Councillor Nick Palmer

Profile image for Councillor Nick Palmer

Party: Labour Party

Political grouping: Labour/Green Group

Ward: Godalming Binscombe & Charterhouse

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Democratic Services
Waverley Borough Council
The Burys


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Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

After studying to PhD level in mathematics in Copenhagen and London, I worked in IT management in the pharmaceutical company Novartis (Basel, Switzerland) for 16 years, before being elected as Labour MP for Broxtowe in 1997. I served for 13 years, as a member of the Treasury, Justice and European Affairs Select Committees and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Energy and Science Ministers. After losing my seat in 2010, I became Director of Policy for Cruelty Free International, and subsequently joined the Godalming-based Compassion in World Farming, where I now manage the UK organisation.


I speak 6 languages with varying levels of inadequacy and translate for the European Commission from German and Danish. I spend too much time playing board games and have three published books on the subject.


Living in Godalming, I both appreciate our area's beauty and worry about the difficulties in finding affordable homes that so many people face. I hope as a Labour councillor to help address this challenge while protecting the environment around us - for ourselves and future generations.


See also

