Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 12th February, 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Democratic Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 11 December 2018 (herewith).


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 11 December 2018 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs John Fraser, Pat Frost, Jill Hargreaves, Val Henry, Nick Holder, Peter Isherwood, Martin Lear, Tom Martin, Libby Piper, Bob Upton, John Ward.



To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Cllr Chris Storey declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in relation to the Part I matter on the Executive Minutes of 5 February 2019 in relation to the Empty Homes Council Tax Discount and Premium (EXE 71/18).




The Mayor was grateful for having the opportunity to attend many enjoyable Christmas events, and made special mention of the wonderful singers who performed at the carol concert at Broadwater School.



To answer any questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 5 February 2019.


There were no questions received from members of the public.



To answer any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 5 February 2019.


The following question has been submitted by Cllr Robert Knowles, Haslemere East & Grayswood Ward


1)      “Santander Bank has announced the closure of Haslemere Branch in April, 2019, following the closure of Barclay, HSBC and Nat West Banks in the town, leaving only one Branch of Lloyds for a town with a catchment area of over 25,000 people.


Godalming and Guildford High Street Branches are also listed for closure.

What representations has the portfolio holder for economic development and the Executive made to Santander regarding the removal of a vital service in Haslemere, which also includes the loss of another ATM, whilst noting that the excuse that a Post Office can be used is not like for like and in Haslemere there are no ATMs at Post Offices for out of hours use.”


The following questions have been received from Cllr Paul Follows, Godalming Central Ockford:


2)      “The Leader of the Council is no doubt aware that Ockford Park, a development of 262 houses in my ward of Godalming Central and Ockford was passed by the JPC on 9th January 2019. As this happened pre-CIL, the developer is due to pay only £3.8 million in infrastructure contributions (instead of over £8m that would be due under CIL). A £4m loss to our community.


This has happened despite your personal reassurances that scenarios such as this would not occur - reassurances you made during the initial local plan vote on Feb 20th 2018 and then at Full council sessions on 24th April, 16th October and 11th December 2018 respectively when I asked this question again. As I have said on all these occasions - this was an entirely foreseeable consequence of leaving an 8 month gap between the passing LPP1 and CIL and then allowing a further, consultation period (itself excessive in duration by comparison to other boroughs) for it to come into effect.  You have effectively created a window for developers to rush in their applications now to avoid CIL - and they have jumped at the opportunity.


It should also be noted that last site of any real size in the Godalming area, Milford Golf Course - is before the JPC on February 20th. Just days before the introduction of CIL and potentially at a further loss of several million pounds to the community.  


Will the Leader explain:

a)           what benefit Godalming will see from this local plan when it has almost reached its local plan period (up to 2032) housing numbers without seeing a penny of CIL?


b)           why you believe it is acceptable that strategic sites be given planning permission despite not yet being subject to the public consultation planned for such sites under LPP2?


c)           how you expect large, strategic sites to ever provide the infrastructure required to mitigate their impact and benefit the wider community (in the way that  ...  view the full agenda text for item CNL56/18


Four questions had been received from Members, in accordance with Procedure Rule 11:


1.         The following question had been received from Cllr Robert Knowles, Haslemere East & Grayswood Ward.


“Santander Bank has announced the closure of Haslemere Branch in April, 2019, following the closure of Barclays, HSBC and Nat West Banks in the town, leaving only one Branch of Lloyds for a town with a catchment area of over 25,000 people.


Godalming and Guildford High Street Branches are also listed for closure.


What representations has the portfolio holder for economic development and the Executive made to Santander regarding the removal of a vital service in Haslemere, which also includes the loss of another ATM, whilst noting that the excuse that a Post Office can be used is not like for like and in Haslemere there are no ATMs at Post Offices for out of hours use.”


Response from Cllr Jim Edwards, Portfolio Holder for Economic and Community Development:


“Waverley Borough Council was very concerned to hear of the forthcoming closure of both the Haslemere (Wey Hill) & Godalming branches of Santander on 25 April and 6 June respectively. The key reason given is that many customers are now opting for the convenience of online and telephone banking, with the result that retaining a branch presence on the high street is too expensive.


