Issue - decisions

Officer Resource: Legal and Democratic Services

08/05/2024 - Joint Legal and Democratic Services Structure Proposals

The Executive RESOLVED to approve:

       I.          The Joint Head of Paid Service’s proposal to create a role of Joint Executive Head - Legal as set out in para 15.1 of this report;

     II.          The Joint Head of Paid Service’s proposal to create a role of Joint Executive Head - Democracy & Governance as set out in para 15.1 of this report;

    III.          The Joint Head of Paid Service’s proposal to create a Joint Executive Advisory and Support team as set out in para 6.4 of this report to include two new posts of Joint Executive Advisory and Support Manager and Joint Executive Advisor.   The Joint Executive Advisory and Support Manager will provide advisory support as well as management of the existing Joint Executive support team;

   IV.          The Joint Head of Paid Service’s proposal to create a new post of Joint Head of Governance as set out in para 15.2 of this report;

     V.          The Joint Head of Paid Service’s proposal to amend the existing three Waverley Borough Council posts of Senior Governance Officer, Senior Corporate Governance Lawyer and Monitoring Officer assistant to be joint roles operating across Waverley and Guildford Councils

   VI.          The increase to the Waverley Legal & Democratic Services salary budget for 24/25 of £179,329 as set out in para 10.6 of this report and the future growth for subsequent years

 VII.          An additional one-off cost of £40,662 to Waverley Council which is a 50% contribution towards the cost of two interim Governance Officers for 6 months and offset against existing salary budget;

VIII.          A supplementary estimate of £220k for Waverley Council to cover the ongoing growth and the short term cost of the interim resource will need to be funded by the repurposing of reserves;

   IX.          To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to amend the current inter-authority agreement between Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council to include the new joint roles as set out in this report.

     X.          To note that the implications of these proposals have been considered in the context of restructures already concluded in GBC and WBC Legal Services and work about to commence in Waverley Democratic Services.

The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council


       I.          That Full Council approve the making of all necessary arrangements for the discharge of functions through joint arrangements between Waverley Borough Council and Guildford Borough Council, by officers of Waverley Borough Council, as set out in this report, and for such arrangements to be included in the inter-authority agreement in accordance with s113 Local Government Act 1972.