Issue - decisions

**Progress On The Internal Audit Plans For 2015/16 And 2016/17

07/07/2016 - Progress On The Internal Audit Plans For 2015/16 And 2016/17

The Internal Audit Client Manager, Gail Beaton, tabled updated Annexes to the report that provided details on the current position of the Internal Audit reviews for 2015/16 and 2016/17 as at 21 June 2016.


The Committee asked for more details about the deferral of the review of the Councils `Sharepoint` I.T. system from the 2015/16 to the 2016/17 review. Officers responded that the system allowed documents to be amended across the organisation from one central point. The delay in conducting the review had been caused by contractor staffing issues within their I.T. services and a lack of technical knowledge of Sharepoint.   Having now obtained alternative resources from Spelthorne Borough Council, the review had commenced and would be completed in Q1 2016/17.


Members also remarked on the format of the information presented in the annexes and made several suggestions as to how it could be improved. Officers responded that they were open to feedback and eager to ensure that presentation of information met the needs of the Committee. Members were invited to forward their ideas to Officers with a view to revising the format for the next Audit Committee meeting in September.


RESOLVED  that the progress of the Internal Audit Plan for 2015/16 and 2016/17 be noted.