Issue - meetings

Property Matters [E3]

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Executive (Item 8)

8 Property Matter

That the Executive agrees the recommendation set out in the Exempt report.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the recommendations set out in the exempt report be approved.


Reason: For the reasons set out in the exempt report.




RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to full Council that the recommendation as set out in the exempt report be approved.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]




At 7.45pm, on the recommendation of the Leader, the Executive RESOLVED that, pursuant to Procedure Rule 20, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during this item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information (as defined by Section 100I of the Act) of the description specified in the report in the revised Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) 


The Executive RESOLVED that recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 as set out in the exempt report be approved.


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to full Council that recommendation 2.3 as set out in the exempt report be approved.


Reason: The reasons are set out in the exempt report.

Meeting: 30/03/2021 - Executive (Item 92)

92 Property Matter - Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley GU5 8QP: Grant of new lease for two garages to Landspeed Homes Limited pdf icon PDF 217 KB

This report seeks approval for two leases of one garage each at Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley from the Council to Landspeed Homes Limited (Landspeed).




It is recommended that:


·         The two garage leases to Landspeed be approved


·         Delegated authority is given to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal document(s) with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).

Additional documents:



·         approve grant of two garage leases to Landspeed Homes Ltd; and

·         Delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal documents with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


Reason: To simplify the freehold and leasehold arrangements between the council and Landspeed in relation to a block of garages benefiting affordable housing provided by the council and Landspeed.





92.1    Cllr Merryweather introduced the proposal to grant two leases of one garage each at Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley from the council to Landspeed Homes Limited. This would simplify the freehold and leasehold arrangements between the council and Landspeed in relation to a block of garages benefiting affordable housing provided by the council and Landspeed.


92.2    The Executive RESOLVED to:

·         approve grant of two garage leases to Landspeed Homes Ltd; and

·         Delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal documents with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).

Meeting: 07/01/2020 - Executive (Item 51)

51 Property Matter - The Burys Investment Opportunity pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To request the Executive to approve the appointment of specialist advisors to produce a further Options Appraisal assessing the investment opportunities of key Waverley and Surrey owned sites in Godalming, and to request the Executive that budget is allocated from the Property Investment budget.




It is recommended that the Executive approve the use of up to £40K for the completion of the Options Appraisal.

Additional documents:


51.1   Cllr Merryweather set out the proposal to use up to £40,000 from the Property Investment budget to commission an Options Appraisal assessing the investment opportunities of key Waverley- and Surrey-owned sites in Godalming, including Council Offices, Crown Court car park and The Wharf car park. The Council Offices required £6-700,000 per annum to maintain, with an additional need for significant capital investment in the longer term. An initial appraisal had identified development options for the sites, and a further appraisal was now required to explore further the potential for investment that would provide a revenue return for Waverley as well as re-provide office space for the council.


51.2   Cllr Hyman asked whether the previous Options Appraisal was available to Councillors, as it was difficult to make a substantive comment without any background information. Cllr Follows reported that he was pleased with the intention that the council offices remain in Godalming, as this was fundamental to the success of the High Street. Whilst Godalming Town Council had already announced its plans to move out of the building, he hoped that Waverley would liaise with the Town Council as any development plans would have a material impact on Godalming. He noted that most of the sites in scope were owned by Waverley, with the exception of the sites around the library, and emphasised the importance of the Crown Court car park to the operation of the Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre.


51.3   Cllr Merryweather confirmed that Surrey County Council owned the library site. The previous administration had commissioned the earlier Options Appraisal; the proposed further appraisal would follow up on some of the options identified, and in particular look at the potential for an investment project to generate housing, revenue income, and office space in a high-quality development.


51.4    The Executive RESOLVED to approve the use of up to £40,000 from the Property Investment budget to produce a further Options Appraisal assessing the investment opportunities of key Waverley and Surrey owned sites in Godalming.


Reason: A previous outline Options Appraisal on the key sites indicated a significant return could be generated and a major improvement to customer experience achieved by developing the sites sympathetically. Such a return on investment would support the projected budget shortfall in the future.


Meeting: 08/10/2019 - Executive (Item 27)

27 Property Matter - Asset transfer to Town and Parish Councils pdf icon PDF 67 KB

This report seeks approval for a number of asset transfers from the Council to Town and Parish Councils to coincide with the start of the new Grounds Maintenance Contract on the 1 November 2019. 


This enables Town and Parish Councils to have full control over local green spaces in their respective areas and removes Waverley Borough Council from the responsibility and cost for grounds maintenance of those key sites.




It is recommended that:


1.    The leasehold transfer of assets, as detailed in Annexe 1 be approved.


2.    The tapered funding arrangement for the leasehold transfers be approved.


3.    The freehold transfer of the Gostrey Meadow, Farnham to Farnham Town Council be approved.


4.    Delegated authority is given to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal document(s) with the Town and Parish Councils for the transfer of assets, with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


Additional documents:


27.1    Cllr Mark Merryweather introduced the report proposing the transfer of certain assets from Waverley to Town and Parish Councils, to coincide with the start of the new Grounds Maintenance Contract on 1 November 2019.


27.2    As part of the procurement of the new Grounds Maintenance Contract, the previous administration had engaged with Town and Parish Councils about taking on responsibility for grounds maintenance of sites in their areas. Farnham and Haslemere Town Councils, and Witley and Wonersh Parish Councils had expressed interest, and discussions had progressed on the basis of the leasehold transfer of the assets by Waverley. The new Executive had extended to the offer include the freehold transfer, and Farnham Town Council had confirmed it wished to take the freehold of Gostrey Meadow. Since the Executive agenda had been published, Haslemere Town Council, and Witley and Wonersh Parish Councils had confirmed that they would like to discuss taking on the freehold of some sites, and there was an additional recommendation (3a) to enable these freeholds to be approved under delegated authority to the Head of Finance in consultation with Portfolio Holders, subject to an acceptable valuation and the immediate transfer of annual net running costs.


27.3    Cllr Hyman had registered to speak on this item, and expressed some concern that the transfer of the leaseholds, and freeholds, would pass costs for Grounds Maintenance to the Town and Parish Councils: there was no cap on the Council Tax precepts set by the Town and Parish Councils, so there was a risk that residents might end up paying more Council Tax and still not see any improvement in the level of upkeep of the grounds. He was also concerned that no maps showing the areas to be transferred had been provided, and that Overview & Scrutiny had not had the opportunity to comment prior to the Executive decision.


27.4    Cllr Merryweather emphasised that it would be up to the individual councils to set service level standards acceptable to their residents. Waverley and to manage the costs of that appropriately. The offer had been made to all Town and Parish Councils, and responded to interest expressed by parishes in taking on this responsibility.


27.5    Cllr Follows emphasised that as Godalming Town Council Leader, there had been an open dialogue with Waverley, and all the Town and  Parish Councils taking on responsibilities were aware of the cost element. There would be many opportunities for parish councils to work with their local communities to implement grounds maintenance strategies that met local aspirations for their area.


27.6    The Executive RESOLVED:


1.         To approve the leasehold transfer of assets, as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report.


2.         To approve the tapered funding arrangement for the leasehold transfers.


3.         To approve the freehold transfer of the Gostrey Meadow, Farnham to Farnham Town Council


3a.    To delegate authority to the Head of Finance, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s), to agree and complete other transfers from the list in Annexe 1 on a freehold basis,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27