Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 16th October, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 July 2018  (herewith).


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 17 July 2018 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs John Fraser, Pat Frost, Jill Hargreaves, Christiaan Hesse, Stephen Hill, Jerry Hyman, Kika Mirylees, Libby Piper, Wyatt Ramsdale, Jeanette Stennett, Stewart Stennett, John Ward, and Ross Welland.



To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no interests declared under this heading.




The Mayor informed the Council that the plaque from HMS Hambledon had now been restored and was now hanging in the corridor just outside the Council Chamber, along with a painting of HMS Hambledon that had been loaned to the Council by the Godalming Museum. The Mayor thanked Cllr Simon Inchbald, Jane Woolley, and Alison Patterson, Curator of the Godalming Museum, for their efforts in bringing these items together to be displayed at the Council offices.


The Mayor advised that the highlight of her year so far had been the unveiling of the memorial on Milford Common to the Canadian soldiers who were stationed there before heading to France to fight in World War 1. It had been a very special occasion, and the Mayor thanked officers – especially Faye Pringle – who had organised an event the Council could be proud of. The Mayor also thanked Cllr Nick Holder, who had had the idea for the memorial, and persevered to see it through to its conclusion.


The Mayor was pleased to see so many councillors wearing Army Benevolent Fund ties and scarves, and thanked them for supporting the charity. She was planning a fund-raising dinner for the ABF in the New Year, and asked councillors to save the date – Friday 15th February 2019, at the TA Centre in Farnham.


Concluding, the Mayor said that she was being kept busy going to many engagements, which were most enjoyable.



To answer any questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


There were no questions received from members of the public.



To answer any questions from Members received in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


There were no questions received from Members.



To receive any motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1.


There had been no motions received from Members.



To receive the Minutes of the Executive held on 8 October 2018 (attached, coloured grey) and to approved the recommendations within. [TO FOLLOW]

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Leader of the Council, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Minutes of the Executive held on 8 October 2018 be received and noted.


The Leader reported that there were a number of items under Part I for consideration by the Council:


New Economic Development Strategy 2018-2023 for Waverley Borough Council (Minute EXE 35/18)


The Leader drew attention to the huge amount of work that had gone into developing the new Economic Development Strategy, and thanked the Portfolio Holder, the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, officers and external stakeholders for their contributions.


It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED    that the Economic Development Strategy 2018-2023 be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 33.1/18)



Treasury Management Framework – Capital Strategy (Minute EXE 36/18),     


The Leader advised that this Strategy followed on from the work undertaken by the Value for Money & Customer Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Council’s capital expenditure process and project management, and captured the recommendations from that work in revised procedures.


It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Treasury Management Framework – Capital Strategy be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 33.2/18)



Delivery of the Housing Capital and Cyclical Works Programme from 2019-20 (Minute EXE 37/18)


The Leader reported that there was a need to recruit an additional four officers to the Planned Works team in Housing Operations from 2019-20 to ensure that the capital and cyclical works programme to maintain the Council’s housing stock could be fully delivered within the planned timescale and budget.


It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Planned Works team in Housing be increased from five to nine officers from 2019-20; and, the associated costs required to increase the team by four officers are agreed.

                        (Minute reference CNL 33.2/19)



The following Members had given notice to speak on matter of report set out in Part II of the Executive Minutes of 8 October 2018:


Playing Pitch Strategy (EXE 38/18) – Cllr Kevin Deanus advised that the Strategy was a comprehensive document and provided the evidence-base for seeking developer contributions through S106 and CIL for improvements to sports facilities in the borough.


Budget Management Report (EXE 39/18) – Cllr Ged Hall highlighted to the Council that there were no significant variances to report, and the budget continued to be managed proactively.


Lease of Cricket Square, nets and score box, Grayswood Green (EXE 40/18) – Cllr Robert Knowles thanked the Executive for granting a new long lease to the cricket club. This was a very active club with a strong youth side, and they were an important part of the village community.


There were no further statements from Members and the Leader concluded her presentation of the Minutes of the Executive of 8 October 2018.



To receive the Minutes of the Audit Committee meetings held on 24 July 2018 and 25 September 2018 (attached, coloured lilac), and to approve the following recommendations contained within:




AUD 24/18                  Tax Strategy


The Council is required to have a Tax Strategy in place in order to fulfil its responsibilities under the Criminal Finances Act 2017. In September 2017, MH Revenue and Customs (HMRC) also issued guidance on the legislation for the corporate offence of failure to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion.


The guidance contains six principles to help relevant bodies understand the processes and procedures that can be put in place to prevent criminal activity with regard to tax. These principles are addressed in the Tax Strategy and are to be applied proportionately to the perceived risk of the offence.


The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Council approves the Tax Strategy, attached as Annexe 1 to these Minutes.


AUD 25/18                  Financial Regulations Update


The Financial Regulations have been reviewed, and updates are recommended covering large contracts (stage and final payments), and debt write-off.


The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Council approves the update to the Financial Regulations, attached as Annexe 2 to these Minutes.


AUD 26/18                  Contract Procedure Rules


The Contract Procedure Rules have been reviewed, and a number of relatively minor updates are recommended in relation to turnover sign-off, large contracts (stage and final payments), contract sign-off levels and sealing, contract extensions, and waivers.


The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Council approves the proposed amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules, attached as Annexe 3 to these Minutes.


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED    that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit Committee held on 24 July 2018 be received and noted.


The Chairman reported that the there were no items to consider in Part I, and he had received no requests to speak on Part II items.




It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED    that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit Committee held on 25 September 2018 be received and noted.


The Chairman reported that the there three recommendations from the Committee in Part I:


Tax Strategy (Audit Committee Minute AUD 24/18)


The Council was required to have a Tax Strategy in place in order to fulfil its responsibilities under the Criminal Finances Act 2017. In September 2017, HM Revenue and Customs also issued guidance on the legislation for the corporate offence of failure to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion. The guidance contained six principles to help relevant bodies understand the processes and procedures that can be put in place to prevent criminal activity with regard to tax. These principles were address in the Tax Strategy and were applied proportionately to the perceived risk of the offence.


It was moved by the Chairman, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED    that the Tax Strategy be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 35.1/18)



Financial Regulations Update (Audit Committee Minute AUD 25/18)


The Financial Regulations had been reviewed, and minor updates were recommended covering large contracts (stage and final payments), and debt write-off.


It was moved by the Chairman, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED    that the revised Financial Regulations be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 35.2/18)



Contract Procedure Rules (Audit Committee Minute AUD 26/18)


The Contract Procedure Rules had been reviewed, and a number of relatively minor updates were recommended in relation to turnover sign-off, large contracts (stage and final payments), contract sign-off levels and sealing, contract extensions, and waivers.


It was moved by the Chairman, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED    that the revised Contract Procedure Rules be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 35.3/18)


The Chairman had received no requests from Members to speak on any matters of report in Part II of the minutes.


In concluding his presentation of the Minutes, Cllr Gray complimented the Finance team on the successful year-end process and the achievement of an unqualified external audit opinion on the financial accounts and Annual Governance Statement. He thanked the Audit Committee members and officers their hard work and support over the last 12 months.