 2016/17 as detailed at paragraph 28 of the report; and


5.            request officers to undertake a mid-year budget review for 2016/17 and report to the Executive in October.




[Reason: to consider a summary of the revenue outturn for 2015/16.]




1.            the Revenue Outturn position for 2015/16 be noted;


2.            Revenue Carry Forwards of £59,703 on the General Fund from 2015/16 to 2016/17 be approved, as detailed at paragraph 18 of the report;


3.            the transfer of the net General Fund underspend, after identified commitments, to the Revenue Reserve Fund be approved;


4.            Revenue Carry Forwards on the HRA of £25,000 from 2015/16 to 2016/17 be approved, as detailed at paragraph 28 of the report; and


5.            officers be requested to undertake a mid-year budget review for 2016/17 and report to the Executive in October.


[Reason: to consider a summary of the revenue outturn for 2015/16.]


Capital Programme Outturn 2015/16 (General Fund and Housing Revenue Account) pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The report presents the outturn for the Council’s 2015/16 Capital Programme.  It also seeks approval to add rescheduled expenditure and minor slippage from the 2015/16 Programme to the 2016/17 Programme.




It is recommended that the Executive:-


1.         notes the Capital Outturn position for 2015/16;


2.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £989,237 as shown in Annexe 1, from the 2015/16 General Fund Capital Programme into 2016/17;


3.         approves the spend of £20,000 to carry out small works at Bowring House Day Centre, detailed in paragraph 8 to be financed from the General Fund capital savings;


4.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £799,564, as detailed in Annexe 2 from the 2015/16 HRA Capital Programme into 2016/17;


5.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £1,718,534, as detailed at Annexe 3 from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes programme into 2016/17;


6.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £379,707, as detailed at Annexe 4 from the 2015/16 Stock Remodelling programme into 2016/17; and


7.         approves the capital financing set out in paragraph 18.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to:-


1.         note the Capital Outturn position for 2015/16;


2.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £989,237 as shown in Annexe 1 of the report, from the 2015/16 General Fund Capital Programme into 2016/17;


3.         approve the spend of £20,000 to carry out small works at Bowring House Day Centre, detailed in paragraph 8 to be financed from the General Fund capital savings;


4.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £799,564, as detailed in Annexe 2 of the report from the 2015/16 HRA Capital Programme into 2016/17;


5.         approves the transfer of budgets totalling £1,718,534, as detailed at Annexe 3 from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes programme into 2016/17;


6.         approve the transfer of budgets totalling £379,707, as detailed at Annexe 4 from the 2015/16 Stock Remodelling programme into 2016/17; and


7.         approve the capital financing set out in paragraph 18 of the report.




[Reason: to seek approval to reschedule expenditure from 2015/16 to 2016/17]



RESOLVED  that:-


1.         the Capital Outturn position for 2015/16 be noted;


2.         the transfer of budgets totalling £989,237 be approved, as shown in Annexe 1 of the report, from the 2015/16 General Fund Capital Programme into 2016/17;


3.         the spend of £20,000 to carry out small works at Bowring House Day Centre be approved, as detailed in paragraph 8 to be financed from the General Fund capital savings;


4.         the transfer of budgets totalling £799,564 be approved, as detailed in Annexe 2 of the report from the 2015/16 HRA Capital Programme into 2016/17;


5.         the transfer of budgets totalling £1,718,534 be approved, as detailed at Annexe 3 from the 2015/16 New Affordable Homes programme into 2016/17;


6.         the transfer of budgets totalling £379,707 be approved, as detailed at Annexe 4 from the 2015/16 Stock Remodelling programme into 2016/17; and


7.         the capital financing set out in paragraph 18 of the report be approved.


[Reason: to seek approval to reschedule expenditure from 2015/16 to 2016/17]



Ewhurst and Ewhurst Green Conservation Area Appraisals pdf icon PDF 55 KB

The purpose of the report is to gain authorisation to undertake a formal public consultation on the draft Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) for the Conservation Areas (CAs) of Ewhurst and Ewhurst Green. These documents also include changes to the Conservation Area boundaries.  The long term objective is that the appraisals will be adopted as material considerations and used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent in the relevant areas.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the draft CAAs for Ewhurst and Ewhurst Green for the purposes of public consultation.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to approve the draft Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) for Ewhurst and Ewhurst Green for the purposes of public consultation.




[Reason: to approve the drafts for the purpose of public consultation]


RESOLVED  that the draft Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) for Ewhurst and Ewhurst Green be approved for the purposes of public consultation.


[Reason: to approve the drafts for the purpose of public consultation]


Brownfield Register Pilot pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The purpose of the report is to update members on the preparation of the pilot brownfield register of sites suitable for housing development and to agree to its publication for the end of June 2016.




It is recommended that the Executive agrees that the Head of Planning be authorised to


1.         publish the pilot brownfield register following the relevant ward member being notified of a suitable site in their ward and raising no objection to the inclusion of that site; and


2.         provide feedback to the Government on the preparation of a brownfield register as required by a pilot authority.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to authorise the Head of Planning to


1.         publish the pilot brownfield register following the relevant ward member being notified of a suitable site in their ward and raising no objection to the inclusion of that site; and


2.         provide feedback to the Government on the preparation of a brownfield register as required by a pilot authority.




