Agenda item


To receive the Minutes of the Executive held on 8 October 2018 (attached, coloured grey) and to approved the recommendations within. [TO FOLLOW]


It was moved by the Leader of the Council, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Minutes of the Executive held on 8 October 2018 be received and noted.


The Leader reported that there were a number of items under Part I for consideration by the Council:


New Economic Development Strategy 2018-2023 for Waverley Borough Council (Minute EXE 35/18)


The Leader drew attention to the huge amount of work that had gone into developing the new Economic Development Strategy, and thanked the Portfolio Holder, the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, officers and external stakeholders for their contributions.


It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED    that the Economic Development Strategy 2018-2023 be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 33.1/18)



Treasury Management Framework – Capital Strategy (Minute EXE 36/18),     


The Leader advised that this Strategy followed on from the work undertaken by the Value for Money & Customer Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Council’s capital expenditure process and project management, and captured the recommendations from that work in revised procedures.


It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Treasury Management Framework – Capital Strategy be approved.

                        (Minute reference CNL 33.2/18)



Delivery of the Housing Capital and Cyclical Works Programme from 2019-20 (Minute EXE 37/18)


The Leader reported that there was a need to recruit an additional four officers to the Planned Works team in Housing Operations from 2019-20 to ensure that the capital and cyclical works programme to maintain the Council’s housing stock could be fully delivered within the planned timescale and budget.


It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded, and


RESOLVED   that the Planned Works team in Housing be increased from five to nine officers from 2019-20; and, the associated costs required to increase the team by four officers are agreed.

                        (Minute reference CNL 33.2/19)



The following Members had given notice to speak on matter of report set out in Part II of the Executive Minutes of 8 October 2018:


Playing Pitch Strategy (EXE 38/18) – Cllr Kevin Deanus advised that the Strategy was a comprehensive document and provided the evidence-base for seeking developer contributions through S106 and CIL for improvements to sports facilities in the borough.


Budget Management Report (EXE 39/18) – Cllr Ged Hall highlighted to the Council that there were no significant variances to report, and the budget continued to be managed proactively.


Lease of Cricket Square, nets and score box, Grayswood Green (EXE 40/18) – Cllr Robert Knowles thanked the Executive for granting a new long lease to the cricket club. This was a very active club with a strong youth side, and they were an important part of the village community.


There were no further statements from Members and the Leader concluded her presentation of the Minutes of the Executive of 8 October 2018.

Supporting documents: