Issue - decisions

HRA Budget 2024/25, Capital Programme 24/25

07/02/2024 - HRA Budget 2024/25

The Executive RECOMMEND that the Council approves:


       I.          The weekly rent for Council dwellings to be increased by up to 7.7% from the 2023/24 weekly rent charges, effective from 1 April 2024, within the permitted guidelines contained within the Government’s rent setting policy

     II.          That service charges and utility charges at non senior living accommodation be increased by 7.7% per week

    III.          That the heating charges in senior living accommodation be increased by 20% per week from 1 April 2024 to £31.20

   IV.          The Service Charge in senior living accommodation be increased by 15% per week from 1 April 2024 to £24.04

     V.          The revised HRA Business Plan for 2024/25 to 2053/54 as set out in Annexe 1

   VI.          The approved change to the fees and charges as set out in Annexe 4 is noted;

 VII.          The HRA capital programmes as show in Annexe 5 and 6;

VIII.          The financing of the capital programmes in line with the resources as shown in Annexe 7

   IX.          To deliver the works identified in the maintenance budgets it is recommended that authority is delegated to the Executive Head of Housing, in consultation with the s151 Officer, to procure and enter contracts valued over £100,000 show in Annexe 8

     X.          An increase in inflation provision proposed within the Housing Revenue Account budget of £48,207 to be funded by the £159,459  increase in funding guarantee grant as confirmed by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 5 February 2024.