The development comes on the back of a number of other local bank closures, many of which also offer external cashpoints. This is of course of particular concern in a rural borough like Waverley with a larger proportion of older people who rely on the bank branches and may prefer a face to face presence. Whilst the council is directly consulted when there is a threat to community services (such as post offices, payphones, bus routes and ticket offices) banks are private companies, and the council is not routinely consulted.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development met the Branch Manager of the Wey Hill Santander branch on the morning of the announced closure (23 January) and then subsequently met the Branch Manager of Godalming Santander to offer support and assistance in any way possible.


The Economic Development team will be contacting Santander Head Office directly to express concern about the impact on jobs and also the lack of banking facilities especially for those who rely on a face to face service.


In the light of bank branch closures, it is very important that the council does all it can to retain - and strengthen - our 23 post offices in the borough, making best use of the council’s Universal Service Obligation to ensure the Post Offices meet the needs of the local community. For many people looking to bank on the high street, the post office will take on a more important role in future and the PO has responded to this demand by broadening its banking services to both business and personal customers. Most personal bank customers are now able to do their day to day banking at their  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL56/18



To receive any motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1.


The deadline for receipt of Motions was 5pm on Thursday 31 January 2019.


There had been no Motions received from Members.

BUDGET 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

The Leader delivered the Budget Statement to the Council, a copy of which is attached at Annexe 1 to these minutes, after which the Portfolio Holder for Finance presented the reports at Agenda Items 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.


The Leader introduced the budget proposals as being sustainable and balanced, and driven by a strategy of efficiency, investment and income. It had been produced under challenging circumstances. The Leader thanked the hard work of Officers, and councillors, including the O&S committees and Budget Strategy Working Group, who had contributed over many months to developing the robust approach that had delivered positive outcomes for the budget. These included the new waste and recycling collection contract, successful property investments that were generating revenue for the Council, and using cash holdings efficiently to generate interest income.


The Leader drew attention to the significant financial challenges facing the council in the medium term, the £3.8m shortfall in the budget by 2023, and strategy to address the shortfall.


The Leader commended the careful management of the Housing Revenue Account to enable the continued investment in developing new affordable housing, whist meeting the mandatory 1% reduction in rents.


The Leader highlighted the achievements of the last year including, the adoption of CIL, the completion of the Memorial Hall, regaining control and use of the Wey Centre, adoption of the Economic Delivery Strategy, significant progress on the Wey Hill car park, completion of the bridge to take construction traffic away from Farnham town centre and enable the start of development of the Brightwells project, and adoption of Local Plan Part 1.


The Leader concluded by commending the budget proposals for 2019/20 to the Council for approval.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Cllr Hall, echoed the Leader’s concern about the medium term financial forecast and the challenge this would present, especially the potential pressures filtering down from Surrey County Council’s budget difficulties and from the national economic position.


With regard to the budget for 2019/20, this was a balanced budget, and a prudent budget, that still protected services and ensured no reduction in funding to community organisation partners. In addition, there were no increases to car parking charges proposed. An increase of 2.99% was proposed in Waverley’s portion of the council tax, to held offset inflation on service costs.


Cllr Hall commended the budget to Council.


Cllr Andy MacLeod delivered a budget speech on behalf of the Leader of the Farnham Residents Group. He noted the widespread agreement that the proposed budget was prudent and achievable, but this was only possible with a 2.99% increase in council tax on top of the council tax increases already agreed by Surrey County Council and the Police & Crime Commissioner. Cllr MacLeod drew attention to the risks to the success of the Brightwells redevelopment and emphasised the need for Waverley and Surrey County Council to work together to deliver on the investments they had made in the project.


A number of councillors, including Cllrs Peter Martin, David Beaman, Liz Wheatley, Wyatt Ramsdale, Stephen Mulliner, Sam Pritchard, Mike Band and Carole Cockburn all spoke in support of the budget proposals, whilst also noting the forecast shortfall in the medium term financial plan. Cllrs Paul Follows and Jerry Hyman suggested that this was a pre-election budget.


Responding to questions and comments made during the debate, the Leader advised that:

-        The council was working closely with Surrey County Council, other districts in Surrey and Hampshire, the Local Government Association and other partners to mitigate the risks posed by the uncertainty around Brexit.

-        The Executive were very aware of the impact of the proposed council tax increases on lower income households, and there was council tax support and discretionary relief for those in hardship.

-        The South Street Car park is a Waverley car park, and Waverley is responsible for its maintenance and condition.


In concluding the debate, the Leader commended the budget to Council.


Medium Term Financial Plan 2019/20 - 2021/22 and General Fund Budget 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 164 KB

This report outlines the latest Medium Term Financial Plan Projection and seeks Councillors’ approval for the draft General Fund Budget for 2019/20. The Financial Plan sets out the key areas to target to address the significant budget shortfall in the medium term which is estimated to be £3.8million or 36% of the total net service cost by 2022/23.


This report contains the following Annexes:


·         Annexe 1 – Medium Term Financial Plan projection

·         Annexe 2 – draft General Fund Budget Summary 2019/20

·         Annexe 3 – statement of key variations from 2018/19 budget

·         Annexe 4 – draft Fees & Charges for 2019/20

·         Annexe 5 – schedule of projected reserves and balances

·         Annexe 6 – draft Capital Programme

Additional documents:


The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2014 require  Councils to conduct a recorded vote at budget-setting Council meetings.


With the agreement of the Council, a recorded vote was taken on the five recommendations from the Executive on the Medium Term Financial Plan 2019/20 – 2021/22 and General Fund Budget 2019/20


The voting was as follows:


Voting for (39)


Cllrs Brian Adams, Mike Band, David Beaman, Andrew Bolton, Maurice Byham, Carole Cockburn, Kevin Deanus, Jim Edwards, Patricia Ellis, David Else, Jenny Else, Mary Foryszewski, Michael Goodridge, Tony Gordon-Smith, John Gray, Ged Hall, Mike Hodge, David Hunter, Simon Inchbald, Anna James, Carole King, Robert Knowles, Denise Le Gal, Denis Leigh, Peter Martin, Stephen Mulliner, Nabeel Nasir, Julia Potts, Sam Pritchard, Wyatt Ramsdale, Stefan Reynolds, David Round, Richard Seaborne, Jeanette Stennett, Stewart Stennett, Chris Storey, Liz Townsend, Liz Wheatley and Nick Williams.


Voting against (0)


Abstentions (4)


Cllrs Paul Follows, Jerry Hyman, Andy MacLeod, and Kika Mirylees.




1.         agree a 2.99% increase in Waverley’s element of Council Tax for 2019/20;


2.         agree to make no change to the Council’s existing Council Tax Support Scheme;


3.         approve the proposed Fees and Charges as shown at Annexe 4;


4.         approve the General Fund Budget for 2019/20, incorporating the pay award; and


5.         approve the 2019/20 General Fund Capital Programme as shown at Annexe 6.


Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

This report advises Councillors of the latest position regarding the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2019/20 and the updated Business Plan and seeks approval of the 2019/20 budget.


This report contains the following Annexes:


§  Annexe 1 – Revised HRA Business Plan - 2019/20 to 2022/23

§  Annexe 2 – Housing Fees and Charges

§  Annexe 3 – Capital Programme comprising

-        New Affordable Homes Programme

-        Stock Remodelling Programme

§  Annexe 4 – Core Capital Programme

§  Annexe 5 – HRA Reserves Summary

Additional documents:


The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2014 require  Councils to conduct a recorded vote at budget-setting Council meetings.


With the agreement of the Council, a recorded vote was taken on the five recommendations from the Executive on the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2019/20 (EXE 70/18).


The voting was as follows:


Voting for (42)


Cllrs Brian Adams, Mike Band, David Beaman, Andrew Bolton, Maurice Byham, Carole Cockburn, Kevin Deanus, Jim Edwards, Patricia Ellis, David Else, Jenny Else, Mary Foryszewski, Michael Goodridge, Tony Gordon-Smith, John Gray, Ged Hall, Mike Hodge, David Hunter, Jerry Hyman, Simon Inchbald, Anna James, Carole King, Robert Knowles, Denise Le Gal, Denis Leigh, Andy MacLeod, Peter Martin, Kika Mirylees, Stephen Mulliner, Nabeel Nasir, Julia Potts, Sam Pritchard, Wyatt Ramsdale, Stefan Reynolds, David Round, Richard Seaborne, Jeanette Stennett, Stewart Stennett, Chris Storey, Liz Townsend, Liz Wheatley and Nick Williams.


Voting against (0)


Abstentions (1)


Cllrs Paul Follows




1.         the annual rent level of Council dwellings be reduced by 1% from the 2018/19 level with effect from April 2019, in compliance with the Welfare Reform and Work Act;


2.         the revised HRA Business Plan for 2019/20 to 2022/23 as set out at Annexe 1 be approved;


3.         the fees and charges be agreed as set out in Annexe 2;


4.         the 2019/20 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes as shown at Annexes 3 and 4 be approved; and


5.         the financing of the capital programmes be approved in line with the resources shown in Annexe 5.


