Issue - decisions

Brightwells Yard Development

06/03/2024 - Brightwells Yard Development Project

The Executive RESOLVED:


1.     That the terms of the Brightwells Yard Development Agreement be varied as follows:

                   i.          The ultimate long-stop date for Practical Completion to change from 15 August 2024 to 28 February 2025.

                 ii.           Developer obligations to deliver the Borelli Bridge (“the Bridge”) be removed from the DA and a separate agreement entered into obliging the developer to deliver the bridge by 31 August 2025.

                iii.          That the full and final set of drawings, plans and specifications comprising the Works and agreed between the parties since the Development began, be appended to the Development Agreement thereby superseding the original documents included.

                iv.          That the previous form of Car Park Underlease be removed and replaced with a new revised version of the Car Park Underlease which takes account of agreed changes to the service charge provisions which WBC’s officers have in principle agreed.

                 v.          Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Place, to settle the terms upon which these changes will be documented and to authorise execution of any deeds and documents required to give effect to those changes in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property, the Portfolio Holder for Brightwells and Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services.