Voting record

 Council, Tuesday, 6th July, 2021 6.00 pm

Item: EXE 7/21 - Options for collaboration with Guildford Borough Council

CNL 23/21 Options for Collaboration with Guildford Borough Council:

Resolution status:Carried

ForChristine Baker, David Beaman, Peter Clark, Martin D'Arcy, Jerome Davidson, Sally Dickson, Paul Follows, Maxine Gale, Joan Heagin, Daniel Hunt, Andy MacLeod, Michaela Martin, Mark Merryweather, Kika Mirylees, John Neale, Peter Nicholson, Nick Palmer, Paul Rivers, Penny Rivers, John Robini, John Ward and Steve Williams22
AgainstCarole Cockburn, Steve Cosser, Kevin Deanus, Simon Dear, Patricia Ellis, David Else, Jenny Else, Mary Foryszewski, Michael Goodridge, John Gray, Peter Isherwood, Anna James, Stephen Mulliner, Trevor Sadler, Richard Seaborne and Michaela Wicks16
AbstainJerry Hyman1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0