Issue - decisions

The Edge - Sports Hall

21/12/2023 - The Edge - Sports Hall

Pursue Option No 3, as referred in the report at paragraph 4.3 on the following basis:

a) Waverley Borough Council go back into possession of that part of The Edge Leisure Centre (if not the whole) in order that the community use referred to in this Report be provided; and

b) the expenditure required as part of entering into the above arrangement, as more particularly set out in Paragraph 7 of this Report, be authorised; and

c) Waverley Borough Council agree the related cost and income sharing arrangement, the terms of which are also set out in Paragraph 7 of this Report; and

d) The Executive Head for Commercial Services in consultation with the Executive Head for Legal and Democratic Services be delegated authority to settle the terms of and then enter into all the legal documents required and take any other necessary steps required in order to implement Option No 3.