[Reason:  to update members on the preparation of the pilot brownfield register of sites suitable for housing development and to agree to its publication before the end of June 2016.]



RESOLVED that the Head of Planning be authorised to


1.         publish the pilot brownfield register following the relevant ward member being notified of a suitable site in their ward and raising no objection to the inclusion of that site; and


2.         provide feedback to the Government on the preparation of a brownfield register as required by a pilot authority.


[Reason:  to update members on the preparation of the pilot brownfield register of sites suitable for housing development and to agree to its publication before the end of June 2016.]



Review of Overview and Scrutiny Arrangements pdf icon PDF 77 KB

In October 2015, the Executive agreed to establish a Sub-Committee of the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee to undertake a review of the overview and scrutiny arrangements at Waverley. The Sub-Committee undertook a thorough review of the overview and scrutiny arrangements at Waverley, and of the way in which they are practised, including a survey of all Waverley Members to canvass views on the effectiveness of the overview and scrutiny function at Waverley.


The Interim Report of the Sub-Committee was considered by the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 25 April 2016, and the recommendations were broadly welcomed and largely endorsed.  The Executive Summary of the Interim Report, including the recommendations, as revised and endorsed by the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee, is attached as Annexe 1. The Executive is asked to consider and comment on those recommendations, and direct officers accordingly.




That the Executive considers the recommendations of the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and


1.         endorses the broad findings of the review into OS arrangements at Waverley;


2.         instructs the Head of Policy and Governance to report the recommendations to the Constitution SIG, with a report from the SIG to come back to the Executive in July 2016 on changes to the Constitution needed to achieve the desired OS structure and terms of reference;


3.         instructs the Head of Policy and Governance to progress the recommendations for Member and Officer training, and development of guidance on working practices for OS, in liaison with the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of OS; and


4.         instructs the Head of Policy and Governance to bring back a further report outlining the costs and benefits of different options in respect of officer support for overview and scrutiny at Waverley. 


Additional documents:


The Executive has considered the recommendations of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and has agreed to


1.         endorse the broad findings of the review into OS arrangements at Waverley;


2.         instruct the Head of Policy and Governance to report the recommendations to the Constitution SIG, with a report from the SIG to come back to the Executive in July 2016 on changes to the Constitution needed to achieve the desired OS structure and terms of reference;


3.         instruct the Head of Policy and Governance to progress the recommendations for Member and Officer training, and development of guidance on working practices for OS, in liaison with the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of OS; and


4.         instruct the Head of Policy and Governance to bring back a further report outlining the costs and benefits of different options in respect of officer support for overview and scrutiny at Waverley. 


[This item has already been considered at the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and it would not be appropriate to be called-in]


[Reason: to present the findings of the comprehensive review of the Overview and Scrutiny function for endorsement and agree the next steps]




RESOLVED that, having considered the recommendations of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee,


1.         the broad findings of the review into OS arrangements at Waverley be endorsed;


2.         the Head of Policy and Governance be instructed to report the recommendations to the Constitution SIG, with a report from the SIG to come back to the Executive in July 2016 on changes to the Constitution needed to achieve the desired OS structure and terms of reference;


3.         the Head of Policy and Governance be instructed to progress the recommendations for Member and Officer training, and development of guidance on working practices for OS, in liaison with the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of OS; and


4.         the Head of Policy and Governance be asked to bring back a further report outlining the costs and benefits of different options in respect of officer support for overview and scrutiny at Waverley. 


[Reason: to present the findings of the comprehensive review of the Overview and Scrutiny function for endorsement and agree the next steps]




Appointment of Employer's Negotiating Team 2016/2017

To appoint the Members of the Employer’s Negotiating Team whose role is to conduct negotiations with the staff through the Waverley Joint Negotiating Committee for Pay and Conditions and all matters concerning local pay and conditions of service.  The meetings of the Joint Negotiating Committee are usually held in November/December each year.  The Employer’s Negotiating Team comprises 6 councillors and the proposed membership is as follows:-


Cllr Julia Potts (Leader)                   Cllr Tom Martin (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Jim Edwards                               Cllr Jenny Else

Cllr Pat Frost                                     Cllr Peter Isherwood


The Executive has agreed to appoint the following members to the Employer’s Negotiating Team for 2016/2017:


Cllr Julia Potts (Leader)                  Cllr Tom Martin (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Jim Edwards                              Cllr Jenny Else

Cllr Pat Frost                                     Cllr Peter Isherwood




RESOLVED  that the following members be appointed to the Employer’s Negotiating Team for 2016/2017:


Cllr Julia Potts (Leader)                   Cllr Tom Martin (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Jim Edwards                               Cllr Jenny Else

Cllr Pat Frost                                     Cllr Peter Isherwood




Appointments to Surrey County Council Local Committee Task Groups 2016/2017

The County Council has requested that Waverley nominates to a number of Task/Sub-Groups of the Waverley Local Committee and the proposed membership of each is as follows:-


Farnham Task Group (3 members)


Cllrs Stephen Hill, Julia Potts and Chris Storey


Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Thornton and Denis Leigh


Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner


Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Inchbald and Mary Foryszewski


Youth Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Kevin Deanus and Jeanette Stennett




It is recommended that the nominations to the Waverley Local Committee Task Groups for 2016/2017 be agreed.