Council Tax Setting 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The purpose of this report is to enable the Council to make the necessary resolutions in relation to the setting of Council Tax for 2019/2020.


Waverley, as a billing authority for the purposes of Council Tax, is required to set its Council Tax before 11th March in the financial year preceding that for which the Council Tax is set. This report summarises all of the appropriate budgetary decisions that will have been taken to enable the level of Council Tax for 2019/2020 to be determined and specifies all of the individual levels of Council Tax for approval by the Council.




It is recommended that the Council agrees the three council tax resolutions set out in the report.


Additional documents:


The Council received the report of the Chief Financial Officer on Council Tax Setting for 2019/20.


It was moved by the Mayor, duly seconded and unanimously




1.         That the following amounts which have been calculated for the Council for 2019/2020 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 be approved:


            (a)       £81,104,464             being the aggregate of the amounts that the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A 2(a) to (f) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils;


            (b)       £67,869,637              being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A (3) (a) to (d) of the Act;


       (c)       £13,234,827             being the amount by which the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A (4) of the Act, as its counciltax requirement for the year;


       (d)       £242.09                     being the amount at (c) divided by 54,669.1, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31B (1) of the Act and rounded for administrative purposes, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year;


       (e)       £3,267,010               being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34 (1) of the Act;


       (f)        £182.33                     being the amount at (d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at (e) above by 54,669.1 calculated by the Council in accordance with the Section 34 (2) of the Act and rounded for administrative purposes, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates;


            (g)       Part of Council’s area






being the amounts given by adding



to the amount at (f) above the



special item or items relating to



dwellings in those parts of the



Council’s area mentioned above



divided in each case by the amount



calculated by the Council, in



accordance with Section 34(3) of the



Act, as the basic amounts of its



Council Tax for the year for dwellings



in those parts of its area to which one



or more special items relate.
































            (h)       Valuation Bands


Part of the

Council's Area

Band A

Band B

Band C

Band D

Band E

Band F

Band G

Band H


















































































259.43  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL60/18



To receive the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 5 February 2019, and to consider the recommendations set out within (to follow).


The reports to be considered by the Executive in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan 2019/20 – 2021/22 and General Fund Budget 2019/20, and the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2019/20 are attached at Council agenda item 8.


There are two further reports on the Executive agenda for 5 February 2019 that seek a recommendation from the Executive for a decision by Council:

-        Council Tax Empty Homes Discount and Empty Homes Premium (Executive agenda item 8)

-        Annual Pay Policy Statement 2019/20 (Executive agenda item 9)


Members of the Council wishing to speak on any Part II matters of report must give notice to the Democratic Services Team by midday on Tuesday 12 February 2019.

Additional documents:


61.1     It was moved by the Leader of the Council, duly seconded and


            RESOLVED   that the Minutes of the Executive held on 5 February 2019 be received and noted.


            The Leader reported that in addition to the budget items already considered, there were two further items recommended to the Council for decision. There was one request to speak in relation to Part II of the Minutes.

CNL 61.2/18 Council Tax Empty Homes Discount and Empty Homes Premium (EXE 71/18)

(Councillor Chris Storey left the Council Chamber before the start of consideration of this item)


The Leader briefly introduced the proposals to change Waverley’s Council Tax empty home discount and empty homes premium, using powers from the Local Government Finance Act 2012, to encourage empty homes to be brought back into use.


The Leader moved the recommendations, it was duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that:


i.          the discretionary 50% 6-month Council Tax discount for “empty and substantially unfurnished properties” is reduced to a 50% 1-month discount from 1 April 2019; and,


ii.         the maximum additional council tax premiums on long term “empty and unfurnished properties” are applied according to the following commencement dates:

·         200% extra (for properties empty for 5-10 years) (commencing in April 2020), and

·         300% extra (for properties empty for 10+ years) commencing in April 2021)


(Councillor Chris Storey returned to the Council Chamber.)

CNL 61.3/18 Annual Pay Policy Statement 2019/20 (EXE 72/18)

The Leader presented the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 to Council for approval, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act.


The Leader moved the recommendation, it was duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 be approved.

CNL 61.4 Matters of Report

Risk Appetite Statement (EXE 74/18)


Cllr Hyman noted that the Risk Appetite Statement would be considered by the Audit Committee in March, and emphasised the importance of having a zero tolerance approach to ‘regulatory breaches’.


