Issue - decisions

Fairground Development Project

10/04/2024 - Fairground Development Project

The Executive RESOLVED to:


       I.          Proceed with option A of the Business case for the Fairground Development Project.

     II.          Progress a competitive dialogue process for the purpose of procuring a development partner for the project.

   III.          Procure the relevant consultancy services for the project.

  IV.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with the Executive Director of Legal Services and Democratic Support and the relevant portfolio holder to approve all procurement documents.

    V.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Service and Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets to approve and award of consultancy services contracts.

  VI.          Receive a report and recommendations once the procurement process has been completed.


That the Executive RECOMMENDED that Full Council approves:


1.     A Budget estimate of £21,408,334 for the capital works to complete the project including an allocation of £280,410 for the procurement of the required services for the next stage of the project.