The Executive has agreed to nominate the following members to the SCC Local Committee Task Groups for 2016/2017:


Farnham Task Group (3 members)


Cllrs Stephen Hill, Julia Potts and Chris Storey


Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Thornton and Denis Leigh


Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner


Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Inchbald and Mary Foryszewski


Youth Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Kevin Deanus and Jeanette Stennett



RESOLVED  that the following members be nominated to the SCC Local Committee Task Groups for 2016/2017:


Farnham Task Group (3 members)


Cllrs Stephen Hill, Julia Potts and Chris Storey


Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Thornton and Denis Leigh


Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner


Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Simon Inchbald and Mary Foryszewski


Youth Task Group (2 members)


Cllrs Kevin Deanus and Jeanette Stennett



Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Appointments to outside bodies are usually made on a two-yearly basis and appointments were made in 2015 for the period 2015-2017.  However, there are some appointments which need to be agreed on an annual basis at this meeting, and some which need to be updated to reflect portfolio holder changes.  These are attached for approval.




It is recommended that the appointments to those outside bodies attached, be agreed for 2016/2017.


The Executive has agreed the appointments to outside bodies for 2016/2017, as set out at Annexe 1 to this bulletin.


RESOLVED  that the appointments to outside bodies for 2016/2017 be approved, as set out below:-




Representative for 2016-2017


Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee


Cllrs Peter Isherwood and Nabeel Nasir


Surrey Leaders Group Surrey Waste Partnership


Cllr Jim Edwards (Portfolio Holder)


Surrey Leaders Group Surrey Climate Change Partnership Member Group


Cllr Jim Edwards (Portfolio Holder)


Local Government Association Rural Commission


Cllr Mike Band


South East England Councils

Cllr Julia Potts

[Reserve: Cllr Tom Martin]



South East Employers

Cllr Julia Potts (Portfolio Holder)



Surrey Museums Consultative Committee


Cllr Jenny Else (Portfolio Holder)


Surrey Leaders Group


Cllr Julia Potts


Surrey Rural Partnership

Cllr Mike Band



Parking and Traffic Regulation Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee


Cllr Jim Edwards (Portfolio Holder)


District Councils Network


Cllr Julia Potts

[Reserve: Cllr Tom Martin]



Rowleys Centre for the Community (replaces Age UK Waverley)


Cllr Patricia Ellis

Cllr Stewart Stennett


Cranleigh Arts Centre Limited


Cllr Jenny Else (Portfolio Holder)


Farnham Maltings Council of Management

Cllrs Julia Potts and Jenny Else (Portfolio Holder  +1)



New Ashgate Gallery Trust, Farnham

Cllr Carole Cockburn



Outstanding Debts for Write-Offs pdf icon PDF 69 KB

The purpose of the report is to obtain approval for irrecoverable bad debts of more than a £7,500 individual value to be written off in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.




It is recommended that, under Financial Regulation D203, the Executive approve the debts put forward for write-off as listed in the (Exempt) Annexe to this report.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed that, under Financial Regulation D203, the debts put forward for write-off as listed in the (Exempt) Annexe to the report be approved.




[Reason: to obtain approval for irrecoverable bad debts of more than a £7,500 individual value to be written off in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.]




[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


RESOLVED  that, under Financial Regulation D203, the debts put forward for write-off as listed in the (Exempt) Annexe to the report be approved.


[Reason: to obtain approval for irrecoverable bad debts of more than a £7,500 individual value to be written off in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.]





To note the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting.  The Register of Decisions will be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting:


i.          TUPE Transfer


            To authorise the TUPE transfer to Tandridge District Council of Wendy Jenkins together with data and financial resources relating to the operation of the Surrey Learn Partnership.


ii.         Planning SIG 


            To authorise the establishment of a Planning SIG with immediate effect to review and provide the Executive with an additional check and balance on the Local Plan chapters, Green Belt review update and other relevant aspects to the effective and timely delivery of the Waverley Local Plan.  The constitution of the SIG to include the Leader of the Council as Chairman, 8 members of the Conservative Group and the Independent member of the Council.




The Executive noted the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting:


1.         TUPE Transfer

2.         Establishment of Planning SIG


The Executive noted the following action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since its last meeting:


i.          TUPE Transfer – to authorise the TUPE transfer to Tandridge District Council of the Training Project Manager together with data and financial resources relating to the operation of the Surrey Learn Partnership.


ii.         Planning SIG  - to authorise the establishment of a Planning SIG with immediate effect to review and provide the Executive with an additional check and balance on the Local Plan chapters, Green Belt review update and other relevant aspects to the effective and timely delivery of the Waverley Local Plan.  The constitution of the SIG to include the Leader of the Council as Chairman, 8 members of the Conservative Group and the Independent member of the Council.