The Leader thanked Cllr Hyman for his comments and clarified that there was nothing in the Risk Appetite Statement to suggest that Waverley was breaking the law. The Leader welcomed any further comments that the Audit Committee might have.



To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 14 January 2019 (attached – coloured bright green), and consider the recommendation contained within.


There is one PART I recommendation to Council:


LIC 26/18       Financial Strategy 2019/20-2021/22: Licensing Budget 2019/20


The Committee considered the draft revenue estimates for 2019/20 for the Licensing function, and the proposed Licensing Fees and Charges for 2019/20. The Committee has noted that the proposed increases in fees and charges are inflationary. It is a statutory requirement to advertise proposed increases in fees and charges, and this consultation is now in progress. The recommendation to Council, below, to approve the proposed Licensing Fees and Charges, which are included in the General Fund Budget at Agenda Item 8 Annexe 4, is subject to consideration of consultation responses by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee.


The Committee RECOMMENDS to Council that the level of fees and charges for 2019/20 on pages 61-62 of this agenda are approved, noting that various fees will be subject to advertisement prior to implementation.


Members of the Council wishing to speak on any Part II matters of report must give notice to the Democratic Services Team by midday on Tuesday 12 February 2019.


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED   that the Minutes of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 14 January 2019 be received and noted.


The Chairman advised that that there was one recommendation from the Committee in Part I for Council consideration, and he had had no requests to speak in relation to Part II of the Minutes.

CNL 62.2 Financial Strategy 2019/20-2021/22: Licensing Budget 2019/20 (LIC 26/18)

The Licensing and Regulatory Committee had considered the draft revenue estimates for 2019/20 for the Licensing function, and the proposed Licensing Fees and Charges for 2019/20. The Committee has noted that the proposed increases in fees and charges were inflationary. It was a statutory requirement to advertise proposed increases in fees and charges, and this consultation was now in progress. The recommendation to Council to approve the proposed Licensing Fees and Charges, which were included in the General Fund Budget, would  subject to consideration of consultation responses by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee.


It was moved by the Chairman, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED      that the level of fees and charges for 2019/20 for Licensing be approved, and noted that various fees would  be subject to advertisement prior to implementation.



To receive the Minutes of the Meeting of the Standards Committee held on 21 January 2019 (attached, coloured cream), and to consider the recommendation contained within.


There is one PART I recommendation to Council:


STD 17/18       Standards Committee – Terms of Reference


Following the agreement of Council in October 2018 to re-designate the Standards Panel as the Standards Committee, the Committee has reviewed its terms of reference to ensure that these better reflect the function and purpose of the committee.


The Committee RECOMMENDS to Council that the revised terms of reference of the Standards Committee, attached at Annexe 1, be approved and incorporated in to the Constitution at Article 9.



Members of the Council wishing to speak on any Part II matters of report must give notice to the Democratic Services Team by midday on Tuesday 12 February 2019.



63.1     It was moved by the Chairman of the Standards Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED   that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Standards Committee held on 21 January 2019 be received and noted.


            The Chairman advised that there was one recommendation from the Committee in Part I for Council consideration, and he had had no requests to speak in relation to Part II of the Minutes.

CNL 63.2/18 Standards Committee - Terms of Reference (STD 17/18)

Following the agreement of Council in October 2018 to re-designate the Standards Panel as the Standards Committee, the Committee had reviewed its terms of reference to ensure that these better reflect the function and purpose of the Committee.


It was moved by the Chairman, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the revised terms of reference of the Standards Committee be approved and incorporated into the Constitution at Article 9.



To receive for noting the decision of the Standards Panel held on Friday 1 February 2019 (attached), in accordance with Waverley’s Arrangements for dealing with Standards Allegations against Councillors and co-opted Members under the Localism Act 2011 (paragraph 8).


64.1     The Council received the decision notice of the Standards Panel held on Friday 1 February 2019, in accordance with Waverley’s Arrangements for dealing with Standards Allegations against Councillors and co-opted Members under the Localism Act 2011.


64.2     Cllr Jerry Hyman advised that he would be appealing the decision of the Standards Panel.


64.3     The Mayor moved that the outcome of the Standards Panel be noted.


It was duly seconded and


RESOLVED   that the decision notice of the Standards Panel be noted.