Agenda item

Property Matter - Asset transfer to Town and Parish Councils

This report seeks approval for a number of asset transfers from the Council to Town and Parish Councils to coincide with the start of the new Grounds Maintenance Contract on the 1 November 2019. 


This enables Town and Parish Councils to have full control over local green spaces in their respective areas and removes Waverley Borough Council from the responsibility and cost for grounds maintenance of those key sites.




It is recommended that:


1.    The leasehold transfer of assets, as detailed in Annexe 1 be approved.


2.    The tapered funding arrangement for the leasehold transfers be approved.


3.    The freehold transfer of the Gostrey Meadow, Farnham to Farnham Town Council be approved.


4.    Delegated authority is given to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal document(s) with the Town and Parish Councils for the transfer of assets, with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).



27.1    Cllr Mark Merryweather introduced the report proposing the transfer of certain assets from Waverley to Town and Parish Councils, to coincide with the start of the new Grounds Maintenance Contract on 1 November 2019.


27.2    As part of the procurement of the new Grounds Maintenance Contract, the previous administration had engaged with Town and Parish Councils about taking on responsibility for grounds maintenance of sites in their areas. Farnham and Haslemere Town Councils, and Witley and Wonersh Parish Councils had expressed interest, and discussions had progressed on the basis of the leasehold transfer of the assets by Waverley. The new Executive had extended to the offer include the freehold transfer, and Farnham Town Council had confirmed it wished to take the freehold of Gostrey Meadow. Since the Executive agenda had been published, Haslemere Town Council, and Witley and Wonersh Parish Councils had confirmed that they would like to discuss taking on the freehold of some sites, and there was an additional recommendation (3a) to enable these freeholds to be approved under delegated authority to the Head of Finance in consultation with Portfolio Holders, subject to an acceptable valuation and the immediate transfer of annual net running costs.


27.3    Cllr Hyman had registered to speak on this item, and expressed some concern that the transfer of the leaseholds, and freeholds, would pass costs for Grounds Maintenance to the Town and Parish Councils: there was no cap on the Council Tax precepts set by the Town and Parish Councils, so there was a risk that residents might end up paying more Council Tax and still not see any improvement in the level of upkeep of the grounds. He was also concerned that no maps showing the areas to be transferred had been provided, and that Overview & Scrutiny had not had the opportunity to comment prior to the Executive decision.


27.4    Cllr Merryweather emphasised that it would be up to the individual councils to set service level standards acceptable to their residents. Waverley and to manage the costs of that appropriately. The offer had been made to all Town and Parish Councils, and responded to interest expressed by parishes in taking on this responsibility.


27.5    Cllr Follows emphasised that as Godalming Town Council Leader, there had been an open dialogue with Waverley, and all the Town and  Parish Councils taking on responsibilities were aware of the cost element. There would be many opportunities for parish councils to work with their local communities to implement grounds maintenance strategies that met local aspirations for their area.


27.6    The Executive RESOLVED:


1.         To approve the leasehold transfer of assets, as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report.


2.         To approve the tapered funding arrangement for the leasehold transfers.


3.         To approve the freehold transfer of the Gostrey Meadow, Farnham to Farnham Town Council


3a.    To delegate authority to the Head of Finance, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s), to agree and complete other transfers from the list in Annexe 1 on a freehold basis, subject to an independent valuation acceptable to the Head of Finance, and an immediate transfer of the annual net running costs.


4.         To delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal document(s) with the Town and Parish Councils for the transfer of assets, with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


Reason: The proposed asset transfers support the Council’s ambition to see responsibility for delivering services devolved to Town and Parish Councils where appropriate.

Supporting documents: