European Parliamentary Election (Waverley Counting Area Results) - Thursday, 23rd May, 2019

Result of poll for the local counting area of Borough of Waverley Borough Council.

Election results by party
Party name Votes % of votes
Liberal Democrats 14156 35.1%
The Brexit Party 11599 28.8%
Green Party 5861 14.5%
The Conservative Party 4636 11.5%
Change UK - The Independent Group 2093 5.2%
Labour Party 1009 2.5%
UKIP 613 1.5%
David Victor Round 138 < 1%
UK European Union Party (UKEUP) 88 < 1%
Jason Guy Spencer McMahon 62 < 1%
Michael Jeffery Turberville 41 < 1%
The Socialist Party of Great Britain 32 < 1%
Turnout: 44.6%