Issue - decisions

Budget Management

02/09/2015 - Budget Management 2015/16

The Executive has:


1.            approved a virement of £10,000 from Contracted services to Rent related expenses in Homelessness as detailed in paragraph 10;


2.            approved a virement of £30,000 from the additional investment income to cover predicted Legal fees detailed in paragraph 19;


3.            approved the carry forward of £320,000 from the structural budget into 2016/17, as detailed in paragraph 27;


4.            approved a virement of £35,000 for capital works to lifts from work arising in year (a project change) as detailed in paragraph 27; and




5.            RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that virements between the capital projects of £83,600 (doors), £54,800 (windows) and £77,000 (drainage) to communal boiler and heating work be approved, as detailed in the table at paragraph 27.


[This item is recommended to the Council and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to consider a review of service delivery progress against the 2015/16 budget]